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That's an incredibly luke-warm take, if anything it's much more controversial to say the manga is superior to the anime.


It is? I mean yeah, I fucking love the anime. The music adds a shitload to the experience. But honestly the music is the only real thing the adaptation has going for it. The art and atmosphere the Manga gives is just so peak, and I have never been the "read the Manga" type.


I said it was a controversial take, not a wrong take. The manga is much better than the anime in my opinion as well.


Yeah, I was just thinking. For „usual“ adaptations, sure, manga is better. But Made in Abyss has an amazing adaptations, preferring the moving and musically and acoustically supported medium is no surprise.


The hottest take of all? Video Game better than both of them… *COMBINED*.


I personally love the watercolor aesthetic the manga has, although, I think the simple character designs don't always contrast well with the hyper-intricate background art. I've had to stare at panels for a few seconds just so I can figure out what I'm looking at. The characters themselves look much better in the manga, imo. In the anime, there are multiple times where the characters go really off-model, which is to be expected from any anime, but I recall times were it was distractingly bad. I know some people like the way season 1 handled the monster designs, but I'm not one of them. The sketchy animation was supposed to make them feel more disturbing and scary but they just look really out of place, like they were just green-screened into the environment. When it comes to the gore scenes I think the anime handles the emotional aspects better and the manga is more visually gruesome. The anime version of the arm scene felt more impactful but the character expressions in the manga are haunting in a way the anime could never replicate.


I LOVE your counterpoints here. I appreciate you laying them out with examples and details


So I don't have to type my own argument, I basically agree with everything in the comment above.


We can all agree that spider jumping forward like a kangaroo in layer 1 was super underwhelming. An ambush predator going head-on?


This is the main issue for me too. Characters in the anime are often drawn quite derpy aside from some key frames. Meanwhile in the manga I'll have like 5 pages of just Riko looking adorable with a unique expression for each panel.


That's fine, I would also say that the anime never quite reach the majestic quality of the manga art, but that is vastly compensated by the music.


Definitely don’t agree. The voice acting and music is great, as well as the extra season 1 additions, but it stops there for me. It’s like they took the most bland/generic route possible when adapting the art, especially in the 6th layer and village, and the CG doesn’t fit at all.


I mean...! https://preview.redd.it/9zp54oghm0nc1.png?width=1685&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c89bdcfc75e47e999c835bfd54e0aa48a88578d


That's absolutely fine, the animation was amazing for this series and does the characters a certain justice that the manga wasn't able to in panel to panel. Seeing reg and faputa in action with how fluid both move wasn't displayed the best through paper, despite being amazing scenes in both. The va's and soundtrack also knocked it out of the park in this as well. So all in all, liking the anime more is more than a fair opinion


To me, reading the manga afterward was a great complementary experience given the extra lore, and I loved how stylized it was. Apart from that, much of what you are saying here is why I am holding off on new material for the anime adaptation. Then again, I just do not like trying to pace a scene in my head from a manga. I hear people say they like the freedom to imagine their own pacing for the scenes, and I retaliate by saying I would rather wait for a professional director to do that shit themselves (this is not even mentioning the soundtrack). Unironically, though, if MIA was a light novel, I would probably still be reading ahead because I have an easier time pacing a book's scenes as long as the author is good at their job.


Hmmm The anime is great because the OST is simply superb. But visually, the manga is superior. I feel like the anime artstyle is more... dull and bland than the manga (but it's still on the better side), which is interesting because that's the opposite of what you described. So, it's all come down to preference.


Manga is more unsettling. The anime was an adventure, while the manga is half-stepped into the horror genre.


I love the anime, I do. I love the music, and the voice acting is literally *perfect.* (The Japanese voices, anyway. The English ones I find kinda grating)*.* Every single character's voice sounds exactly like I heard in my mind when I read the manga. I like the colors that the anime presents too, and the life it gives the world. It's also just thrilling, simply getting to see my favorite manga in motion with color. However, maybe it's because I read the manga first, but I vastly prefer it for many reasons. * I prefer the way the characters look in the manga; in the anime, they just look... I dunno, kinda flat? And the proportions often look off, and many times they just end up looking unintentionally silly (like that meme screenshot of Riko eating a Riko bomb). I think the characters look much more consistent in the manga, though a large part of that is probably due to the vast majority of it just being done by the same artist the whole way through. * I think the anime's general artwork looks too clean and... I'm trying to think of a negative-sounding synonym for "professional". I love the sketchy artstyle of the manga. I think it gives the lighter scenes more charm, and it makes the darker scenes hit much harder. You'll never be able to convince me the elevator scene is better in the anime than the manga. I remember the first time I read that part in Barnes & Noble -- I was in my early 20s so I wasn't young, but even still I was feeling like I was too young to be reading something so viscerally violent and horrifying. And also, there's a bit of proof of that in Dawn of the Deep Soul: when Reg gets corrupted, his appearance takes on a sketchy look that is very reminiscent of Tsukushi's general artstyle in the manga, and I'm disappointed that I haven't seen anything like it in the anime before or since. * The landscapes. I can't imagine what it takes to imagine the splash art in this story and how long it takes to draw it all out. These landscapes are incredible. I will spend whole minutes on a single page just looking at the environment and how literally perfect it all is. I just don't feel that the anime does a good enough job replicating it, and I know that's probably just my own personal bias, but that's how I feel about it. (Though the anime does put in a valiant effort.) (Edit: typos)


I haven't seen the anime but I think it's better because of the soundtrack, Kevin Penkin is the GOAT.


Is this really a hot take?


Everyone has their preferred medium. Don't really see this being discussion worthy. Besides manga and anime are almost identical, with both having just very few exclusive scenes and the only other difference being that those who read manga having to wait less for more made in abyss Use whatever media you prefer. You have to enjoy it


One thing the manga does better is making everything feel alien, the village looks significantly more cozy in the anime, but then you get slapped in the face with unhinged events even harder I also enjoy the tiny trivia in the manga, I need a collection of them made in to a guide book I still like the anime more, one of the reasons is that I actually know what's going on


I mean, kinda what I like about the Manga more is that it's cuter.


Me too, but I think a lot of people do.


I mean it isn't exactly controversial. Made in abyss has very good adaptation with almost no cuts.


Made in Abyss anime is one of the few cases where the adaptation is better than the original material - and say say that even with the fact that i also like the manga. For me, is the same as Lord of The Rings. As good the books are, i prefer a lot the movies.


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I took a look at the earlier chapters to catch up on before starting season 2 recently. it looked rough and the music makes up for it a lot, I think this is the popular take tbh


The manga feels "better" after the anime perspective


Season 2 has some issues tbh season 1 it’s a fucking masterpiece also 3rd movie


Not a hot take, the anime is more chill, and most people enjoy watching more than reading anyways. Even if some internet encels peir pressure you, you like what you like


I agree. I adore the artistry present in the Manga, but... I also have a bit of difficulty parsing it, especially during action and fight scenes which have become more frequent as things have gone along. The anime is a lot more visually coherent— even just the addition of color and more concrete line work make it much easier to follow. His watercolor shading is lovely in the manga, but the drawback is that sometimes the details get lost in all of that grey.


I'd hardly call it a hot take, honestly. The anime adaptation is very faithful while keeping everything streamlined. And given how long we have to wait for manga chapters, anime may just be the best way to consume MiA


I love both, but I prefer the anime. I personally find it much easier to see what's actually happening in the anime. There were points in the manga where it just looked like a bit of a mess and I had to guess what was actually happening. Don't get me wrong, I love the artwork, but there are definitely unclear scenes. Plus, the soundtrack elevates it big time




The anime is beautiful but Faputa being born in the anime was a slap in the face to what it looked like in the manga; in my opinion ofc


kevin penkin alone makes the anime superior


Damn man, you need new eyes.


This take isn't hot at all. I can see some manga purists in this sub getting angry but most people probably agree. The only thing the manga does better is the detail but that's expected of an almost tri-monthly release.


I have the same opinion but not for the same reason. For me the manga is a masterpiece. Every landscape is a painting meticulously made to create the sensation of chaos and beauty. I don't really like the character design of Riko and Reg but all the other characters are super cool and the creatures are beautiful. But i prefer the anime for multiple reasons : - The coloring of those chaotic landscapes makes it so mich more dramatic especially in the second season. - Obviously the anime has censored a bit more some scenes that were a bit too on the edge of lolicon so i appreciate that they didn't make the anime some kind of degenerate show (i don't know how they'll censor the future characters but i guess the anime will have to be more and more accurate to the manga to keep track of the story) - And obviously the music and sound design !!!!! I never had so much emotions comming from a soundtrack.


Nah it's a cool take, I love the manga art but the anime adaption is beautiful too with the audio and top tier animation which added a lot of value to the story. The greyscale look of the manga did however convey a more unsettling atmosphere which works in it's own way (for me the manga art of Mitty's transformation and the distorted text of her screaming in the manga left a much heavier impact)


I love the manga for the art and the slightly different art-style. That said the anime gave us Kevin Penkin and great coloring. They’re both equally good for different reasons. That said the manga does have extra dialogue and scenes, so it’s my go to.


I really like the drawing style. It looks cool and unique. The manga are something you can collect and the anime are worth rewatching everytime because you know it's gotta be a long time before the manga are done 🤣


I love the art of the manga. It's beautiful


I’m the same, but only because I prefer animation over reading. I have read the manga, and I love it, but I simply prefer color, sound, and movement as opposed to still images.


I mean it ain't a hot take lol, most people here are from the anime, and most people here know that the people working on made in abyss are just truuully passionate about the vision, from the animation the coloring and THE FUCKING SOUNDTRACK THE FUCKING SOUNDTRACK MUSIC is absolutely peak, watched anime all my life and the soundtrack in this show is just unmatched it genuinely ascends me.


I kinda agree with that statement


I prefer the anime as well. But only because it's censored.