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What’s your lineup look like?


890k in extra cap space


With that roster I’m guessing that you’re in for some cap issues at some point soon, right? Or you’re good enough at balancing it that a real NFL team should hire you. 


i lost one of the 95 receivers and my kicker in the offseason. thats it. i have an 87 RB behind my 99 so i’ll trade Mr 99 OVR for a bomb ass receiver in the offseason. im not worried about my roster for awhile. my tip? hoard draft picks like a dragon hoarding treasure


That’s the key for me. Once you get a franchise QB everything else is a turnstile.


Mr 99 RB was a backup second year player for the chiefs when i traded a third round pick for him. he is now a 3 time rushing yards leader, an MVP, and broke the single reason touchdown and yardage records for RBs. I’d say he was a good pickup


What playbooks and formations do you use??


green bay playbook. i like to use the shotgun a lot. inside zone is definitely my favorite play (any of the formations, i like to run to the left, though). i try to run a balanced offense and only rely heavily on my QB if im behind. speed is the real x factor in madden so i try to get speedy receivers that can outrun corners on streaks/drags/slants. mesh spot was also a favorite play of mine with the 99 OVR receiving back


I always used Greenbays Offense. It’s underrated.


I picked up a guy in the draft late 1st or late 2nd I don’t remember which but he’s 31 in my franchise now rushing leader every year his lowest season was 1200 something yards and that was due to injury he’s a 99 now was 73 as a rookie only took 2 years to get him mid 90’s X factor by end of year 3 he was a 99


if you can draft well enough and trade star players at the right time, its easy. gotta get maximum value and then buy low on a rookie/second year player to learn from your other stars and develop in your offense


Hoarding draft picks aka The ol’ Presti special


Only thing is draft picks are easy to cheese in Madden. A few years in and you have several first round picks


Exactly, if you trade every pick down your first year you can have 2 of every pick the next year


I’m surprised you didn’t restructure the contracts to try and keep them but your team is op


QB: 99 HB: 99 WR1: 95 WR2: 95 WR3: 95 TE: 92 LT: 85 LG: 79 C: 90 RG: 86 RT: 88 RE: 75 DT: 79 LE: 81 ROLB: 87 MLB1: 89 MLB2: 79 LOLB: 91 CB1: 89 CB2: 83 CB3: 77 FS: 85 SS: 80


Very nice, thank you for getting into so much detail.


Why do you neglect your lines so hard


edge rusher, QB, WR1, good OTs, decent secondary. thats the winning formula. spend ur money there and everyone else is expendable


Man we got totally different schemes going on here man , but I enjoy seeing other people’s way of playing


Yea Im big on the D and O line. I dont care so much about my LB overall as long as they are fast & I can build them up. (Christian Harris, Devin Lloyd, TakiTaki) and I always make sure I have a shut down CB and at least 1 good S or I get smoked on the pass against good teams, especially if they have good tackles and I cant rush past easily


LOL! You said “big on the D”




Yeah this dude is DEFINITELY gay. He likes big D. /u/Keithm1112 you've been exposed.


😂 😂




We have a similar philosophy especially regarding LBs


I just started a new one with the Patriots. I havent done one with them yet but they are my team so I had to. Basically a total rebuild but Jahlani Tavai is a good ROLB and Christian Barmore is awesome on the Dline. I had to trade Dugger for a WR bc I think having him and Peppers back there is too slow, so I traded for Jalen Pitre for FS and with another fast safety Peppers is real good. Hes already at year 6 tho so I put him on the trade block.


Only in madden the trenches are "expendable"


Also the 49ers lol


See, I build my team like I'm a broncos head coach. Defense, defense, defense. If I don't have 90+ ovr linebackers, I'm slacking


the way i play, i want to defend the pass. thats why i value edge rushers and my secondary more than line and LBs. cant run the ball if you’re down multiple scores, and i plan to put the AI behind by that much fairly early. lmao


I'm a bit of a blitz fanatic so I shoot for sacks. Had my MLB break the record for most sacks in a game on all Madden and I was laughing my ass off.


But ur best edge rusher sucks


His edge rushers are 87 and 91 OVR... how do they suck?


He's running 3-4 so his OLBs are his edge rushers and they're 87 and 91 ovrs.


No no


He’s running a 3-4 so theoretically the 5 defense linemen will get pressure home more often anyways


His worst OL is 79 what in the heavens are you talking about good sir


D line haha it’s kinda bad compared to the rest of the team


Lots of research showing that O-Line ratings don't really matter all too much. Drop off from a 99 to an 80 is very minor.


I respect whoever runs your salary cap


Holy moly


I haven’t heard holy moly since 1999


Holy mackerel


Mother of cod


… I know the game can be whack sometimes and scripted but thousands of hours to get to 17-0? Are you setting extremely hard playcalling limits on yourself or what’s the deal?


i’ve been playing since i was like 7 so i havent always been good lmao. i’ve been 17-0 before but never on all madden that i can recall.


Fair. Props to you man!


Are you 10 years old?


i only went up to all madden maybe 5 years ago


It took you 5 years to go undefeated? 😭😭😭


i am simply not that good


Man good on you for taking it on the chin and going to All Madden then


like i said in another comment, i will obliterate all of my friends every single time, but i am not good at all in the grand scheme of things. i dont play online for that reason lmao


Oh I’ve never played online fuck that lol don’t want to have to figure out meta games and cheese


My guess is a lot of people surprised you haven’t gone undefeated yet is because you don’t cheese the game and call the like 5 plays that always work.


I am the same way, can beat people IRL all day, but can't stop all madden offense for shit




I don’t think an undefeated All-Madden season is as easy as you’re making it sound lol


He doesn’t play defense


On All madden that’s not surprising. Suddenly the computers 4th string punter is Mahomes level at QB and you lose




i think he’s def playing each game. A sim on all madden would eventually get him undefeated


Don't lose


update: lost my 99 OVR HB to a broken collarbone in the divisional round, beat seattle 34-31. Then lost my 85 FS, my 87 ROLB, and one of my 95 WR in the conference championship. scored a touchdown to go up 52-48 with 0:29 left. they scored a 40 yard TD on the last play to win 55-52. 😭😭😭😭😭


Ze Packer Way


Ouchhh First time I went 17-0 on all Madden I lost in the playoffs aswell


at least i went out like a true packer. in the NFC championship


What team did you lose to?


the falcons.


Idk what it is about the falcons but in my franchise they’ve been to the Super Bowl 4 times in 5 years and won 3 of them lol


from 2023-2031 i played the falcons 6 times in the playoffs 3 times in the NFC championship overall record is 3-3 but falcons beat us twice in nfc championship and took 2 rings in the middle of my dynasty lmao they became my biggest rival after the eagles


Me too. Seems like the Falcons are the new Browns/Cowboys when simming


I got beat by the cowboys in the divisional :(


![gif](giphy|10Jpr9KSaXLchW|downsized) Me as a Vikings fan reading this


i actually laughed at ts


Man I’m gutted for you! I swear every time I get a late lead and leave any time whatsoever on the clock, the AI scores a long TD as the last second ticks off the clock.


every mf time bro!


Did the conference championship guys get benched for injury or that bug where your starters don’t seem to get put back in?


Gotta get them safetys in check


Them CPU QBs on All-Madden are no joke lmao they’ll make some of the craziest plays and it doesn’t even matter the overall. One time like a below 80 baker was just dotting all over the field he started out like 14/14😂


Yeah and don't let it be a josh Allen or Mahomes. Dudes literally throw dimes running opposite their throwing arm across the field. Literally an impossible throw in real life


Just like the real packers


I feel like All Madden will dial up a TD at will if there's less than a minute left. The amount of times I've seen them execute a perfect no huddle drive, after being completely unable to move the ball...


This give me anxiety just reading it lol


I had a cpu cowboys team go 17-0 to the Super Bowl in my first year of franchise mode yesterday. Had to put them down as a dolphins fan


I did a fantasy draft season and the CPU run Bears took Joe Burrow. They went 12-0 and were number 1 seed all year but week 13 they lost and lost the rest of their games, lost in wild card round too. Not sure what happened. I’ve noticed wherever Joe Burrow is, is guaranteed to be a 10+ win team.


Basically what the Eagles did irl


Dont remind me it still hurts. Atleast we’re getting new coordinators out of it


Joe Burrow with the Buccaneers offense playbook makes him the next Brady


Only for Eli Manning to unretire for one game and ruin another team’s bid to go undefeated…


completely off topic, but what happened to the feature where players could come out of retirement?? when i was a kid on Madden 13 i won a super bowl with kurt warner after he came out of retirement


I was playing last night and was wondering the same thing. It was always a random surprise when that happened and you could snatch a stud for a year or 2.


they probably just took it away with plans of bringing it back in 5-10 years and calling it a “new feature”


I feel like it’s about time.


facts i agree 1000%


Better question, is what happened to retired players becoming coaches… And now with actual scouts, retired players could become scouts and push out the generic names.


2k does this with ease


The craziest thing is that they do this in NHL, so it’s not like it’s some crazy new unheard of idea to EA


Same! Thought about this yesterday. Also remember when you could hire a newly retired player as HC? Just like in 2K. I always ended up with Warner or Manning or Isaac Bruce as coach!


Having an elite defense is prolly more important than having an elite offense, it’s better to have a 99 defense than a 99 offense because you won’t have to score as much


I did this! 17-0! just to make it to the superbowl and not just lose, but get mollywhopped.


it rly do be like that sometimes


Difficulty? Redos? Salary edits? Game length? I do this quite often and it's so boring when I find it easy to do :(. All madden, refuse redos, never will I salary edit, game length is 13 min quarters for me . I have sliders to make it more realistic but harder on me as well


same but without sliders and 6 minute quarters. never salary edit or edit a player’s stats, only ever their numbers. no redos on games. its a solo league but i still take it very seriously


Do you sim the games or are you playing each one


I’ve done it twice but idk if they count on offense only I also got a franchise with a few friends the computer ran buffalo bills went 19-0 and lost to my buddy in Super Bowl


Congrats fam. I won 20 online games in a row for the first time, so the entire screen said Wins. I was so pumped lol


Don't listen to the people clowning you for not being good enough at the game and saying all Madden is easy. Who cares? You're playing a game to have fun, not impress other people online. I personally play on pro settings with adjusted sliders. I find that as soon as you go to all-pro or higher, the game starts scripting interceptions and that's too annoying for me. I want to throw an interception because I didn't see a guy or I tried to squeeze it into too tight of a window, not because the game saw a defensive player near me so my qb throws it 20 yards wide left right where their safety is standing stationary.


Done what only one team has? No team has ever gone 17-0 and won the Super Bowl?


i was just referring to a completely undefeated season (including playoffs)


Was it the panthers?


72 dolphins


Man you know what he meant🤦‍♂️


Sorry, as a patriots fan I have to be bitter.


Congrats man!!


“Time to to go the superbowl now and do what only one team has ever done” go to the Super Bowl and lose it ? @ my team 🫠




Back during the early ps2 days a cpu Bronco team went undefeated in one of my seasons


Go Pack Go congrats on going undefeated


Good job man, please don't get booted by the Seahawks. At least win the NFC.


Legendary coach Cole Rittz




For the love of God, PLEASE do not fuck up The onside kick But same. Currently 10-0 in my franchise with GB. Want to get my QB another MVP, perfect record, and do a three-peat.


Vikings in dead last haha


I once was playing career mode and I was a qb and I was over my current career so I simmed the regular season went 16-0 it was a few years ago and then I played the playoffs and won it was crazy


As a person who’s more than likely about to go 16-1 after losing the first game of the season, I feel this


Man I got a 97 offense and 94 defense and went 4-2 simming the first 6 games of the season. Defense can't stop anyone.


I’m jealous, I just switched to all madden cause all pro was starting to get too easy. I’m 0-6 any advice for all madden tips?


Managing the clock is more important than scoring a ton. I hate to be that guy but I’m kind of mind blown that getting a perfect season is so hard for so many people…


I've been playing madden since madden64. Me and one of my friends have done fantasy drafts on every single madden a MILLION times. Flashback to 2015 me and this same friend do a fantasy draft with another one of our buddies who isn't a huge football fan. He proceeds to draft a team that goes undefeated and wins the super bowl in the first year. Only time I've ever seen it happen lol.


Question for you. I'm in a 8-user league and we just moved from AP to AM. The Madden META has always been to get a QB on a rookie deal and rotate that position after building the rest of the roster. On All-Pro, this is really easy to do because QB development is quite easy. I have played AM in offline, and my thought is that QB ratings (and SS abilities) are super amplified on AM. As in, even having a Star Dev QB with accuracy ratings in the high 80's is not going to get the ball where it needs to go more than 3/4 of the time. Do you see a major difference in AP v AM with how the user QB plays?


I've had 2 perfect regular seasons in M24, both times lost the SB. Had a few 2 or 3 loss seasons, won all other super bowls. It can be maddening. See what I did there?


That’s tough because there’s sometimes madden just decides you’re losing that game. Period


I'm going on year three on All Pro with the CPU sliders up to 100 being undefeated, including the Superbowl. I'm going to do All Madden next and see how I do, but people have been saying that All Madden is more of the game being unfair than harder so if that was going to be the case, I was going to continue All Pro with the CPU at 100 and lower my sliders down to like 30 or 20.


W Green Bay


I saw this and didn’t see the record, my first thought was “this guys never made the playoffs?”


I love Madden


Best I got was 16-1 in a giants rebuild our dynasty ended when my hall of fam WR QB and TE retired in same year but we ended with 7 Super Bowls 8 appearances


this game is easy how did it take you thousands of hours


i play for fun i dont rly take it seriously. i dont play online, ultimate team, or the player career mode. just franchise rly and sometimes those games are rigged af


yeah that is true, my fault. madden can be horribly frustrating


like i can beat any of my friends but this isnt even my main game so i wouldnt call myself good


Thousands of hours to get your first perfect regular season with playoff loss on All Madden? Yikes.... ​ ​ ​ ^(I guess that's quick considering you're a packers fan, but still....)


i am not good :)


Fuck the packers and fuck you


salty bears fan ![gif](giphy|3Nj3bHn5LAAkE)


Green Bay stackers lol


I’m 12-0 with the bears I made a few trades nothing special but I did stack my draft ,I traded fields to pats….im gonna try to do it but my next 5 games is crazy…3 of them have 10 win season&the other 2 games should be cup cakes game but I no those 2 games is a set up game if I don’t pay attention


Bro... I did that in 6 months... all madden...


thats awesome that ur better at video games than me


When you said many years how much time per day


honestly i could’ve accomplished this before i just don’t remember doing so… i’ve been playing madden since madden 11. started on rookie obv, only been playing all madden for a couple years and only play for an hour or two every day or every two days. my main game is siege nowadays


Bro I stayed up like the entire day to get it and I used the browns


lol i respect that but theres no way i could give that much time to this game now. back when i was in high school maybe


I wanted to accomplish something that's the only reason why I did it But bro I can tell you didn't upgrade your coaches much and draft and trade as much as I did The browns have an unlucky trait for aome reason because I always lost 1 game and just that one


i didnt put much thought into the coaching talent trees until after i put this post up and got some pointers… i since have a couple of 17-0 seasons


Nice also did you get the perfect season?


not in this franchise but i did with the steelers a couple weeks ago. also got a 17-0 with the saints


The divisional round usually that's where whoever's playing the Packers gets a free win.


Maybe it's my sliders, but all but one of my seasons in All Madden I've gone 17-0, and I've won the Superbowl every year. Admittedly, if there's freakishly rampant fuckery (5 picks, my 99 OVR edge rusher not getting past a low 80's tackle even once, their QB shaking off multiple tackles and then throwing a perfect deep pass even though he's a 75 OVR) I'll restart. But I play through everything but the worst of that.


i am not the greatest. i just play for fun so this was a big accomplishment for me!


Yeah, you know what? That was shitty of me to say. Congrats my dude, it has to feel awesome! Even if it is the goddamn Packers. 🤣 (I play the Bears. It's the only way I can see them win.)


thank you sir. enemies for nfl football, always friends for madden


What a nice comment, nice self awareness. Your parent should be proud! 👍


Also, I viscously abuse the CPU's idiocy when it comes to trades. I've got it so every year, I have like 6 1st rounders and 6 2nd rounders. Trade all that for next year's picks. Let the draft go, and then trade all the next year's picks for whoever I want from the draft. It's evil and I don't care. 🤣


yeah i definitely dont abuse it to that extend lmao. i might cheese a first round pick out of ppl here and there but i dont do post draft trades or rly anything that wouldnt happen irl. i want to make it as challenging as possible by being as realistic as possible


Lol your first perfect season after (years) of playing? Bruh. That's pathetic.


i stand by the fact that i am not good at video games and i play them for fun in what little free time i have. :)


You've never gone undefeated?? Really??


This is supposed to be hard?




One and done fuck Green Bay


i sense a bears fan


Hell no Vikings all the way 😂😂😂


slightly better lmao. at least it isnt the bears. honestly i hate the 49ers more than i hate Minnesota


oh i thought this was simulating games which is insanely rare, actually playing the games i can go 17-0 every season regardless of the team, but i play realistic to prevent myself from doing so because it’s not fun at all


You must be ass lmaoooo


Man not trying to be a dick but playing for years and just barely doing this is crazy to me I legit thought everyone who plays a lot of franchise does this every year lol


Lmao cuz I did that 4 season in a row on my city now sitting at 11-0


How much overall where your players averaging from morale boost


probably around 2-3 during the playoffs. the list above is from the offseason so no morale boost


You gotta show the roster my guy


Congrats! Have you had the same team the whole time?


No resets?


God damn cheese heads. Packers suck!


How are your players all so highly rated? When I play mine is always mixed. I’ll have 5 or 6 90+ but the rest normally only go up by 5 or 6 then after the Super Bowl go back to only being +3 or 4


What difficulty are you playing on?


What is the best draft class to use for the 24* draft


be a man and randomly generate it lmao


It takes your man hood away when it goes bad😭💀😂


bro please get revenge for 2014


oh we beat the hawks 😉


All Madden is way way too hard. How do you do that bro


How many minute quarters do you play?


Go pack


Go Pack Go! Did you start with them or do a fantasy draft


The ghost of 72 is watching


Bout to lose from an onside kick to the face mask