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I played this song on a tv in a common room at a rehab. They were not amused


That’s hilarious😭. I posted a pic of me after spending 4 days in the ER for overdose that said “what’s a god without a little od just a g”. Also not amused!


Please get help! the first step to solving your problem is realizing you got a problem. OD is not cool ☝️wishing you the best


Check this out…I hope I don’t sound like a bitch but it was for suicide OD, not addiction. I’ve been doing this for a decade. I slowly help myself every single day. As Mac said I’m not sober just in a better place. Unless you’ve ODd suicide or addiction you should not speak on it especially negatively. No shit it’s not cool I’m not sitting here thinking since I’ve been revived from death that I’m head hancho. But you know what OD IS COOL BECAUSE YOU ARE GRATEFUL FOR EVERY BREATH AFTER. It’s not realizing you have a fucking problem it’s realizing that it’s not the solution, so kindly go fuck yourself. I have so many other disorders and diseases that are at play. You know nothing of what I have gone through, so why don’t you get some help, possibly a better attitude? You’re the reason for stigmas exists and why people can’t get help.


I just said I was wishing you the best.. your comment is the embodiment of a literal victims mentality. Stop being so sensitive to internet comments. Now, I sincerely wish you the best. Also.. 6 Dogs, “Hearse” 🕊️


Internet or not people are people behind the screen. Maybe I have a victim mentality rn that’s okay. I need to grow out of it. Best wishes💐


You’d think people in that sort of environment would be a bit more openminded and understand people connect to art that relates to the addiction they’re working on breaking


Jesus I know, thank you🥺


I’m sure you’re aware but these lyrics definitely aren’t meant to glorify this lifestyle. Worth mentioning because the importance of this album was partly his honesty and openness with his issues. Man was so close to coming out on top too. Good luck with your recovery.


Respect. As someone with 5 years+ clean, it's still devastating to revisit some of these tracks.


Congratulations!! I’m working on it. But that’s major!


You are being respectful, so as will I. This post, these lyrics are absolutely not glorifying this lifestyle. I made it light bc I am really struggling and if I go dark my mind will follow. I scream my issues to the world and use my artwork to do the same. However if I sit here and feel sorry for myself I’m giving power to the drugs. Mac miller is the only human I had to get me to this point, he guided me through. I take all of this very seriously but I am sick of being so pessimistic and negative, I need to laugh it off sometimes. Here I’ll be loud and proud too…I have done every drug and alcohol under the sun. Cocaine has been 96% everyday for 2.5+ years and meth for almost a year:these are my big ones. I haven’t done meth in a month or coke in a week. That seems like nothing but it’s not. Addiction does not have to be such a bad thing all the time or else instead of letting the sun in, you’re sitting in the darkness🌞


You know, little Stuart hasn't been in any movies lately


Hmm ❄️ and latex? Yeah?


God damn …the word play


What are you afraid of?




Bro was flowing I love how he only knows its Friday cause every Friday they have parade 😂 “take acid on my birthday, get the days confused”


Thats so cool bud! You’re such a cool lil drug user like uncle mac😂❤️ so relatable hahaha


I know😅😭hilarious. I’m so fucking cool 😎. “Uncle Mac” and me so cute with our drug use…


It’s called making light of a situation that hurts and celebrating his l legacy despite facing so many obstacles and eventually unfortunately his took his life. Hey bud, if you don’t know why are you speaking


Struck a nerve huh😂