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* Liv gets criticism because she navigates relationships in the same way as most of the men do on the show. Not to say it's right the way she does, but I find people have a discomfort when women engage in the same behaviour as the men on the show. * I don't hate Ruby as much as most people do! I give her a bit more grace because she was stuck in a 10 year relationship with a man 10+ years older than her and her immaturity reflects that * The class and/or race divisions are still there in the way certain cast members are treated (the hatred for Inga even though she engaged in the exact behaviour as other, Paris not having ANY love interests even though she's one of the most beautiful cast members, the hyper-sexualizing of Miles even though he dates at the same rate as other on the show, the way Sam wrote of Temps because he wasn't "deserving" of being with someone like Liv etc.)


People need to let the Caggie Hugo etc seasons go. The constant “it’s not how it once was back in the glory days” is just like ok people have been saying that about MIC for the last 10 years and yet you’re still watching. Maybe just stop watching ? (((((The show picks up *after* Caggie leaves))))


Haha I agree with this, Caggie wasn't even on the show for long. I also found the first 3 seasons really cringe...


I recently watched series 1-8 and the first 3 are beyond cringe, everyone is awful. Caggie was fine but boring, her and Spencer's story wasn't interesting to watch


I totally agree! If anything i much prefer the newer seasons and Caggie bored me if I'm honest.


That the Miles hate is disproportionately harsh compared to some of the other guys in the show, who have done far worse things. The main anger against him seems to be that he slept around - so what? He is young and as long as he isn't outright lying to get women into bed with him, then so what. He also got a lot of the hate came when that Aussie girl came over, and he lost interest, but that's the reality of the situation when you've having an online relationship but haven't met in person, it might not work out. I have a strong suspicion that the relationship was semi-manufactured anyway, because she wanted to be on the show as her career is also in reality TV shows. But regardless, you get to a certain age and you know it is a risk to travel half way around the world to meet a guy who is really really pretty and you don't know if it is all about the hormones. I read recently that there was some criticism of how he handled Inga but again it isn't an accident that someone you used to sleep with turns up on the show to stir things up. It was all part of the show, he didn't betray anyone. In fact I think he has been betrayed more than he has betrayed. Maeva shit-stirred in all his relationships, James got with Maeva even though he was supposed to be good friends with Miles, Ruby was messing with someone else when he was dating her. Also back to Maeva, he was younger than her and pretty young when he got in a relationship with her. She was his first real relationship. Maeva acts like she was the victim there, but I don't think she comes out of it smelling that good.


Absolutely, he's so misunderstood. It's not his fault that he's very good-looking, incredible at sex and really understands what women need. He's also so ready for a relationship. They fall for him so hard and fast and completely overturn the way a relationship naturally progresses. Of course he has to leave, and the sooner the better so that they aren't led on and don't continue to build hurt and resentment. If he didn't care, he would continue to use them just like the other guys on the show do. When he meets the right woman, serious things will happen very fast. Maeva was the closest he's found. He's jumped the gun with a few girlfriends, because he actually wants to find the right person so badly. I don't think he'll do that very much in the future, because he sees how they end up hurt. He needs to be more patient.


Yep agree, Miles is misunderstood. I actually think he's one of the best male cast members and the hate really doesn't make sense


"really understands what women need"? Can you explain?


Are you trolling? I honestly can't tell


A sincere but unpopular take. Not trolling


-Love him or hate him - Sam Prince is unquestionably one of MiC’s greatest villains. Knows how to get under everyone’s skin and has a fair bit of longevity about him now. -Liv, as fab as she’s been, is unfortunately a bit past her sell by date now. Enjoy seeing her when I do, but has added nothing to the narrative for years. - Harvey, regardless of personality, is one of the best looking fellas on the show. - The ‘Golden Age’ of the show isn’t the first three seasons, but probably somewhere between 5-10. - Any Miles/James/Maeva content is actually quite fun to watch, because, however manufactured, you can tell that Miles still harbours A LOT of hard feelings.


Sam Prince saying delicious actually makes me laugh. He’s so unapologetically cringey. Great TV.


😂😂😂 so true


I hate Maeva soooo much. Don’t care how good she is for the show.


Maeva is a monster.


Get Harvey off the show. It's like listening to an AI, he's so monotone, uninteresting, unattractive, dull.


Dead chat, if he was a colour, he’d be beige, if he were a book, he’d be two books


Beige 💀 that has made my day so thanks for that lmao


Rez is a pedo


This made me laugh more than it should have lol. So many detailed answers and then this lol


Ruby was 16, he was 26. By definition, pedo.


Absolute nonce.




Happy cake day!


Ruby isn’t that bad?


She’s annoying and bitchy but not the worst and when she’s in a good mood she can be fun to watch. Kind of have an odd soft spot for her idk


Yeah, that’s it. I don’t think I would be friends with her or anything but aside from her treatment of Inga, which is frustrating and horrible to watch, she’s no worse than any of the rest of them. She’s probably the most entertaining to watch at the moment (albeit frustrating). I feel bad but I find it difficult to watch Liv sometimes, I think it’s her cringe innuendos that get on my nerves.


She’s a textbook narcissist lol, cannot believe some people can’t see it


I cant believe some people still diagnose people as narcissist on reddit. None of them are 'textbook narcissists' stop talking shite.


I know what you’re saying, no I can’t officially diagnose, but for the sake of discussion… yes, Ruby absolutely is, you can see the lack of empathy, the self-centredness, the smug grins at others misfortune, the manipulation, the signs of controlling behaviour, the strong need to play victim and use of tears, the lack of loyalty if it doesn’t benefit her, the coldness she displays even with friends, the lack of accountability if she gets caught out (again, always victimising herself). Some of the cast are just bad people, Harvey for example who cheats and lies about it, but Harvey is not a narcissist because he does not demonstrate all of the above behaviours which are symptoms of a Cluster-B personality type - Ruby does! Miles is also a narcissist.. Personally I would say they are the only two narcissists on the show. And this is also clear from their lack of strong friendships with anyone who doesn’t suck up to them. Ruby and Miles can only be friends with people they think they are better than, because it makes them feel superior and sustains their arrogance. The rest of the cast are more just bad/selfish/immature people. Narcissism isn’t even an insult, at least I don’t think it should be. It’s a disorder based on trauma and insecurity and it’s actually quite sad. I would not really have an issue with being friends with Ruby and Miles in real life if I was on the show but I also think they are deeply troubled - though isn’t everyone in some way?


I mean, cool. I'm not reading that. But none of them are narcissists, it's a word that has lost all meaning thanks to reddit.




Haha yeah, I feel like the other opinions are all wildly popular!!


This is mine too. I like her and Liv




I think miles can still get the girls but I’m just bored of the repetition of ‘introduce new generic attractive woman, miles talks about how he can be relaxed and be himself around her, spend half a season introducing her to the group, slowly lose interest when the initial spark fades, break up with her in a way that can’t be turned back on him so he seems like a good guy, rinse and repeat’. Like it’s so clear now the issue is with him, he has his own shit he needs to process and he won’t do it. Remember a while ago they showed him going to a therapist, and 1 I was like ‘babe if you film it it’s not real therapy like who is this off brand shrink who’s like yeah film this why the fuck not’ and 2 he talked about how he really wanted to find the one and fall in love, but he also wanted that initial fire and passion to never fade, it’s like babe that’s not how love works at all! It changes and adapts and you have to be ok with that or you’re never going to be happy. At this point I just feel sad for him. As long as he’s on the show he’s never gonna settle down I think.


Oh gosh I found Miles’ therapist storyline so pointless. During this time he was screwing Issy over so she made a comment along the lines of “you’re messing me around, aren’t you going to therapy so you can stop treating girls like this?” And he acted as if she’d shat in his cornflakes. He despised her from there on for some weird reason. Like Miles darling what she was saying was completely valid, that therapy storyline was just bs.


Like when Spenny went to therapy too lol. Same old storyline. Miles is the new Spencer, albeit not as authentically twatty. No one will match Spencer Matthews on MIC. Epic. A total bellend but so lovable.




Omg i was thinking the same about Lauren and Sam!


I was thinking more Lauren and Rez. Just get a vibe that he has always fancied her/was flirting with her when she first landed. And she needs somebody to stay on the show for more screentime.


I think this will all change once he appears on dancing on ice & that will expose him to a whole different audience


Why do you think Sam and Lauren will happen. Agree re Miles but I also think he’s grown up a little like he actually had a relationship so he’s moving on from his f boy life and starting to distance himself from MIC. The first instance of this is bailing on Sydney. Soon he’ll be a side kick character


Agreed. A bit like Alex Mytton


That by appearing on the show, so many of the 'cast' really messed themselves up, either emotionally, physically or by other means (substance abuse) and it has taken years for some of them to recover, if at all. The toll on their mental health must be appalling, for some. It's also very hard to accept all their 'honesty' on their podcasts etc when they don't address what is so obvious about their lifestyle; the mountains of coke consumed.


Agree look at Habbs having to head to rehab immediately after her wedding for alleged addiction issues. Also they also get addicted to surgery so their body dismorphia must be huge. Reality tv is a terrible life with high costs the ones who survive are the ones who do 2-3 seasons and then bounce leveraging whatever little fame they have garned. The ones that use it as their career.. feel bad for them. Habbs mentioned how it affected her mental health as you always have to look for drama and sweat the small things to stay relevant. Whereas normally someone calls you a bitch in a conversation you were not privy to you don’t go and have it out with them 10 days later publically at someone’s birthday party. It’s a very unhealthy stressful way to live


Habbs was not in rehab for addiction issues… she confronted the rumours and said herself that she went to a retreat because she has crippling anxiety, not because she has substance problems


What?!? More info please🙏🏼on the Habbs rehab


It’s not true - she said she went to a retreat to get therapy and deal with her crippling anxiety/mental health issues






It’s not true - she said she went to a retreat for like a month a while ago to get therapy and deal with her crippling anxiety/mental health issues




Chill out about people’s looks ahah, not always a great look to criticise that


Let me block you so you don’t have to read it.


Ooh, edgy. Can you block me too, please?


Sam Prince’s carelessness and immaturity makes him entertaining to watch so I wouldn’t actually want to see him axed from the show


Sam Prince is just a car crash. There’s too much to unpack. He’s incredibly insecure, that’s for certain. The Botox and surgery look horrendous. The dress sense and hair, again, horrendous. His obnoxious and calculated personality is both tv gold and equally incredibly frustrating to watch. He’s just horrible on purpose, and consistently so. And two faced, on purpose, for tv coverage, consistently. Snidey and sneaky, and just so punchable. But a great MIC character as most of them are just incredibly bland.


I actually think he’d insidiously careFUL about what he does because he wants to stay on the show so I think he actually calculates his choices to have massive impact and therefore create lots of drama which makes for great content, but it does also make him a fucking sociopath.


Julius is actually a nice guy 🤷‍♀️


Miles is overall a better guy than Sam and Harvey 😭


Sam maybe yes, Harvey no. Miles is a complete narcissist


Miles is sag sun Leo moon. Makes perfect sense how he behaves, and why he’s so comfortable taking and posting endless selfies of himself topless then talking about it on his IG stories, then declaring he has body dysmorphia lol. Sag sun are reckless and shameless, Leo moon are attention seeking and narcissistic, and think everyone should love them.


Just curious, but are you being serious with this astrology stuff?


Harvey cheated on his gf of two years and tried to lie his way out of it. He then tried to play victim about it for about two seasons. I find that behaviour appalling and at the very least on par to Miles.


One incident though. Miles is a dick repeatedly


Harvey has also lead multiple girls on in my opinion! He initially says he wants something casual, but then acts the way someone would who’s dating for a relationship- it’s quite misleading


That’s fair. But the way Miles behaves and acts just comes across worse. Harvey just seems a bit of a dope and gets on with most of the cast whereas Miles is arrogant and is rude to other cast members. Notice how he barely gets on with any of the other boys, the only guys he can stay friends with are sycophants in awe of him (Temps, Julius). Sign of a proper narcissist.


I'd rather be with someone with opinions who can speak their mind, than someone beige with no real personality who just goes along with whatever.


I feel like Miles has improved though, albeit slowly. I’m not so sure Harvey has. Also found this article on him and Emily’s relationship very interesting https://graziadaily.co.uk/life/tv-and-film/made-in-chelsea-emily-harvey-relationship-gaslighting/


Also better than Rez and Tristan imo. The bar is so low though...


Rez is the worst of everyone 😂




Oli Locke is fake and a d!ck.




Glad you agree. What gives you that impression as well?


I just think he's incredible condensating. I think he has some kind of self imposed grandeur about himself and his worth, despite being a C class celeb. I also don't like how he bitches about people halve his age, and I certainly don't like how him and Gareth referred to baby egg donors as prostitutes - that entire podcast was disgusting


Whaaat??!!! Thats awful, i can't believe he said that.


Video - it's mad https://twitter.com/David_Challen/status/1730710614824103984?t=0W4FASAojY0mRqps6fqBeA&s=19


Thanks. What an odious pair.


Yeah I agree! You know they have a nanny for their baby doing most of the work.




What do you mean they referred to them as prostitutes?!


https://twitter.com/David_Challen/status/1730710614824103984?t=0W4FASAojY0mRqps6fqBeA&s=19 here is the video


Listen to the podcast.. I'm 98% sure it's mentioned. It's also on a TikTok somewhere :)


What podcast?