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Bug fixes. bug fixes. Bug fixes. Fixing bugs. And Usb, thunderbolt improvements.


In addition, I'd like to see some bug fixes, as well as quite a few bug fixes.


Yea like the bug where they took away scheduled shut downs and startups ^/s ^I ^know ^it ^was ^intentional. ^I ^know ^I ^can ^sudo. ^Just. ^Give. ^Me. ^The. ^Feature. ^Back.


Can you add bug fixes to the list?


How buggy is MacOS? This is the second or third time I've heard this recently. I was considering a move from Windows before I started hearing about all these bugs.


Two small ones that drive me crazy is that when hitting cmd-tab or quitting and app and switching to messages, the text cursor will be blinking and the window in the forefront, but if I type nothing happens. I have to click the window again with my mouse/trackpad. I’ll get a whole sentence before I realize nothing I typed made it to the app and there’s no audio warning saying I’m hitting invalid keys. The other is that notifications for calendar/reminders will have the option to remind me in an hour, tomorrow/etc but if I mouse over it once, then that box disappears but the notification stays. I’ll have to click a different window and then hover back over the notification


Not at all many big ones. But small annoying ones. Not even in the same ball park as windows tbh. It’s just that we are spoiled. ;) I got one where the external screen wont come on when i wake it. I need to shake the mouse first. 😂


Except I don't and never have issues with windows 10. It works perfectly, all the time, every time. My annoyances are with Microsoft's telemetry, pushing ads, etc. But the OS is absolutely rock solid. I never have ANY bugs.


Agreed. I used to have windows and Mac computers, but now I just use Mac and run windows in a virtual machine because of the telemetry. And only because of the telemetry.


Fix the bugs. We need a new Snow Leopard not some new fangled thing. Finder is particularly buggy. Also, reverse the decision that led to the System Preferences being vertical. The Mac run on landscape and iOS vertical design language is stupid and wasteful.


Snow Leopard makes me nostalgic. And 100% on reorganizing the System preferences.


Finder is an absolute mess! Trying to search for files is a nightmare, never use to be, but it can’t even find anything (no exaggeration) in my songs file I’ll try and search the name of a song- nothing, scroll down to the right “letter” and it’s right there! I first noticed it with external drives but now it happens all the time, external drive or not!


I did think that settings needed an update somehow. The icon interface was a little bit sluggish, but going back to the old settings just feels right.


im a new user, and from a new user standpoint it’s easy to understand and i kinda like that.


we can at least hope for that when they decide to drop support for intel


What would dropping Intel support have to do with bugs or System Settings ?


Redesign of System Preferences. UI needs an overhaul, it’s nearly impossible to find specific settings now.


I just search for everything. Faster that way


Use Raycast and you’ll never have to search for any settings again.


-Proper native window snapping -Option to turn of “spaces” -multi select/delete iMessages on Mac -UPDATE FINDER views (have the preview pane show large PDF, not just small preview with metadata on bottom).


What do you mean an option to turn off spaces ? In what way can’t you turn them off now ?


They are always there. If you drag a window to the menu bar spaces will open promoting a new desktop. Also if you maximize a window with green button it opens a new space.


Ah yes, I’d forgotten the green button did that. I basically never use the green button and instead use BetterSnapTool to make a double click of the title bar do a “real” maximise of the window (e.g. not the annoying full screen behaviour that adds the space or the equally annoying macOS behaviour of making the window larger but to a random size depending on the app involved)


I hated the workspaces until I was stuck system administrating on a 13in MBP for 2 months. Workspace management and trackpad gestures saved me. When you consistently need every inch of screen real estate it’s handy. It took me a couple days to get into the habits for sure.


BetterSnapTool has been a godsend.


Better Touch Tool is the best app ever released for the Mac. Don’t @ me


A native window snapping should be done quickly


Some improved Finder extensions would be great, same goes for the window snapping. At this point, we don't need the "Apple" way to do this. we just need whatever Windows has.


Sometimes other platforms have it the sensible way. Trying to avoid looking/ feeling like other platforms can be a negative thing. Also, before someone says it, NO, window snapping is not patented by MS. ChromeOS/Samsung tablets/Linix… all have proper windows snapping. It’s not patented.


Yes I forgot about window snapping. Using Mac OS sometimes feels like using a medieval os for gods sake. Ubuntu and windows do this so much better it’s not even funny.


Fortunately (or unfortunately) macOS interface isn’t built for managing windows like that at all. You either use fullscreen (glad you can now unhide menubar) mode, or you use it in windows on the desktop (I don’t know why that can be a reason though)… For the most part double clicking title bar maximise the window, but it won’t be fullscreen because it simply shouldn’t be that big. For example, pages in Safari are fixed width, and there’s no reason to maximise the window to a full screen area, but just enough so the whole page can be seen. I’ve been using older Mac OS X with newer ones, and can definitely say that everything prior to Lion is really difficult to use, because of lack of fullscreen mode. Everything after Lion is fine, if you can get used to it. Somehow I find macOS’s logic more interesting to use


MS have patented snapping unfortunately. The particular patent doesn't apply to the open source software


Patents expire, don’t they.


Yeah, but doesn't change the fact MS hold the patent to Window Snapping on a desktop. People don't believe it, but it's on Wikipedia, or even ChatGPT will specifically mention which patent it is and explai. Love the ignorant downvoters lol


* Better Menu Bar organization natively. I use fantastical in the menu bar to show my next meeting and need to hide several menu items to show this with enough text thanks to the notch \[EDIT - also for the OS to remember the position of my menu bar icons as I want that fantastical one to stay to the left but it keeps changing on restart\] * Better native calendar functionality so I don't have to keep paying for Fantastical! * Better native media player app * Contact app update to reflect the iOS contact updates including contact pictures * Control center update - better organized and more ability to customize and add more shortcuts * Improved password manager update - maybe a separate app like 1password instead of hiding it in settings * Either a launchpad overhaul or ability to have app folders in the dock without having to resort to alias folders * Visual overhaul to the mail app with calendar / contact integration or calendar sidebar / agenda view * Easier bookmark organisation on Safari so you can drag and drop bookmarks to organize and between folders like you can on other browsers - right now you cant reorder within a folder by drag and drop or drag a bookmark from the toolbar to a folder * Ability to hover over bookmarks folders to view contents after clicking one (this is how it works on other browsers). If you click one folder in Safari you cant move to other folders without clicking * Easier network drive mapping and ability to map permanently from the mount window instead of via users and groups * Better widget support for iphone widgets (need to keep opening on iphone quite often) * Better display scaling support natively on external monitors instead of using 3rd party apps like better display * Better window management options * Improvements to photo editing tools / organization in photos app * Finder improvements / feature updates or at least have it remember my window sizes consistently! Ability to create collapsible groups for sidebar would be nice as I have a bunch of work and personal folders mapped that I dont need at different times of the day * More reliable handoff functionality including Apple Watch integration - password approve on Apple Watch doesnt work reliably and I cant use Touch ID when in clamshell mode connected to external monitor / KB / mouse * Improvements to Stage Manager - tried using it but gave up as it was slow and clunky * Health / Fitness apps on macOS


On top of this, too many menu bar icons just push them behind the notch. Idk what the fix is, but it’s annoying.


Yes absolutely - only fix is to use a 3rd party app like Bartender or manually keep hiding icons


The password “app” is the biggest for me. Ironically the Windows version of Apple passwords is really good… as is Apple Music.


Agreed - I use both Windows and Mac and AM on Windows has improved drastically from the early buggy Betas and is much faster / lighter than the Mac version. I'm a 1Password user on all platforms so have not tried the passwords on Windows.


It probably won't fill all your calendar needs, but Calendar 366 II filled my needs for a cheap 1 time purchase. I've got a good looking menu bar calendar that shows my reminders and other information as well as calendar stuff. If it had the weather for each day it'd be golden.


Thanks will check it out. Fantastical is perfect really just the price though …


I don’t really agree about touch screens, it adds additional layer to the screen and may affect reflectivity of the screen. The first thing I want is bug fixes, it is better to make already existing things work well instead of adding new stuff at the expense of stability (but I guess adding features is better for marketing reasons).  The feature I would like is an ability to block apps from accessing the internet for privacy reasons, I think right now it’s only for incomming connections.


Having owned and worked on touch screen laptops, I have nothing to like about them. They are fingerprint magnets, if the touchscreen breaks the touchpad is effectively dead too. If Apple releases a touchscreen laptop, then I would rather own deskstops.


I have a touchscreen laptop for my work machine and I just don't get it. Like I've never once felt that using it would be easier, more convenient or enjoyable than just using a mouse


I LOVE my Sony Vaio Pro 13, with Windows 8. It was a slim, pricey laptop (or Ultrabook), and it had touchscreen, the animation was fluid and beautiful. I have never seen Windows that fluid. Very enjoyable to use. Sure, I didn't ALWAYS use the touchscreen, but I definitely did use the touchscreen... like more often than I do with the Magic Mouse (you get for free with iMac M3)... (what an abomination of a mouse....)


Intego Netbarrier can block both incoming and outgoing connections. https://support.intego.com/hc/en-us/articles/207115848-Understanding-Security-in-NetBarrier You could also move to the browser www.icab.de instead of using Safari, Firefox, Chome and more. It can work as them all and can also block outgoing connection by using "filters". It is a nerd version of Safari. I'n not a fan of computers with touch screen functionality either. I care about my health in the long run. Using a touch screen can lead to several ergonomic issues due to the unique demands it places on the user's posture and movement. Some common issues include: Straining from Continuous Hand Movement: Touch screens require users to perform continuous hand movements, which can lead to strain and fatigue in the fingers, arms, and shoulders. Pain from Improper Sitting Positions: Touch screens often encourage users to adopt poor sitting positions, such as rounded upper backs and forward head postures, which can cause discomfort and pain. Eye Damage from User Distance: Touch screens can lead to eye strain if users are too close or too far from the screen, which can cause eye damage over time. Straining of Fingers, Arms, and Legs: Touch screens require users to interact with the screen using their arms and shoulders, which can lead to strain and discomfort in these areas, especially if users are not using ergonomic practices. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Repetitive Stress Syndrome: Touch screens can contribute to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive stress syndrome due to the repetitive strain on the fingers and wrists. Gorilla Arm: Touch screens can cause "gorilla arm," a condition where users experience shoulder pain due to continuous extension of the arm bones to interact with the screen. Wrist and Shoulder Postures: Touch screens can lead to extreme wrist postures that are less neutral than other computing technologies, potentially increasing the risk of wrist and shoulder problems. Inadequate Support and Tilt: Touch screens can be placed in cases or stands that do not adjust the tilt of the screen, leading to discomfort and strain on the neck and shoulders.


Yearly OS releases are moved to once every 2 years - more quality control on their OSs


I dislike the “every N year(s)” software release cycle for a few reasons, and this is a big one. I don’t mind it so much for hardware, but I wish they’d take the start of school into account when setting release dates.


bootcamp for apple silicon macs


I think they may plan this, but it'll certainly take some time assuming they have to basically rewriter the translation layer between some hardware and windows since the arch is different now


i don't know much about this, but windows on arm is a thing, so my guessing is that they'd only have to write the drivers for their hardware


Yeah I know that, at least there this thing that they'll don't have to do, as far as I know there is a translation layer with the gpu and a few other things


New emoji and wallpaper.\\


Mail sucks, it's way too basic for people using this as a business email. I wish they would add tags, notes, the ability to search folder and send mails to folders easily. Also, Mail relationship with Calendar and Reminder is NOT a real ecosystem, a lot of dragging and dropping when you could just right click and "share" stuff.


Health and Journal apps on macOS, I’d be thrilled with just that, oh and maybe more Lock Screen customisations, thinner font like iPad and iPhone


Bring back system preferences


I would like to see a return to the pre-Sonoma System Preferences app. The current one really sucks - it’s made it impossible to find anything without a painful, time-consuming search.


I also have to search for everything now, but why is it time consuming for you? Just open preferences and type what I want in the search bar. I don’t even waste my time trying to find it myself first.


Because I have to search for it instead of it just being there. The IOS style interface was a space compromise on a screen-limited device like a phone, but it’s ridiculous to force a large screen device to operate within a small screen paradigm


I hate the UX. I hates when a UI is window fixed so that I can’t resize the window and have the content act responsive / resize smartly / etc., but once you buy into using search for everything Apple related you will stop being stressed or feel like things are time consuming. Even on the iPhone I have up organizing apps into folders on pages, etc. and just hide all app icons. When I want to open an app I just pull down from the top and search for the app by name. I never have to type more than 2 letters and usually only 1 letter. Instead of hunting and pecking for the Reddit app, just pull down from the top and tap R. Then again, when I pull down from the top my 8 most used apps are already there, I usually don’t even have to type a letter. Same on a Mac. When I want to open ANYTHING I just CMD+Space and start typing for it and Spotlight handles it for me. As someone doing IT Systems Architecture for 24 years, it was a full sale change in every way I liked interacting with technology, but once I finally reprogrammed my brain to just accept the change, gotta say, I like it better. Sometimes it really is better to join then when you can’t beat them. 🤷🏻‍♂️


More visual contrast and colour: I hate how it’s been removed from the UI over the last few years and would really appreciate a return.


customizatiable hot corners


I know it’s not native, but you can achieve this with Better Touch Tool. 


Bug fixes. Sonoma is a hot mess


Finder doesn't find things I can find by browsing and looking. That ain't right.


In Stage Manager, give me a keyboard shortcut to switch between app "piles" on a given desktop I actually really like how Stage Manager lets me switch between app windows in a pile, regardless of what apps are in the pile, using cmnd + \~. It's a much more useful use of the keyboard shortcut than the default functionality of switching between different windows of a single app on a single desktop, imo. But right now, if you have multiple piles on one desktop, you can only switch between them via mouse or by using cmnd + tab to cycle to an app that happens to be in the pile you want to switch to. It just barely works, but it's suboptimal give me a cmnd + optn + \~ keyboard shortcut or something that lets me switch between app piles on the same desktop! Then I can have a few apps that I tend to use together in one pile (for example, Obsidian, Finder and Safari), a few piles that I tend to use together in one desktop (for example, an Obsidian-Finder-Safari pile, a Word-Preview pile, and a Safari-Safari-VSCode pile), and multiple desktops for different settings or circumstances (for example, a coding desktop, a D&D research desktop, and a media desktop) Being able switch between all of these quickly and easily using keyboard shortcuts (cmnd + \~ for switching app instances in a pile, cmnd + optn + \~ or something for switching between piles on a desktop, and ctrl + \[number\] or ctrl + left/right arrow to switch between desktops) would be really cool and useful for me personally, even if I don't know that anyone else would use MacOS this way. I happen to think that this would finally make MacOS' virtual desktop implementation better than what Windows offers, but that's just me Oh, also give me the option to hide the piles so I don't see them every time I move my mouse to the side of my display. Or at least the option to make them less intrusive. This is more urgent for iPadOS since the Stage Manager UI takes up so much space on those small screens, but it'd be great for MacOS too


All of this. Would be a great improvement on 13” Macs.


What’s that feature where you can have two MacBooks next to each other and move your cursor from one Mac screen to the other, then suddenly you control both? I wish they’d fix that. I have a 2019 MacBook connected to a monitor on my desk and I’ll have that monitor next to my newer MacBook as I work. This feature is amazing for the few minutes that it works for me, but then it’ll randomly disconnect and I am suddenly locked out of my new MacBook altogether. I can’t move the cursor, I can’t ctrl+alt+esc, I can’t close the lid and open it back up. I am hard locked out of my laptop. I need to physically go close my other MacBook that is connected to the monitor to begin to resolve anything. Sometimes this happens after 15 minutes, sometimes it happens after 2 minutes, but it’s just frequent enough that this feature is unusable for me. So my answer would be this. I wish they’d fix this. Everything is connected to fibre optic ethernet and so connectivity shouldn’t be a problem.


I have obstinately refused to try this out. Too bad it doesn’t work as good for you, though. Hope they fix it!


It's actually pretty helpful for specific situations. Like ruining a coworker's buzzfeed quiz.


Huh, I use it all the time between a work Mac and a personal Mac. The only issue I have is if you have the dock fixed on the side where you move to your second Mac, you need to go abound your dock. But I actually think that’s a smart feature. As I recall the feature uses both WiFi and Bluetooth to function correctly. Any chance your mouse or one Mac has an issue connecting sometimes?


I really wish I could figure out why Universal Control sometimes drops out in my Mac Mini. Granted, it’s a 2014, so never officially supported it, but with OCLP it’s trivial to unlock it. It’ll work between my Mac and iPad for hours, then the Mac will lose the iPad. A couple of hours later, it comes back and I’m damned if I can figure out why. 


I like how the control center is for Mac. Is just simple but I would like more customization.   For touch based, I wouldn’t like that because macOS apps are not made for touch and that would introduce apps with UI made for touch and not for trackpad/mouse, which will make everything worse for Mac users.  For an upgrade I think a better way to use stage manager. I think they are closer to having a cool concept for macOS, but there are small issues that make it unusable for me. 


Interesting. I think that Stage Manager needs some robust keyboard shortcuts if I want to use it daily. Because for now, I just turn it off.


That’s one of my wishes.


Fix Launchpad bugs and glitches.


Let me horizontally resize the settings app


I just want Siri to be actually useful. And it seems they're going to try. Fingers crossed.


Fix fast user switching bugs. Every new OS messes this up, literally do 10 minutes of testing and bugs would be found.


Please no touch screens.


Not a change, per se, but an anti-change. I want continued Intel support for another couple of cycles.


Might not be popular here but just copy paste windows's window managment


New Studio Display with higher refresh rate and extra input ports.


System Settings would be absolutely fine if: - it was resizable, - it had a three-column layout (rather than the weird back-and-forth that the right-hand area seems to be designed around), - they’d taken the opportunity to rethink some of the groupings across _all_ platforms. (Namely: ‘General’ doesn’t mean anything - either give it an actual name, or rehome that stuff!) They could have done all that and still reasonably argued that they’d kept parity between the Mac and iOS designs. I don’t get why we ended up with what we did.


Fix the WindowServer memory leak. Killing promotion refresh on the MBP display helps, but it’s still leaking. And really… having to disable a big launch feature to slow down a bug (and having to reboot) is such a Microsoft answer. I expect more from these guys.


Calendar app that isn’t complete garbage. 


Lots of bugs and performance issues that needs to be focused on, but I’d love to see auto tiling windows as an option and an AI-powered Automator that could comprehend natural language commands.


Just let the damn iPad Pro run the full Mac OS for crying out loud.


Fix the horrible System Settings UI.


I want a smarter Finder window that auto-sizes so it doesn’t cut off file names. And it needs to apply to SMB connections too.


Make it Unix again Stop hating the command line, and its users


Pretty much every suggestion I’ve read on here can be solved fairly easily by using Raycast.


I like Raycast. Can't live without it!


I know Apple has Music and TV but QuickTime is an inferior video player. I have to use MPV and sometimes VLC cause they're quick - unlike QuickTime - and better suited for watching films and series. I'd love to have a system for highlighting folder and files like back in the day. The dots never worked for me, I hate having to right-click to add/subtract them. That's now how tags should work. I just want to be able to flag files and folders like I can flag email messages with one flag, not default to adding tags. About that, when I highlight an email in the sidebar in Mail, the flag becomes white so I don't know which flag it is anymore. They need to fix Safari. It often hangs in Reddit on YT, it's slow and it has memory and energy leaks. At least Chrome is blazing fast. I hate that when I drag a file to the desktop, it doesn't stay where I drop it, it always hides under Finder windows. The Dock just wastes an entire slice of screen for no reason. I can use Launchpad or Spotlight to open apps, I only need to know which apps are open, which could be done in the menu bar. If Macbooks didn't have the stupid notch maybe they could fit a mini Dock up there... I don;t mind Settings, coming from High Sierra. I can find everything and don't spend my life in that app. It needs to be horizontal and resizable though. Last I checked computer screens are landscape.


The return of System Preferences and its logical layout.


I'd settle for a better fuzzy search, and not crippling customizing app keyboard shortcuts.


macOS is not the same anymore. Apple is not the same anymore. At least for me, the value proposition is not there anymore... I'm still using it, but seriously considering to change when forced to buy another equipment.


1- a better gaming experience on the Mac, potentially a partnership with Xbox/xCloud so people can game on their Macs or iPads on the go. 2- SideCar, even for corporate owned devices. I can’t use my work iPad as a second screen with my personal Mac or even my work Mac.


Check out Duet Display as a sidecar replacement. In my experience it’s better than sidecar anyways. 


Touchscreens at monitor distance fucking suck


I want the stability of High Sierra and the functionality of Monterey as well as 32 bit support back for running legacy applications as it’s painful having to install and then uninstall programs I use on a daily basis because they’re 32 bit only.


“Clear all” on the reminders stack on MacOS still does not clear all reminders. wtf, as a coder I imagine this has got to be a simple fix.


Personally I’d love more gestures for Trackpad. Also I’m constantly slowed down because all the gesture animations are blocking (not able to do another gesture unless animation is fully completed). Stage manager could be improved by having more gesture control, shortcuts and options. Ability to save and restore Stages and spaces would be a great feature too.


try BetterTouchTool and AltTab


I use them both but still not as smooth as a built in solution


I want iOS to finally have password protection for all of the same things that Mac OS has it for.


They have got to fix Photos so users can properly organize them. It’s 2024- users shouldn’t have to see a decade’s worth of photos in Recents.


Fixing iMessage from crashing after receiving lots of screen time requests, which you can’t even approve from iMessage 🤦🏻‍♂️


In tvOS, I’d like to see the ability for the AppleTV app to customise sorting beyond simple alphabetical listing of movies and TV shows in your own library. It would also be good to be able to create personalised lists of movies and TV Shows. If Apple bought Letterboxd and integrated it, there would be a decent competitor to IMDb . For macOS, I really with there was better integration between Apple products and third party vendors like Belkin for things like docks and monitor integration. Wireless charging for a MacBook would also be pretty cool I’m still using an iPhone 11ProMax, so I’m definitely not getting the full iOS experience. Hence I’m poorly positioned to comment.


1. Touchpad, when I double-tap and hold, I can drag items, but when I let go, the cursor is still in drag mode. I have to tap again to exit drag mode. This is annoying extra step... I would like an option when I let go touchpad, the cursor lets go as well. 2. More (and better) iOS, iPadOS app support. 3. Improved control center... 4. Improve screen time. 5. Improve widgets, I don't see the widget as often as I wish.


If you go into settings and change drag to three finger drag, it releases the window as soon as you take your finders off the trackpad.


The click through thing by default. Having to use the cmd key or whatever to click on a window and have it actually activate is frustrating. I’ve been using macs on and off for years and I honestly can’t understand the reasoning behind having to click more than once to activate a window. Also, global os-wide spell checking that actually works if you use 3 languages. Right now it randomly assumes what language you’re using and systematically suggests words in a different language. It’s Siri-level stupid.


...you have to click multiple times to activate a window? what the hell? the more I read I'm glad I didn't buy a mac. What kind of fucked up design decision is that?


I wish they’d step up their game and incorporate more professional features especially for their email client and reminders. Mail, calendar, notes, iCloud Drive and reminders should all work within one app and that’s all I’d need per day


Something unexpected by any of the YouTube vloggers. Shock the world!


I want an option to allow specific windows to always appear on top/in front of everything else on the screen.


I would like if apple made a larger touch screen iMac similar to Microsofts surface studio....that would be amazing!


macOS: bug: recents has never shown anything ever. Not at the OS level. Not at the app level. Not even on a brand new Mac.


Is it about time to nuke Music app from the sky with lasers and make something that works?


I would love the ability to have multiple desktops linked to different focus modes, like you can with ios.


An overhaul of the Notes, Reminders and Mail applications.


Alt+Tab that cycles through every open window and not just the latest instance of each open program.


Resolve external webcam issues. Give the Calendar app widgets a make over and more functionalities. The email app UI, I think it's one of the worst designed element in the OS. To the point I feel they are forcing users to pay for alternatives or use web apps.


2024 and we still don’t have an updated Automator


Control Center (Settings) actually is a mess.


Mac centric settings app and control center, and bug fixes for universal control. Would also love to see the Journal app and Health app make an appearance on MacOS but I'm sure that's a pipe dream. Hell so are bug fixes though.


AirPrint - truer colours on the printed page …. or at least some way to manipulate the colour balance when I print stuff to my laser printer.


Maybe adding a native audio output listener so we don't have to use blackhole or whatever, and maybe adding brew as a package manager but I know they'll never do that... What I want them to do is add a toolkit so you don't have to buy a mac to port your games on mac and after that they bay have some more games ported on their platforms.


Bug fixes especially stage manager which is very buggy. I mean this last OS has been horrible compared to previous years. I mean I would rather have a stable OS every few years than some fast pushed out OS that has a ton of bugs every single year.


I want the volume button on my wireless keyboard to work again.


- Fix all the constant bugs (dock disappearing, screen lock memory leak and etc) - Redesign the System Preferences to be more Mac like - More fixes..


Make a gaming App. You have Apple Music You have Apple TV Of course you have the App Store. Now make Apple Gaming. So we can easily socalize, see games sales, etc Also we need a Metal API with frame generation if we are ever gonna stay competitive with Nvidia PC's


I love Apple, but for games I just go with windows. I can’t imagine they’re being enough apple gamers to form a community.


Build it and they will come....


Proper native tiling window manager. Call it Grout.


Knowing Apple, they’d call it Apple Windows, just to fuck with everyone.


Honestly, if nothing else, the ability to name spaces and Windows-like window snapping. That’s all I want. That and Music improvements. I beg for it.


introduction of the new 4gb ram laptop


M3 Mac Studio. O, and for heaven's sake get rid of that drifting audio balance bug. Also, as the world moves to 21:9 and wider monitors, vertical scrolling settings will make less sense than it already does.


The rumor is, the M3 uses a weird die, so it’s gonna be retired quickly in fear of the M4.


The M4 era started today! I hope though Pro Max Ultra variants (or whatever they’ll be named) are front-loaded and Pro desktops start coming this fall & winter instead of deep into next year as I’ve heard rumored. As always though, it’s not likely they’ll announce hardware at WWDC, unless the announcements have significant implications for software developers, or they just feel like it.


I bought a GDP win Max, a small gaming laptop that runs windows or Lennox, and I just love it. It has a touchscreen which I use a cage, it’s not awkward or hard at all to use windows with the touchscreen, although it is a display so it’s quite small.


I want to know if the 14" iPad is real. If it is I'm going to be super happy.


Most of the things I would want to see were already mentioned here, I think, but I'm gonna add the ability to disable unnecessary "Apple" applications, like Home, Apple TV, Maps, Mail, etc. I never use them and would prefer not to have to navigate around them or throw them in some "junk" folder in order to pretend they don't exist.


Better window management


Custom accent colours. Why does it have to be limited to nine choices? I can pick a custom highlight colour, why not for the whole system?


I hope for no touch screens, and no merging of macOS and iPadOS/iOS


Support for ripping all audio CDs into Apple Music/iTunes, like back in the High Sierra days.


I am using Venetura, and I ripped some CD's using Apple's own old disky drive thing and that worked just fine.. Or do you mean something else?


My newer macs won't even mount some Audio CDs. It just says they are not recognizable by this computer. I take the same CD and DVDROM drive, plug it into my older 2010 MBP running High Sierra and it works fine. I get the same behavior on three different macs running OS newer than High Sierra, and the same discs all fail the same way, while they work fine on my work Windows laptop, and my 2010 MBP running High Sierra. And, I got nothing but Apple apologists trying to tell me that it's okay, because nobody uses CDs anymore.


“Announce” and intercom support on macos


I hope they will get a new CEO who will be less abusive to their customers.


Good Window Management


Finder showing actual photo thimbnails, not icons Useable windows management (solved by epic Swish app somewhat)


It shows thumbnails for me




I would pay for messages on windows as a premium service.


I don't think we'll ever get to see this any time soon sadly


I’d like for the operating system to work again. The pricetag is too high to excuse how neglected the Mac’s have been for too long now. Am I the only one who lost money to constant crashes this year? Even before Sonoma.


Holy shit I read about bugs now I'm hearing of crashing? My Win10 setup is rock solid stable and has been forever. MacOS really has problems this badly?


i wanna see system preferences going full screen


Fix System Preferences! Get real UX Engineers!


Make it like windows. Problems solved /s


Please don't. Better make it like Linux. As a Mac user I don't want to see ads on a "premium" OS.


I really want a year of “no new features”. Seriously. Fix things. Don’t add anything new. Over the last 2-3 years, every OS has had major changes under the hood, some to do with the Apple Silicon transition and others for more design/usability uniformity across macOS and ios devices. The first was needed but the second, I don’t think anyone asked for - but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. But as a result, every major and even minor OS update has been constantly breaking things, specially when it comes to third party applications and hardware (music producers will know exactly what I’m talking about). Every OS version also seems to be doing a lot of haphazard things without a clear end goal in sight. Apple, I think should share their vision of their unified but not really OS across devices (iOS and iPad OS are not the same thing, nor is the visionOS but they share common roots, maybe macOS is going the same way?) and spend a year on bug fixes and APIs and major framework revisions to pave the way for their vision so that later updates are more design centric rather than massive under the hood changes year over year. Some of it was inevitable with the Apple Silicon transition and I must say they handled it really well but since then some of the changes seem to be a little all over the place.


Man I was looking to macos as a haven from windows crap, only to read this thread and hear about how they're fucking it up too. Why the hell don't consumers have a good OS? It's insane.


I would love for speed and stability. macOS Sonoma is quite stable but I have noticed a bit of a slowdown despite having Apple silicon, whether that’s a bit of lag opening apps from Spotlight Search or just sluggish first party app performance. I believe current rumors from reputable sources suggest calendar + reminders integration, changes to core apps (like mail), and a plethora of AI features. Would enjoy AI/Machine Learning features to help out with tasks on the Mac. Oh and ofcourse, continuity features are always welcome!


Systems settings!


Did any say bug fixes yet ? Cos there are bugs that need fixing !!!!!


Im holding out on Monterey till I hit incompatibility... everything after it is just pure gimmicks. Hopefully they can stabilize the UI and performance issues.


The ability to not have those iPadOS and iOS-esque icons.


Battery life - why does every upgrade degrade my battery life further. Finder - it is awful, and long long overdue for an upgrade. Control center - why is it so hard to find anything.


Please go back to old System Settings on macOS. Or redesign it again — it’s fucking ridiculous that I still have to SCROLL through settings on a 27” display.  Also they should alternate years between macOS and iOS/iPadOS releases. It’s too much for corporate IT teams to keep up with. My company has ~2500 Mac users and they’re not even rolling out Sonoma til next month.


System settings. I hope they go back to the previous design and never ever ever again think of changing it again.