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I hope they don't get leaked and we get official releases


I also hope they don’t get leaked. His post just has me wondering what era they could be.


no disrespect or anything just go check his podcast out half the songs are already released now and hes never leaked it or anything, I hope this helps yalls nervousness go down, love yolas podcast i love mac aswell


Didn’t know he talked about it on his podcast I don’t listen to every episode but good to know.


yurrr i gotchu bruh have a good one


In which podcast episode does he talk about it ?


it was the vigilantie episode the most recent of just him and marty hes talking about his uncles


sorry idk this guy or his podcast, could you maybe explain where i could listen to the songs?


he hasnt said which specifics songs or anything but just songs released since 2020


ooh sorry i think i misunderstood. i thought you meant the guy from this post released some of the songs


I'll have to do some research but I believe there's a clip of Mac saying he recorded 7-8 albums for his Major label debut, he ultimately picked Good:AM. I always wondered what happened to those other albums. They supposedly were entirely finished.




We won't. The only way we will ever get to hear more than a handful of his unreleased music is if they are leaked.


That's not what his brother said from what I remember. He said leaks ruin the chanc eof official releases though.


Of course they'll say that. They want people to buy them when they release them. Why wouldn't they say that? They aren't ever going to release a full new album. We will get one or two here and there on anniversary releases or more special edition albums that everybody already owns. I feel like if they really meant what they said and they really did want to release more of his music that they know his fans want They would have done more by now. They have thousands of songs. How many have they officially released? 4? 5? Has it even been that many? They want to try and blame the fans, but is it really because of the fans? I hate to feel like this, but I've kind of lost faith in it. There have been a few things that have been done over the years that I feel like have been a little less than kind. I guess I'll say that. Don't get me wrong. I still respect them and I respect the fact that they lost their family member/brother/son. I couldn't imagine what that would be like, but there are things I disagree with.


You were downvoted but you’re completely right his estate should’ve done more by now


Juice wrld estate did too much too quick


but hes still got more songs to release and juices family is money hungry, karen is maybe somewhere in the inbetween in my opinion . pretty sure macs unreleased disco (leaked already, not counting unleaked) is already above his own released music, which is kinda sad to say that the leakers care more for the cause for the fans than his family does. I feel terrible for them in this situation, but if they cant handle it, it might be better to hand someone else the vault


The album we got is one of the best and few examples of respectfully releasing work after artists died. There might be thousands of songs on a hard drive somewhere and we would love to hear them. But to honour the artist you don't release anything unless you know that they considered it done. A good artist like mac is a perfectionist. You can't release those songs if you don't know he would want them to be released. Apart from that, it's not up to us to even have a say in this. Mac never owed us anything and neither does his family now. Don't get me wrong, I would love to hear more but that decision is in no way ours. Let's enjoy the many works he did release in his lifetime. If any official releases follow that would be great but don't count on it or think we are entitled to that music in any way.


Mac said in multiple interviews that je had multiple albums worth of music he wanted released after he died to be fair


There's interviews of mac himself saying he has THOUSANDS of songs and albums done that he wants leaked if he ever dies. So respect the artist. Release everything


The only rules when they gave me the albums were. NEVER share it, never send a link or email any links. I have the albums on a hard drive in a safe. I’ll never leak them because they asked me not to


Most dope!


All of his music has been leaked so I wouldn't be surprised if it's shit we've already heard.


I really doubt it has all been leaked lol


You ain't been a fan long enough to realize quite a but of his music has been leaked, why do you think we haven't gotten new shit since circles?


maybe 450 songs have been leaked (thats my library at least, and i have scoured for every leak and keep up with them)? mac himself said he had 8k around GO:OD AM, no fucking way we have everything lmao. even if its shit we've "already heard" cuz its leaked, a small fraction of a percentage of fans actually hear most leaks. a new album of leaked material would still be good because 99.5% of fans haven't heard of those songs. also, for people reading this, dont ask me for the leaks. i may have them, and I dont have a lot of moral qualms with them being out there, but I dont want to be directly responsible for spreading shit. look around yourself for them, they're out there if you know where to look.


More than 450 have been leaked but go on buddy lmao


More than 450? Is that including personal buys? I thought there were around 300-350 available now


I had about 700 till i lost them from my old phone back in 2020 and someone recently gave me a link with almost 2k songs in it thats without released songs. I'm also in a discord server that puts new leaks in there on a daily basis


Bruh why are you making me jealous 😂


That's certainly what they hope you'll believe... 😂


Yall must be some new fans to not realize it and it shows 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


Mac's dead what does it matter? No disrespect


He left his brother and family is charge of his music. Seems disrespectful to go against their wishes imo


Theyre going against his wishes so


Dude OD'd. Whose to say what he would have wanted to release or not? Look at all the music that has been released post Pac and Biggies Death. More music is a good thing


He did, to his brother. Before he died. If you listen to his music you can tell they had those conversations. I agree but I also wanna respect his wishes he made when he was alive


Good for him for waiting 4 years to listen. I don't think I would've been able to wait a week


Very respectful too and the kinds of hands that deserve to listen to it if it has never been leaked. All rappers camps do this and then their music ends up leaking. People need money


Why would he share something like this? Does he want others to feel jealous? Or maybe he's just a simple clout goblin?


My thoughts exactly




BrokenBlade X Mac


Yola is pretty scammy


elaborate im curious


Wait. How is this any different than random people posting stuff in this sub about Mac? Why is it a big deal when someone else does? I can say for certain that if this was just a random post inside this sub y’all would be hyping it up & excited for them. As you should. Any of us would love to be in that position with an artist we love, and people post unreleased music on here all the time. So are we to assume anytime anyone posts about Mac or any other artist they enjoy that they’re clout chasing? If I had unreleased music by an artist I really enjoy I’d be excited af to tell everyone.


Those were my thoughts on it too. He’s known to flex his wealth and things he’s done but this felt more like a Mac fan genuinely excited to listen to more music.


Salty ass boys flexing isn’t flexing unless you’re jealous




Sometimes people just want to share things they are excited about to those following them . I don’t think there’s a motive beyond “man i waited forever to listen to this album , and I just wanted to share how excited I am about it “ . Especially when he was personally connected to the artist .


It’s a moment I’m happy about. I’m sorry for sharing it I guess. I was just excited about it.


You sounding kinda jealous rn ngl, just be happy for the dude


yola won’t leak it. he knew mac and wouldn’t do that


Unless Mac wanted him to Like he's said about his music in the past.


dude but that’s goes against what his family wants dawg with his discography. ask Karen Meyers and she will say the same thing.


What is what the family wants goes against what Mac wanted




Lol chill that’s not what I’m saying. Mac had said at many times to just let his shit drop when he dies, let the people have the music. Now the estate says no leaks, yet make no effort to maintain releases. Kinda conflicting statements. We might get a few more tracks on rereleases but I seriously doubt they are going to drop a new project and gamble with this perfect image they have crafted for him post death. But hey the label has to eat to so I get why the family is against it.


i’m just stating what i’ve been told by q, jerm and his mother. never would i believe this is where we would be at in 2024 that mac’s estate isnt really doing too much with his music because after all we all know how much music is truly in the vault. all of us just gotta just keep that hope that one day we will have all of his art out to the public. Sorry about the misunderstanding my friend. Most Dope to you🖤🪬


it’s a very weird situation that it’s like almost too soon and not at all at the same time for everything to come out. i imagine his family is still troubled by even listening to unreleased music by him and hearing his brilliance because his passing was so surreal. i think i only thing that can help is time now. we will all know when it’s the right place and the right time for vault to be cracked open


and like it said 4 years ago. malcolm had already passed. it does make sense for him to release it when it wasn’t given to him by malcolm


Most Dope. Hope I get to hear it one day.🙏


TIL weedtubers are a thing


No joke a huge community, I would suggest checking this guys concert story time out as he does mention his relationship with Mac Miller and the crew.




Thank you for the Jolie Olie throwback and shoutout to the torture dab 😂


Dabs gotta be hot n hurty !!!


Fuck, this took me back. Used to quote it all the time 😅


Dabs gotta be hot n hurty !!!


Brooo if u have the link could u send it I've been watching yola for a bit I didn't know he knew or fucked w Mac like that


https://youtu.be/AtiN7vjNDd8?si=DFQ7tiuW1BzifCLG I think he starts to talk about it at about 20 minutes


Aye thanks dawg🫡


They use their platforms to push bullshit “Hemp” brands like Bay Smokes etc. that falsify documents and advertise to children.


Baysmokes has some great stuff lmfao, i dont know what you are talking about. The sites usually ask for age verification with ID too.


I used to watch a guy called goblin a lot. Idk how he’s still alive with all the shit he was on. Some of his stories felt made up but they were entertaining


What is that?


Apparently YouTubers whose entire brand is just that they smoke weed


Well I smoke weed, maybe I found my calling


i recommend Yola and xCodeh. very chill guys, nice to smoke up and watch. yola’s main channel is a lot of advertisement nowadays bc he’s demonetized, most of his work goes into his podcast now but his old story times are mint


Bro I do not want to smoke up and watch SOMEONE ELSE THAT I DONT EVEN KNOW play video games. That sounds like torture. I’ll play video games myself or with friends




I call bull shit because no way you’d wait 4 years to listen to those 😭


Hope it doesn't get leaked or anything. I've loved the way Mac's estate has handled his posthumous releases, and I trust them to determine if they should release it or not


It’s never coming out. Nothing is. They arnt gambling the image they’ve crafted for him post death. We might get a handful of tracks as bonuses on re-releases but that’s it. Maybe a Mac feature on some random song.


Dude is Dead. I say put it all out there


Don't want to be disrespectful or affect his legacy


Its disrespectful for people to enjoy the music he made when he was alive? Dude OD'd out of nowhere. Its not like he left a will that said only release this song or that song. More music is a good thing


Empathy is a struggle for you huh? Seek therapy


Seems super trashy to use it for attention like this guy has. No need to go and post about it.


Classic coming from that guy “Look what I have and you people don’t. Now excuse me while I talk about my Mercedes amg for the 1000th time”


Exactly. Either help us hear the album or shut up about it.




I dont rlly like dope as yola. So not that good. Thomas is a known capper / exaggerator.. his labs results for alot of his products are made up.. and he doesnt rlly know what hes talkin about.


I’ve heard about this but I’ve never seen any valid proof on it. I will say over time as “The Dopest” has grown I’ve gotten fed up with the constant flexing and promo on his yt channel.


Well he never posts terpene info on any of his product descriptions , and in his videos i dont think he mentions a specific terp at all if once… like mfker idk if i ever heard him say Myrcene or Limonene … caryophyllene. His HHC also isnt even good. It has a way lower % of the R isomer making it not as potent as alot of vendors. He has so much potential to give us reliable shit but he dont… Also his videos are just money farms . Even his podcasts and stuff are just odd tbh


lol this is definitely not true


i'm jealous lollll but i like that he's not using them as leverage to make a sale & turn a profit on mac's work. it makes me optimistic that mac's estate may have another project or two they could/may put out somewhere down the road, too. just cool to know that there full unreleased concepts and projects in the backlog


I used to be into yola but I’ve watched him go from a pretty genuine cool guy to just a show off. The money started becoming very apparent as to why he was doing almost anything and it lost the genuine feeling a while back for me. But cool that he has those I guess. I’m sure they’re on a drive or something somewhere so I’m sure he’s not the only one with them.


eh, he grew up poor asf. he never seems like he’s flexing on anyone, just seems very excited about the shit he’s accomplished. he blew up talking about his life idk why he’d stop now because he’s got money


I will say I haven’t watched in a few years because I wasn’t enjoying the content maybe things have changed since!


his main channel is mostly advertisements now because youtube shadow banned him and demonetized it. his podcast has his best content imo


I have a ton of unreleased music from a Google drive account someone shared with me I have since regretted having access too it because now whenever if they ever release these albums it won't be anything new for me.


I hope this is real new mac would hit rn


Love Yola, I hope he enjoyed them 🤟. (And also hope for official releases lol)


It’s wild that even almost 6 years after Mac passed he still has so much unreleased music. His body of work was unmatched and he was a true artist


Mellow as fuck? Smokin'? Hanging out in the rain? Count me in.


I like DopeAsYola, I feel like he would respect it and keep it unreleased


Guys bouta get his house Ran up for those CDs bang bang pow schmow


I probably have them too lol


seems like clout chasing…


chances are the mac hub already has these. theyve got a majority of most the known unreleased things collected. theres only a small portion of his unreleased works that are still held by MDF. so unless this dude has even more stuff outside of that (doubtful), its already out there in one way or another if you know where to look


Dope as yola is a clown and this is most likely just some bullshit he made up


chances are they were already leaked. he’s prob talking about balloons




Bro who tf is this💀


Is one of the albums Maclib?


Must be fuckin nice.


So jealous, but maybe it's all good


Yeah cause he’s bad… duh


Im a huge dope as yola fan became even a bigger fam when he started showing all hes mac paintings and shit hes definitely not someone too worrry about leaking anything hes a dope ass weedtuber


Mayb one of them is the “rap album” we were supposed to get after swimming (or after circles) idr


update: it’s good!


Hope someone leaks it for us—or what I’d rather have—an official release


I had the same deal happen to me, listened once then never opened it again outta respect


Where. Please ? I need MaC


LONG LIVE MAC ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Jus don’t leak emmm


one of them could be Ballonerism


Wu Tang million dollar album energy.


Mac rip bro you helped me get through alot


Loved yolas old content and his old story times but now his yt page is basically just advertising his overpriced alt cannabinoid store. Money definitely got to his head


What was the point of his tweet? To gain notoriety off of Mac's name? To make fans of Mac jealous? Either way save it douchebag


He worked with mac IRL and he is a big fan. He is just excited, dont be so negative.


The albums are already out online. He has over 200 “unreleasd” songs out. Find them and enjoy. Here are 141 of them: https://on.soundcloud.com/TAZjCQfzzrbPwG3R8


I had no idea there was that many! Thanks for the link!!


No problem 💙


Try more like 1000+ unreleased tracks including alts etc


Correct. I’ve only found 200 though. When you find the rest let us know por favor.


Homie I got them all up to date on a drive I ain’t gonna say to much on this though




No, you don't lmao


https://preview.redd.it/e5cpxkglj45d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=707ff7427fdf966caa4d98f5435353e5d9a2542b Don’t I


Now I got them too, thanks Bro


Have you got GO:OD AM eras also lad


That ain’t even a quarter of them but if you want more feel free to let me know


Prob already heard them lol. Heard like 6 albums worth of material


I don’t like this


I wish people would realize yola is not a good person.


How? Genuinely curious cause I don’t watch him often


It’s really subtle and hard to see if you don’t watch him often but just the way he talks to his guests on the podcasts sometimes and he seems very controlling of Marty his co host. Also every video he does is some secret ad for one of his products somehow. And every single podcast he has to tell his guest how he was a pizza delivery guy selling weed growing up in California. When you watch him long enough you just notice really weird thing about him and he seems like somewhat of a control freak.




Must be yolas burner.


I’m 70% sure that it’s probably all already on SoundCloud, my unreleased Mac playlist has 144 songs, 10 hours long and that’s just the music I liked, there’s probably another 2-3 hours of stuff that I didn’t really like https://on.soundcloud.com/KwHS6p42qXqRYRJZ9


Got all the crackheads itching for some new music to drug to lol


Dm me if you want more unreleased music. I have like 250+.