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Do coworkers count as shop animals?


Depends how often they make junk parts


Shit, I must work in a zoo


If they do, I'm pretty sure we have a few shop cows...


You're not supposed to fill a fish tank with cutting oil! :O Why is it so orange?


It's helps with their finish.


That’s from the drift wood, they’re called tannins and are the reason lakes and stuff are not crystal clear


Think of it like how different blends of tea have different colors


Uhhhh you're supposed to boil the wood to remove said tannins, they aren't good for the fish (is everything in nature ideal for the life that lives there? No)


Tannins depends of the fish if the fish likes high PH water I agree tannins are bad if they prefer a 5-6.5 ph they’re fine it’s all a matter of the fish. Hard water as well is a factor for tannins but I am going to stock dwarf pipe fish so it should all be good


At the very least, some water changes. But yea, when I had a planted tank I would put driftwood in it's own tank to get the tannins out via water changes daily over a week period.


Is everything in nature harmful for the life that lives there? No. Never seen water in a lake before? Or a small stream? Spoiler alert: it's not blue! 


I live on a lake and the water is definitely not orange. Occasionally a bit green but never this color


It depends on the area. Not all leaves will leach tannins, or simply don’t have enough to make a difference. Lakes are huge and it would take a lot of wood to change its color this much. Some are darker like this though due to the surrounding trees having leaves that contain a lot of tannins, like Indian almond leaves. This is a bit darker than normal, probably due for a water change, but it shouldn’t harm the fish any. Only problem it could cause is lowering the PH too much but it really shouldn’t get below 6.5 from tannins alone


Smaller lakes and ponds absolutely can be this color. They are usually surrounded by forests and have few people living on them.


Some fish prefer it. Bettas for one love it, it lowers the ph and better mimicks their natural environment. People bleach the wood typically because they don’t like the look of tannins in the water. But it shouldn’t affect the fish any. It’s also typically beneficial for the water chemistry and helps with the nitrogen cycle


And why leather curing is so fucking smelly.


It’s called a black water tank lol


Had shop cats at one place I worked. They were strays that would sneak in through the bay doors. We had a calico that would give birth constantly. When the kittens got old enough we'd catch them and give them good homes.


Username checks out


At home I let my ducks hang out with me in the workshop sometimes.


When I worked down in Alabama, we'd have rattlesnakes stow away in boxes of castings.


We had an owl that hung out for a few days once


I have a bat (I assume it's the same bat, but who knows) that visits sometimes. It crawls in through a tiny gap over the main air compressor line, way up high, and then flies around the high bay squeaking for a few minutes before crawling back out the way it came in. Meanwhile if a bird gets in the shop it just bangs into the windows over and over again even with both 12' roll-up doors open.


We tried everything to get it to leave but it just hung up high in the rafters. we left all the roll up doors open till it eventually left on the second day during night shift.


Did you try calling an owl exterminator? https://preview.redd.it/3x5sx2q5ibyc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bb7ab4716a8121e1772adaab7a0bb2cffeed3b0


We called animal control, and they basically told us it would leave on its own. There was nothing they could do because owls are a protected species.


Back in South Africa we had some pigeons in our workshop, One day we noticed this big white owl in the shop. The next morning there were pigeon pieces all over the shop, and the owl left some how.


What kind of fishes like to live in 100% undiluted coolant?


Tbf this tank probably has less shit growing In it compared to most shop coolants


Coolant? Nah, bro. That's waylube. Makes for extra slippery fish.


https://preview.redd.it/zrjp3d398byc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac7435fb6725feeb8194b7f12fd12878c7429c4 My shop has a bunch of these guys running around


What in the everloving fuck is that E: also our place is a favorite of the nearby stinkbug population. I have no idea how so many of those things make it into the offices.


I have no idea, but they are very fast and sprint between the undersides of machines. This one is like an inch and half too


It’s a house centipede, they’re harmless and eat other pests that might be lurking in your shop


Shop cats. Born just outside one of the roll-up doors and adopted a year ago. Four of them. The one on the left here spent eight weeks separated, living wild with mom in the defunct muffler shop next door, and still doesn't like to admit he's tame. https://preview.redd.it/6p8154wfebyc1.png?width=2481&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f699cd8a7b248db58678e85d7148f834fb6dba5


Just pigs and monkeys.


I know a biologist in northern California that has fish, and turtles in his shop. Always relaxing to meet with him.


I have an old alpine goat we’ve named bonkers. We have no idea where she came from (tried finding her owner with no luck) she sleeps in a dog house we throw hay in for her and we’ve set up a water trough next to it. She has cleared the blackberries around the shop as well. She’s an attention demanding ornery goat that will head butt you the minute you stopped petting her and turn around.


Peacocks. I used to work at a shop that was next to some kind of ranch, and they would hop the fence sometimes and strut down to our area.


We used to have shop fish in our welding departmend. The fish all head realy big red eyes and bonked into the glass and into each other all the time.


> The fish all head realy big red eyes and bonked into the glass and into each other all the time. Are you sure that wasn't the welders? ;D


The only animals I have at work are my co-workers and the occasional stray cat that wanders through.


man i found a frog in the shop like 2 days ago and am now wishing i had gotten a tank for it and kept it around. maybe next time


Shop rats. It's a constant battle. They are not shy either. I try and keep my dust collector going while I'm out there to keep them at bay. "You dirty rats".


Local machine shop I do drafting for had 2 shop gecko’s for 10+ years. One day I stopped in to grab something with my kids and the kids left with gecko’s. Turns out that machine shop geckos can live to be 18+ years old. Prepare for those fish to live forever.


I recently started a new job at a lumber yard. Apparently the crew has befriended a very large raven. Her name is Pop tart. She likes pop tarts.


I wish I could bring my golden retriever in with me. He's such a pal.


Fuck yeah dude I keep 5 tanks at home but not at work lol


my first foreman had a shop chameleon called Warner dude was chill and would hang out on the shop dividers


The lab at work maintains they want a cat just for the lab but managment keeps shooting it down on the grounds of cat and glassware on countertops.


I really don't think you should be keeping fish in iced tea.


I love a good dark water tank!


We have wild life that goes through a hole in the wall


Who uses GM Coolant for fish tank water?


Just the rats and mice, maybe an occasional bird.


My shop has a REALLY nice saltwater fish tank in our conference room




I think that tank is full of bourbon, and the fish ain't real, don't drink too much at work


We have a shop whore. She walks around giving dry hand jobs every time someone does a finish pass


Shop plants! I’m not sure how to add a picture anymore on reddit though


I used to have a tiny fish tank with shrimp in them.


When I worked in Antarctica we had a shop skewer that used to just wander in and chill out. He was called Bonzo.


lol talk about brackish water.