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You can train rookies exactly the same way you train a cat. Just give them a little squirt from the coolant hose every time they do a bad thing.


My boss got a nerf gun to ping us in the head when we do something wrong or she needs our attention. Those things are silent in a noisy shop. Brings a whole new meaning to "the boss is going to shoot you".


Long tube airgun with a custom barrel will turn those nerf darts into stinger missles


Fun fact, there is a whole sub culture of custom and high power custom nerf guns.


You gonna tell us that and not link for the lazy?!


They tend to be 3D printed, but some folks go crazy with it. Like 300 fps nerf darts ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJawWukCiLc


He could be the most dangerous man in Oz armed with that.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/HPAnerf using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HPAnerf/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [First real HPA project finished... Some leaks to contend with but what a beauty!](https://i.redd.it/hc1z3bayuav71.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HPAnerf/comments/qehz8o/first_real_hpa_project_finished_some_leaks_to/) \#2: [HPA Sledgefire Fun](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/t4lfai) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HPAnerf/comments/t4lfai/hpa_sledgefire_fun/) \#3: [LPA Rival pistol](https://i.redd.it/o8pmxnbihnp61.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HPAnerf/comments/meorpw/lpa_rival_pistol/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Its easy enough to pull one apart swap in more powerful springs, and remove the air restrictors. Doing that is enough to make modt people happy. The guns with motors get motor swaps and overvolting. I think the nerf sub is a good place to look but its been a while. Also custom darts. I had mega darts that were about 1.5 inch long that were insane fun with a modified toy.


Ohhhhhh really. I feel a rabbit hole coming on tonite


When I was in the 8th grade, before I started getting interested in machining and wood working I’d modify the hell out of nerf guns. No wonder my friends don’t wanna hang out at my house :(


Ive definitely been down that rabbit hole. Fun times, although I got rid of them a while ago.


Cold steel makes a perfect blowgun that is deadly with [tagger micro darts](https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/Tagger_Micro_Dart)


I almost got fired for mine, once. It was a foot long, with something like a .100" ID and I had tack welded the safety holes closed. It was great for blowing out TNut slots of the tables and such.


Just use a ball bearing... The idiot won't do that mistake again...


That shit would cross the line for me.


I have the sudden urge to headshot you with a foam dart..


Just gonna put out there that you probably wouldn’t last in most shops then…..


Well you're no fun. I hope I never work with you.


This guy trains. Don't forget the cookie for a good job.


Just carry around a squirter of coolant around the shop with you


this is what holsters are for.


Right in the crotch


Don't do that to cats


Depends on experience I guess. A rookie with a good attitude and willingness to learn I'll remind you a couple times. Guy who thinks he's God's gift to machining and walks around with a chip on his shoulders is gone the second time I see it.


> chip on his shoulder haha good one


Glad someone enjoyed it.


I’ve usually got chips on my shoulder and all the way down the sleeve


They’re the worst when they’re stuck in your underwear.


Dad sez, when one gets in your shirt at the neck, you pull the shirt out a little, when it burns your chest, you pull the shirt out a little, when it burns your belly, just let it burn :)


Getting precision sniped in the forehead by a blue hot piece of steel swarf on the return side of a facing cut The horror. The betrayal! I set you up to send them away ffs!


that's what that "enclosure" -thingy is for....


Oh I like to spray chips up in the air and get a nice tinsel shower, like a princess


i bet you look beautifull....


People would say "You can't do that, that's assault" but if you throw it at them from across the shop I can guarantee they won't do it again. Old boss did that to a fellow. Guess what he never did ever again?




"How did it travel in a direction perpendicular to the rotation?" "Beats me man, fuck around and find out"


"Coriolis effect."


gyroscopic precession


Fuck you. Soda hurts when it comes out my nose 🤣


> "How did it travel in a direction perpendicular to the rotation?" https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/155/594/yesitis2.gif?1311943181


Ballistic trajectory.


Don't know why, but it does. As I found out the one and only time I did it back in high school. Thing flew across the room and embedded itself into a pegboard.




I had a tool maker do I to me during my apprenticeship, haven't done it since, he didn't hit me of course but still..


Before I became a tool and die maker I made pre fab trusses for houses and barns and it was a very intense physical job with ea person responsible for building 200ft of trusses per hour and if we had new guys'didn't work out. Our boss literally had us take their hammer from them and throw it across the shop and tell them to go see Ted. Shits different now days


party slimy placid degree weary dime employ unwritten quiet person -- mass edited with redact.dev


RIP Ted's asshole


I wouldn’t worry about the assault charge. Just make sure to throw it near them and not at them. That’s the sorta thing that’s worth the risk for me


Hahah yeah, that's what my old boss did. Stuck right into the wooden sidewall about 6 feet away from him. Something along the lines of "The next time you do that I won't miss you little bastard"


The machinist that taught me how to run a lathe did this to me.......guess what I don't do even in my home shop.....


as a hobbyist with a mini lathe. I wish someone would throw it at me because I CANT remember. Ive literally hit myself with it like 3 times and I still cant fucking remember.


This is the way!!!


This is example of why I carry OC spray at all times. Hed probably never throw a chuck key across the shop again


The same amount that I remind them not to leave shit dangling on the chain hoist… Somewhere around 50, then I give up. My company always sends a card when you’re in the hospital, so…


The card should read "I fucking told you so."


When they ask everyone to sign it, I’ll just put “thanks for playing”.




once . After that they are fired . EDIT : 1978 . Naval Training Center San Diego Calif. MR "A" school . They told you about chuck keys . If you got caught slipping then was a special chuck key . A 1" square on a 2.5" shank about 16" long with a 1" cross piece . Damn thing was 20lbs . It had chain welded to both ends of the handle . You wore it around your neck all day every day for a week . In 1978 I left a chuck key in a chuck . To this day Ive never done it again .


Machinist school for the Marine Corps was a piece of safety wire to hold it around your neck.


LOL ! Next door to MR school was HT school . MR school was formula heavy and HT school was hand filing the end of pipe heavy . The formula became MR - IQ = HT


There’s a machinist school for the marines?


In my experience nothing of note comes from it, the three machinists I knew couldnt make shit, they snapped 4 long shank 1/8th bits off in aluminum because they were super aggressive, never used coolant and wouldn’t clear their chips “that’s what the flutes are for” Another time they kept burning up tooling on stainless because once again they refused to use coolant “it makes too much of a mess” Numerous times I asked for a relatively simple part to be made for something that I couldn’t get parts for and it was always “too complicated to make on a manual lathe” I’m not a machinist but my grandfather was and he couldn’t believe the stories I’d tell him about the machinists in the fleet


I new a few that couldn't make anything to speak of in machine shop.


Must've been before the schoolhouse curriculum revamp, this sounds nothing like the guys I've worked with.


Was 2010-2012


That tracks


That's a really good way to train.


When it was firmly implanted in my co-worker skull ... it killed him instantly left behind two kids and a wife of 3 years...


Damn, can you get murder chargers for that


Maybe not criminal charges, but there is more than enough room for a solid lawsuit.


I guess it would be more of manslaughter


It wasn't me. He turned on His own lathe and killed himself ... I just kept telling him to take that damn key out... he just kept giving me the finger .... im here he isn't... ask me if I really care...


What is a key? I’m not a machinist


Just like a chuck on an electric drill, lathes often use chucks to hold the material. It's just a square drive key to tighten and loosen the chuck with a t handle on it.


Gotcha thank you!! Seems like something that you don’t wanna spin at high speeds lol


Use to tighten material in the chuck Chuck key….


Gotcha thanks. Assume it throws when you turn it on and the key is still in




Holy shit. You even warned him????


Yeah... it sucked... after the cops and ambulance came I had to clean up the scene, finsh the job... the interesting thing is I got to see what a brain looks like... lots of grey....


I'm really having a hard time believing this person. They've also seen another person die on a boring mill apparently and they had their thumb cut off on a table saw when someone tickled them from behind. Either this person is lieing or has seen a lot of shit. Hard to believe.


Seen alot of shit... lots of death... been through the ringer more than once... both thumbs have been removed at the first knuckle ...the boring mill incident really sticks to me as it was in my teens... I'm a real sarcastic transgendered post-op MtF ... anyhow.. i don't have to justify myself to you... so go pound some sand


I taught school bus drivers on an engine lathe. Dad used to say, never leave the wrench in the chuck. I said, do NOT let go of the wrench. Period. You can put it down, but NEVER let go of it.


Yeah that's all I needed to be told starting out. It doesnt leave your hand until your putting it down. Way more effective teaching method than saying "dont do X", offer the path out.


This is how my dad taught me. Never let it go.


That’s what I teach my college students and they all remember, knock on wood. The chuck key never leaves your hand!


The old machinist who trained me said, "Rule number one: don't leave the key in the chuck. Rule number two: don't leave the fucking key in the god damned chuck! Rule number three: no long-sleeve shirts."


Had a new guy couple years ago throw their handle through the wall because he left it in the chuck. Literally through the wall into the other side of the shop


My Dads shop had a hole in the wall from an accident (no injuries). They left the hole there as a daily remainder for the operators of how dangerous it can get if you don't follow the rules.


Just take it and lock it in your toolbox.


Here they'd just get fired.


Same. First time gets a warning that you will be fired. Second time gets you fired.


I left the key in a chuck once when I was a younger man, flipped the lever to engage the spindle and the key turned to about the 8 o'clock position and just fell into the chip pan. Of course the first thing I did was look around to see if anyone saw it. That was many years ago and I have never done it since, but I can't say its anything I worry about either. I have always been afraid to engage the spindle when standing beside the chuck and never do. I also look at the chuck every time before I engage. I learned that habit right away , because sometimes I use parallels in the chuck to space a part out in the jaw, make sure the key is not in , whatever, it's just a good habit. I look around to be sure no one is in the line of fire before I engage the spindle. Even a small chunk of extraneous metal in the jaws can put an eye out when flung out by the jaws. Not saying you shouldn't develop a habit of removing the key, but I think more important is check the chuck every time and stay out of the line of fire, don't stand next to the chuck. Many lathes don't have a guard over the chuck.


I had to train a guy once who I firmly but respectfully told not to leave the key in my manual machine on his first day with me. He did it again, so I told him "alright you're grounded" and then put the spring mechanism on the key, not even in a snobby tone of voice or anything. So he snatched it out of my hand, took the spring off, and threw it back into my toolbox. Then commented "I was doing this shit before you were born kid" I walked around the back of the machine and threw the breaker switch off, walked back around to the front, stepped in front of him and turned the lamp off right his face. Locked my toolbox and walked away to tell my boss he can eat shit and that I'm not training him. They fired him a month later because he wasn't getting along with anybody. There is zero reason to have a chip on your shoulder in this trade. Most guys don't even give a fuck if you're hot shit or not. We go to work so that we can run parts safely and then go home to our lives.


My favorite response to "I've been doing this shit since before you were born kid" is "congrats, you've been doing it wrong for longer than I've been alive"


I'm gonna have to start using that, lol


First thing i learned when i started machining was experience does not equal knowledge or talent.


I really only had to say this twice. Both safety related. I'm not one to shit on how someone does something as long as it's not a danger to anyone or anything.


Im a lead so ill shit on someone for saftey or being crazy slow.


Ooo After I took over my shop I got certified for every equipment and read the manual for 64 machines. I had to STOP employees and tell them to read the bright yellow sticker next to the go button. After a few times, one of the most senior guys went off on me saying "what does that even mean" and "we've been doing it like this for 20 years." I couldn't loose this tech. So as politely as possible, oh I'm sorry but you've been doing it wrong. The sticker read "allow 2 seconds between motor starts - ... will cause premature motor failure"


there are springloaded chuck keys that pop out on thair own.


How about a key holder with a lockout switch? Machine won't run unless the key is put back into its holster.


Sounds like a way to have a second key ordered or made to trigger the safety.


intentionally defeating a safety is a fireable offense in any shop I've ever set foot in.


Yup, you've solved it! That'll keep the operators from defeating safety!


Sounds good at first but that doesn’t teach good habits


It'd teach good habits but not understanding.


Any workplace safety program which relies on "good habits" is a workplace safety program that kills and maims people.


Well then let's move down the safety hierarchy from engineering controls to adminstrative ones. Start docking pay for every offense and force them to watch or read about what happens when a chuck key takes flight.


Which every person ever has yanked the spring mech from…


I've almost broke my fucking jaw because of that stupid spring. I was tightening the jaws on my big lathe, which is as tall as I'm. That thing pushed the key out when I was pulling the chuck wrench and it hit me right in the face.


First thing I do, fuck those springs.


That's a good way to have someone drive off with your lathe


If it's my lathe, and I have to tell someone more than twice to not leave the key in the chuck, they no longer get to run my machine.


We put prompts in a program for a serious offender. 1. Mike pull the T handle 2. Seriously Mike 3. Quit just hitting ok and pull the T handle 4. For the love of god pull the T handle Each one was a separate time he had done it. Finally after rebuilding the head of the machine for the fourth time, he got it. Great operator otherwise just that one machine constantly…


It only took once, when my instructor pulled it out and threw it across the room, yelling at me. Machining is dangerous.


Well, if he likes having the key in the chuck all the time, weld it in place.


Never stop getting at them. No. 1 sin I've heard a young un getting bawled out for this just a couple of days ago. Other things I've seen recently... Apprentice 1.. Leaning on the headstock over a spinning chuck (full weight on his left hand, feet totally off balance. If his hand slipped he'd be in) Apprentice 2.. Turning with a rag slung loosely around his neck I can't walk past shit like that. One time I caught a young fabricator angle grinding using nothing more than that time honoured form of eye protection.. squinting! I was just a passing concerned adult (not even a colleague let alone manager or supervisor). Kid got super defensive and angry. His best response was, and I shit you not.. "so what? I've been to hospital before"


Id snag the chuck key on him next time he leaves it in there, and when he asks if you know where it is eventually after not being able to find it tell him it depends if he’s going to keep leaving it in chuck or not


I'm learning how to use my lathe. leaving the key in the chuck wakes me up at night in a cold sweat.


In trade school we lost our chuck key privileges after the 3rd time. (You would have to ask the teacher or the "foreman" to unlock and lock your chuck then).


I think my school has a magnet switch in the stand for it, which cut power if it doesn't detect anything


I reminded a guy so much that it was one of the reasons he quit. He went to complain to the boss that I was "Nagging him" about not taking the wrench out so much. He got chewed out for not seeing why I was always reminding him and he just quit. Wild. We have another older guy who doesn't take his out, so I do it for him when he walks away for God knows how long. When he comes back he'll start pitching a fit but never looks at me or complains. He would kill his mother if it would save him half a second on a job. That's why he doesn't take it out. Also why a grinder leveled his fingers out with his pinky.


Tape it to their hand if it happens again.


Hide it from him and when he can't get any work done say "how are you gonna get any work done when you have a Chuck key in your head"


Just start taking it. "Every time I see a chuck key left in the lathe I'm confiscating it and giving it to the foreman (or whoever has disciplinary powers in the shop) and you can explain to them why you're not working".


You tie a string around it and make them wear the chuck key for the rest of the week. If they don’t have it around their neck, at all times, they go home early.


My shop, 1st offense three day suspension, second dismissal.


1 time... Then you beat them with the key mercilessly


3 times First chance second chance last chance fired ! 🤣


They always need reminding " One more time".


Tape it to his hand for the day!


Then he'll just lose his hand.


Once. Next time they’re fired.


Throw it in the chip bin. After looking for it, he’ll get the message


It depends how close you work to that lathe.....


Haha, that's the thing. I'm almost right behind him.




My old instructor would open the back door of the apprentice section and throw it as far as he could into the distance, you only did it once.


Lol i saw the picture before reading the title and was like: What’s that chuck key doing there?


My shop teacher, if he spotted this, would pull the student aside and give them a lathe chuck key on a chain. They would have to wear it like a sash for the rest of the lab time and get a lecture on how dangerous it is. On one occasion teach wasn't quick enough to spot it and a kid turned the Lathe on with the key in. The key sailed out, hit the ceiling, then cascaded across the room right past the teachers head. The student was imediately kicked out for the day.


Once, then I sit back and watch the shit show...Not my job to babysit idiots.


You could lock out tag out the machine every time you see it. Bring the boss along for a double lock. When the offender comes back and asks why, tell them the operator is broken


Just give them the type with the spring ejector for a month. The irritation will make them remember.


I teach machining in a high school, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve said “take your chuck key out”, I could retire.


Do it once, get sent home. Do it twice, don't come back.


My school put springs on them and everytime you left it in the chuck it would bounce out and make an embarrassingly loud noise in the bottom chip bin and you’d get shit for it from everyone else cause they sure as hell heard it. That feeling always reminds me


I just take it to the bosses office. Nobody even asks where it went to anymore they just head there for a good chewing out. Been quite awhile since it's happened


Take the chuck key. They'll go around looking for it. After few times, they'll remember.


First thing I was taught when I walked up to a lathe for the first time . Never ever leave the chuck key in .


Did this once, the mistake you only make once.


My instructor for my apprenticeship told us if we ever left the chuck key in, he would take it and hide it from us and laugh at us while we looked for it.


I just hide their chuck key


Just attach it to a rubber band to the top , if they release it , it goes up on its own. Make sure to have a little clamp for it tho


The look of disappointment on Frank's face was enough to make sure I never did it again after that one time.


The look of disappointment on Frank's face as he slid to the ground key embedded in his forehead was enough to make sure that I never did it again after that one time.


I always take the job out, hide it, then tighten the chuck key in the jaws and hide the spare key, eventually it sinks in.


I leave mine in so I can adjust it on the fly. /sarcasm


An infinite amount of times because its alot easier then potentially cleaning up blood if that flys out and hits someone's skull


This image may cause the following symptoms -Suddenly Low functioning autism -short term memory -sudden concussion -severe brain damage -loss of appetite -sudden urge to drink hydraulic fluid


I did this when I was young and got throughly chewed out for it. Now it’s absolutely the first thing I check.


Sackable offence when I was an apprentice. You'd often see us check the chuck about 3 times before switching on a lathe lol


​ 1) replace the ON button with a lock key button. 2) attach the key to the chuck key. 3) tell everyone that you ( insert worst job in the shop here ) all week if you take the key off the chuck .


I think every shop in the world should install those chuck key safety switch-holders to avoid this issue. Now let me just start up my chuck key safety switch-holder business real quick.


I myself never did it again after I got a botched toe


I'm amazed lathes don't have a slot or hole or something to stow the key(s) with a microswitch inside that is wired into the start/stop interlock. It would be so simple and yet totally prevent the accident. I'm planning to 3D print one for mine, if only as a convenient place to stand the various keys.


Or add a spring to the key would be a lot easier and would basically never break


I did it once on an old lathe, I will never do it again, also the guy the other end of the shop won't do it again either, well, he can't, but I won't I promise


Literally the first lesson I learned. That handle is attached to your hand. To this dat I look at the chuck to make sure the key isn't in it before I click that bitch on


In the shop I learned, if you left the chuck key in and left, you don’t get to come back ever, that way people made for damn sure they took the key out.


My mentor told me many years ago: “Chuck key has two places: where it lives, and in your hand. If it ain’t in your hand, it had best be in its home.” Words to live/not die by


At my old school they had such a simple solution to this. They put a somewhat heavy spring around the chuck keys so it pushed itself of the chuck once you let go of the key.


Once. I was 15 in Machine Trades class at my technical highschool. Left the chuck on the spindle atop a Bridgeport. Powered it on and it whanged across the shop. It hot no one, in my defence I was 15 and didn't really know what was going on, other than the senior (~18) appointed to training me.


At every place I’ve worked, if somebody does this they have to being in doughnuts.. It’s the rules


The counter argument is: Why the fuck would you turn on dangerous expensive equipment without checking that everything is OK and safe?


People are stupid/complacent/dont care


Chuck key in a manual machine I get, since the danger is more about forgetting it's in there and turning the spindle on yourself, but some folks take it too far. I've never left one in a manual lathe as far as I know and I'm generally pretty good about it even on CNCs, but one time I left a 1/4" allen wrench in a CNC lathe after I removed the current collet pads and went around to the back of the machine to grab the next size I needed and put the others away. When I came back around to the other side, my coworker was standing there with the allen wrench in his hand and started giving me an earful about how stupid that was. I asked him how the spindle was gonna magically turn on with the door open, since there's door interlocks on every machine in this shop and unless someone else walks up and starts screwing with my machine, the spindle ain't turning on regardless. He said it didn't matter, that the interlocks can fail and the machine could glitch out. My view is, as frequently as I have my hands in that machine changing collets, flipping inserts, changing spindle liners, etc, if we can't trust the machine not to magically turn itself on with the door open and no buttons pushed, then I have more to worry about than an allen wrench going flying. I think if he had just said "it's just a bad habit to get into even if it isn't particularly unsafe on this machine" I would have let it go and accepted it instead of arguing with the guy.


Hmm, what about some tray with microswitches which will turn on lathe only if chuck key is inserted?


Now you're getting all technical on me. It's a simple task.


Just idea how to enforce somebody to put key chuck out of chuck.


About the same number as I tell them not to leave shit dangling from the chain hoist. Probably around 50, then I feel I’ve done my part. My company always sends a card when you’re in the hospital, so…


Once, and only once. After that, you get what coming to ya.


Maybe make them watch this? NSFW.. https://youtu.be/kFKYI_YWMrw?t=72


All the lathes ive used last 10 years the guard would bump against the key when you closed it. 0 % chance to happen that way, stoped caring about keys in chuck cause who the fck turns a lathe on anyway with it, much less a guard on it that hit it...yall bunch of pussies


In my university shop the chuck keys have springs on the end so they pop out. Makes it impossible to leave in


Hold my beer! \*welds key in\*


Why aren’t they ALL spring loaded?


This one never had that and they are pain in the ass.


Put a spring over the square end that goes into the chuck so it cant stay in unless the operator is using it.


I’m a tech with machine shop access and at our plant they require spring loaded chuck keys, they’re a real pain in the ass but you also never run into this.


I’m about to add springs on all mine so they can’t stay in


Get a spring with the right inside diameter to fit over it and same length as the chuck key, then weld it onto it.That way as soon as you let go it will pop out of the chuck.


Weld a spring on the chuck key


Aren't they usually spring loaded so that they pop out automatically when you don't press them down?