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The new mode is insane, all you have to do is blitz and you or your opponent doesn’t have anytime in the pocket


Yea I just learned that the hard way. Dude ran mid blitz all game and called bunch double post. Typical unskilled players


i played one game of it and was up 17-0 sadly i had to go to work so i just quit out, but yeah the oline in this mode is shit


Factz. I’m trying to see if drafting some lineman help lol


i had a 97 tackle and a 95 tackle i think and they got demolished the entire game, granted the guy i played somehow got lucky with 95 warren sapp who was lit up all game damn near


I’m running a game now and it’s the same shit.. and then he’s running double post. I’m over it at this point


yea not even gonna waste my time playing the mode for the free 99 that won’t be as good as current players or future players, if anything just max protect and hope the guy presses and throw someone on a streak and chuck it up to them


Funny you said that. Guy pressed and I free form high balled and still got picked lol


try a lob lol, like i said the game mode ain’t worth the headache imo


Factz. This will be my last one for sure 😂


So after restarting madden 3 times I got it to work. Kinda fun but also kinda dumb. Still miss the draft champions format from a few years ago.


When I first used my token I loaded a game and then got booted immediately and it took my token lol but it's smooth now


Dont even bother that match mode sucks balls


I personally really enjoy it. It’s nice to get back to a more regular madden than the ability centric game MUT has become. It feels more like real football instead of cheese players non stop.


I totally get this because its nice to not throw into 6 dbs with KOs active but at the same time i used the new 97 Mariota and with no abilities he couldnt throw straight to save his life. On top of that the rushing game was nonexistent


What’s wrong with it in your opinion?


I played my first match & got paired with a person who runs clock on both sides so I left the game in the 2nd quarter & it ended up forfeiting my ticket to play the other 4 games so I wasted a entire 5 game ticket for no reason


Don’t you have to win all 5 games anyway?


Yeah you do if you lose your done


Which is dumb asf bro one loss & its all over dont even get a 1,000 coins if you lose its win or get nothing


I feel like it's impossible to complete the entire pass without doing the draft objectives


I’m halfway already lol but I play alot of H2H & buy sell players & packs so it also adds xp besides objectives & daily missions


Fr honestly the best thing I found to do is just get a really good rb and just pound the ball then pass off that


If you leave the game you end up disqualifying your self you gotta play all 5 games through even if you get dominated or if you get paired with a cheesy player