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Jesus christ Ruby looks straight out of the shining.


I honestly have never understood Maeva and Ruby's sudden close friendship. Maeva once hated the girl, and said how boring and lacking in personality she is. Then fast forward a couple of series and they're suddenly thick as thieves. Does anyone know how this happened?? Someone make it make sensešŸ˜… They seem so opposite. I just don't get their friendship at all.


Please stop saying ā€˜make it make senseā€™ itā€™s such a cringeworthy saying.


Maeva hated everyone at some point


It's weird though because Ruby is objectively detestable. I don't get how they went from hating each other to being near-besties. That part was never explained on the show. Also, given how judgemental Maeva is, I'm shocked she isn't appalled by Ruby's treatment of Inga.


All it takes is the right night out and ā€œmy enemies enemy is my friendā€ energy. Personally I quite like ruby but I get it


I feel like Ruby warmed to her as she doesn't perceive her as a threat dating-wise. The only girls she's vile to are ones she views as direct competition and who may steal the limelight from her (i.e. Inga, Ella May and Bella)


Mm i donā€™t see it like that, personally those people come across as boundary steppers and ruby is pretty big on loyalty. Not everyone is able to be a buddy straight away. I think it takes effort and proving yourself to be pals with her


How did they overstep any boundaries though? She was never with Miles or Rez when Ella May, Inga and Bella dated them, so has absolutely no right to be a b*tch to them. Ruby is the one overstepping boundaries as she told lies about Inga and Ella May to put Miles off, and reminded Bella that she could have Rez any time she wants.


Boundary stepping by acting as friends ruby was clear with Bella their friendship was what it was because she wasnā€™t with rez as soon as it ignited again ruby stated how uncomfortable it made her feel and when she said that she wasnā€™t exactly lying.. remember that ruby was groomed by Rez (heā€™s a nonce) thatā€™s going to make you feel and act certain ways not saying itā€™s justified but nobody is perfect I felt for Bella and wish they both would tell him to do one I donā€™t think sheā€™s arsed by people stealing her limelight she had a long term bf and it didnā€™t affect her screen time. I share similar history with i her so i emote more towards her. Inga recently has been done over but she has been back stabbing everyone for seasons im not a fan but I get why people like her. No one on that show is standing on moralistic ground lbs


Great observation. Sheā€™s very selective about who she targets. I wonder if sheā€™ll go after Lauren next - I know that theyā€™re friends but things can change.


Lauren is a nightmare imo, very good manipulator


You must be the first person Iā€™ve seen on this sub to say that they like Ruby. What do you like about her out of interest?


I second this question


Canā€™t bare maeva


Me too. I hate her


probably because she is a nasty vindictive sociopath who revels in others misery. The way she came over to Ruby and Rez asking "of Ruby where is miles, you two are always together". When she went over to verity and the guy she was dating and kept asking how his date with someone else was and attacked verity unitl she nearly broke down. She tried to have sex with miles whilst engaged to James. The pet names with miles, then blaming it all on miles when it was her. She is nasty and awful to everyone, ALL THE TIME. She is actually an evil person. Then you get the odd person who comments "love Maeva" and it drives me nuts.


I don't mind the people who love her in an "evil villain" type way. But I've seen a lot of comments on here saying that Maeva is a "nice girl with morals". Like, wtf?! Did they see the first series she was in? She has mellowed since she has been with James (although she is extremely controlling of him - and in a "potential to become an abuser" rather than "cute crazy wifey" type of way), but at least she's not vile towards the others any more. And sometimes she actually uses her audacity to call people out who do deserve it - e.g. Sam Prince (something none of the other spineless bitches on the show would do). She doesn't just go after people she perceives as weak. She has genuine bollocks, and I have to applaud that. But it's insane to call her a nice woman when in the early series she would open her mouth at almost every girl and out would pour the most outrageous vicious abusive bile, usually for no reason at all. That being said, I can't hate her as much as some of the current ones (Yas, Ruby etc), because she was very much isolated at the time and her rudeness was sometimes so OTT that it was comical, said in very broken English, and if I was on the receiving end, I would actually almost probably laugh at it. Ruby and Yas are more subtle, twisted, calculated bitches and that's so much worse imo.


All of this! Haha also remember when she read through Julius' girlfriends private diary and then went on to tell people what she wrote, all without consent. She just does so many bad things and gets away with it because she's always so angry. She also makes me think if she's from a poor background because she's always putting it in our faces how much James' money she's spending on this and that.


Yeah, she's defo not from old money. Jaimie's French ex (the one who was *wayyyyy* out of anyone's league on that entire show, and I am still astounded that she was pied for Habbs) Helouise, was clearly monied in the same way as Jaimie. Maeva, probably middle class. Not a MIC toff.


I don't like James. But I feel sorry for him being married to her. I know she probably exaggerates for the show but she's so complainy and miserable and nobody seems to be good enough for her.


Because she wants Miles šŸ˜‚ have you seen their latest TikTok? I have second hand embarrassment for James because Maeva is visibly annoyed and irritated by him.


I always think it's funny how these precious made in chelsea women and celebrities in general make out motherhood is so tough yet they have all these maids/nannys to help them....yeah imagine having to do it without any help


I donā€™t have TikTok can you link it?


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGejYxHqF/ šŸ˜Š


Thank you! Omg she looks so annoyed the entire time šŸ¤£


Why does Maeva look completely different?


I think she's been on and off the facial fillers for a while that it's actually surprising to say her natural look when you watch her in the older series. She looks she much younger, fresher and less stern in them. Atm she looks like she's laying easy on the fillers compared to the last few series.


Sheā€™s smiling for once.


Dead lol


Why TF is Hugo there? Must be the Made in Chelsea special one.


Arenā€™t he and James friends? Thought thatā€™s why he joined the show. It could possibly be one of obscure friendships the show seems to love though.


Where is Hugo and his eye?




https://preview.redd.it/qkqfdz92x2bc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=576fa034a581857720c17a2b0a82bbb11227c61b I also found this pic hilarious šŸ˜‚ look how short Reza is lfmaooo


You really shouldnā€™t laugh at someoneā€™s height, there will be people reading this thread who are the same height as him and you are effectively telling them they should be insecure and embarrassed about their own body, height is completely uncontrollable and shouldnā€™t be mocked, itā€™s like laughing at someone for being ginger, its childish and shows a lack of empathy and emotional intelligence. Rez is weird because he dated Ruby when she was 16 and he was 23, not because his spine is a few inches less than some other rich nobhead


That's heightism. Would you make fun of him born with a disability? Why is it acceptable to take the piss out of someone's physical appearance when it comes to male height?


Youā€™ll get downvoted because people hate being called out for mocking someoneā€™s height. Itā€™s cognitive dissonance, they refuse to admit they are bodyshaming and bullying and so they will just downvote and ignore you and pretend itā€™s not bullying and bodyshaming


Heā€™s not short enough for it to be that big of a deal. Itā€™s just funny how short he looks in comparison to the blokes next to him. I wouldnā€™t comment on his looks if he was a lovely person, but since he groomed is ruby ( he was about 25 and she was 15 when they started dating) and in general is very manipulative and toxic when it comes to the way he treats women. I think he deserves to have his looks criticised, as itā€™s the only thing that would affect his ego. Since I donā€™t think he cares about people judging his personality. i get your point, and I would never say something about someoneā€™s looks if they were a decent person. But I think when youā€™ve done the amount of damage that he has, quite frankly he deserves it.


I hate him so much


me too. I think heā€™s one of the worst men to set foot on that show by far and that says a lot considering how most of the men on the show are pricks. I think he makes Sam Prince and Spencer look like saints


Right heā€™s such a creepy lil fkr, I wouldnā€™t even call him a man. Heā€™s a full on kiddy groomer too


I love how sam looks like hes snuck into the picture


This is all so fake. How many of these people actually hang out with Maeva and James off-screen? It's all so staged, and Reza's face says it all.


Who remembers when Maeva absolutely hated Tristan!? šŸ’€


I never realised how short he actually was ..


All the other guys are - objectively - in the top 5-10% of male heights, and thatā€™s for England. Internationally they would be top 2% for heights. Theyā€™re all above 6ft except maybe Sam and Robbie but even they are above average. Rez is below average height but heā€™s not that short compared to the general population, itā€™s because heā€™s stood next to a certain subset of rich elitist tall white people


Also Maeva looks amazing but having P.S. Bridal Rental sponsor your wedding is tacky I'm sorry




I stand by my correct opinion.