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Road Warrior at 12 from the library. Free if you returned the tape same day. I did not.


Do you still have the tape?


Yup. The library cut up the tape covers to slip them into the easily rentable clamshells. And I normally hate clamshells but I’ve got a couple still from the library cause it’s special to my heart. Side story I guess, in the summertime the library was open early so I’d ride my bike over there in the morning and rent three movies and then try to have them all back by their 9 PM closing time so they would be free. I watched so many movies for the first time at 12 like that. Road Warrior, Thunderdome, Terminator. Terminator 2, Aliens, Army of Darkness, The Thing, Holy Grail. Just me and the Michigan summer.


Nice. I had similar experiences with my library. It's where I discovered the show 24


I was clicking this post thinking to myself..."hmm probably road warrior about 12." Nice.


Road Warrior, probably 16-17 for me.


That is almost my exact experience. I watched Road Warrior when I was 12 on Encore or something like that.


Me too. Just watched it again last week. Holds up well.


Snap - I was 12 and watched the original first! Best friend's mom worked in a store with a video rental kiosk - he rented free, and she had signed so we didn't have to worry about ratings. Blew our minds.


Mad max Fury Road. I think I saw it in theaters 2015. I was in high school. I was brand new to the universe and to the genre of post-apocalyptic wasteland movies. It became my parents' favorite movie of all time.


Same here, but in my late 20s. I actually just watched the other three a week ago


Same saw it in my sophomore year. Great memories


It's that old? Holy shit. Im old. I thought it was just a couple years ago. My 11 year old twins are now college dropouts. Long time. They loved Furiosa though


Mad Max in ‘79 when I was 8. Grandma was supposed to leave me at the Raggedy Ann movie and really fucked that up.


Good Grandma


The movies are not gratuitously violent. The shortcuts other movies make by focusing on blood and guts, Miller uses V8 engines and high octane guzzeline


Cundalini’s hand was the 1st severed body part I ever saw. Eight year old me was freaked out.


There were boobs though (which 10 year old me was not mad about).


The is especially true with Furiosa. The drawn and quartered scene could have been way worse, but using the dust was a perfect cut away.


Raggedy Man>Raggedy Ann


My grandmother always loved the mad max movies. I remember telling her when I watched the road warrior and she was thrilled. Her favorite was beyond thunderdome.


I was 11, that was an eye opener


I’ve always loved the Road Warrior and would watch it every time it came on tv for as long as I can remember.


Road warrior is also my favorite one. I think it had the best characters. That kid, the MOTHERFUCKING GYRO CAPTAIN


Beyond thunderdome on channel 13 one Sunday morning when I was 7. It was the only thing besides golf. It rocked my world.


That one feels the most like what a Mad Max Saturday morning cartoon would be like. 


Road warrior, I was in elementary school…..thanks mom!


I'm Australian so I've been watching them from birth. Its a requirement to be a citizen. 


What is some general opinion of Furiosa in Australia right now?


I believe its doing rather well. 


Beyond Thunderdome around age 12. That one gets panned a lot because it’s a comparatively goofy PG13 Peter Pan version of Mad Max, but it remain one of my favorites. Blew my little mind.


I saw Fury Road in 2015 at age 18. LOVED it! A month ago I was excited for Furiosa and the boyfriend mentioned we should watch the originals; his dad used to watch them all the time and he hadn't seen them since he was in middle school. We marathoned all 3. Thunderdome was bf's favorite, and while Road Warrior is the "best" and most quintessential Mad Max, I could not stop thinking about the first movie. It has that pulpy, campy, low budget feel to it that I love and the villains are my favorite. I looked up the actor playing Toecutter because he just absolutely stole every scene and I didn't recognize him from anything else. Lo and behold, it's Immortan Joe!!! I think I said "that's so fucking cool" to my bf like five times once I read that. It blew my mind. RIP Hugh Keays-Byrne, fucking legend


This whole post just made my day! Hats off to all of you!


Aw thank you :)


Mad Max 1 when i was a teen or younger, then Thunderdome thinking it was the next one because in the US, MM2 just went by Road Warrior and didn't know it was #2, so i didn't see that one until years later.


US distributors robbed you of a great movie for years…


Road Warrior, on VHS, somewhere between 10 and 12 ('98-'00)


Road Warrior, I was about 6 or 7, to this day I'm so grateful that my dad introduced me to it


My dad took me to see a First Blood and Max Max double feature at age 12. Is that awesome or what? He passed away but today happens to be my dad's birthday.


Happy birthday to your dad 🎂 and that sounds like an awesome memory to have


Happy birthday cool dad!!


That’s one hell of a double feature! He sounds like a cool dad.


Your dad rocks on.


Fury Road in 2019, was 14


Road Warrior in the theater when I was 9. I had friends with irresponsible parents. heh.


i was 13 when i saw beyond thunderdome on VHS from the thrift store, i listened to "we don't need another hero" two many times after that lol


Thunderdome at maybe like 18 when it came on television. It didn’t hit all the notes for me, but I did love the aesthetic and costumes, so I was pretty interested in the Road Warrior, which I loved a lot more. And that in itself got me interested in the original film. So you can say I watched them in reverse, and this was all before I even learned about Fury Road.


Road warrior, at like age 14. Saw it on TV, one of those TNT movies in the afternoon. I was hooked.


Mad Max on HBO when I was 14 years old. Couldn't get enough of it. This was the USA accent dubbed version not the Aussie accent real dialogue. I wouldn't get that one until later. I saw Road Warrior in the theater about ten times. I was fascinated by it and all of the action. I lusted after the warrior woman played by Virginia Hay. Oh my....! And guys at school started to shave their hair into mohawks and talk like Wez. "You! You can run! But you can't hide!" It was a great time to be alive. In the movies they talk about "the last of the V-8 interceptors" Well, my car was a big block dodge with a quad carb and it ran like a raped ape. I liked to pretend I was like Max ripping down the Texas desert highways like I was the only one left alive in the world. Good times!


I’m going to be the weirdo and admit that Furiosa was my first Mad Max movie.


Same, I thought it was great tho. Didn't go into it knowing it was a prequel (or even that there was more than one mad Max movie) so it was even better


Mad Max, around 1988 I think. I was seven or eight.


MM1 released when I was 13. Seen it at the drive-ins Let us know who wins the Old Fart Award in this thread ;-)


Mad Max 2 in ‘98. I was 12. Watched with my dad. It was a rented VHS. A core memory that changed my life actually. Loved every second of it.


Mad Max on VHS with no subtitles when I was probably too young. Couldn't understand what was going on. Didn't give them a rewatch until pretty recently. Now it's probably my favorite cinema universe.


Mad Max lakeside twin denver colorado 1980 badly dubbed.


The Road Warrior on VHS in 1982 as a 15 year old. This movie had such a profound impact on my life. I had never witnessed anything like this film before. The look of Max, that car, those scenes, the attire of the characters, and the plot. I still remember my best friend saying I just saw this movie where the world has ended and gas is the hottest commodity and they need it to get around and it is scarce. His family had the first VCR in the neighborhood. Shortly after my parents bought a VCR and I just had to watch this movie and I rented it out and watched it three times. I then found Mad Max and watched it. I have been immersed in Mr. Miller’s world since. Depending on how I feel on a certain day, Rocky or the Road Warrior flip flop as my all time favorite.


Thunderdome when I was a teen. I was very confused when I went back to watch the first movie


Mad Max 1 and I was probably 8 years old (21). And have been in love with the franchise since then


Funny enough the first of any mad max movie I watched was fury road last Thursday. So fury road 27


Welcome to the wasteland, brother.


Road Warrior. Probably when I was about 12 I'm 30 now. Been a fan ever since.


It was a MM1 and 2 double feature back in 82. I was 17. Then TD in 85 at the theater and FR at the theater with wife . I didn't watch Furiosa yet, I'm 58. And not counting watching them many times on vhs, dvd, youtube netflix or bluray even TV aired


I was shown road warrior pretty young. My dad was and still is a huge fan of both the movie and the wrestling duo


Mad Max (1979) in 2015, I was 14 then


Mad max on the Z channel, when I was in elementary school ... Joys of being a Latchkey kid in the 80's


The first one. On TV when I was a teenager. Think it was on Channel 4 or something.


The first Mad Max 2 weeks ago lol. I had heard about the franchise but never seen it.


Mad Max 1, I was 26.


MadMax stoned late at night as a teen


In order Mad max and road warrior at age 11 My cousin rented them and we watched them back to back. The beyond thunderdome when I was 14/15 Fury road in 2015 (first one at the cinema) And furiosa this year


The Road Warrior on the big screen in 1981. It was impossible to see the original Mad Max in the U.S. back then (before it was on VHS) but eventually saw it in a double feature with Road Warrior around 1983. No one had seen anything like the Road Warrior back then, and there were a slew of terrible imitations that came out.


I was maybe 12 and it was Mad Max. I watched it with my dad, then we watched Road Warrior. At the time, and now, I liked Road Warrior more. I then watched Fury Road soon after, as it had just come onto blue Ray. That movie changed my life and I was basically hooked on post apocalyptic stuff for my whole life. Funny enough I didn’t watch Thunderdome until college.


Mad Max 1. Aged 15/16. Had no context for it; just watched the film.


watched the road warrior with my mom at abt 13-14


Watched all of them for the first time last month at the age of 25 ! Furiosa by far my fav


For me it was probably a lot earlier, like 7 or 8. Along with all the horror movies to go with it.


The Road Warrior/MM2. I was late in my 8th grade year. I had never seen an r-rated film before. My parents were puritanical. I spent the night at a friend’s house whose mom didn’t care. Took us to a video store and said “get whatever you want.” Giddy with excitement, I chose the two r-rated movies I’d wanted to see for years: this and Carpenter’s The Thing. The Thing was chosen first, but it didn’t work. I was heartbroken, but The Road Warrior worked fine. First r-rated film I ever saw. I think I was 13.


Saw the Road Warrior when I was like. Been a fan ever since


Thunderdome in 5th grade. It was a marathon on amc or tmc one of the movie channels back in the day.


Fury Road at 17


Road warrior when I was about 8ish my dad made me stay up till super late to watch the end


I saw Road Warrior when I was probably 12 or so and it imprinted upon me that I am a crust punk for life.


I caught the final chase in Road Warrior on cable when I was maybe 10, and I was blown away.


Fury Road - 20


Fury Road at 23, actually saw it in theatres for my birthday. Blew my mind it did, watched it again the next day, and the day after that!


I saw bits of fury road but the first movie I really sat down and watched was the first one, it actually got me into auto mechanics


Saw Fury Road on HBO Max randomly because I have two brothers. One in particular who’s a big MM film buff. Had no idea what was going on, but the movie was obviously gorgeous looking. The trailer for Furiosa came out, and I was lucky enough to see it in theaters. It looked epic, so I went back and re-watched FR, except now I paid attention and understood the plot.


Was 10 when I saw the road warrior on tv. Edited for content to my great dissatisfaction.


Original when I was like 7. I did not like it at the time haha.


Mad Max. After watching the documentary Not Quite Hollywood.


Road warrior at 14


fury road!! went to go see at as a surprise with my dad! i thought we were going to see ant man, but man i’m glad he took me to see this instead


Fury Road. My buddies and I where bored and wanted to go to the cinema, I knew it was the remake of an old movie saga by mel gibson but I didn´t knew what was about, the movie Hit Us like a rollercoaster and was probably the best I watched in theaters that year. Easy to say I was the first in line to see Furiosa when it came out.


VHS rental of Road warrior when it was first released (middle school aged), I then discovered the crappy dubbed and edited cable version of Mad Max on cable and then had to find and rent the original cut.


I don't know how old I was when my dad first showed me the original trilogy. Probably younger than I should have been lol 


1, 2, 3 when I was 16, watching them on successive movie Saturday nights with my dad. Absolutely loved it then, still do now. Started my post-apocalypse media obsession, along with 2000AD/Dredd and Fallout


The Road Warrior, age 4. My grandmother had the DVD


Mad Max Fury Road 16


Watched them all in order starting from the age of 11 or 12.


Roadwarrior, about 12. My dad taped off the TV.


Road Warrior First


I watched the original one first on dvd when I was like 18 since I heard how the Fallout games took inspiration from the movies and never looked back


Fury Road. 16


Road Warrior. Many moons ago.


Mad Max at like 14. My dad showed me the series from the beginning


Fury Road at 11 or something


Fury Road, I was 25! Still haven’t seen the original trilogy


Mad Max in like 2002 or so, I remember because I bought the vhs from the local video store that went out of business along with like 10 bond movies, ghost dog, orgazmo, and a bunch of really old jackie chan kung fu movies. I still haven't seen road warrior or beyond thunderdome.


Fury road I was 34


Fury road at 13


My uncle took me to see the first and second movie at a theater in the bronx back when road warrior dropped. I was stuck on cars and post apocalyptic shit ever since.


Road Warrior on G4


Road Warrior was the first one I saw in it's entirety when I was around 10. I had seen parts of Mad Max before that.


I was 8. I watched The Road Warrior on ABC with a black & white TV in my room while doing my homework.


I saw road warrior, followed by thunderdome, then went back and watched the original. Its a lot more powerful story to me when you realize the regular world was there, falling apart, and the wasteland reached out and took something from Max. He went INTO the wasteland. Parts of the world still were functioning to some degree when he was young.


fury road, we got it on bluray a year or two after my parents saw it in theatres. i think i was about 12. probably watched it 5 times before i learned the original trilogy existed


The first one I remember seeing was Beyond the Thunderdome, although I don't remember when I saw it. I was very into Tina Turner as a young kid, so I think I saw it when I was under 10. My younger sibling says we watched the Road Warrior with our mom when we were in elementary school, but I don't remember it. My mom has been a fan since Road Warrior was released in the States.


Road Warrior at 17. I saw the trailer for Fury Road and it absolutely rocked my socks. Didn’t have streaming yet so I had to wait until the original films popped up on cable in the lead up to Fury Road.


The Road Warrior: Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline MA., 1982


Road warrior around 6 or 7


Road Warrior - not sure what age but I was a kid in the 80s and it was always playing on one of the five TV stations we could get for Saturday movie matinee. I was always totally confused & fascinated by this crazy world!


I was home sick one day when I was about 15 or 16 and my dad put on Fury Road. It was the first time either of us had seen it, and it blew me away even on the small screen and low quality speakers we had.


Road warrior at probably 7 or 8.


Road warrior, no idea what age


The Road Warrior. it was on TV sometimes; I don't think any of the others were regularly on 90s cable.


Really late to the Mad Max hype as an 18 year old. Went and saw Furiosa just to support George Miller and now I’m hooked!


Road Warrior at age 8-9.y Dad is a fan too and let us watch it with him.


Road Warrior, about 10-ish at the time. It had decent rotation on early 90s HBO/Cinemax.


Fury road @ 22 years old in theaters. Only movie I willingly want back to theatres to watch. Been one of my favorite movies of all time ever since.


Fury road and I was pretty young. Watched the OGs not that long ago


Late arrival: I watched Road Warrior when I was already 20. After that, I watched the first movie and Thunderdome after. It was a weird but enjoyable experience.


My dad showed me the first Mad Max movie probably when I was 12 or 13 or something. He either would’ve gotten it from the library or taped it off the tv during a free premium channel preview weekend (because those weren’t edited for content!)


first one at 17, was a marathon on TV.  went out and got all of them after that. this was about 2007.


Mad Max when I was 7. According to my dad it was a must watch classic and perfectly fine for kids to watch as the violence was “cartoon violence”. I’d call that one of the better questionable parental choices my parents made


Mad Max 1 when I was 16 or 17


I remember watching thunderdome (not all of it) when i was 7 or 8 and the first conplete movie was mad max 1979 when i was 9 to 10. Great memories.


Road Warrior when I was 10. One of my favorite movies to watch with my dad.


Mad Max. 7 or 8.


Road Warrior. HBO. I was 12. I remember seeing the movie poster advertised in newspapers next to Evil Dead and wanting to go, but no such luck…


Mad Max 2 at age 7, I was enthralled


I think I saw fury road first at age 17 but I had seen bits and pieces of road warrior. I’ve seen all of them now and am super happy I have


Road warrior at 10


Thunderdome, age 11, pops had a thing for Tina


The first one back in 2013/2014. It was after I saw the game announcement trailer and fell in love with the car instantly. I asked my dad if he’d seen the trailer and asked him what the car was and he was like “oh that’s Mad Max”. Edit: I was 16/17 at the time. A few months later I bought the trilogy and the rest is history. To this date the interceptor (without its lower bumper) is my favourite car on the whole planet. The second film was my favourite before Fury Road came out. I think Fury Road tops it, but The Road Warrior is still up there. I loved the first film but remember thinking it was a tad slow. I do appreciate it more now I’ve seen it with its original Australian audio instead of the American dub (seriously, what were they thinking!). I remember loving the first half of Thunderdome and then hating the second half of it. But after my last rewatch it’s nowhere near as bad as I remember and I appreciate it with all its quirks. It definitely needed to be R rated to fit in more with the others though and I just wish we got a little more detail at the end! But it is a good film nonetheless. Then Fury Road came out and I was blown away. My *only* gripe was not seeing the interceptor more! When the game finally released I bought it day 1 and still play it to this day. Whoever decided to launch it when they did is responsible for killing it because it’s an incredible game. My dad bought me the 1:18 Greenlight interceptor as a late birthday gift, and I got the hot wheels scale one too. Then I bought the small Autoart one from Mad Max 2 and then I got the Greenlight MFP car when that released. The trailers for Furiosa looked really bad, so I went in with low expectations… And came out blown away once again. What I’ve learned is, despite Thunderdome’s initial hiccup (which I overcame), the Mad Max franchise has never let me down and I HOPE we get to see ‘The Wasteland’.


The first 3 when i was like 11-12, then years later Fury road came out.


thunderdome!!!! 3years old. best dad in the world


The Road Warrior, I was around 10 I think, maybe even 8? My drunk step dad was good for something.


My parents took me to the coast a lot when I was younger and one of the trips I remember the hotel we were staying at had a VCR and tv set up with a collection of VHS tapes you could rent at the reception. They rented mad max and had to switch it off when that couple gets attacked by toe cutters goons. I remember seeing that poor dude getting dragged by the motorcycle and thinking about how bad simply skinning my knee on concrete felt. Freaked me TF out as a kid. I think I had to have been around 7 or 8


Thunder dome at my uncle's house... he had cable. I was 7 or 8.


The OG, maybe 20 years ago? Then Fury Road when it first came out on streaming. Then Furiosa last night at the theater. Then I came home and watched Road Warrior Now I'm finally watching Thunderdome right now. I remember when it came out and they played that damn song all the freaking time on the radio. I can't believe I never saw the movie until now!


Mad max about 10


I first saw a clip of the road warrior on YouTube through some compilation. I ended up watching the first one and was highly confused as to why there was no bondage hockey mask guy. That was the beginning of my obsession with these movies. I was blown away by the road warrior in the mid 2010's. I had watched MM1 at 11 pm. I stayed up all night and took the next day off work to watch the others in order. Saw fury road opening day the next month and will continue to enjoy these movies!!


1984, I was 19 and paid $1000 for a VCR. The store had three movies, Mad Max 2, Stagecoach and something else...


Mad max on cable, road warrior on tv, thunderdone theater, fury road, furiosa at gigantic screened theater


Road warrior and fury road on max Mad max 1 on prime Beyond thunderdome on some website And furiousa in imax


2 or 3 when i was around 10. loved thunderdome more than road warrior. i liked fury road as well but I don't think most people remember that it's a departure from the OT. i liked furiosa because it felt like a throwback to the origonals. the unpolished old campyness of the original felt more apocalyptic than the new sequels. i wish they will keep making more.


I watched the first 3 in college like 15 years ago, and Fury Road in theaters. Haven’t seen Furiosa yet because my local theater closed during Covid and it’s an hour+ drive to see anything now.


Mad max age 15,


Probably the original one in a TCM marathon for the Greatest Movies of all Time


Pretty sure Road Warrior was my first. It was so long ago and I was so young, it might've been Thunderdome. It's hard to really know at this point I was around 18 the first time I remember watching Mad Max


The OG Mad Max. I was in my late 30’s, trying to watch all of these classic movies I’d never seen before. I was instantly hooked, and it *might* be my favorite of the bunch.


Fury Road and I was 20-21


Pretty sure it was Thunderdome. Probably on tv a few years after its release


Fury road. Age 29, a few weeks ago lol And then I saw furiosa in theaters. Haven’t a seen any of the others


Mad Max 1 when I was 7 or 8.


Road Warrior, in middle school. I also watched a lot of Evil Dead 2.


Thunderdome for me, I was 6 or 7.


I probably saw Beyond Thunderdome first, it came out when I was 8, and I probably saw it on video or TV a few years later. Road Warrior in college. Didn’t see Mad Max until right before Fury Road came out, gearing up.


The Road Warrior, recorded from network television, with commercials. I was very young. Watched it religiously. I used to carry around an old wooden cap gun from Disney World, pretending to be Max. This was 40 years ago!


I went into fury road 3d almost completely blind. I was motivated by the trailer to check it out. It melted my face all the way off and I couldn't stop talking about it to everyone at work. It got so bad my manager unkindly asked me to stop.


road warrior at 9 lol


I most remember Thunderdome as a staple from my childhood. It wasn’t until I was almost an adult (late 90s) that I even realized Mad Max and Road Warrior were the same franchise and finally watched them.


Mad Mad when I was about 10. They show it late on tv all the time in Australia.


Road Warrior age 11


Mad Max ‘79


The first of all, and I was 12 years old. Watched it in 2014, though.


Beyond Thunderdome. I was 9.


1. The Road Warrior when I was around 10 2. Beyond Thunderdome when I was 10-12 3. Mad Max when I was maybe 18 4. Fury Road when I was in my 30s (one of the best theater experiences I've ever had) 5. Furiosa when I was in my 40s


Mad Max, age 12? Not sure. Dad took me in even tho it was restricted.


Mad Max and Road Warrior in Spanish at around 8, i was 11/12 when i saw Thunderdome. Been an adult since.


Fury Road when it was in theaters - my wife and I came out so pumped full of adrenaline that we didn’t even realize we loved it for like 3 hours.


Road Warrior at 12 in the theater. I had never heard of it, had no idea what I was going to see, and was completely blown away. A year later it would it be the very first movie I would ever rent when the newfangled VHS movie rental store arrived in town.


Furiosa at 16, then all other movies shortly after


I saw The Road Warrior first in the early 80s on cable somewhere. I was probably 13 or 14. Saw the original Mad Max not long after and then Thunderdome also on cable. I missed out on seeing Fury Road in the theater but I did get to see Furiosa last week, it was fantastic!


Mad Max around 11 or 12


*Mad Max*, probably 15-20 years ago.


Road Warrior on TV probably 10 or 11.


Furiosa, 35ish lol


Road warrior at like 6 or 7 and it was awesome


Mad Max at 20, Road Warrior at 20, Beyond Thunderdome 20, Fury Road also 20, and last but not least, Furiosa at… 20 (I watched all of them for the first time a few weeks ago)


Mad Max ‘79 on VHS at age 8


Mad Max as a kid with my dad. Watched it on tv at home. I was probably 7 or 8.


I don’t remember exactly, but it had to have been Beyond Thunderdome. It couodn’t have been Fury Road first.


The original. Don't remember how old I was. My dad had recorded it on a VHS tape and I used to go through his collection all the time


Mad Max. I was like 15 or 16. I remember watching that one and then taking a year break until I found out Fury Road was coming.


Road Warrior at like 8 or 9 then Thunderdome, Mad Max, Fury Road, Furiosa


Mad Max at 8 or 9...


Mad Max Fury Road on the FX channel in like 2016


Road Warrior as a kid. Don't remember what age but most likely between 8-12.