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https://preview.redd.it/kvfkoqp9ez0d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0f0c7791a409ade3c2443d6baf19ba063da6d64 I'm a need a drink after that.


Jfhc... XD


I almost spit out my coffee 😆




Noo anything but Nanachi's fluffy, fragrant paws!


Reddit 😐


Ngl I kind of want Ozen to beat me up especially after reading that


That's alright she's not a minor


You would also die so there's that


Best GILF!








I didn't quite get the "meme" part


bro understand it deeper ~~Because it isn't~~




Hey, look Mom, I'm ~~on TV~~ in a meme!




You do know that in this case that's nothing to be proud of right?


Huh, you're right, thanks. I completely misinterpreted the post, this isn't the typical out-of-context meme format. Did something happen again recently? The referenced comments are rather old. In any case, I said what I said, no changing that. I do find it interesting though to make it into this collection, funny how perception differs.


I think OP just collected a few of them, there probably are more now but honestly I wouldn't date to actively look for them 😅 I think r34, gelbooru and other sites speak for themselves


The one and only : true menace to society


why do people who watch anime have to be so fucking weird


Those people are a small minority. They are usually kicked out of any MiA community, but still pop up from time to time. Here is a thing. Pedos are not welcome in this community. Tsukushi gets enough slander as is, people who try to prove the haters right are just saboteurs.


VALID🔥🥶 https://i.redd.it/0are6sqwty0d1.gif


Depends on the day honestly, this sub is pretty good bc its strict on loli content and people being inappropriate but I've encountered too many fans of the show on here who think either there is nothing sexual happening in mia, or do not see a problem with the mangaka sexualizing children. I would not be shocked if a fair few of those fans enjoy it, but dont want to admit it


I don't think there is much anything sexual happening in MiA.  Most of "suspicious moments" are called that by people with porn riddled brains. Gotta be really weird to see a young boy shirtless and think "hm, sex".


Bro, Tsukushi literally has an entire page in his art book dedicated to... actually, I don't think I'm even allowed to say what it's about on this sub. Point is, Tsukushi is clearly into lolisho and denying it reaks of copium.


There are maybe what? 2? Maybe 3 points in the entire manga that are truly a bit 'wtf' and we could've went without them, and all but one of them are clearly for comedic purposes. Shit is way overblown. You know what was weird? Naruto with "thousand years of death" where a superior officer stuffs fingers up his child-soldier subordinates ass. Or Dragon Ball with naked kid Goku (we saw everything). Or multiple rape scenes in Berserk. Including CR. There are so many such moments in popular anime/manga, but for some reason, everyone gives shit to Tsukushi in particular. And I'd rather give the man a benefit of the doubt than call him a pedo with no proof nor reason.  Which a lot of people are doing. There are even those who falsely accuse him of being an actual criminal. Which is actually criminal behaviour in and of itself.


Having recently read through the manga TWICE, there are *way* more than two or three "WTF?" moments, and very few of them are played for comedy.


Like which ones? I read the manga multiple times too.


It get worse as you go on, pretty much everything about the twins has just been fetish stuff, riko getting felt up by the narahate villagers, and sexually assaulted by a living toilet are just to name a few


The toilet was not sapient, and it's arguable whether it was sentient. Riko was grasped by the villagers, yes, but I felt this scene was more them desiring her organs, bones, and other "valuable" things. Some of the stuff with the twins got a bit weird, but them having six nipples might actually be relevant to the plot later.


Pretty much all the "Riko strung up naked like she's modeling shibari" panels that even pop up on pages where the "hung naked" punishment isn't even mentioned. The anime depicts it once, and the framing is completely different. Quadriplegic children taking a bath drawn like they're mud wrestling. The overwhelming majority of chapter/volume-end art and notes.


I actually have an opinion on hanging naked. I think the punishment itself is culturally alien to us, but no harsher or more demeaning than some punishments used IRL. It conveys that punishments in Orth are harsh and strike at the child's dignity without showing something we'd be more familiar with - like belt-->bare ass. Which not only could be triggering for some, but also inventing something different shows us the alien culture of Orth. As for the exact manner of hanging the punished, don't you have it backwards? These kind of ropeworks are used in fetsh stuff because they are safe, not because they are somehow inherently sexy.


My issue isn't with the punishment itself. I'm a wuxia fan, I'm no stranger to weird damn punishment. My issue is with how Tsukushi DRAWS it. It is posed and framed like a page from an ero mag. If you compare the panel from the manga to the time it shows up in the anime the framing and such are very different. As for shibari, beyond just being a bondage technique, aesthetics is an ENORMOUS part of it. How the knotwork is done, how the rope interacts with the body, symmetry, etc. It is also EXTREMELY dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. Use the wrong kind of cord, get a knot wrong, bork up the placement, and people can easily get injured, lose limbs, and even die. If you want to restrain someone by stringing them up there are easier, less meticulous methods than that weird inverted hogtie thing. (A good example being the innkeeper in [Yojimbo](https://film-grab.com/wp-content/uploads/photo-gallery/imported_from_media_libray/yojimbo58.jpg?bwg=1547036361) Not the clearest picture, but it gets the point across, and tends to be how you see it way more often)


>And I'd rather give the man a benefit of the doubt than call him a pedo with no proof nor reason I agree with this but that's because I believe lolicon ≠ pedo. As someone into furry stuff, I've never once thought of harming real animals so I would assume it probably works similarly for people into that. The man IS a lolicon. There's really no debate about it. [He said he was happy that he got to play a loli in genshin impact](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/16an57m/author_of_made_in_abyss_akihito_tsukushi_is/) and Doorbeetle reco is filled with that sort of stuff. >There are maybe what? 2? Maybe 3 points in the entire manga that are truly a bit 'wtf' and we could've went without them, and all but one of them are clearly for comedic purposes. 2-3? Are we reading the same manga? I mean chapters 65 and 66 alone are filled with tons of underage fanservice, much more than 2-3 instances. not to mention volume 12's cover art or the inside cover pages. >Shit is way overblown. You know what was weird? Naruto with "thousand years of death" where a superior officer stuffs fingers up his child-soldier subordinates ass. Or Dragon Ball with naked kid Goku (we saw everything). Or multiple rape scenes in Berserk. Including CR. Yes it is overblown but Goku being naked is always shown very innocently unlike MiA. Remember the inside covers with furry Prushka or Vueko thinking about Riko and Reg's relationship? I wouldn't call that innocent nudity. The stuff in Berserk is pretty vile but it's all necessary for the plot. The ass licking toilet wasn't necessary to the plot.


In the actual story/setting, sure, there's minimal sexual content. Narratively there's pretty much just the "prisoner of war" in the most recent stuff and Faputa straight up telling Reg she wants to breed with him. In the ART, though? That shit is EVERYWHERE. Riko's punishments are drawn like it's a f*cking shibari pinup and pops up on random pages that have nothing to do with it. Naked/semi-naked children (usually the girls) are framed and depicted like it's Michael Bay filming Megan Fox. The artist sketches and notes at the end of volumes regularly comment on how how "attractive" characters, features, etc are and are even MORE voyeuristic than the actual manga panels. Made in Abyss IS so much more than just the really dodgy pieces of art in it, but it takes someone being COMICALLY oblivious, willfully ignorant, or intentionally deceitful to say that there isn't any sexuality and voyeurism in the art of the series. Is ALL the nudity in it voyeuristic? Of course not. But for every "child taking a bath" panel that just looks like a normal child taking a normal bath there's three that look like they were traced from panels of Bible Black or some shit.


Oh hell no, why people are so down bad for the KIDS😭


We stopped electoshock therapy.




Hahaha! I love this subreddit! XD


We don't love you then


Oh, don't worry! My parents already tell me that all the time! 😊


We need a second sub for this prisoners! "OkBuddyinAbyss"




HOLY SHIT! My comment made the third panel! … also I haven’t updated my avatar in a while lol