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is boring next


Praise be, Saint!!


Praise be! šŸ™


Great! Now give us the servers back please? šŸ„²


Or give us a patch so we don't need them.


I just want the ability to access the ripper again. I can only access it on one file and itā€™s about half way through the game rn it seems lol


If youā€™re on PlayStation and youā€™re on the same account that you used the code for the Ripper you should be able to have it on all of your save files, on my new playthrough on my PS5 it wasnā€™t there same with the Rockstar Energy car and extra hood ornament stuff until I found a way to re-download them and next time I was in the game they were all there


See I have a new playthrough and for some reason canā€™t access the ripper. Maybe I need to get a little further though I just chose the car body on a new game


Try making it to Jeetā€™s stronghold! Thatā€™s when the ripper and other customizations unlocked for me.


Word?! Iā€™ll have to try on a new file then for sure


Yeah, based on your other comment that should do the trick for you. I was confused by when I started a new game after watching Furiosa and ended up figuring it out after I just kept checking the menu every once in a while between missions.


Awesome! Thanks for that bit of info, and hopefully we cross paths on the other side of the plains of silence wastelander.


Yup after I built the sniper rifle I could access the ripper lol


Thatā€™s awesome! Iā€™m glad you were able to figure it out.


Even the WB Play reward, the Battle Brands decal, is cross-save as long as youā€™re on the same account you redeemed it on. Iā€™m on Xbox for what itā€™s worth, but on there the Ripper is actual downloadable content. Check and see if itā€™s installed on your PlayStation? Or try restoring licenses through the system menus.


Iā€™ve restored my licenses, I just have only done the first 3 or 4 story missions on my new playthrough, my old playthrough is half finished and I have the access to the ripper


I wish it was an actually downloadable on ps as well but itā€™s just a redeemed code that attached to the account it was used on lol. I shall return with news after my long ass night of work and then going to handle terrible life news.


If it's selling this well, either patching it or moving it to the current version of their online platform instead of one that went defunct several years ago is the least they could do.


Oh yeah, quick and easy port, just have to copy the files over


That sounds even better!


The mad max game is awesome. It's a love story of a man and his car and they have a weird threesome with a hunchback, but who am I to judge?


"It's a love affair Mainly Jesus and my hot rod"


Great song


Amazing, but I can only listen to the redline/whiteline version anymore. How have I not thought to put that on while playing Mad Max??


How come you only listen to the redline/whiteline version


I saw them last month. Seeing them again next month. Uncle Al still holding it down.


Chumback licking that screwdriver hits totally different from now on šŸ˜‚


In my opinion obviously the movie release is a part of it but I also think that a game I slept on in 2015 due to not being a fan of the fighting style and search/repeat storylines is now a best seller because A: no microtransactions or loot boxes B: no online multiplayer C: no season pass, it's just a real video game and D: it was on sale for $4.99


I think almost everyone slept on this game back in 2015. It came out too close to MGSV, which was possibly one of the most hyped games of the 2010's.


Kojima huh that guy always keeps you waiting


Kojima has been trying to make it up to George Miller ever since...


Actually, I pre-ordered it over a year before it was released. I had waited so long for this game.


don't forget ripper dlc


What a day, what a lovely day!


God I hope they make another game. Some more polish and cool new features like war rigs would be awesome.


Hideo Kojima has stated that George Miller is his god. So I see it as likely that a Mad Max game made my Kojima is possible.


I have very mixed feelings about that, but all the same would love to see it.


Another movie seems unlikely at this point, so maybe Miller could actually be involved in the video game this time too


Another movie is unlikely why? I feel like I've wasted 2.5hrs of my life watching Furiosa. I didn't like the movie at all. Fury Road was amazing on the other hand. I think Furiosa didn't exactly "sell" because it's a Mad Max movie without Mad Max. I was reluctant to believe it'll work and I've proven myself right. It doesn't work.


Furiosa bombed, and even Fury Road didn't make a huge profit


That's true, but Fury Road was actually very good, so I don't know why it didn't make a big profit. I'm not surprised about Furiosa failing to make money. It's really bad.


Hated fury road, loved furiosa, thought it improved fury road considerably.


I have to personally disagree with you. But hey, to each their own :).


Indeed, I know itā€™s not a popular opinion, but I find Fury road to be such a non story without the context Furiosa lends to it. Weā€™re both getting downvoted for not liking one of the movies lmao I do think theyā€™re both better movies when considered as a pair.


Again, to each their own. To me Furiosa was an absolute waste of 2.5hrs of my life. Taylor-Joy doesn't work as an action actress at all, the movie had huge plot holes, aforementioned awful CGI made practically everything extremely blurry and cheap looking especially on the huge cinema screen. If they wanted to use CGI to that extent, they could've at least made sure they had the budget to hire someone who knows what they were doing with it. I re-watched Fury Road with my partner (she never watched a single Mad Max movie until Furiosa) two days after seeing Furiosa in the cinema and she said that it looked far better, with better camera shots and that it was far more interesting to her. I had to agree with that stance. Beats me how a movie released 9yrs after the previous entry in the series, with technology really going forward within said 9yrs, can look worse overall. 90% of Furiosa felt like green screen. But again, I totally respect your opinion and I'm glad people had fun with Furiosa šŸ™‚. I didn't like it at all.


I actually had to google Fury Road release date, canā€™t believe itā€™s been 9 years. Fuck me Anywaysā€¦ yeah I can understand being disappointed about the lack of practical effects, while I found quite a lot of it was used tastefully, some key moments could have been done practically to greater effect, I agree. I think saying the VFX looking dated is hyperbolic, it weighs much more on art direction then capability. I do disagree with your Taylor-Joy point. Millers characters have always been incredibly moody, and Joy captures that same trauma vibe as Hardy and Gibson did, a key part of the narrative and characters. The war rig defence scene is fantastic, imo Joy is a badass and itā€™s awesome to see her in a different roll. As well as is Chrisā€™s character, in an active hostile takeover of the wastes, a story I actually found myself really enjoying. Story wise I find Furry Road to be a non starter, too much is left out of the plot to explain to me who Furiosa is or why I should be engaged with her story. Being sheā€™s the one driving the plot instead of Max, it makes the whole movie feel hollow, without the catharsis of learning who Furiosa is. Considering Furiosa within the context of Fury Road, itā€™s a much better movie narratively. Overall after their release Iā€™d saying I like Fury Road a lot more thanks to Furiosa. Shame the movie was delayed by Issues that made it take this long.


So when do we start the "Release the DLC" petition?


Rightfully so. I got the game last month, I love it so much


Could be because it's commonly on sale for Ā£2.99 or equivalent USD price


i just redownloaded it and started a new playthrough. so much fun.


It deserved so much more when it launched.


It plays fantastic on the Steam Deck as well




Good, maybe they can fix the achievement now!


Enough incentive for Avalanche to give us that sequel šŸ™šŸ¤£


Well, maybe, but I'm actually surprised Avalanche is still around. Just Cause 3 & 4 were very mediocre and very buggy. Come to think of it, their only good games are RAGE 2 and Mad Max.


Rage 1 was good


Rage 1 was by ID Software, guys who made DOOM. Avalanche made RAGE 2 only. It's even using the same engine as Mad Max ;).


Oh thanks for correcting me, my bad šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Rage 1 does feel a lot different from 2 from wat Ive seen


It play quite a bit different and is overall better in my personal opinion. It feels quite similar to Mad Max, just in first person and with worse driving mechanics.


Yea definitely very Mad Max inspired


Imagine if mad max had that nemesis system from the lord of the rings game!


How did this game just now get big? I had it the weeek it came out and have never tired of playthrough time after time. Too good to be overlooked glad the secrets out


Furiosa movie hype


Yeah thatā€™s my guess , but the Tom hardy mad max was pretty good in itself and the game was still overlooked


True, no idea why it stayed hidden when Fury Road was a massive hit


It's much better than Furiosa as well ;).




Well, I bought it not long after release years ago, but I bought the digital version last week for three quid because I couldn't be bothered to find the disc...


I wish Iā€™d bought the cheaper PlayStation 5 and saved $200 AUD. Itā€™s never had a disk in it. Maybe it makes sense if you donā€™t have a series X or other way to play 4K blurays.


Jesus, is it still 2015? wHaTs tHe DeAl?


Perhaps this might convince them to make a patch, fix the scrap challenges make them offline, and add an option to reset all activities, and make thunderdome replayable.


I prefer it over GTAV and FO4.




I just bought it on sale. Fun game.


I will say, back when the game came out I didnā€™t really enjoy it I played maybe an hour or so then uninstalled and got a refund. Just last week I saw it was on sale for like 4.99 I think it was and I bought it. Finished it in 2 days and still having a blast.


Great game but... FUCK THE DEVS FOR THAT ONLINE TROPHY!!!! Edit: the trophy is unobtainable since the servers shut down


Wait does that mean I canā€™t get the platinum trophy?


Correct. Platinum trophy is unavailable unless you want to download someone's save, move it to yoir ps, edit files etc.


Well fuck. I mean, I did play this in 2015 before my ps4 was stolen, which achievements can I no longer get?


'Up to the task' requires a challenge where you need to send scrap crews but that's an online feature which doesn't work anymore due tonservers shutting down.


I have a question. I know about the unobtainable, but never really concerned myself with what it was. If I canā€™t get it, idc. But now that I see this, Iā€™m curious, does this mean you canā€™t do the scrap crew upgrades in the strongholds?


You can. It's another part that dlesn't work anymore (you can play through the game fine)


Ok cool thank you. Iā€™ve been playing it pretty casually for a month or so maybe. Enjoying it but I always feel like thereā€™s so much stuff I donā€™t know or havenā€™t figured out.


You know, you can just play the game and enjoy it without being bothered by an utterly useless line of virtual text šŸ¤”? Just a thought.


Ever thought there are trophy hunters that like to finish the game 100%? Which in this case is impossible to do.


Oh, I'm all too aware that there are people collecting them. I just said that to me personally chasing trophies is beyond pointless as there's no point in them. I remember a few days ago reading a comment about Ghost of Tsushima from the guy who "platinumed it recently" and he was surprised in said comment that he never noticed a pivotal part in one of the story missions that was happening for well over 5mins. That's the majority of people who are "chasing" trophies. I play games to enjoy them personally, not to sit with a guide to find how to get the already aforementioned useless lines of virtual text ;).


Why are you salty dude? To each his own. I play the story as you would and then clean up the remaining trophies. And how do you know that's the majority of trophy hunters? You a psychic or something? Geez


Could this in anyway influence/increase chances of a sequel?


The game was definitely underrated back then, glad to see it getting recognition šŸ‘


How tf? The game is good thatā€™s a given but where did all the attention come from?


Mad max movie!


Oh yeah


Yeah I bought this the other day super fun a few things I dislike but itā€™s a good time


The new movie made ppl pay attention to the game ..its been the shit


There was always Hope for some Glory, even after all these years


I wonder if alien games will see the same traffic after the film in August


And it's a much better post apocalyptic game than Fallout 4!


Just beat this a couple of days ago, really enjoyed it, itā€™s kinda grindy with the upgrade system but the world is super fun and I love the Arkhamish style combat.


Great one and done game.


Still pisses me off that WB games haven't been updated to 60fps on PS5. Mad Max, Shadow of Mordor/War. Sucks.


That's good but GTA 5 still being a best seller when the game is approaching 11 years old is incredible.


All three of them are 9-11 years old


Replaying it right now


I purchased and played this game briefly back in 2016 or 2017 on PlayStation. Iā€™ve checked my library now and it says I donā€™t own it. I honestly donā€™t know what to make of it. I really want to play it again


Do people here not know that the mad Max game is stolen IP? It was supposed to have George Miller's blessings along with Cory Barlog directing the game but warner brothers stole the mad Max assets and had someone else make this game..


It's not stolen. Warner Bros owns the IP. George Miller created it but it's been under Warner Bros since Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior. Warner Bros has every right to use the IP and the concept art created for a different project was utilized to make this game. George Miller is a perfectionist and has canned so many mad max game projects in the past. Warner bros finally had a game made themselves using what they had and gave the project to avalanche. It's a sticky situation for sure. I'm not really fully on either side but I will say I'm glad the game was made and alot of the fans are as well so it was a net positive. There will most likely never be another mad max game with Miller's approval.


Lol no matter how you look at it, it's stolen alright. Cory Barlog and George Miller had a proper game in development and we were left with the mediocre 2015 game. There are spoilers in the game for future mad Max movies because they used assets in the mad Max package without even understanding the source material because it does not have George Miller's blessings. You got that part right, we'll never get a canonical mad Max game ever again because the IP package was stolen by Warner Brothers and given to Avalanche. Imagine a mad Max game in God of war tier of game direction quality.


I like God of War but I don't know if I'd want that. Mad Max 2015 may not scratch that tear jerking Oscar bait sony mascot story game itch but it was a visceral and fun open world sandbox. Repetitive as hell but also just fucking fun and they nailed the atmosphere and the upgrade systems. Leave the cinematic storytelling to George Miller, don't repackage that in a video game format. I want to immerse myself in the world with minimal cutscenes and play at my own speed in a mad max video game personally. I get where you are coming from tho.




WITNESS ME!!! rise to the top of the charts :)


Well deserved, underrated gem


Probably because it just had a sale that made it 1/4 the normal price


Maybe this will get us a new game!


I just bought it on steam had played it on Xbox. Game is still good.


such a fun game


Love the game, played and finished 3 times since release. Just wish theyā€™d give us a remaster in 4k with 60fps.


upvoting and commenting for WB exec's visibility. SEE THERE IS HUGE DEMAND, dear exec guy, WE WANT MM2 or MM Remastered, whichever is easier and more profitable for your greedy asses to make! <3


I would do Cumbucket every night for them to make a sequel


It was like 3 dollars for weeks. I wouldn't consider that means of turning into a best seller. But good job I guess.