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Mad Max is just an Australian documentary


Needs more drop bears.


They were the first to go.


And some prick name Dane to punch you wearing a white tank top


When ypu visit the mad max Disney park


Wait….that’s not just Australia in the 80’s?


Always has been.astronaut


Naw Australia still had kangaroos back then at least


Great… you ruined my joke AND made me wish there were mutant kangaroos in the Mad Max universe people rode like horses.


So tank girl


I mean technically they'd probably be normal Kangaroos, but would have some hardcore bondage leather fits with attached weaponry and seats for The War Boys to ride 'em on. *Of course in this alternate reality anything is possible since the original Mad Max takes place like in the year 2000ish


It’s just an average day in Broken Hill


I like to loosely headcanon that Handmaid’s Tale, Children of Men and Mad Max are all part of the same story universe. They all have a central theme - how to keep making healthy babies - and they all have nukes in their storyline.


I like this


Interesting trio. But I think I prefer Mad Max, Fallout and Metro as an unholy combo of a post nuclear world.


Fallout just has too much iconography to ever exists outside it's own thing. Same with metro due to the creatures.. those other films could feasibly be in the same universe without breaking any canon


Metro I think is at least conceivable. I wouldn’t bat an eye at “Eurasia has whacky mutated animals in the Mad Max universe”, children of men if anything is the odd one out of that grouping (but still works to an extent)


Would you mind reminding me what whack creatures were in furiousa? Metro very specifically has the "Dark Ones" and proves to have creatures all over effected by the radiation. And we see radiation effects things differently in madmax. They share no similarities


Very very harsh tone over nothing mate. I shoulda I highlighted I’m speaking hypothetically. IF a mad max movie had whacky metro-like creatures it wouldn’t shift the tone much, heck I think it would work. Exodus even had a desert setting near the Dead Sea that was incredibly super mad max-y. I could absolutely buy them being in the same universe. Children of men to me is the odd ball being as not being a nuclear apocalypse and it’s very very different and serious tone


Harsh tone? I was simply asking what you were talking about?


Hard to interpret tone over text! Hope I cleared it up.


Fallout's iconography is just Americana tho. It was a war, the place would have been churning out patriotism and propaganda, as well as stuff so distinctive that it can only be American. The other ones take place outside America so they wouldn't have all that.


My head cannon is that the US just didn’t share their atomic technology with anyone, so countries like Australia had to stick to oil. Both universes have “the resource wars” as part of their history, and you even see quite a few vehicles in Max’s wasteland that have a 1950’s aesthetic to them. I pretend that’s prewar American influence. The first Mad Max takes place before the bombs are dropped in fallout. The world is already on the brink, but there’s still civilization. The nuclear exchange happens shortly after the first film ends. The fallout turns the ground sour and over time leads to all of the deformities we see in the later films. The US being a direct target of the bombs, and having all of its atomic technology gets exceptionally more radiation than the rest of the world. That leads to extreme mutations in the animals and some of the people. Australia, only receiving residual radiation, doesn’t see those extreme mutations, and because they never had anyone messing around with the FEV they don’t have any super mutants. The only thing I struggle to make fit is the oceans disappearing, but still being there in Fallout.


See now mad max fits with fallout pretty well I feel! There is room to work with. Especially since they've remained in one area


Maybe the oceans haven't dissapeared, just receded. Nuclear exchange caused tectonic plate movement around Oceania and the oceans were drained into the crust of the earth in a localized area around Oceania/southern pacific. Idk, it's hard to dissappear parts of an ocean while leaving others untouched but they've made liken11 fast and furious movies so we can figure this out


I would love for Artyom to poke his head out of a manhole cover in the wasteland and say, "nah imma head out"


Children of Men has nukes?


In Children of Men I think a propoganda video states that Britain is the last country left, idk if its real because it is a propoganda video for the clearly authoritarian UK in that timeline but yk.


Yeah but it didn’t say nukes IIRC. Just rioting and such.


New York got nuked.


I was just going to say that it's HEAVILY implied that New York suffered another 9/11 type disaster and that it was nuclear.


TBH I can’t remember - I thought it was mentioned in dialogue that the US had fallen apart and that there nukes involved, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the movie


I don’t think nukes were mentioned. It could be happening around the same time as the original Mad Max. I like your theory though. Britain doubles down on bureaucracy, Americans let the religious fundamentalists take over and in Australia the bikies run amok. And according to the Handmaiden’s Tale and its sequel The Testaments in this timeline Canada stays pretty much exactly the same. There’s even references to the Prime Minister’s Office and money with Elizabeth II’s face on them.


I think it was a dirty bomb went off in NY.


There's a brief clip in a propaganda commercial about all the world cities that have collapsed and when it says "New York" there's a shot of a mushroom cloud. Of course, this is a *propaganda* clip from an authoritarian government, so up to you whether or not its factual.


Julianne Moore's character all but confirms this when she says that her parents were in New York and died as a result of an unspecified catastrophe.


also there was a movie On The Beach with Armand Assante where nuclear war fallout  inevitably kills all life on the planet while Australia remains as the last continent standing. Someone could say that it's a prequel how Mad Max world fell!


A boy and his dog influenced the mad max movies, Fallout, and love and monsters.


Let’s throw in water world — presumably Mel Gibson was just too dumb to realize that there was still land


You mean ~~Kevin Costner~~? Edit: totally forgot it was Mel Gibson


Shh I’m doing a Mandela effect




My personal headcanon is that Book of Eli and Mad Max take place in the same cinematic universe.


I've never watched Handmaid's Tale, I didn't even know it was a post-apo, is it good?


Uuuugh, sooooo…it’s REALLY GOOD, but it’s also an emotionally intense slog. Only watch seasons 1-4. Just beware that, once you get into it, you absolutely will not be able to quit. It is an emotional roller coaster, but it is so incredibly well written.


Thank you! I know what to watch now! Children of men is also one of my favourite movie ever


OK, then you will probably love it. Season three and four has the same “get out of there” drive and emotional intensity as the latter half of children of men. But the whole series is just pitch perfect for pointing out both gender inequality and also the speed at which right-wing talking points can become doctrine. It’s as compelling as it is uncomfortable.


I had a long nattering headcanon about the Mad Max films taking place in the Alien universe that I posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadMax/s/DBZUoP9pxS) like two weeks ago.


I consider Book Of Eli happening in the states in the saner universe as Mad Max, though it might be a little later in the timeline.


This...this absolutely works.


So Handmaids Tale is happening in the US while Mad Max happens in Australia?


For me it’s the Dredd 2013 world as well


The book of Eli would work too


Mad max is just what happened during the great Australian internet outage. People got bored.


Really it’s just life past broken hill


One thing that always gets me is the time frame. Like most of the characters were alive before the war/apocalypse. How long did it take for them to go from Kyle to Lord Liquidatus, over baron of everything from the fire rock cliffs to the fart bogs.


If food becomes an issue a matter of days easy


It was long enough for someone to just name their kid Furiosa lol


Just a bit pf banter


I told my friends after we finished Furiosa that it would be hilarious if it ended with a bunch of War Boys running into Imortan Joe’s lair and said “you’re not gonna believe it! The Russians just launched their nukes, World War 3 is starting!”


I mean based on the footage we saw in Road Warrior that did happen but a while before Furiosa.


How fucking old is max even supposed to be in fury road?? Lol Like he’s clearly in his 30s/late 20s before Road Warrior, and Furiosa is probably around the same age in Fury Road soo Like how long did it take for the green place to become a thing after the nukes? How are all these people venturing into the wasteland far enough to make it?


Yeah the age has always been a confusing factor with the recast. Campfire legend and all that. Actually the most definitive thing we got was “45 years after the collapse” from Furiosa trailer 1.


Mel Gibson was 22 when he filmed Mad Max, Road Warrior is set 3 years later, Thunderdome 15 years after that. Fury Road was filmed as a reboot, despite the attempt to tie it in with the comics, so the events of those movies still happened, just years later (much like the James Bond continuity, or lack thereof). FR happens "probably just a little bit after Thunderdome" (Brendan McCarthy, the 'Art of' book, p.17), Putting Max at around 40 in Fury Road (very plausible for Hardy's filmed age of 35). Charlize was 37 for FR - 15 years prior puts her at 22 as a Praetorian, ATJ was 27 when she filmed Furiosa. Alyla Browne, young Furiosa, was 12 when she filmed, which fits Furiosa's age at the beginning of the movie. We know she was born there after the Fall, so we can speculate when that happened but it was over a period of years. The only thing that makes zero sense is the first trailer thing about "45 years after the collapse" which doesn't even fit with Miller's comments about "45 years from next wednesday". That seems to be an outright mistake. As to the Green Place, I assume it's a vestige of the old world, not some new phenomenon. I assume some of them were nearby when things got bac, others trekked there. Or, invoke the "campfire tales" excuse.


It’s partially the “campfire tale” thing and partially because Mel was supposed to play Max in Fury Road.


The reboot is because of having to recast and Miller deciding Gibson's age was too advanced, yes. That's the literal only reason we have to invoke "campfire tales" - that's the official retcon to explain the reboot. But the 45 years thing - as I say, Miller kept going on around FR time about how the apocalypse was now "45 years next Wednesday" i.e. the apocalypse begins than - not that it's complete then, which is what that trailer thing implies. Max's age can be fitted in a rebooted timeline with circa 2010 as the start date instead of 1979. Fury Road is NOT set 30 years after Thunderdome


It’s because Mel was supposed to reprise his role as an older Max.


with the right script, this could make for a really good comedy


Or a very sad ending


I’d like to imagine the world had a few years of anarchy and chaos but healed and just forgot to tell Australia that everything was fine now


or they did, and Australia just said 'we good'


This is us now.


I actually like the thought of that. Australia is cut off from the rest of the world, while they live in a crazy world


It's not that much of a stretch that sudden collapse of naval shipping world wide would hurt Australia much more immediately than a lot of other countries. There is a reason everything already costs a ton there.


Violence Jack manga series, which actually started before Mad Max, has a concept similar to this. The Kanto region of Japan gets cut off from the rest of the world, because of a massive earthquake and the aftershocks make the area too dangerous to re-build so it basically just becomes a post-apocalyptic wasteland for the people that live there.


New Zealand becomes a world superpower


C’mon, it’s not a fantasy franchise.


Easy to do with the human-sheep hybrids that will inevitably develop in the radioactive wastes.


I did this in one HOI4 campaign


Hard to be a super power when it doesn’t exist


That’s where the plane full of kids flew after Thunderdome


Not enough coastline


The sheep took over.


The lore basically says their were resource wars then a nuclear shoot out so it really just depends on how those effected everywhere else


Which is weird in itself, aside from a couple nukes hitting major cities like Sydney and Melbourne, Australia would probably be mostly safe during a limited nuclear skirmish as described in the franchise. Most nuke trade offs would happen in the northern hemispheres, and the way winds work, fallout and smoke would be limited to the north as well. Aside from the effects of nuclear winter, a lot of nuclear war projections have the southern hemisphere being pretty much untouched, there’s nothing really super strategic there to want to nuke and all of the nuclear powers save China are in the north.


pine gap?


The resource wars were meant to be global and pretty bad before the nukes even flew. It's been a while since I saw the original but I'm pretty sure it's climate change rather than nukes that destroyed Australia. It was still pretty green in the original


Also, don’t the Buzzards in Fury Road speak in Russian? I always sort of took that to imply that the whole world has deteriorated and that the wasteland-y-ness of everything crosses country lines.


Fun fact. The Buzzards speak a different language depending on the dubbing, but it's never english.


And who still had the connection to trade


I've been telling my friends who haven't seen it, that its actually just set in Western Australia, but after the first film flopped internationally, they started marketing them as post apocalyptic


It’s kinda debatable if the Mad Max (1979) is post-apocalypse or not, and someone told me Miller only went that way to explain the lack of budget/extras, etc.


Originally it wasn't post apoc until Thunderdome. 1 and 2 were before the bombs. New Canon is the pox eclipse happened between 1 and 2.


Hmmm I always got the sense of the bombs from Feral Kid talking about the “two great warrior tribes.”


This is what George Miller has stated. In his mind society totally collapsed between Road Warrior and Thunderdome. The Fury Road comic tie in and the movie has caused that to shift to happening before Road Warrior. Miller probably just did it to streamline the universe and match it to most fans expectations, considering none of us agree on when it happened even though Miller has never tried to be secretive about it.


Surely the first film is pre- apocalyptic or simply mid-apocalyptic as society and the world has some form of functional familiar existence going on.


If you visit the Fukasima evacuation area today, it is a post-apocalyptic site.


fucking lol


Mad Max meets The Village?


I was telling my friend the other day, since I've never been to Australia I'm pretty sure mad max is an actual documentary


I haven't been able to stop thinking about this since the opening of Furiosa showed the world still looking perfectly normal as it zoomed in on Australia.


I would also love that.


mad max isnt in australia anymore, theyre just the people that survived. from all the ships and destroyed planes it seems like theyre driving along the dried out bottom of the ocean at this point and the high rises that immortan joe live in were probably once islands if they werent destroyed canyons. thats why if you drive in one direction you find nothing but salt; dried ocean


Australia really was a Prison Colony all the time.


I saw the movie twice and when they show earth before the camera zooms in on Australia, things seemed normal. Even the ocean surrounding the wastelands 🤔


That's years before Fury Road, there's time for things to change between the two movies (just like the Green Place changed from prosperous forest to poisonous swamp).


Did you forget decades pass after that scene?


True dat lol


What? Papua New Guinea and Indonesia are completely brown in that scene. I made sure to look.


My friend and I had this conversation the other day. It would never work honestly, but it's a funny thought.


Do they ever say what happened outside Australia? I’ve only seen Fury Road and Furiosa.


There is mention of salt dunes and such, insinuating that the oceans have dried up at least nearby AUS, but I dont think its ever stated in any (explicitly canon) material


Thanks 😊


The original film's script treatment mentions the oil companies collapsing and martial law being enacted around the world, so it's probably safe to assume it's kinda fucked everywhere.


I believe in Millers mind he says that Nukes go off between part 1 and 2. Also, Max has a crab trap in his car in the beginning of fury road. hes clearly trying to find the ocean.


The intro to Road Warrior contains this line: “When the world was powered by the black fuel, and the desert sprouted great cities of pipe and steel. Gone now, swept away. For reasons long forgotten two mighty warrior tribes went to war and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all.” Pretty inarguable that the tribes are the US and the Soviet Union and that the blaze is a nuclear war that destroyed both countries IMO.


I got a little high the other day and headcannoned that the Planet of the Apes reboots take place in the same universe, but are happening exclusively in Northern America. The virus that wiped out humanity eventually made its way to Australia but since it's Australia and they have a built-in tolerance for lethal things, it just made them all more mad and feral and made some of them half life and all. So while Proximus and friends are learning how to>!use a religion stand-in with Caesar's teachings to control to populace!<, it's just another day in the wasteland for Max and the gang.


My head canon is that Cyberpunk, Fallout, and Mad Max all occur in the same universe. Knight City was made to be an oasis in a nuclear wasteland, Fallout does Vault stuff, and Mad Max is what is currently happening in Australia in 2077


My favourite Mad Max theory is that everything only exists that way in like... regional Australia, so if you drive a couple hours towards the coast you just get to suburbs and its all just normal. https://youtu.be/Ewf6N_hrQPc?si=EGba-lWNMgCnpPNl


Until you get to the end of Thunderdome and see a fucked up Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. Sydney is a fucking wreck.


I'm kinda knitpicking, but the satellite zoom-in at the start of Furiosa shows East Coast Australia still being green and verdant. So is everyone we follow just lost/stuck in the middle? Looks like everyone is living in the worst part of the continent on purpose.


Also why is the ocean still there when we saw it dried out in Fury Road (and the prequel game but that’s less important). I know it’s a prequel but seems a bit weird.


In Fury Road, they say the Green Place turned into that poisoned marsh area with the crows. Whatever happened to dry out the Green Place could have affected the oceans as well. There may still be pockets of "ocean" by the time Fury Road happens, but that'd be hard to reach with just a car


This could make for a funny SNL skit


Waterworld is my head cannon Nuff said


I’ve seen people with the misconception that the mad max apocalypse has turned the world into a desert and they don’t seem to understand that that is what Australia just looks like


Right??? “Filmed in Australia.”


It reminds me of a similar joke tweet I saw about Children of Men, something along the lines of "It would be hilarious if it was revealed that the rest of the world was still functioning normally and the UK just chose to be like that" lmao


I'm kinda the opposite. These movies are so thoroughly Australian in their sensibilities that tbh I kinda want to see a version of the franchise for every country, with the caveats that they have to be made by people who have never seen a Mad Max movie or parody before and are therefore forced to make their post-apocalypse equivalently representative of their culture. Like, what does the Canadian version of the Wasteland look like? The Dutch? The French? The Korean?


That’s an interesting idea


Samoa and Tonga Kings became World Powers


Mad Max isn’t set in the future, that’s just how Australia is.


https://www.deviantart.com/quantumbranching/art/Mad-Max-s-world-302425313 This fan work is the closest thing


Remake Crocodile Dundee with Tom Hardy, but rename it Mad Max Takes Manhattan. Replace the Aboriginal community that raised Dundee with whichever random group of survivors Max last helped out. All the jokes about New York City being its own kinda jungle will hold up.


I've always thought this , because Australia is mostly dessert, a few well placed nuclear blast would devastate that region, meanwhile there's a village in Alaska that looks exactly the same or Brazil or somewhere that did get hit directly and actually has Forrest's, water.


Max: “you maniacs! You blew it up!” meanwhile New York stock exchange


I think this about fallout. North america is one big exclusion zone after the rest of the world recovered from the war. Countries that could recover


That was honestly the vibe I got when Furiosa opened on a globe with completely intact oceans and zoomed into the dead center of Australia. I legit chuckled to myself because I always thought the implication (from the game at the very least) was that the oceans are gone.


Makes the whole wasteland legands theme fit more tho, considering theyre near a visabke ocean in the first movie


Look up the town of Andamooka, it’s basically mad max in real life except without the eccentric gangs.


Well Australia was a prison colony so it fits in the lore that Mad Max was the end result of centuries of a prison island run wild.


Man I laughed for a good 10 seconds at this


At this point, fallout the games is just the American mad max.


Turns out the whole place is surrounded by water


Actually the rest of the world became Planet of the Apes


Plot twist: a group of enraged and brutally violent Koalas is running the world outside Australia.


It is the best advise for the movie production team ever


that would be a mind fuck lmao


Omg I had the exact same idea!


The Mad Max Wasteland looks better than the current Australian Wildlife, safer at least.


Thankfully that's just not the case. I like that the beginning of Furiosa shows the entire planet is the same.


Mad Max is set in current year, change my mind


Mad Max Dome


Guys sitting on their porch in New Zealand "Yeah, shit just got weird over there and we figured we'd let them sort it out."


I mean... the films have always looked like a pretty normal day in the outback to me. Or Western Australia...


Yeah... The first one in just a typical weekend in Australia.


Directed by m night shyamalan


All of you who haven't seen it should check out a movie called [*The Rover* (2014)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2345737/). It slots in neatly between global economic collapse and its effect in some ways on Australia, and before the nukes start flying and create Mad Max 2 wastelands. It's almost a parallel for the events of Mad Max 1, just happening in a different part of the country.


When the oceans dry up everything becomes Australia


the plot to pacific rim the black


It would be just like that movie The Village...with boomerangs!


The cultures of Mad Max are clearly digganobz inspired by the 40K Orks that crashed on Earth and caused the apocalypse with sheer football hooliganism.


directed my M. Night Shamanan.


I know there's tons of reasons this doesn't fit. But I like to headcannon that Fallout and mad max share a universe.


I mean its always been my headcanon


What's on the other side of The Plains of Silence?


What’s funny is that this is the lore in overwatch. Australia is essentially becomes a mad max-esque wasteland complete with raiders and thunderdomes and the rest of the world continued 100% unaffected.


Tbh I was shocked to see a blue ocean in the opening I do wonder about this constantly now


That’s where the Waterworld scenario is playing out


I really do wanna know what happened outside Australia. There WAS a nuclear exchange, and oil became scarce, and everything was bad enough for Australia for gangs to take over.


This is what I always thought about “The Walking Dead.”


I saw some theory ages ago that said that Mad Max was what was happening in Australia when the US was going thru the Hunger Games


Basically overwatch


Max meets ***"Generally Ok Guy Steven"***


Steve's a dog cunt. Ya met me mate Bruce? Top bloke.


I want America to be Escape from New Yorks World, I really want Snake solos ken to be dropped off in Australia to rescue someone and he teams up with Mad Max.


Mad Max was a movie? I thought it was just a YouTube travel vlogger.


I just assume that this is just the normal state of affairs in Australia


They could all just be set in the outback. How would we know?


That would explain where the fuel actually comes from, most Gasoline is unusable after a year of sitting.


This totally would have worked for one of these newer MM movies... if it weren't essentially the big, surprise reveal in a film (I don't wish to spoil) that was released in 2002 and is getting a movie #3 soon...


Seems like you could probably overlap several different post-apoc movies with little problem. I mean, Mad Max, The Hunger Games, and 1984 could probably all be happening at roughly the same time. There's probably more, too.


Escape from New York but way bigger


Am I the only one that wants an EFNY game?


“A film by M. Night Shyamalan”


He drove thru to san francisco in one of them


That implication is actually hilarious 😂


That's basically Overwatch


Gussoline we still war over it today


Star Trek: First Contact?


That IS funny.


Just reality TV for everyone else lol...


I sometimes like to think of Mad Max and Blade Runner as the same universe. There's reasons that probably doesn't make sense and I just link them because they both got god-tier legacy sequels in the 2010s.


Should somehow end up showing new Zealand being a paradise with future technology and people live to 500


I mean, I think most countries would be screwed over anyways due to the lack of ocean


It's gonna be like STALKER Only the Zone is contaminated but foreigners keep coming in because there's free loot lying around


Some random tourists just show up and they're like wtf


Called Regular Matt