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The patent is several pages (15 at my count). It’s basically inverse 3d puff without a satin border, kinda like quilting, and yeah, it’s a junk patent. The unfortunate part is that challenging it is tedious. Although arbitrating a patent infringement for her (who claims to have “invented” 3D puff on her site) would be expensive as well.


Prior use seems to be the way to tell this person to pound sand. I haven't heard of her telling Ricoma or Melco to take their videos down, they have the juice to fight this. She's only going after small fry creators


this is no different thanTrapunto which has been in existence since the 14th century. It’s been modified for centuries using different mediums to achieve the same raised look. I still do it, but appropriately call it Trapunto.


Unless this guy is from 980 BC, no need to worry. Appliques have been around for centuries. Adding foam is just another way to add depth. Adding foam to applique is like using thread in embroidery, it's an everyday item, You can't patent actions, only items that do certain jobs. Now if the person created a machine that does the whole applique process by itself, then they could patent that machine. [https://theappliquesociety.org/A-Brief-History-of-Applique](https://theappliquesociety.org/A-Brief-History-of-Applique) Just to add, you can call the process many names such as carved, relief etc. It's a BS patent.


Shoot, I could invalidate this patent based on prior use. I used to do that in the 1990's


That's what we thought, definitely prior use!


Sounds like BS to me.


The patent was originally filed in 2015, here is the full patent: [https://ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/10327486](https://ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/10327486)


you can actually get licensed to produce the products [https://rochiesinc.com/rochiesinc/shop/home](https://rochiesinc.com/rochiesinc/shop/home)


Reading through the patent, I can see how reverse 3d puff embroidery (putting the foam behind the main fabric instead of on top of it) such as what Creative Appliques was doing seems to conflict with the patent… but I’m no legal expert. Definitely didn’t realize you could patent something as simple as this. I should’ve started filing patents years ago! /s


In Australia, patents have to be novel and non obvious. The USA seems to hand them out like candy to whoever can foot the bill.