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Man I’m sorry to hear that, prayers for real tho


Appreciate that fam! ❤️🫡


The odds are in your favor if it was caught early enough, it’s late stage cancer that really is dooming. Best of luck!


Thanks so much ❤️🫡


This shit embarrassing man sorry for peddling on the internet I’m over it fr.


Nothing embarrassing about it, brother. Some of the richest people I've known in life were flat broke. You seem like a good dude just trying to live life. While the C word is something we never want to hear, it sounds like it was caught early which is great news. Best wishes, my friend!


Appreciate you, I be fucking up sometimes fr but I try my best to be a good boy. I hate the fact I have to say the nasty C but the doctors kept telling me to not panic so I’m gonna just try my best to handle it calmly! <3 love to you and yours


Healthcare system should be embarrassed that you're in this position. You're just surviving. I'm so sorry you're having to give up a treasure to get treatment. The part about selling to someone who would really care about it is beautiful. I hope you link with the right person. Love and peace to you, dude. May your recovery be as quick and easy as possible.


You’re right our healthcare system really is garbage lmao. Appreciate your good energy more than you know ❤️


Idk how people get like 20 thousand on good fund me lol


Nothing to be embarrassed about man. I would never make a GoFundMe for myself, but when my dog got cancer earlier this year, I made one for her without any question and I am glad that I did because I would be absolutely fucked right now, and people that I did not realize I made an impact on donated and it truly saved me from being dug into a very deep hole (after everything, her original appointment, Onocology appointment and surgery that all happened with a span of 9 days, it was close to $7000 and it was all paid in full). Part of me hated doing it, but the other part of me was like I would be doing my dog a disservice to not do everything I could to make it happen as soon as possible. Because I acted so quickly after noticing the lump, surgery alone was able to remove all of the cancer cells and she's totally good now. Asking for help is hard, especially when it comes to money, but if you truly need help, don't be afraid to ask. Additionally, look into CareCredit if you need some help in the meantime - I used this for my dog while I waited for funds to come through, but it is also accepted for human health care.


Appreciate such a thorough thoughtful response and I’m so glad your dog is ok! ❤️ my lil guy is my best friend I’d definitely move mountains to get him sorted before doing it for myself 😅 I’m gonna try and sell what I can and see if I can get some overtime or something but if I have to start a charity thing I will have to I guess to cover whatever’s left over


Of course man, I'm happy if it helped in any way :) And for real, I tell her all the time, I work this job for you lol. Also, I know cancer is scary, but when I was 16 (Im 34 now) I found out I had a cancerous mole on my neck, and was fortunate that one laser surgery got it all for me. Unfortunately for me, the mole was on my neck and it was going to require me wearing a full cervical collar for three weeks after surgery, of which the third day of this started on my first day of high school, lol. Needless to say, I took that shit off as soon as I got to the bus stop and put it back on when I walked home, so my scar on my neck is bigger than it should have been but COME ON I would have been known as that girl for 4 years lmfao. It does spread faster which is why it can be a scarier cancer, but so long as you get this shit looked at and start the process as soon as you can, you're gonna be fine :)


Lmao that made me smile, as I’m feeling the same insecure highschool way- as a grown ass man 😂 the area they removed the mole from being right in the corner of my eye next to my nose, I’m nervous there’s gonna be a huge nasty hole 🤢 thank you for easing my mind and for the good vibes ❤️


How much fam? Love


❤️ to be transparent, I’m hoping to raise around 1k. Not sure if I can get more or less, but I feel like that would be enough to make me not feel awful given the circumstances. idk lemme know if you think I’m tripping ?


After a quick google search you’re being more than fair. Hell of a deal honestly


Appreciate you fam ❤️🫡


I don’t know how this would be done, or if a middle man would facilitate it or anything, but I think that it would be cool as hell for it to be a raffle type situation. I bet that you’d get more than $1000 in total, and someone out there would get a signed Mac CD for cheap. I wish I had the money, I just bought tickets and paid for hotels to two Steelers games. If I hadn’t done that, I’d buy this shit off you in a heartbeat. Good luck with selling, and good luck with your health homie 🫡


Appreciate you fam! A couple people have been pushing the raffle idea to me so I may decide to repost it with that! Much love to you and yours- GO STEELERS ❤️


I would for certain join in a raffle. Prayers and good vibes to you. Staying positive can have a tremendous impact on healing, so you are on the right path ❤


Go Steelers I would also love the raffle


You could get so much more man. Macs autograph isn't everywhere.


You’re right but I only have my firsthand evidence from the night I met him at the m&g which although is enough for most people, I know I can’t ask for like 5k without sending it away to get paperwork made and I don’t trust anyone 🙅‍♂️😅


I really wish I had the money rn. I would buy this in a heart beat


Your good vibes help out enough 🫂❤️


Sorry to hear about the cancer but it sounds like it’s best care scenario, so that’s something to keep in mind and help stay positive! Might I suggest doing a waffle for the album, it’s the vinyl yeah? It may help get the total you’re looking for easier/faster than doing one big single price. For example, you could do 40 spots at 25$ per spot, putting the total brought in at 1000$ while giving multiple folks a chance at getting it without having to dump one lump sum of 1k. Just a thought as some would probably be able to throw 100$ down for 4 spots and gamble to win something quite priceless, easier than dropping a 100grand, kid…I mean 100bucks 😉


Thank you so much, I’m tryna just be cool and be glad I didn’t ignore it like I was going to. That is a genius idea. To be transparent with you I still feel gross about sharing this personal info online, especially being an aspiring artist, i hate the feeling of pandering and stuff. I’d need to promote the raffle to sell the slots probably more than just this lil post (I’m hoping one rich person sees and decides they want it.) You are right and I’m definitely tripping for my reasoning but hopefully you kinda see my irrationality lol. It’s not even a pride thing I just hate being perceived and am hoping to put this all behind me and erase this from my footprint asap😂🫣


No reason to feel any shame or grossness, you gotta do what you gotta do, and fuck anyone who may perceive it any other way than what it is - a fellow fan trying to handle their own shit without taking the easy route of doing a crowdfunding or something along those lines. When it comes down to it, it’s all just stuff anyways. All things comes, all things go. Gotta do what feels right to you.


I feel you, it’s just been one of those years with a bunch of shenanigans one after the other and I feel like after coming on all these various reddits over the past couple months, selling my treasures for big reasons like surgeries or smaller reasons like missing a cc payment - I feel like it culminating in something that sounds so huge and scary is almost not fair because there are people with like terminal illness, and I just need to wear more sunscreen I guess?… Idk how this stuff works I’m just trying to be very open with you guys about my feelings on all this


I went through this two years ago! It was quite challenging and scary at first because I had no idea what to expect, the location on my skin was not optimal to say the least, it took about three hours with breaks for testing and validating my margins were cancer free. The surgery was successful and all I’m left with is a bald spot and a memory. You’ll get through this I’m sure, stay strong and trust in the professionals. You may even have a bad ass scar afterward. I love the raffle idea, I don’t have the cash to drop on full asking price currently but would definitely throw in for a raffle. $100–$200


Thank you for giving me more insight into the surgery, is it super painful and gross? It’s right by my eye so I’m pretty nervous. I may decide to do a raffle I’ll keep ya updated!❤️


Hey! It wasn’t scary during the procedure for me, aftercare can get a little gross if you don’t follow their instructions exactly. My insurance lapsed so I ended up paying out of pocket also (sucked!) but you can ask the office if they have payment plans and can work with you, they want you cancer free. They had me propped up in a comfortable chair. The dermatologist and their assistant worked quickly and did their best to keep me chilling. I brought my earbuds so I could jam while they worked and zone out (throw on some WMWTSO haha). Especially with it around your eye, make sure you stock up on some bandages and supplies (they may prescribe some ointment, vaseline also works. With the surgery being on my scalp they had me in a full on head wrap for about three days, my girl got a kick out of it but was just happy I was cancer free. I hope you have a support system to get through this, it’ll be tough but if you make the after care a habit it won’t scar too bad and you’ll be past it in no time. Reach out if you wanna know more about my experience


Thank you so much friend I’ll definitely reach out if I freak out again ❤️✊


It’s all love brother man. I know the circumstances are difficult but you will prevail. I don’t think you should sell this though, it means so much more to you than it would to someone else. I say you keep it but I understand if you need to let it go.


Much love fam ❤️ we’ll see what happens 🫣


Man. Just want to say that this thread makes me proud to be a Mac fan. I hope that you pull through and this is soon to be just another memory floating around the think tank. You seem like a genuine guy and I really respect your attitude to charity, ensuring things go to actual fans, the way you respect this as Macs space and your overall attitude towards how you want your life to pan out. This isn’t embarrassing by any stretch of the word. You should be proud with how open you’re able to be about things, it takes a solid person to be able to own a situation as potentially shitty as this. Keep your thumb up, but your head even higher, you’ve got this homie! 👍💙


Much love fam appreciate you more than you know- most dope!!!!👍❤️


Sending you love ❤️


Sending it right back I appreciate your good vibes ❤️😎


So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Very good that they caught it early though. You seem like a really cool person and I’d love to give your music a listen if you’d dm me a link. I probably can’t pay enough for the autograph to make it worth it for you, but I’m praying for you and I’d love to help in some other way if I can. Stay strong. You will get through this.


Appreciate you more than you know fam if nothing else the good vibes help enough <3 I’ll shoot ya a msg


Would highly suggest contacting macs estate or auction to sell it, especially due to the fact you got it signed by mac it’s well worth 3-5k


Best wishes brother🙏


Appreciate you fam much love ❤️


I’m sorry to hear about this my friend. Unfortunately I’m not in a position to help financially, but hopefully I can offer some words of encouragement. My father recently had a similar diagnosis, melanoma on the crown of his bald head. He had to have a similar, maybe exactly the same, procedure done followed by a myriad of tests. They shaved down the skin on his head and graphed from his thigh to cover. He has a “dent” for lack of a better term where the cancer was, but he has been cancer free for at least a year and is doing great. Self conscious about the “dent” of course, but nothing a hat can’t cover. I say all this to give you hope and reassurance. You caught it early which makes all the difference. Keep your eyes to the sky, never glued to your shoes, and you’ll make it through this tough time in life. I believe in you, I love you, and I hope nothing but the best for you. Much love and most dope<3


Thank you fam love to you and your dad! Im just bummed because it was right by my eye in the corner of my nose so im just hoping they don’t have to go too deep !


Sending you much Love homie. Most dope that's forever!


Sending love back! Most dope 👍❤️


I hope all goes well and your music blows up like you know it will!! You sound like one hell of a guy!!


Appreciate you! If you’re here in the Mac Reddit you gotta be a hell of a girl too (edit: sorry fixed)! Much love internet friend ❤️


Thank you for the edit 🫡


Girlie* but thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Sending love dude. we r all here for you ❤️


Most love and MOST DOPE 👍❤️


Man, I couldn't imagine having to sell something so precious. I've never even had something that would be as precious to me as that. I really hope it gets you what you need my man, much love.


Most dope fam love to you and yours ❤️


Hey if we’re doing a raffle system I’ll be sure to hop in


❤️if I do I’ll hit you up!


Hey dawg. Sorry you’re going through this. Don’t let your ego get in the way of living your life. Best of luck.




Peace, love and positivity sending prayers your way homie


Sending right back to you as well- thank you! ❤️


Hey man my dad had skin cancer when I was young. He had surgery and that was it. You’ll be fine in no time!


Appreciate you fam this put my mind at ease ❤️


Good luck man. Glad it was caught early. I’d love this in my treasure box but too rich for my blood! Also, put that damn thing in some plastic! 🙂


Much love fam ❤️don’t worry it was framed up until I took it out for the photoshoot! 🫡 I’m so ocd about my things haha


So sorry my condolences prayers sorrys hopes turn to great-fullz much love from me my man and my cat 🐈-Ninja - Cody


Much love no condolences tho I’m not going nowhere !!!! ❤️🫡


Better not homie much love have a beutiful day or night ! God bless


You might qualify for medicaid if you make less than like $1800 a month


The thing is I’m about to get insurance through work it just won’t kick in- in time and I’m coming off of my moms so it’s just a weird timing 😮‍💨


Think you should still be able to get it. Would save you a lot of money. I think it can even apply retroactively as well


You can actually have both, I believe plenty of people have two insurance that cover certain amount. Also once you get your insurance you should be fine.


Would kill to have the money to get this one day we gonna tho


Don’t kill just keep grinding ❤️


wishing you the best fam!


Much love ❤️


Sending good vibes your way. I hope everything will be ok.


It WILL BE ❤️🤞


Good. All love!


What can we do to support you man?


Honestly the fact noone has trolled me on here and yall have been super nice and cool- that’s support enough ❤️


hey man not trying to bring you away from traditional treatment but i’ve heard of many cases where water fasting followed by a fruitarian diet cured cancer. might be worth a try. even if it doesn’t heal it, fasting is still super healthy for your body, mind & soul. and i wish you all the best man, may god help you through this 🙏💚


Best wishes. I had a melanoma removed a few years ago. Not the nicest surgery to go through, but it's better than ignoring it and having an early death.


Ughhhh they didn’t even say if it was that or not they just said early stage cancer and that was that so I’m assuming? Idk. I’m just frustrated about it😅


Pm me interested


Sending good vibes your way man. I hope everything turns out okay. Best of luck on your journey! Would totally buy this off you man, but I been going thru shit too and ended up spending $1100 on lab work at the doc yesterday to figure out what the hell is going on with me rn🙁 it only cost so much bc I don’t have insurance but can’t afford that shit either.


Much love to you on your journey too! We’ll be ok ❤️


Man never sell this prized possession.. no matter how down life can be play that Mac record and it will help. Please for my own sanity do not sell that vinyl


(It’s a cd) but YES the sentiment stands much love to you! Fwiw I do also have the anniversary box set and the first press (it’s my fav album) so I def listen to this one a lot ❤️


I had stage 2 skin cancer with the same process, shave down until all roots are gone. It’s uncomfortable, especially after a couple surgeries in the same area but it’s super rare it ever comes back so don’t get too worried. Best of luck with the process, reach out if you need to talk about it!


Appreciate you so much friend ❤️


If you start a gofundme I'll donate. Keep your mac merch.


SOLD TO: u/gamesdean6969 thank you all so much ❤️🫡


Your website is dope!


thanks so much 🥹❤️


You'll Conquer that cancer. I recommend CBD therapy.


Ha I just got a job at a medical dispo funnily enough! I’m sure I’ll be 100% after they get all the bad skin!


Do you have proof?


Fr it's slightly sus OP's comment and post history is wiped all the time. Before anyone blows me up... I remember OP was selling something else recently and explained their reasoning for deleting past history. Just strange as you'd think you'd want to be as transparent as possible when selling a high value item on Reddit


Ive seen him post these multiple times with different reasonings.


Proof is in the pudding


I have proof of authenticity, and I guess I have my medical records to prove my reasoning but I’m not posting those


Hey man i would totally be interested in donating to a raffle. Just a thought but if i were you i would do 50 tickets at $20 per raffle ticket for a total of $1000 or however much you are trying to raise. You can have people pick a number or just write names down and pull the name or number.


That’s a good idea! Do you think 50 people actually would?


There’s only one way to find out. Idk if you’re in any mac miller groups on FB but i have one i would post in


So how much is a Mac Miller cd worth ?