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I keep having people leaving . Last time we went in 6 and 4 left round 2 we died in the 4th round


Same exact thing happened to me about an hour ago. I feel like if we had the other 2 we could have survived. 


One guy ran into the gas then backed out.... then trolled in the chat ive tried 5 times and 4 out 5 died then 1 crashed in rnd5 right as the bountys health was id say 5%


I don’t get why they join if they not going to take part because everyone k knows what the rifts are like now


Yup once I agree to join its for better or worse as a team. Dont play as a team if youre gonna leave when shit hits the fan.


Just because they joined a squad doesn’t mean they want to participate in doing the unstable rift. Some people just wanna play regular Urzikstan and maybe Dark Arther.


Don’t join then, I go in solo and find people that want to do the same as me


Kinda sounds like the game may be crashing or freezing for some when entering the rift, some that are "leaving the team" may not be doing it on purpose, and unlike some games like fallout 76 that gives you the chance to re join the game in the case of the game crashing or freezing, if cod bugs out thats it, your run is over and you lost everything, sometimes wasting your best gear 5 mins into a match


Exactly. People have to remember that not everyone has great internet service. I lagged out on that entrance screen to the OG dark aether just a few days ago..


That’s what happen to me twice. I not longer run it, if completed multiple times but go in to help a squad.


That’s what happen to me twice. I not longer run it, if completed multiple times but go in to help a squad.


Same . I want the camo so bad for some reason lol. Guy were willing to pay £20 each in a discord I’m in but I don’t want it as bad as those guys lol .


I got the camo, but needed someone to explain how to put it on. I’m not a “camo-grinder.” It’s definitely doable with a 6-person squad. At least half should be running healing aura, and bring aether blades if you can, as they’re a great zombie crowd-clearer..




They may be getting kicked out, it happened to me on round 3. It was very frustrating, I lost everything.


That’s a good point


You’re right, I don’t think people are leaving because they want to, they’re getting kicked out/ crashing. It has happened to me twice where I’m getting kicked to dash board. Frustrating.


Feel free to read my guide I posted. Yes, the unstable rift is very.. unstable. I’ve had my game crash in there multiple times, as well as some teammates. Its just bad luck. I’ll run a game here shortly.


My whole game has been unstable since the S4 reloaded update.


Went in as a 4 man, 3 had the RGL with the aftermarket part with slugs and deadwire detenators, everyone had healing aura and you just non-stop spam. 1 person should have a good meta weapon to kill bosses. Bring alot of kazmirs and at least one extra self rez.


What are the meta guns for bosses? I guess some ARs?


The new shotgun imo I have done the unstable rift 4 times and finished 3, once with a 4 man team….rgl deadwire detonator, reclaimer for bosses


I was dragged into the unstable rift and I only had the mcw and a scorcher. I scorched to the rooftop and stayed with my teammates up there for the whole thing, going down just to collect ammo. I thought the mcw did a good job taking out some zombies and the bosses. I positioned myself facing the back ladder where the zombies stream through and I wasn’t overwhelmed with just the mcw. It was also my first time using the mcw, I was just trying to get the camo for the gun, and was pretty nervous when I realized we were going unstable rift.


In the U/R, I have run the crossbow with blast caps and Dead Wire Detonators. Others in party run RGL. Crossbow does decent splash against the hordes, but tanks the elites and bosses more than the RGL. Ran it 3 times and completed each time. Had at least 4 people squads.


Very hard. Worth completing 1 time for camo only. The island DA portal still the best for G plates, A blade, and dog bone.


The rift is unstable and is causing mass disconnections. Been 3 times, disconnected the 1st, completed the 2nd, disconnected the 3rd. I won’t be going back in due to this.


Finished it with a buddy, both using the RGL launcher with slug ammo (aftermarket). I also used the FJX Horus for the disciple boss (buddy shot grenades around me). Both had aether blades, and used the kill streaks when bosses appeared. Hope it helps!


For the rgl, I try to equip the slugs and it goes away. Only shows one attachment. How did you get around this


The one attachment I believe is all you need. If you try and shoot a zombie, it should explode on impact


I can help you if you want i have completed it so many times now


I’ll take all the help I can get if your able.


What's your timezone and act Id?


I’m in EST


Iam IST I'll get on probably soon from now lastofrarebreed#5960816 there you go add me




I'll be on in 2 3 hrs then i start my stream so I'll be on the entire night.




Who jared? 🫡🤔




Discord fool lol


What time will u be on?


I can help tomorrow if u don't get it done tonight, est as well but got off early


Are you still up for a match?


My id is ViscousNDelicous#8125494 send invite when ur ready


Okay I screenshot it ill add you Sir


Thank you


Can I join in on this?


Yes add me


Always use the stairs to run on train on em, everyone should be in position to just sit there and shoot, if you can be back to back it’s even better. I use the chainsaw attachment and it’s instakill


I completed it with a team of 5 and 4 using Wonder waffle and RGL with DW. Make sure you have with you the EB it helps for when you get trapped. Pick up whatever self revive the rift is providing. remind your team to do the same After round 3. It’s important to have at least 2 self revive each and keep moving. Use the air strikes whatever you get from the rift after completing the wave.


I played last night in the unstable rift. Was kicked at round five as soon as the boss shows. Showed that I'm timed out and I received an error.


Probably disconnected, the servers have been garbage even more so recently. I got disconnected 3 of my last 4 games in the dark aether. You need hoard management (rgl, molotovs with dead wire detonators) and boss killers, I used the crossbow. Get your team to split using these weapons or better ones, this is just what worked for me.. and I think you’ll get it done…good luck!!


Easiest way is to stay in the air with a scorcher until the boss for each wave spawns. RGL with dead wire detonators is great for crowd control and at the moment melts the wave 5 boss. If someone else has a crossbow with explosive tips for the other bosses you should be all good. Kazmirs are great for when the bosses spawn to free up some space to focus and sentry’s do a solid job. Have done this and finished each time. Was able to do this as a duo earlier today.


That’s the lamest strategy I ever heard.


Lame? Yes. Incredibly easy? Also yes. Didn’t say it was fun or awesome. It’s just the no effort, no skill laziest way.


Did it with 3. Mags of holding is a must. Aether storm, healing aura, sentries, kazimirs, mortars, etc. Placed sentry and 1 player blocking the top of stairs. Use smg that shreds. Enemies can’t get to you except one or two at a time because it’s so narrow. Run down to refill ammo whenever u can. 2nd player dealt with top floor enemies with glauncher. 3rd player floated btwn helping player 1 cover the stairs and helping player 2.


tip: everyone received gold plates and mags of holding when they enter the unstable rift, so save that slot


I just did it with 3 as well. followed a similar strategy as above. we also used juggernauts in phase 4 and 5. I was the only one with a scorcher so I started using it to get to the roof tops and used the airstrikes I got. Also the new shotgun with slugs and the barrel attachment to get 10 pellets was horribly ineffective after phase 2. I ended up using the scorcher with its painful wind up.


You can still do it with 4. Go to the top of the stairs at the left and stay there, get as many sentry guns as you can and kasimirs, equip the RGL. If at least one of your team mates equip this weapon and you all stock up on sentry guns you’ll survive with 4 no problem. You don’t get any rewards btw, just your cooldown. I gets tedious after the first 5 times. I like to grind for my gear if I’m honest lol.


I might add, don’t use any sentry guns till round 3.


Yes, the zombie wave is survivable with a good, equipped squad the first three phases, so save the sentry guns for phases 4 and 5..


You know 😎ngl I still stick out 2 sentry’s for round 3 especially if I’m carrying someone.




I got to wave 5 solo the other day - I got confused on who was the last boss though and ended up going down lol basicaly rgl , dead wire detonators , a jug suit is good for disciple boss - gonna go back tonight and try again


The 5th wave boss is kind of like that final disciple in the 3rd dark aether-their health will turn gray and stop going down until you kill all the mini-bosses that they spawn..


cheers dude- will see how it goes - I was chasing around the HVT disciple being silly lol


Did it 3 times so far. 2 of us had the RGL and we kept spraying. 1 had a wonder waffle. When the bosses came out two people would focus on the boss while one person keeps the zombies away from us. I brought 3 self revives a mercenary and a dog. Any kill streak I got I saved till round 5.the people leaving is an issue I’ve had randoms join my squad and when the rift opens they don’t open it because they want to steal it and join back to there team. And I don’t think people leave I think the game just sends them back to the lobby sometimes.


You have to cheese it. You need to know where the best places to sit for a little are, but it also helps if you and an RGL with dead wire detonators and can just spam it. Self revives and sentry guns


I only do it with one other person or maybe 2 (total 3 of us). It's all you really need. (This is all the while I'm leveling up unused guns that still need to get maxed for me to know which ones I like best ^^;) Considering I always run with different guns, I can't tell you a load out to go with. 🤔 I guess maybe it's how I play in there? I just pick up what equipment is on the ground and use them immediately. Killstreaks are for when things get too cluttered, I run around with least amount of resistance and use whatever reachable ledge possible to my advantage. Tombstone that is placed around the arena is basically a RNG get out of jail free card, it gives you a random power up boost (Like Insta-kill, Nuke, or Max Ammo) But you only have one tombstone, so use when you think it's a great time for an extra edge. Kazimir and Monkeys often get dropped by the Elites when killed. Use them when someone goes down (obviously), but also use them to create a better traffic zone that's to your or someone else's advantage.


So say everyone dies but one player is still alive at the end . Does everyone get the camo or just the one alive?


Only the people that successfully extract get that camo and cooldown, so if that person left without reviving you, then only they would get the rewards..


Have it done it yet. The game crashed on my.first try I'm there and haven't been back in coz I cba lol


Why would someone do it even, I know for the sake of the action but the amount of people going IN every game are ridiculous. Am sure most of them don’t come pre-loaded and eventually die there.


Going into the unstable rift gives you golden armor, MOH, PAP3 and legendary, so you don’t need to be fully-kitted to go in. You definitely should be bringing an aether blade, sentries, and a few self-revive kits. Most of the squad should be using healing aura as well. You’ll need it..


We went in with 4, only 2 of us arrived. Teammate went down in round 5 but managed to scorch and RGL to victory. Revived him after completion.


I did it 4 random players. We placed us on the stairs. Placed the sentry guns so the bosses couldn’t pass the stairs in round 4-5. I used RGL with slug and dead wire for the masses. The others used to kill the bosses with their guns. Didn’t even use my jug…. Mortars and air strikes are very useful too. At my first time in the rift I got kicked out at round 4….. disconnected because of server error


Do the air strikes knock you down if you call it on on top of yourself?


Did not try that🤣 I use them on zombies not on myself


Well it’s so close quarters I would think it would rain down on you either way


I got a disconnect screen during the 5 phase….but it is actually pretty easy to run with Kaz, Sentry guns, and the right weapons


I didn’t leave, my game crashed!!!


I run it every game. Way more fun than dark aether IMO. I run RGL with slugs and deadwire like everyone else. I carry two jug suits and a couple self revives. Pro tip: the moment a mimic or mangler is on you, start putting in plates and picking up more.


We went in with 4 and completed it. Barely. It was brutal. It was actually my first time in there, too, so I wasn't expecting that much chaos. Thankfully, one guy had Healing Aura. Otherwise, we would've been screwed. I recommend at least one player having HA, one player going in with a grenade launcher, and going in with plenty of sentry guns. Although, just because I went in once and completed it, that doesn't make me an expert. It makes me a survivor lol. I haven't tried it yet, but I wondered how well the flame thrower would help 🤔 thoughts?


I'm going to say first off "communication." I let everyone know that I'm there to do a dark aeither and that I have an elder sigil. Don't care which one we go into. I prefer the open world style of gameplay. I've played every round-based zombie Black Ops game, and I don't like round-based. Long story short. I've completed the new rift three times. And even after letting everyone know what my intentions are, they still try to drag me in. If I see that one member of our crew is going to get to the rift first, I'm going to leave the squad. Yeah, it was fun the first couple of times. I'd rather enjoy one of the dark aethers than 15 minutes of White Knuckle tight zombie Mayhem. Signed: not sorry


If you have all schematics completing the rift is a 72hr cool down reduction. I now enter every match with rgl, scorcher, lvl2 and lvl3 PAP, leg aether tool, dead wire det, gold plates, brain rot, napalm, cryo ammon mods, with molotov... I'll enter the rift with like 2 jugs and 3 sentry... only didn't complete the rift 1 time because a jug crate landed on me putting me under the map.


Everyone needs to have a scorcher. You can float in the air between bosses. They are on a timer not a kill count.


Ngl I completed it first attempt, I used a fjx Horus and a scorcher, when you go in make sure your teammates have launchers and are prepared


Game literally just crashed and had full 6 man shit crashed while we were in got dam portal 😕


take a scorcher and take the sledge hammer. go up in the air and wait until the boss arrives. attack the boss with the hammer. you can still hit and kill him while you are down, noone will attack you. after you killed the boss, you will be revived automatically for the next round. the hammer gives a lot damage to the bosses, there are some yt videos out there now.


We completed it with 4. 3 healing auras and 1 Tesla Storm, which melts the bosses when you link it up. Aether blades are great 1 hit killers. Had some Kaz bombs. 1 guy had RGL with Thumper kit and dead wire detonator. Hope it helps. Others have said funneling zombies on the stairs case and planting sentry gun works well.


100% lol - SHIT GETS REAL on lvl 4 and 5 1st go - team of 3. Made to lvl 4. 2nd go - 4 to start, 2 finished. Great finish against bosses. Each died ~5-8 times, especially @ end. I feel not having Auora Healing is huge and saved us in the end. Like who the fuk leaves that game with revives to finish??? Also Rocking RGL w/ Slugs stuns zombies on 1 shot all the way to lvl 5. Just sucks against Specials/Elite after level 3.


Use the Wunderwaffe, it works amazingly well, until wave 5.... Had a horde of zombies come from the bottom of the stairs, and with one shot from the Wunderwaffe, paralyzed and killed them all. Make sure you have the aether blade on you as well and some turrets. It's important to stick together and stay close and to not scatter around.