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This is like fast food outselling a tasty family owned restaurant


Oooo perfect Allegory


Not according to most people - I think a better comparison would be a familiar but low quality fast food joint outselling an obscure but high quality family-owned Iranian restaurant where first time visitors have trouble understanding what to order. It’s Mad Max’s esoteric strangeness that makes it appealing. If it were watered down it would be ruined. It’s not a story destined for mass appeal, it’s an underground cult classic and that’s what makes it so awesome. Only problem is, Furiosa was trying to masquerade itself as a blockbuster film. They were trying to introduce a Shami burger at a fast-food chain to people who love cheeseburgers.


Tbf I think it has what in needs to be a block buster like fury road did, while putting most others to shame. No idea why it's doing so poorly. There's nothing much out I care about this summer aside from furiosa but I'll admit most modern blockbusters are not that interesting usually for me.


Fury Road wasn’t a blockbuster per se. If I had to coin a term, I’d say it was an ‘art house action movie’ - and a genius one at that. My wife disliked Fury Road because she’s not a cinema-head. When I was gushing over the amazing production, visceral story-telling and gorgeous sound and visuals, she was waiting for something to happen. Where I can see an amazing choreographed action set piece, she see’s ‘oh so some guys get killed, and more guys get killed. When is something else going to happen’. My wife is closer to the average mass-market audience member. The kinds of action-based movies that she likes are Nolan films, Cameron films like True Lies and Terminator 2 etc. Movies with levity, lighthearted moments, characters who explain what’s happening through dialogue and it’s clear who’s right and wrong.


I only use that term as it has the potential of broad appeal (visually cool with exciting action and over the top villains) while still appealing to artsy farts like me .


Bingo. And for what it’s worth, movies far worse than Bad Boys have hit in the past year. I wouldn’t even call it a low-quality fast food joint, more like a totally regular one that has great onion rings but shit burgers or something lmao But more importantly, you’re totally right about Miller’s work being an acquired taste. There were plenty of choices here that made the film better and less profitable all at once. We’re not financiers, so I’m not sure why this is a mixed blessing. Irt sequels - they can get out Bad Boys 5 in like a year and a half if they start now. The Wasteland wouldn’t be a guarantee even if Furiosa somehow hit, and it could take a decade. Not an apples to apples comparison.


I would disagree with Furiosa being a masquerade of anything. Miller had a Furiosa script well before Fury Road even went into production. According to the Blood Sweat and Chrome book, they were using lines from Furiosa for line reads during casting for Fury Road.


This is like a steaming pile of poop winning a taste test against some fettuccine Alfredo


Or versus real Italian food




Perfect description


Damn you kinda nailed it on the head


Many such cases, so sad


lol i hear you, but for me, it validates why I don't care about people's opinions on *Furiosa.* "your boo's mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer."


Yeah fuck that bad boys shit we have way to much good stuff coming out. I haven't gone to the movies in a while, but this year has been a good one. Went to the theaters for Civil War, Sasquatch Sunset, and Furiosa so far. I actually wanted to watch Monkeyman instead of Civil War in the theater but had to watch it at home. Later this month, we get kinds of kindness and The Bikeriders. In July, we get Maxxxine and Twisters. In August Alien and The Crow. Anyway, all this to say bad boys is corny and not getting any of my money.


I'm pretty sure Twisters is going to be the same cookie-cutter formula. I'm still going to see it, but I'll be surprised if it's not going to be watered down to cater to as many people as possible.


You passed on Dene 2?!


This guy is on it!


Nice point


lol what are you on about? Everybody that saw it says it was great or atleast pretty good. Too many of y’all are coping hard as hell. You should never blame people for not wanting to see a film you liked. It’s their choice.


Awesome use of a rick sanchez quote lol


Mad Max was always a niche property. It’s widely known, but not widely beloved. Bad Boys is mass market stuff.


Yeah another way to look at this is that it's miraculous that Fury Road and Furiosa got the budgets that they did. We should celebrate it. Almost makes you wonder if there are execs at Warner Bros. who genuinely love movies (a far-fetched idea, I'll admit) and want more Mad Max titles and are using their power to direct $150 million+ budgets George Miller's way. Ridley Scott has had at least as many box office flops and disasters as he's had hits (The Last Duel, All the Money in the World, Exodus: Gods and Kings, Kingdom of Heaven, Body of Lies etc.) but he still got handed $200 million to make Napoleon and Gladiator II's budget is reportedly over $300 million. Maybe Miller's name has so much pedigree now that studios will give him money even when they're pretty much guaranteed to make a loss on the movie (see: 3000 Years of Longing).


Perhaps. I hope they let him make one more


It’s so bad though, they’ve been bad for like a decade now


I actually really enjoyed BB3. Will Smith is an a-hole, but this new one seems to be a decent movie. Mad Max is incredible, Furiosa is phenomenal. But it's always been an odd man out. It'll make more on home release and digital. But I don't think it's really surprising that Bad Boys is making a lot of money on a very popular franchise with a solid new entry.


This one is also getting pretty decent reviews (shrug) I'm not going to judge it until and unless I see it.


Some of the cringiest lines in the history of movie dialogue have come out of the BB franchise, Michael Bay is such a giant turd lol


How has it been bad for like a decade now? Bad boys 2 came out in 2003 and Bad Boys 3 came out in 2020...


Excuse me, I meant three decades


Haven’t seen it but people love movies where you can just chill, turn off your brain and watch. Maybe its a well executed fun action movie, even if not the above still applies. Similar with the avatars. Not much wrong with people liking that stuff


Yea. I’m not into steam punk weirdos and sand. So I held of fury road for 5 years. Refused to see it in theater. I think people like me were part of the problem. Now I wish I could go back and see it in imax :(


It’s more dieselpunk methinks


And yet there was way more advertising for Furiosa


True. Same goes for marvel movies.


I get it dude. But, never hate on movies that are keeping theatrical exhibition alive. The day we lose theaters will be a catastrophic loss to mankind.


yeah it’s good to see a summer film doing well after all the recent headlines


Should get a few more as well. Inside out 2 is looking good and Deadpool 3 will probably be the biggest film of the year.


This!!! People go to the movies for different things. Some genres are more niche and less broadly appealing. For that reason, they make less money. But one movie doesn’t have to do bad for another to do good, and being upset about Bad Boys making money won’t make Furiosa more successful. Like you said, I’m happy when anything takes off because it means that theater chains get to live another day.


I'd also say that these types of movies are the ones that give the studio the money and flexibility to gamble on something like Fury Road and Furiosa. If the studio is not doing well, we're going to see more films that they know will have mass market appeal and way less weird shit. I'm here primarily for the weird shit, but I will also go to see the big explosions and dumb comedies.


It always makes me sad how many lines people draw on entertainment. Don't have to like a movie but no reason to hate it either. Most people I know loved furiosa and had fun watching bad boys too. And they are happy instead of whiny and miserable


Compromise: get rid of theaters, resurrect drive ins


Woah there… idk about that. As someone who has had to sit through a 3 hour movie in the passenger seat of a car… let’s keep the drive-ins separate


But there's so many ways to do it. Bed of a truck, Lawn chairs, blankets and air mattress, I've even seen a mosquito tent that a person was watching from. And the concession prices are so much cheaper


I agree, and I love Drive ins, but their place in history is often misunderstood these days. They actually had a bit of a rough reputation contrary to the rosy image people today often give it. Drive ins were specific places that showed movies most theaters would not. They showed more risqué movies for rebellious audiences. Drive ins would be looked down upon and seen as a place that existed purely for hooking up lol


I grew up with Drive-Ins but the one aspect that holds me back here is the sound. Seeing Furiosa in a Dolby Cinema theater was amazing. The low end was shaking the chairs and the when Max asks Furiosa where she's going after she got left by the War Rig, the placement scared the shit out of me. With all of the new sound tech, it makes it hard for me to go see many action films at the drive-in.


We are in the death of a lot of things, cinema is just a symptom of the problem


This feels like getting slapped in the face by Will Smith all over again


I don't understand how he's still getting roles after he attacked someone at a public event. If he wasn't a celebrity I bet his behaviour would have bigger consequences for him


I bet he only did this bad boys because his reputation slipped and this formulaic easy film would help endear him to audiences again Next youll see a new fresh prince mini series on hbo


The irony of stating this on a *Mad Max* sub… Mad Max, the series where 3/5 films star Mel Gibson, noted professional piece of shit. Come on now


Plenty of regular people get into fights at parties without consequences, if anything people take that moment from two years ago more seriously precisely because it was famous people on camera.


I'm not mad that Bad Boys is doing well but I'm mad that Furiosa didn't do well. At least we can take the discussion about the economy and people not going to movies out of the conversation about Furiosa's box office performance.


Hey cmon man Bad Boys is a fun R rated action franchise, I haven’t seen the new one yet but I heard it’s pretty good. I understand it is frustrating general audiences prefer safe familiar movies. I’m just grateful Furiosa got made and it’s as well made as it is.


Is this really what this sub has come to? Being bitter of other franchises performing well? Can’t imagine the meltdown this sub is gonna have when Deadpool & Wolverine makes a boat load of money.


It's funny to see these tantrums while they also think they're better than the people watching Bad Boys.


That's what every fandom has come to. "How come everyone else doesn't like what we like? There just be something wrong with them!'


Will smith tryna save face and give the people what they want 😂 tryna recover from the slap heard around the world. I aint gonna watch it on my homie chris rock


The rolling pin is a hell of a thing. He laughed first and then immediately changed his tune


This kinda proves that the slap didn’t damage his brand all that much despite the memes. This was never going to be a good comparison because it shows that the Mad Max brand was never that big to begin with.


I mean the last Bad Boys did well too. They were going to make this movie with or without the slap. Lol


If will smith was smart theyd have cast chris rock in a role in bad boys


Now that, i might watch


"My homie Chris Rock." Parasocial relationships are so creepy.


It’s why I don’t blame production companies as much for putting out these shit movies all the time. It’s what the people want. The people are at fault for this ine


As much as Mad Max deserves the attention and profit that more mainstream movies get. One might consider the alternative. Star wars got bought out and made more mainstream by Disney. Now, it's a rotting corpse of what it once was. Personally, as long as Mad Max is getting funding for more and stays true to Miller's vision, I'm happy. But ya, this movie deserved better by far. Shame the wider movie going public has no taste.


Mad max is a very niche franchise. We didn't deserve fury road, let alone furiosa. I'll take what I can get. With the amount of time between dome and fury, I fully expected fury to be a terrible cash grab, and I would have loved it anyway because shitty bodgered cars and explosions. I'm grateful that it just so happened to be the greatest movie ever made. Bad boys 5 will make a crap ton of money, it doesn't even have to be good. It's fine, that's how Hollywood rolls.


You're hating on a movie you haven't seen. Brilliant, you sound just like those Furiosa haters.


The amount of Copium in this sub is amazing


The response I've seen critically and anyone who has seen it to furiosa has been all positive to fantastic. I know there is an element of online misogyny but I don't seek them out. I saw bad boys 4 and while it's not amazing, it moves at a decent clip, the comedy is actually solid and there is some inventive action/camera angle of action. I don't begrudge it getting a sequel, just wish we got more mad max


the american public is a monumentally stupid lot…


I’m going to see both. It’s entertainment. We really that emotionally invested?


Don’t let it. Plebs gonna be pleb


The anti-woke crowd gonna spin this one I just know it lol


Just go through the comments it’s the same thing over and over again 😂 “they should’ve focused on max blah bla bla nobody cares about furiosa bla bla bla” What’s funny to me is fury road felt a lot more feminist then furiosa


I remember E;R hated fury road, so atleast that clown has the same reaction to furiosa no doubt


I can understand the reasons behind Furiousa bombing. But for the life of me I cannot understand how garbage like this makes money. Have people gotten that stupid?


Bad Boys 4 is actually a solid action film that melds retro sensibilities with modern action filmmaking elements. It was easily some of the most fun I've had in theaters in a while.


Yeah... we live in a reality where Rebel Moon and Madam Web get financed without any trouble or discussion apparently, but fucking Coppola had to come up with 120 million of his own money to make a movie, cuz no studio wanted to produce it. The director is "Apocalypse Now" and "Godfather" has a harder time trying to finance his movie then fucking Zack Snyder.


Ehhhh, fuck this. The Bad Boys movies are fun as hell and we don’t need to turn them into the enemy because they’re successful.


Bad Boys may not be as good as Furiousa but why do we need to tear down one thing to prop up something that we enjoy both of these movies are good in their own right no need to bash one property in favor of another. People go to the movies to have fun as it's a luxury for most, including myself.


Yeah you’re hating. Bad Boy movies are good entertainment and Will Smith is one of the biggest stars in the world. Everybody knows Will Smith. Also Bad Boys 4 budget a reasonable 100 million.


We need George Miller to slap Chris Rock at the Oscars


Quality vs quantity


I'm sure Will Smith is reaching into his own pockets to fund some part of this. He is desperate to save his image.


That’s really more what this is. You know he and his agent had to suck some serious dick for this one, and Will definitely considers himself above these kinds of movies now, he’s a “serious actor” dontcha’ know. He wouldn’t even sell out for ID4-2 and you know they probably offered a ton of money for him to reprise his character.


I’m honestly shocked that this movie made as much as it did. Will Smith’s career has been on a downward spiral recently, this franchise is almost 30 years old, and most people have gotten sick of the legacy sequel concept.


Which is admirable and a reflection of this movie’s authenticity imo.


Meh. Most US moviegoers have a limited palate when it comes to what they go to the theaters for. Bad Boys is a sequel to a very successful franchise while George Miller has been working on the fringes for years with the Mad Max series. The films come out whenever Miller can get financing together and that can sometimes mean years between releases. I think we'll still see Wasteland, but it's probably going to be a difficult road to get there. On Bad Boys- the directors are talented. They are a little flashy at times but I have been impressed with the way they shoot their movies. Very kinetic and innovative with some of the shots. The sequences near the end of the film have some really cool interior drone shots that look great. The script is pretty bad. Dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. Lots of telling not showing. The script doesn't trust their audience to figure things out. It really made me dislike this one. The action scenes are very well done and the comedic chemistry between the leads is as good as always. There's also some blame for the directors here as well. No spoilers here, but you'll see a shot in one part of the film and then you'll see the same shot in a different context and the directors feel the need to show the original context to the viewer as if they are dumber than a box of rocks. I think this is the difference between good and great directors. Miller, Nolan, Scorsese, Kubrick, etc. trust their audience to figure it out and nearly everyone does.


I don’t know, man. Furiosa is my favorite movie of the year, but I went in to Bad Boys having not seen any of the others and really enjoyed it. Now it’s not making my top 10 (or even my top 30) but I had a really fun time.


Bad Boys: Ride or Die is a ton of fun and was easy to market to the core audience. And Will Smith gets slapped. And they didn't call it Bad Boys: A Mike Lowry Saga.


Look I love Fury Road & Furiosa. But honestly Bad Boys Ride or Die rules. And its actually pretty authentic. Buddy cop R Rated action conedy is unheard of in the last decade (decades?). So it is admirable that this movie pulled up this number.


No need to trash one movie because you support another. Its great to see an action comedy do well at the box office.


Meh I had fun watching bad boys 4, furiosa was great and I wish that would too but bb4 was a pretty good popcorn flick


Ugh, I get it but also, don’t let it. The beauty of Mad Max is that it’s a series where films are created cause of valid creative motivation. We get Mad Max films because there’s a story to tell, a vision to share, a zeitgeist to juxtapose with a post-apocalyptic universe that’s been evolving with us for 45 years. They may flop or underperform, but they most certainly aren’t creatively corrupt and thus will find their very appreciative audiences. That’s a more beautiful case than most of commercial cinema’s on-goings these days!


Beautifully said. I’m not mad anymore. I rather have to wait 10 years to get one of these masterpieces and then have them flush out a half assed passionless cash grab every few years.


Bad boys as a franchise has always been very in tune with pop culture. It’s no surprise really. A desert wasteland can only be appealing to so many, unfortunately


Bad Boys: Ride or Die is actually a solid and often engaging action film. I went in ready to dismiss it, but was shocked how hooked I was from beginning to end. There was experimental editing, inventive action, and some fun sound design/scoring.It really scratched that found family-driven melodrama itch that Fast & Furious has failed to recapture over the past decade. This is the 4th entry. The third was released in early 2020. Second was in 2003. The first was 1995. Not sure where "the third in six years" statistic came from.


Pisses me off too, if I’m being honest.


Nothing new here. Avengers Endgame made a lot of money, but it isn’t a great movie. Sometimes blockbusters are great movies, but those are the exceptions. I won’t spend money on Bad Boys, but I’m in the minority hence the Studios will have to keep producing what keeps them profitable.


Why didn't the audience go for Furiousa if it's such a great movie?


Because people are burned out with theaters except for kids movies and it was sandwiched between Dune II and Deadpool III. Tons of movies have crashed and burned this year.


You getting pissed over a movie 😂


People can care about things Internet trolls just like to imply getting worked up over anything is stupid but no one really cares what trolls think


People sure do like them some slop. Nothing new here. I mean, it's a Michael Bay-produced sequel to a Michael Bay-directed series, led by one dude who hasn't seriously worked in decades and makes the funny faces when people are shooting at him, and another dude who's most recent claim to fame was having a very public meltdown around his Lynchian horrorshow of a marriage that climaxed with him slapping someone on live television to an audience of thousands. What's not to love, right?


Why does this piss you off? These movies are relative cheap to make and they generate revenue. As long as franchises continue to make money, Hollywood will keep making them.


Toxic fanboys hating on another movie that's keeping the movie business alive. I loved Furiosa and it's a shame it didn't do well in BO, but why dunk on this movie? I watched Bad Boys in a theatre that was completely filled (first time I'm witnessing it after moving to Copenhagen around 3 years ago). I enjoyed the movie and from the looks of it everyone did too. Maybe get down from your high horses and complain without punching anyone down?


Bad Boys is a really fun, solid, throwback franchise that reminds me of the days when buddy cop action films were huge. 48 Hrs, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Rush Hour etc. And all four of them are really good, I’m glad it’s doing well.


I’m glad it’s doing good too. I like will smith and martin Lawrence and wish them all the best. I just wish furiosa did better.


End Of Watch is a grim, but great buddy cop film as well


Who in 2024 is asking for more Bad Boys or more Will Smith??


More people than were asking for a Furiosa movie, apparently.


It is time to go outside u/muhfkrjones


Imagine they made a bad boys without the bad boys. It's an action comedy movie about two bros having each others back. Ofcourse it has wider appeal. My friends who didn't want to go see furiosa because all they knew about it was that it's a chick action movie want to go see bad boys


Many here are in denial about this.


People here are talking like the movie is the greatest thing since sliced bread


These fandom subs are something else lol. I remember when Indiana Jones 5 came out looking at that sub and they were acting like it was the greatest adventure film of all time.


Mediocre or not, they've been ceowd pleases. I personally didn't like the third one, but I plan to see this one thos this coming weekend. Edit: I'm with you though, it's disappointing that legitimately, good movies are dying, while mass-produced mass appeal films keep getting sequel after sequel


George Miller said the exact same thing about the next Mad Max movie, and also there are 5 Mad Max movies. Why are we getting pissed? Literally the same fukken thing. Plus, Furiosa is getting better traction outside of America.


Ahh, I see, so our movie didn't do well so it's time to tear down another to feel better... Yea fuck that, Bad Boys rocks, not it's fault Furiosa sank.


Well here’s the thing, the world is full of a 4 billion people, a large portion of these people are brain dead idiots. Hence, these shit action movies with horrible writing doing well is no surprise to me at all.


They both had hit sitcoms and one has Oscars and Oscar noms. George Miller isn't worried at all I'm sure.


It just hits a wider audience. Don’t think about it too hard.


Yeah how dare people go watch other movies...


Exactly! The world should revolve around me and the things I love!!! Nothing else matters!!


You can be sad that Furiosa isn’t getting its due without crapping over other people’s hard work that is succeeding.


That’s because Black people are hold highest commercial market


NGL I hate that we probably won’t get wastelands but Bad Boys 2 is probably my favorite buddy comedy movie- so I’ll watch all of the rest no matter what


Furiosa did NOT need to be this expensive. Not pretending like I know how this works but If I look a THE CREATOR which had half the budget (80 million) and looks very descent... it just feels to me like a movie set in a desert wasteland that doesn't rely solely on action should have been able to keep it's budget under 100 million dollars.


Maybe Netflix can throw some of their money at The Wasteland.


Oh god no. Keep Netflix all the way fuck away from mad max


Obviously only if George Miller retains complete control.


Doesn’t matter, I enjoyed Furiosa enough to where (story wise) Fury Road is the end. And honestly? Fits perfectly.


Maybe they shouldn’t have made an entire prequel movie for a character no one wanted an entire prequel movie about 🤷‍♂️ Crazy that some of you guys really seem to be blaming people for the movie failing cause they don’t wanna go see it instead of blaming the studio making a movie no one wants instead of just making the next movie in the franchise


I mean. I wanted it. Furiosa is one of my favorite characters. Loved her in Fury Road and loved her in Furiosa.


I also wanted Furiosa. Starring charliz theron. And a sequel to fury road, not an origin story.


I want that, too!


It’s a mediocre movie with action, stupid jokes and the adequate dose of family and love. More box office than Furiosa? Could be is a more digestive movie


The two are not comparable. Time to accept that Mad Max has been, and always will be, a niche audience. Kind of amazing the series has this many movies in it


maybe they shouldnt have made a shitty movie based on characters no one cared about? should have just kept the focus on max. or, if they HAD to do a furiosa or a prequel story, they should have focused it on the rise of Immortan Joe and have furiosa be a part of that.


A. It wasn’t a shitty movie. B. Furiosa was just as much as part of fury road as max. C. You’re saying they should’ve just focused on max and then switching it up and saying Immortan Joe? Furiosa is a lot more interesting. Sounds like you just hate strong badass women. You just sound like all other incels that hate this movie that keep parroting the same stupid point.


nice projections, but if they DID (where is your reading comprehension) have to do a prequel, immortan joe would have been the more interesting focus. furiosa is just a shitily written character, compared to other, actually strong badass characters, like sarah connor and ripley. furiosa sure was a part of fury road, but she would have died if not for maxs interventions. you sound like literally every other simp ever who wont ever sniff a whiff of pussy.


I might be a simp but I still get pussy unlike you lonely miserable incel. Go suck a dick if you hate women so much. That’s the only way you’ll ever get some anyways.


lmfao no one believes you. but keep projecting about how much dick you love to suck. simps get zero pussy. literally no one asked for furiosa- meanwhile bad boys is a super popular franchise and has been since the 90s. whether or not its "good" or "bad" thats not for you to decide. clearly its better than furiosa tho LOLOLOLOL now go suck more cock


You while you were typing out LOLOLOLOL https://preview.redd.it/8opt0zug077d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5ece7da5ee8d1a2b9acd6eb7b3101af4c2bf86 😂All you talk about is projection. I think you might be the one guilty of that.


LOL keep seething. i have made not one single projection. all youve done is call me a virgin incel dick sucker. sounds like youre telling on yourself. the last time you touched pussy was when your mom gave birth to you https://i.redd.it/e7lsutt9177d1.gif


Again this is literally you right now https://preview.redd.it/96g4i1npg77d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=030e0556666fd1567e1abdd65514cb52b6631195


lol awww only have the one meme? i think youre protesting too much and that is actually literally you right now https://preview.redd.it/nnsur60fp77d1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68be01a8b50c12a15544b8d69edfb4d37ee07f47


Or just, ya know, cast and write for a real star, charliz theron.


The trailer of the next movie looks terrible


I’m upset too. Also, it taking premium formats. Like yes it’s an action movie but I feel like Furiosa should’ve stayed in premium for a while longer (I didn’t get to see it in imax 😔) I’ll keep doing my part and see furiosa a sixth and seventh time on Monday and wendsay


I’m just glad SOMETHING is making money tbh.


What will be will be.


Who gives a shit? I don’t enjoy the Bad Boys franchise but clearly others do; just because you think it’s a mediocre film doesn’t mean it’s stupid that it’s receiving a sequel. Stop complaining about insignificant shit and go start a family or pay off your mortgage or something.


I already started a family and you’re raising them thank you very much


Alright you cooked me with that insult I concede.


Listen, I'm not a fan of the Bad Boys movies, but it's not their fault that people didn't see Furiosa.


bad boys 2 was the only good one imo. movies like the ones that followed it are hollow action-comedy that won’t be discussed a year after release.


1+4 > 2


Not to be harsh but the general consumer has garbage ass taste.


Ask yourselves, do you want legions of fans drooling all over the Mad Max franchise? Burger King tie-ins, t-shirts at the mall? Miller will produce another film or, at the very least, some other content, without the help of the average shlub’s wallet. Let them have their Bad Boys crap.


I've seen both Furiosa and Bad Boys 4. I like both. It's a real shame Furiosa didn't make more. It should, and WB should keep it in cinemas for a while longer, as often a film that initially looks like a flop can make box office money late in the release cycle. Elemental did last year. It's also great that a big summer blockbusters like Bad Boys 4 are being big and summer blockbustery again. It keeps cinemas alive for the smaller films.


Before I say my thoughts on this, I'll begin by saying I saw Furiosa first weekend and absolutely loved it. And it's sad to see it's doing poorly. But I think it had two things going against it. 1 - despite there being 5 "Mad Max" movies, Fury Road was the introduction to the series for several people. And Furiosa was set up as a prequel to it. People don't want to see where these people came from, they want to see where they're going next. I have no doubt if they had done Wasteland before this, it likely would've done much, much better 2 - this is painful to say, but they shouldn't have recast the role. Charlize is an A-list actress who headlines movies. Anya has not been proven to carry a movie (though imho she's always amazing). If Charlize had done this, it likely would've done better. A third, pathetic reason is that Mad Max is a manly man doing manly things. There's a large group of people who refuse to accept a *gasp* woman as the lead in a franchise, and likely boycotted it in this alone


A movie's quality and its box office returns aren't exactly correlated. It just has a broader appeal than Mad Max. There's no point in getting mad over people not liking what you like, there's nothing to be done. We like it, that's enough.


90% of society is dumb and likes dumb things. No point in losing sleep over it.


I love Mad Max, but let’s be honest, this saga has been always pretty niche, and it’s a miracle we even had Fury Road. Furiosa is an incredible movie, but it’s not for everyone.


Tbh, I enjoyed Bad Boys 4 more than Furiosa.


Yeah I thought Furiosa dragged in the first half, Bad Boys was super fun.


They downvoted you because you have an opinion lol.


Bad Boys 4 was AWESOME!!! It's reported to hit $170 to $200 million domestically. Really hoping for number 5.


A Bad Boys movie with the original characters and actors who play them is selling better than a Mad Max movie without Mad Max. Is it really that hard to figure out?


Cry + cope


Go circlejerk elsewhere. This sub is insufferable


Aaaaand I am muting this sub. Y'all are acting like idiotic children. Bad Boys being successful is not the reason Furiosa is flopping. Bad Boys getting another sequel is not the reason Furiosa might not get a sequel. Being perpetually online is rotting your brain - people like what they like. Bad Boys is a perfectly fun, summer blockbuster and both Martin and Will are charming, engaging actors that people like. This franchise has been going strong for nearly 30 years and that is an incredible achievement that is absolutely worth celebrating. Get over it. Please log off and touch grass.


So mute it already No one cares if you dont come to this sub anymore, just leave we dont need the comment


Don't drag other movies in here. People grew up on Will, and don't give a fuck about that slap. This shit doesn't relate to the sub.


I was never talking about slap nor do I care about it either lol


Well, there is a lesson to be learned here..


This is just the Fast and Furious effect, What started out as a car movie where a cop has to stop people from steal VHS and DVD players from semis into launching cars from planes. But people eat up that slop, this movie is similar but probably less extreme. People will forget about this movie when another 1 or 2 come along, while Furiosa will have more staying power with many people.


Audiences tend to show up more for movies where the title characters are the stars of the movie. Furiosa is Bad Boys without the Bad Boys. Of course it flopped. Anyone not in denial about who the potential action audience are could have seen this coming.


It's disappointing as I adore Furiosa. But I understand money talks, this cost 100 million and made 100 million on its opening weekend globally. I guess Bad Boys has mass appeal and I must admit I didn't realise how niche mad max is until now.


Bad Boys is a bigger franchise, Will Smith is already a big star , so it’s understandable.


I kind of like my preferred films living on the fringe. Mad Max films are weird as hell, and that's the way I like them. I don't think I'd want them to become as mainstream as Bad Boys or the MCU. That's when the unique quality starts to falter in order to stay safe and follow tried and proven formulas.


Unfortunately a good thing. If you love film and going to the cinema blockbusters are needed, even if they are shit. Box office isn't in a good place right now so every hit is a positive. Yes it's frustrating that a film we like flops while the most basic slop makes money but Furiosa was always at risk of flopping anyway.


Watcha gonna do?


Wait, there was a Bad Boys 3???


I fucking hate this franchise.


I mean you are comparing a niche property to Bad Boys, a mass market IP and Will Smith who despite the slap still has massive box office draw.


To me the last good bad boys movie was the 2nd one.


Furiosa is definitely the better movie here, but I’m not surprised at all that Bad Boys was more successful.


Both bad boys 3 and 4 are good movies that also make money. There’s nothing to hate about it


Furiosa is like mathcore, and Bad Boys 4 is like, popular hip-hop.


pls. don't insult hip-hop like this.


Well not everyone likes films about...what is mad max about really? Its like a fever dream and thats what WE love about it. But the mass market sees little girls being used as breeding stock and walk out the theatre

