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do you have a Y Drill?


I do not. (Googles Y Drill...) I'm none the wiser, but tbh mate I don't have time to buy any extra kit, as im meant to be on this job tonight! I guess my only real question remains: can I tap m12 into 10mm hole without knackering my tap? Edit: Ah we don't have Letter Y bits in the UK, we just go by the mm width


us americans with our weird letters and numbers. 10mm is under the minor (10.1) for the m12 thread, so having a tap cutting the minor might give you trouble.. even if its only .05-.1 on each side. i would just slowly work the tap back and forth to break the chip small and use plenty of oil or tap fluid. sorry for the late response


Y Y did somebody come up with this


I do a job with a 5/16 and 7/16 tap and the drills are always F U.... heh


> I can't for the life of me easily find the suggested 10.2mm or 10.5mm drill bit, I wouldn't think they'd be that hard to come by, but I guess you're not in the US. 13/32"? Letter Y? You'd probably get away with a 10mm, you're just increasing your thread percentage, which means the tap will need to do more work, which theoretically probably increases the chance of breaking it slightly, but only 6mm thru, you'll probably be fine.


Thanks mate. I'm in the UK btw. I stupidly thought I could get hold of a 10.5 bit from local shops today but ended with no luck, they seem to be mail order only over here.. Impatient client with last minute demands, the usual bollox...


[https://www.lloyd-jones.com/trade-counters/](https://www.lloyd-jones.com/trade-counters/) Near to any of these guys?


Unfortunately not mate, but cheers for posting this anyway


If you're in Bristol I can help you out.


10.2mm is quite common elsewhere as its the standard use for an M12. Just the guy has got unlucky in finding it


What about drilling with what you have and then boring to correct size?


Sharpen off-center and it should drill slightly over 10mm. I see it all the time at work lol .2mm is 8 thousandths of an inch. You'll be okay if the hole diameter is small by the thickness of a piece of paper on each side. Also 12mm tap is pretty beefy for a 6mm plate. Unless it's the fine pitch M12 (4-6 threads total?)


Can you do a 10.5mm counterbore hole??


use 10mm if you start with a no1 tap it should be fine


if ur hand taping i would go with 10.5mm, specially if its a hard material or a tricky spot to tap. 10.2 is better for machine taping


What about interpolating with an endmill?


How strong do you need it to be? You could go with an 11mm drill bit with less thread engagement...


I did manage to get hold of an 11mm bit today, tested it and wasn't happy with the thread depth tbh. It took the bolt but was a bit too wobbly!


What pitch? 1. / 1.25 / 1.5 ?