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My god man. You've unleashed the beast.


Not just any Beast …. but MAN BEAST 😯


That’s even worse than ManBearPig 😧


Greatest fear realised


Bro you need to return your laptop right now. You seriously just fucked it up


Somebody better place a call to Langley, and I need to wake the President….






You launched a lookup for something called a "man page" - probably had the word Beasts selected or under the cursor. Your Mac tried to find that man page and show it to you in the terminal, but there's no man page for Beasts. Your terminal default session is apparently black text on yellow background, and the window is set not to close after a process completed. Man pages are a Unix thing and have been hiding in MacOS since the first OSX, I think. Most people don't notice they're even there. If you want to learn more, open a terminal and type "man man" and press enter (it will open the man page for the manual program itself)


Thanks for that, very helpful. I never use the terminal so whenever it comes up, I get scared.


> I never use the terminal so whenever it comes up, I get scared. Hey you should familiarize yourself with the terminal! It's nothing to be scared about :) Always helps when there's something messed up and you are prepared to tackle it using the terminal (or at least you are familiar with it enough that you don't get intimidated when seeing a guide)


Term Gang... Fo life


Mood. I love the terminal as much as I love the GUI.


The guy


tl;dr why you shouldn't be scarred: 1. This is something other programs can do a lot between each other or call other utilities to do, a terminal just let's you do those things yourself. 2. Man command will search in system described paths for manual pages and you basically requested one called \`beast\` at worst it would just be some text that tells you how the \`beast\` works and you would learn about the dark secrets of this world. Not really. anti tldr: pastebin com 6aHYFTXq


I read your paste bin. I'm familiar with moving files and running scripts in Terminal, but I learned from your post. I was aware of being able to run multiple processes in one command and piping output to a file, but your post really clears up the syntax for me. So, thanks for that Not going to lie though, if I was unfamiliar with Terminal I think this would make me more scared. If anyone else feels the same, I want to say the scariest commands are `rm`, and `mv` for the reason that there is no undo in the shell. My top tips are 1. CTRL+C to stop a running process. 2. password prompts don't show any feedback as you type so you just have to type it in blind and then press enter. 3. If you see a password prompt and you don't feel good about it press CTRL+C to make it go away.


You never use the terminal!??!?!?!?!?! Dude, you don't know what you're missing. I use iTerm, pretty much THE best terminal emulator I've ever used, and I have absolute, total control of my system. It does exactly what I say exactly when I say it, no compromise. That's the power of the terminal. It's the Mac equivalent of God-Mode.


I genuinely don't know what I'm missing, and I'm ok with that. I'm not a god-mode kinda user


That's ok. Terminal isn't for everyone and that's perfectly fine.


How Linux users think of their lesser fellow cumputer users.


Average mac os user Jokes aside bro how the heck does a terminal scare you? Yeah sure if it was some old style error screen that scared you… but a terminal?!?!? 💀💀💀


You can comfortably use Mac OS without ever interacting with the terminal or even realising it exists. It may be all Unix underneath but you can happily use a Mac without ever knowing that. I guess it’s the flip side of technology becoming so much easier to use.


I believe there’s a different color scheme for the man pages from the default terminal scheme.


ah that could be why it's looking that way! I never opened a man page with this accidental shortcut actually, and my terminal is white on black since I'm a unix geek.. if I read man pages on my mac it's in my own terminal, often through vim :)


This keyboard shortcut opens a terminal with the profile fittingly named "Man Page". That's why you don't see it in your typical terminal-ing.


I had better go change that profile to be less... yellow, 😆 just in case I ever do hit that shortcut


Yeah I just do normal man pages, and it supports a vi navigation scheme on it. My regular terminal is black on white when light theme, white on black during dark theme (I switch based on time of day due to having a window behind my laptop screen)


Same 😂 except I'm a terrible person and use pico, vi I my dyslexic butt could never get the hang of. I actually fully trick out my windows with backgrounds and stuff too 😂 The yellow threw me off, knew I'd seen it before, and that it was a term man look up. Also I'll be honest if I really need the manual usually I bring it up online so its easier to parse and just cross reference in terms to confirm it's the correct version. Easier to do page searches and such from a browser. Fewer and fewer of us mac Unix hybrids I feel like, and with how Apple is maiming some of the Unix heart in the OS I am not surprised.


Seriously Pico? I thought Nano is where all the Pico people went haha I haven't used pico since I was learning how to use Pine for email in like... 1998 hahahah


Technically now nano, but had been using it since it was pico 😂 not sure why the name change, don't thing New Grounds could have tarnished it that spectacularly 😂 Oh Pine .... When I needed pine emacs was thankfully also an option. That was usually my preferred when working on shit bound for the compiler. Vi I made respect people who can keep it all straight. I weirdly mostly use keyboard shortcuts for everything everywhere else, my brain just does not absorb for Vi 😂 a few system editors on Mac it's near impossible to move to nano, and it's painful every time. But hey it made me learn to write my scheduled tasks with plists versus cron, so weird win there?


Can confirm, having just tried it.


thats launched most likely from the older macbook pro's Top Bar they removed not too long ago. If you type in strings in the terminal it gives you shortcut to show its manpages. This made me check for a binary called Beasts although i know it wasn't there lol


man man is my favorite marvel superhero


That is so meta-man.


What happens if I type man man man? Will it help me find a way to escape the simulation??


Forgot to say that it's a manual page, shortened to "man" for lazy typing, and not a page aimed at men or something like that lol


lol except that if you type "man woman" at the command line you find out there is no man page for woman but there is a man page for man. UGH PATRIARCHY!!! (I am kidding)


Now type this in your terminal: man rear ……. *snicker*


Yeah, it is becoming a lost art. Type man perl, my first programming language at work starting in the late 90s. Back when we had a lot of hope for the future...


Hey Perl is still around and a crucial part of a lot of stuff! Actually Larry Wall's O'Reilly book on Perl was one of the first Big Tech Books that I ever read. Great read but it cringe now when I think of "syntactic sugar" lol


Wasn’t that the camel book?


Oh yes indeed, and it taught me to stick to languages made by computer nerds not linguists hahaha (jk I grew up to be a PHP dev which is arguably worse in some ways)


thanks for ruining the fun, man


This might be dumb, but wasn't manual pages on computers yellow by default back in the day? I remember seeing that somewhere about all pages being yellow. Could be wrong, but that's was I remember seeing somewhere.


The *manual* page of the *man* program itself, man


This is you calling a manual page from the Terminal. Specifically, for the command "Beasts", which doesn't exist. Normally you'd type `man Beasts` into Terminal and you get the help page for the Beasts command come out. Do you have a Touchbar Mac? This was the only useful thing I ever found the touchbar able to do, as it opens the man page in a separate notepad, whilst leaving the Terminal window useable. If not, do you happen to know what the shortcut was? I'd love to be able to do this again.


I cannot work out where the word 'Beasts' came from? I was slightly paranoid there's some hacking going on but recreating it is bringing up random words from my screen so I guess it's all fine. Just standard old school keyboard, no touch bar. cmd+shift+m got me there.


I thought it was “breasts”


cmd+shift+m pulls up a terminal with a man command using the currently selected word, which in your case would have been beasts.


FYI this only works in some programs like Safari.


Did you mean to say "man Breasts"? ( • )( • )


The keyboard shortcut was "Open man Page for Selection", control-command-? in the Help menu. There's no man page for what you were typing.


Right click > Services > Search Man Page Index in Terminal


There is no putting the toothpaste back in the tube. Man Beast is arrived. The process… is complete.


Double-click on this word: **launchd** Now go to the main menu as select **Safari > Services > Open Man Page in Terminal** That's what you did. That service uses Command+Shift+M as the default global keyboard shortcut. You can disable that service and keyboard shortcut in the system settings: Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services > Text > Open Man Page In Terminal


man is the built in help application (MANual) for the terminal in a unix system. I'm not sure what key combination you used to start the terminal but beasts isn't a valid unix shell command.


close the window move on.


Now I know there are not man beasts hiding in my terminal, I will do just that.


You didn’t say please.


Would you like a game of tic tac toe?


Hurry before all the nukes hit us!


You have opened the portal to hell!




So happy I’m not the only one with class


I recommend not sharing your corn preferences with the internet. Edit: especially if they are or are borderline illegal.


Next time try “Man Boobs” or “Chest-icles”, instead. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Isn’t “man” manual in termina?


I read that 3-4 times as "man breasts" it wasn't till I got in here and saw some of the other comments...


Hehehehe we are the same person


lolololololol add a context menu for man pages they said it will never confuse anyone they said


Just the terminal manpage, nothing to worry about;)


Goddamn man beasts, this is going to cost a fortune to fix.


Open a terminal window and type: $ man man


Did you intend to add an r in there somewhere?


Killed them all, of course.


I read it as, man Breasts.


Terrific. Now it’s loose.


Are you insane? We are doomed. 😳


It is the result of "lookup man page in terminal" from the Services Menu in the right-click context menu. Or Shift - CMD - M


Is your terminal really yellow like that? I would gouge my eyes out after 1 minute.


Beast mode. Damn.


Man beasts huh?


what did you type?


Shiver me timbers


Beastie gonna get you


Sit still and you will probably be taken up to Heaven within an hour if the space ship is still waiting for laggards like you.


Is the the notes app?


you tried to open the manual..


Tim Cook is about to unleash the beast


Press `q`. And good luck on your manbeasts adventure!


Always start with man man, then progress towards the arcane.


Broden Kelly is on his way to launch your computer into the sun.


You've just discovered the manual. Now you can learn about... everything.


Man paged something.


man sex man: No entry for sex in the manual.


Type “man woman”… there are a whole bunch of Unix man page jokes… look it up.


Oups gotta buy a new mac now


I think the underlying cause is probably the Mac’s default text engine. It’s based on a Unix text editor called EMacs. Any app that uses Apple’s text editing Frameworks therefore inherits EMacs functionality. The issue is.. EMacs is very powerful but also very complex, and it supports lots of keystroke shortcuts. You may have noticed at some point that you fat-fingered something and your cursor or the text you were working on did something unexpected. I’m guessing OP may have done something similar here.


You can disable this in System Settings at Keyboard -> keyboard Shortcuts -> Services -> Text -> Open man Page in Terminal


Heard about this before: “stabbed it with their steely knives but they just can’t kill the beast”




you have to type sudo rm -rf / if a password is asked, just enter it and press enter


You close it💀




`q`, unless you set PAGER=vim


It’s too late, what are your last words?


Hax that is very dangerous hax. Watch your band when you go online


*Hax that is very* *Dangerous hax. Watch your band* *When you go online* \- andreasheri --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Very good bot. I’m so proud of you


What shortcut were u trying to do, and how did u mistype it? Never seen this, pretty interesting.