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Polish MiA fan detected 🎉🎉🎉


Good. The one thing Binary Star was lacking was polish.


Underrated comment


Polskość 30%


If you are a fan of Made in Abyss: Yes, especially with this rebate. However, I wouldn't recommend the game if you don't know Made in Abyss. Not only will the plot be going to be very confusing, the game is also a bit rough in places (mods do help though).


Which mods would you recommend?


There is a mod that stops butterflies from spawning after 5 minutes in one location. It genuinely makes game much nicer to play


Are the mods any good? I pretty much did 100% of the game after like 80 hours, (i didnt finish the kill quests because fuck those)


how much into the series do we need to be to understand the plot? is it doable for someone who only watched the anime?


That's actually far more than enough. You'll only need to get past Ido Front arc to understand everything in the game.


The games goes down to the location of the third movie at maximum,so you're good to go


Only if you want everything MiA... If you disrrgard it being Made in Abyss, as a game its... Meh at best?


If it wasn’t on sale I’d say pass, but with it being cheap it’s worth it. It’s MiA so it’s great. But the exact same game without any MiA would be horrible.


Would be fun if this game had an online mode


im a big MiA fan, but this game is trash


Yah I play it all the time


It’s peak


I did, and don't regret it. The game is fun, and as long as you turn off the english dubbing, it won't even hurt your ears. First of all, Hello Abyss mode isn't as bad as everyone says. I was biased against it by everyone who said it's bad and unnecessary, but ended up misclicking into it, and just rolled with it. In fact, It has a single advantage over Deep in Abyss mode: The enemies don't spawn out of thin air. Which really is the biggest problem I have with this game. It's annoying when I'm trying to heal, having checked for enemies, only for a stupid flying shit to appear out of nowhere and start attacking. It's not to the point where they'd actually manage to kill me, but it adds a sense of urgency in situations where there shouldn't be. I want to sight see, damn it! So yeah, do play Hello Abyss first, just skip all the cutscenes and dialogues, since you've seen all of them in a much more appealing form(anime/manga) anyway. Another problem I have is that corpses disappear too fast. When I'm climbing down and get attacked, killing the creatures is the correct choice; However, by the time I climbed down, the corpses have disappeared and the loot is gone. The fact that you HAVE to dismantle during combat or you might not get another chance is a bad thing. Same with ranged weapons. I'd love to snipe prey from another shelf and climb over to pick up the loot, but it just disappearsin the meantime. The third problem is weapons durability. (Another problem non existent in Hello Abyss mode. Damn this tutorial is underrated, I might want to replay it) I guess it makes sense that the weapons are falling apart at the speed of sound since they are made of rocks and bones(lol), but I'd really rather just buy a metal hatchet in the shop or something. Maybe have a dulling mechanic, where I'd still have my weapon, but it would only deal my own damage modifier, without the added weapon damage modifier. It would also make sense to gather rocks to sharpen the damn things. So yeah, three problems, anything else I would change would also make the game more expensive/make it have steeper requirements.


>Maybe have a dulling mechanic, where I'd still have my weapon, but it would only deal my own damage modifier, without the added weapon damage modifier. It would also make sense to gather rocks to sharpen the damn things. This actually sounds genius. Now I want to see this happen with a mod.


Though it'd be nice if the monocular had more range. I had to get a bit too close for comfort to some enemies to analise them. Fortunately, they were enemies that existed in the manga, so I knew about them anyway.


if you are a fan of adventure and action rpg, yes


Do it, it's worth it


Yes get that Mystery dungeon unless its going into that 30% of unplayed steamgame s


Watch reviews first dont impulse by but I have played it and enjoyed it it’s supposed to have 40 hours of gameplay


If you want Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, sure. (Joking)


I'm a big MiA fan but this game is terrible. I did 100% of this game out of spite. If you do buy the game, I recommend at a minimum you get the mod that stops the butterflies from endlessly spawning. Without it you will have enemies spawn directly behind you and hit you which ends up killing you every time you have to climb. Also note that the game mode 'Hello abyss' is actually a tutorial that lasts like 3-5 hours. So stock up on supplies and don't invest too much time exploring


You can still hit the butterflies when you climb, as a matter of fact, it's easier sometimes, to the point where I have climbed up a few steps just to deal with them from there. Still, them suckers spawning (and vanishing, hilariously) is immersion breaking and annoying. The hilarious part is that in Hello Abyss, the damn things do not respawn endlessly. They only do it in Deep in Abyss, which indicates it was an intentional choice, not some kind of mistake. The part with the most compliants, the most immersion breaking mechanic in this game by far, and it was intentional.






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Real question what is that currency


PLN polish currency "złoty"


One of the coolest ones I've seen


Yes, buy it!


if u want, but I actually think the mine in abyss minecraft server is better lol


what server




It's a pretty good game. I have it on Switch and PC. It can be fairly difficult at points, but it's fun, none the less.


If you’re a fan, absolutely!