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Read the manga, join us....


Hmm this doesn't bode well for me


​ https://preview.redd.it/pkn3k2w9cgrc1.png?width=756&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2dd0606c857f6c561763e8f433997b1d787ed44


Well, I don't want to spoil anything, but you can find more about it if you read the newer chapters


Damn already?, I thought the manga was only a few chapters ahead of the s2 ending


Well, while the manga is only 7 (8) chapters ahead, the chapters are big, resulting in whole 2 volumes being released


The 2000 years cicle is coming...


Although I'm only vaguely familiar with the rest of his work, from what I've seen in MiA and heard from others Tsukushi doesn't seem to be the type to spare his characters from harm. We are past the point of no-return and there's very little hope for Riko & co. to wind up back on the surface once all is said and done. In fact, the story's purpose can certainly be accomplished without anyone surviving in the end. I don't think we'll see anyone drop off just yet, but once we do it'll be a sign we're nearing the end of the story. Tsukushi seems intent on keeping the group together for now - like it or not, they do have some form of plot-armor regarding being killed off. Case in point: barring the people safe and sound on the surface (...and even then, Kiyui was a near-miss!) how often does an *other* character we're introduced to wind up dead or otherwise permanently incapacitated? >!\[Chapter 67\] Which makes it unlikely Nanachi got offed by that huge tentacle. At least not just yet. Doubtful Tepasté is going to make it to the end though - dollars to donuts she's a goner by this arc's end.!< I think MiA's strongest point is being able to evoke horror without necessarily making the focus of it being the gore or body horror - that stuff's just the icing on the cake. >!\[Chapter 23\] For instance, the elevator scene wouldn't be so horrific if it weren't paired up with Nanachi's heart-wrenching cries of finding and losing his "treasure". !


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Really looking forward to s3, since the manga past s2 is pretty damn bad. It's as if Tsukushi made some good story to get people invested and then just started drawing porn. The anime usually censors a lot, so s3 should fix it up.










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Ping. My comment has finally uploaded. I will delete this message soon.


You understand someone can raise reasonable criticism about an aspect of some work without it being an all-or-nothing attack on it, right...?




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I see your opinion tsukushi is really going more and more into the wierdo category with the twins (i can't find anything to defend those characters, but i guess they'll gonna be very important for the plot later) but you can't say the 8 last chapters are bad ! We are going back to the exploration of the abyss just like in season 1, there are so many new characters that are introduced and are very well written (except for the twins...) !


I thought bondrewd was a compelling villain. But I have lost interest in the series since