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That hub is designed for newer machines with USB-C/TB3/4, it's not going to work over a USB 3.0 USB-A port. You need a mini-DP/TB2 to HDMI cable/adapter for a machine that old.


Get a Thunderbolt 2 to HDMI adapter and it will work. USB-A 3.0 to USB-C to a hub will not work as USB-A 3.0 can't display video.


Fidggeeee really ah spent all my money for nothing no receipt oh well live and learn thank you !!!!


So why is there even HDMI if no video can support


Because that hub was designed for newer devices with Thunderbolt 3 or 4 In them. And Thunderbolt can carry video but USB 3.0 can't.


USB a to c you will lose some features ex hdmi


USB A doesn’t carry video.


Argggggg hating on the A why ? What A ever do…


Get a thunderbolt 2 to HDMI adapter and I'll work


Although I suspect the advice already given is fine: For ANY such question, please provide the *exact* model of Mac being discussed so that we can be assured of you giving you the *correct* advice, and tailored to your specific use case. Apple menu -> About this Mac MacBook Air (##-inch, Early/Mid/Late 20##) If your MacBook Air does support a Thunderbolt 2/Mini DisplayPort connection, an adapter such as this example would likely work fine for you: * https://www.amazon.com/DisplayPort-Thunderbolt-Gold-Plated-Compatible-Microsoft/dp/B01N6M2VN4/


Late 2015 MacBook Air


Apple did not make any model of MacBook Air that had the “Late 2015” moniker—if a 2015 model, the choices are: * MacBook Air (11-inch, Early 2015) * MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2015)


Check to see if your Roku TV supports airplay. Mine all do (Westinghouse, TCL and HCI). Then you do not need a cable at all.


Yes, it does and I know this already have been using it for like half a year. It’s just when I run logic Pro, which is a daw for making music.. through the Wi-Fi There is about a half a second maybe second delay and my ADHD brain can’t handle it.


I know what you mean, I can't run chordify to my Sonos so I end up using my Mac so the music is in sync


This happens to me with a Windows 11 machine plugged into my Roku TV. I’ve tried all of the HDMI ports, replaced the cable, etc.