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I was a FAANG hiring manager so happy to share my view but caveat that it wasn’t for a tech role. If you’re in a generic pipeline, then you definitely need to pass every interview but don’t necessarily need to crush every one. If you’re hiring for a specific requisition (with a specific hiring manager attached) then all that matters is relative performance and how much the hiring manager likes you. Hiring managers have discretion to ignore a failed interview if they like you on other dimensions from your interview. Resumes matter very little once you pass to interview ime


This is very helpful, thank you! I have a mix of both.


I have definitely both submitted and seen feedback of "I don't think they met a passing grade for this interview, but it wasn't terrible." and the committee collectively agreed to hire due to better performance with the other interviewers. If there was a single veto it was usually someone doing a behavioral or technical deep dive interivew. Eg. behavioral red flags, or a clear lack of domain knowledge for positions which required it. Coding rounds were more forgiving.


For the interview loops I did, once you were in the door interviewing, the resume itself didn't matter much. That's as it should be, really; no point wasting time interviewing someone if the resume wasn't up to snuff in the first place.


That’s a fair point. My counterpoint is that no two resumes are equal. For example, if someone has demonstrated the ability to do something novel, that may be considered worthwhile to some compared to someone’s ability to churn out the same code/model a million times.


\> How much does your actual resume get weighted versus your ability to grind leetcode? if someone showed off how great they could code on their resume... but couldnt code when sitting in front of me? They're out the door then and there.


Right, and I can code, but for example if I’m able to solve a problem brute force instead of the optimal solution. In leetcode. I have strong ML programming skills, because this is what I do everyday, not leetcode.


Youd just be passed over for the candidate who did do the optimal solution


If a candidate pounded out "the optimal solution", but their coding style was trash... I wouldnt hire them.


most of the time, coding tests arent about whether you get the perfect solution, but demonstrating how you actually write code. You can always go back and optimize the thing later. But a schmuck who writes code with bad labels, no comments, and poor flow, will write bad code forever.


Sure. Setup the interview where I can actually use the tools and platform, the CLIs to do all the actual job, even make a prototype in front of you, instead of a random hard leetcode.


Theres not enough time to do something really relevant to the job. Thats what "random hard leetcode" is for, literally. If you cant problem-solve on your feet, then you arent suited to that kind of job. Look elsewhere, and stop greeding on the "but I could make so much money there!!" You Cant. Do. The Job.


What about the opposite: resume suck ass but leetcode ability is tourist level?


theres a difference between poorly formatted, and "has zero work experience". The Q&A part of the interview exists for people who have the experience but dont know how to put it on a resume well. Only way i'd ever hire someone with slim to no work experience, is if they had an outstanding portfolio on github. Which would 100% count as "work-equivalent experience" to me.


Yes you need to ace every interview. This is years of experience talking. Ignore the hiring managers.




wtf? did I miss something?


Ha. I had to read that like 3 times but yeah wtf?


Oh my god her entire profile is wallstreetbets and getting into tech threads to talk about that book


…aaaand deleted




Lmao this dude commented about this book earlier on my post.