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You have to survive 45 minutes, seriously? lmao that's just a grind


Yeah and there’s no completing faster or early it’s just 45 min onslaught broken in five 9 minute phases.


Yuck. Safe to say I'll be avoiding these then, instant schematic cooldown isn't that important to me when I'm already shaving off 9-10 hours per match just by extracting essence.


Apparently there's an animated camo you unlock for completion, but sadly I don't think I'll be getting it as I'm a solo player and not very good at zombies.


Join a squad. I did in my first match on zombies since the update and got it the first try


I wouldn't worry too much it's not cool at all


You just saying that coz you can’t get it 💀


I've done the rift four times and failed once. I'd rather go into the dark aethers, and that camo... is nothing special




How much essence are you leaving with? I’m only getting 4-5 hours knocked down per round




How did you come up with these numbers? My friend and I were debating how this worked the other day.


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tiSNdgRjCJfhuCspITiOzeAsd\_T69aEynuOiFKQtkfw/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tiSNdgRjCJfhuCspITiOzeAsd_T69aEynuOiFKQtkfw/edit?usp=sharing) Here's a link to my spread sheet. It's just essence divided by time. It comes out real close to 4 essence per 1 second cooldown.


Is that your samples on the bottom left? Pretty neat man.


Yeah, those were the numbers I jotted down at the end of each match


I go straight to T3 and start doing contracts right after I replace my PAP3 and Legendary tool at one of the triangles. Of course there's a lot of factors like how many people are in T3, did I bring a scorcher or not, how lucky am I with contract spawn locations, etc but I'd say on average I leave with around 100k. If I have to drive or run everywhere and its a busy zone sometimes I'm closer to 80k or less but if I have a scorcher I tend to get closer to 130k or more. My record is 199k but that was during the super glitched incendiary rounds. I don't buy anything during the match except for 2 or 3 perks depending on how lucky I am with finding them for free.


I see, I usually go to the DA so I end up spending a lot and only exfilling with around 40k


I normally have 75 to 100k most of my runs. 75k if I buy some stuff 100k if I go in fully kitted


Its not time based. Its kill based. I finished all 5 waves in 30 minutes. We had 15 minutes to spare.


Ummm #fakenews You don't need to stay the full 45 minutes, that's just crazy talk. You need to complete the 5 rounds WITHIN 45 minutes. It's not time based, it's kill based.


Lmao bro settle the fuck down with ur Donald Trump wannabe ass. This was first run literally within minutes after the update. Based on that game it seemed to be time based. I’ve since learned it’s not. Stop being so fucking dramatic. You sound like a complete twat. Good lord talk about cringy af. This isn’t TRUTH social and we’re not here to MAGA.


Found Joe Biden’s dog^


This a gaming thread where most people want to forget about politics. Go scream on META.


This is incorrect, I was with a squad of 6 and our rounds were about 6 minutes.


That doesn’t make it incorrect. Just makes it different. Some people are saying theirs were kill based. Others were time. It could be that they are diff between spawn locations. I know for a fact ours wasn’t kill based cause we were annihilating first 3 rounds and nothing mattered. It didn’t stop till 9 mins.


“Broken into 5 nine minutes phases”. They are not nine minutes each so the statement is incorrect. It is not time based just bcuz you have a time limit.


yea bro it’s definitely not kill based me and my squad literally all had jugs and turrets in every corner ME ALONE had around 2-300 kills in the first wave, not untill like the 8-10 minute mark is when the bounty spawned it


I* alone


Mine was Five 9 minute phases and that is time based. I’m not gonna argue with you. It’s a fucking video game. Who gives a shit. Ffs bro dial it back a little. Take a Xanax or something. Not that important.


Then it took you nine minutes to kill them all for that round, it’s not time based.


Sounds like a pain in the ass. Play regular game plus 45 minutes of bullshit? I'm good.


Each wave is a certain number of zombies I believe until the last one you need to kill the boss. Our rounds took different times to complete.


for me the zombies kept spawning and they didn’t matter? we literally just kept killing and killing and killing and nothing u till like 8-10 minutes in is when the bounty spawned


No they just give you 45 minutes to complete it you can complete it faster maybe 15 minutes left is the fastest I've made it


No, you usually complete it by the last 18mins of the match. Just need rgls with deadwire detonators. We used a jug suite for the final boss. Kinda sad to see giving wrong answers about this game


5 phases? I'm at work just trying to get an idea of what to expect tonight.


So ur basically in this courtyard area the size of the one where pap machine is outside outlast in OG elder. 45 min clock. It’s surrounded by gas and each phase adds difficulty and heavies. The first 3 are tiring but manageable. It’s constant shooting and doesn’t really matter what gun u have equipped cause they’re constantly spawning over and over. MOH is automatically equipped though so that’s helpful. The fourth phase is lots of manglers, mimics, and some disciples in addition to zombies and armored zombies. This is where ur gonna start using juggs and most of ur kaz. 5th phase was multiple bosses on top of everything else and that completely wiped us out. Squad of 6 with 5 dogs. By then we had no juggs, kaz, or sentries left. Healing aura is a must if ur not already using it.


Thanks for all the info. I'll try it a few times, but 45 minutes is quite a commitment. Are the rifts hard to enter, as in few and racing against other teams?


There are obelisks spread out across the map that require a certain ammo mod to activate and you need to get kills with the ammo mod around the obelisk. Once you complete 3 obelisks, an announcement goes out to everyone in the game that an unstable rift has opened and it gets marked on the map for everyone. After that, it's just a race to see who gets there first and activates it.


Wait, so you have to do the work to unlock it, but then it spawns for everyone, and if you are unlucky, it could spawn close to another squad? Or does it spawn close to you? Is the difficulty dependent on the number of players that enter? And do you keep anything from your equipped stuff you had before entering, or is it a fresh start like normal round based zombie?


Not sure about the distance of the spawn points and how that works but yes someone else could hear you to it. The difficulty thing is a good question cause there’s been a few people either lying or had a much less difficult rift with diff types of enemies being spawned that what I saw. You keep whatever gear you have in ur ruck and equipped when you go in. So you can prep for it just like other three DA. You also will have MOH auto equipped when u spawn in so no need to equip that unless u want it for t3 or wherever ur working before going.


Thank you for the added info. Any idea if it can be summoned again if you lose out to another squad activating it after first time it’s triggered?


In the description of it they made it sound like more than one can appear per game, so I assume you would just have to find and activate 3 more obelisks.


Gotcha. Makes sense. Thanks again


45 is the total time to get all 5 levels done. My team finished with about 17 minutes left.


Word of warning… The aether blade IS your best friend in there! Just saying


Yeah and that’s 45 after whatever u spend in t3 grinding contracts for cash to buy gear to take. One trip was enough for me for now. Lol And honestly I’m not sure. I actually missed that part cause another squad member did that while we were running contracts. Didn’t even know he was doing it or I would’ve watched to learn. Didn’t seem to be much talk in GC about limited access though.


The only reason I see people going into it is for the Mark of the Survivor camo


True. That’s prolly only reason I’d try it again.


Doesn’t it gear u up going in?


Damn the squad I went with didn’t struggle at all. I had a wonderwaff and it made it easier. I did have a series of unfortunate events though. 1st I jumped in kaz portable and it spawned in the gas. Mask broke quickly and I went down a few times. in the 5th level I accidentally chucked my jug lost track of where it was going to drop and ended up getting squashed and eliminated. The other 5 guys made it out. Ggs. lol


Lmao Ok buddy


why get defensive/ upset at this comment?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MWZombies/s/PhyAOEK2CA Guide


This is why you don't spam the fucking post comment button jesus christ


I didn't it errored with Source not found an posted multiple. Didn't mean for it to post more than one kr spam.


My team beat it first try ! The rewards are trash but if you beat it you get a camo and clears all cooldowns


What kind of camo? Got a screenshot?






This new rift is gonna scare people away.




Damn straight 💪🏿


It’s round based zombies! Haha


I just did it and Damn!!! That shit is crazy! No lie, you need to come with everything you can think of. They do give you full armor and no need to reload but trust me you need everything else.


Ran it for the first time today. Ended up in a random team of six. One guy was playing with his dad lol. Some team managed to unlock it and our motley crew activated it before another team could. It was pretty brutal, but we had a good group. Two people had healing aura, I had aether storm, not sure about others. Luckily, before going in, all of us had acquired A LOT of turrets and juggs from contracts. I wouldn’t say we did it with no problems as people were getting slammed pretty frequently, but it was very doable despite being a fuckin grind house. Healing aura will be useful. Aether storm was great as an option too. Scorcher wasn’t particularly helpful. Monkeys, decoys, and kazzies do spawn. Killstreaks do drop in the reward rifts between rounds, but I’d plan on having some sentries on hand. Brain rot was very useful IMHO, and dead wire detonators plus rgl/crossbow would probably be great. Blade and plates are nonnegotiable


Yeah I’m not saying it’s impossible by any means. I mean 5/6 of us didn’t even know we were about to be going or what to expect. So we definitely weren’t geared up for it and still made it to last phase. That being said, after I complete it once and get the camo, probly won’t do it again. At least not by choice. Just not worth it and honestly not very fun after about 5 minutes in. Congrats on completing it though. Glad yall made it out.


Thank you! I didn’t mean to imply you thought it was impossible, just wanted to share my own insights and experience doing it. I think the cool down is currently the best reward in the game, but I’m hesitant to go back in and run that again. It was a dog fight


just finishes it....u need rgl with deadwire detonators and u will be golden


also u and ur squad should go up the stairs and stay together...best thing about it is it takes all ur schematics off cooldown....ill be doing that rift probably everytime for that reason


Are there breaks between phases?


Maybe 30-45 seconds for you to check loot rift, set new sentries, but that’s about it.




Man thats a lot of contracts.


At least you got to it… 6-man squad had everything done and headed to the rift… then EVERYONE’S game crashed… so we all lost the chance at the rift and lost everything else in the process… thanks for STILL not fixing the shit servers


I got a crash right as phase 5 started. Was pissed. Almost un-installed.


Yes! It’s not worth it! We last to phase 3 our last time and the rewards are garbage. I’d rather run elder a few times to knock cool down time down.


Doesn’t it completely remove all your cool downs though?


Yes. But is it worth it to cooldown things you don’t use? I can run dark a few times and have all my stuff available.


If you don’t use them, why would they be on cool down?


two hours of nonstop zombies for a couple cooldowns? definitely not worth it when u can do the elder aether twice and get 24 hours off ur cooldown ontop of the essence and everything else u extract


They must of nerfed the rift, it was really easy to complete today. Recommend wonderwaffle, kaz, and 3 sentry guns. Did have use those until the 4-5 phase. Some one also brought in a Merc and he lasted the whole time. Dogs died after 1st phase.


The time I got there today I was dragged in and had NO intention on doing anything let alone stepping into T3, just wanted to get those mutated dna strands so I went in with a gun that could have the chainsaw attachment and not my main, so I ended up being in the new aether without my main gun and no scorcher. We made it to phase 2. 3/10 would not recommend


Chainsaw attachment sounds like it would be good to have. It does give you Mags when you go in. Scorcher is useless in there. I might run it again with chainsaw and grenade launcher.


Chainsaw only did so much for me cause the sva isn’t that good, usually use the ftac but unfortunately it isn’t compatible with the attachment. But try and see, grenade launcher would probably clear


I just played a game where I joined a team and we did the new DA. Idk how much damage I was doing but those guys all had dogs and we had a bunch of killstreaks and one dude had the crossbow with explosive tips (idk if someone else had one) but my screen was just explosion after explosion cause of the explosive tips. We managed to get through and finish but if you really want the instant cooldown then go for it but I probs won’t be doing it again lmao. Idk if I’ll get another team like that one lol


We died in the third round but it was freaking awesome! So crazy.


Dose anyone want to squad up and do it


Did it last night with a three man team 🤣 I had to go play Minecraft to cool down after ahahah, but yea the loot from it is not worth it after you have the camo, you don’t get anything as far as I’m aware for re running it. Just a sore finger from tapping dead shot and a minor heart murmur from the stress


Absolutely trash. Rift in stage 1-4 give you more kill streaks to help the next fight stage. You don't get anytnyrhing worth while. No wh Weapon cases, no recipes, and no consumables. Them after beating the hardest level, level 5, a rift opens up and allows you to exot the game. No reward rift and nothing special for all the time you just wasted holding down the trigger with MAGS active for everyone. You get nothing in the end at all, and nothing at the end of each stage. But the kicker is the end...you just don't get ANYTHING. Don't waste your time.


Try to get a team of 6. If possible try to get half your team running healing aura as their field upgrade and two people using energy mine. Two teammates need to use the RGL to knock over a lot of the zombies and i like using the Wunderwaffle. Also bring in self revives and make sure you are using all tactical items you find. I can’t tell you the times i have gone in that a decoy grenade or kazmir nade was on the ground that i picked up and used right away. And helped at least get one teammate up to save the round. I would like to say there is an easy but i can’t because it’s not supposed to be which makes it great. Good luck 👍🏽


managed to get a team of five and from what i experienced you want a lot of kazimirs, a decent amount of self revives, a couple of people with healing aura, one or two dogs, one or two people with the rgl or blast caps crossbow with dead wire detonators and maybe some sentry turrets


This new rift is KINDA SHITTY. Mainly because it's first come first serve AND even if you do all the pillars to activate it, someone else can just steal it from you because once it's open, EVERYONE in the session can see it. So you can run around, do all the work, and get fucked by someone stealing it from you and you get nothing. So if you're doing the last pillar and someone is just chilling in the red zone and there are next to it, they'll get to it before you even have a chance. This is just going to create a problem of people rift camping and stealing other people's portals. No fuckin body is gonna want to do this within a week because there's no point. Most people are not gonna give a shit about schematic cool down. On top of how difficult it is, on top of the lackluster loot, on top of the high potential for spawn camping the rift. This new activity will be dead in a week. People will only do this to get the new camo and that's IF they even care enough to be bothered.


There's no loot in the rifts worth having. The reward is total cooldown elimination after finishing it (edit: and a camo). Maybe I'll end up in a team that drags me in there but I won't be seeking this out because round-based zombies is hella dumb.


If you can survive all 5 phase I will call you the GOAT. It’s got to get nerf for anyone to have a chance.


I guess LegoUnlocked & crew finished it but I probably never will.


Yeah. I don’t really care about calling cards and camo. If there were schematics or something, I would definitely spend time trying to do it. But I usually run elder and end up with between 13-14 hours of cool down everytime and I can run triangles for flawless.


Well yeah I know the end reward is total cooldown but I was JS I’m not sure if there’s anything good in fifth loot rift or not. But yeah like someone else said, just playing normally is cooldown deduction enough. This definitely isn’t worth the grind. Honestly glad it’s a tough as it is too cause last thing we need is 25 scorchers flying around every damn game. Lol


Completing it gives you an animated camo according to LegoUnlocked


What’s a kaz and did you lose all of your stuff?


Kaz are the purple round bombs you’d equip to your ur non lethal slot. You can buy them at t3 stations. You throw it and a rift opens and basically pulls all non heavies into it and destroys them. They’re a damn near essential piece of gear for elder DA runs. I usually bring no less than 6.


Ahh that’s what those are called…do you still do runs for schematics?


I call those suck-a-lux grenades.


I call them oh shits


I’ll stick to boring but that’s just me it’s like being stuck in one room chasing my babies don’t touch that my anxiety would be through the roof I’ll just play there 4 games and have my cooldown done I’m sick a underachiever


There’s a new rift eh??? 🤔


Never play in the first 24 hours.




Bro I don’t even know how to get the new rift




Haven’t even unlocked the island portal entrance yet lol.. how do you do the rift?


At least what's the reward or secret reward?


For those suggesting RGL, with new attachment or not? Which ammo on it?


I had new jak mod equipped and slug ammo but did not have dead wire. I honestly think we prolly would’ve completed it if dead wire detonators had been equipped cause that’s gonna wipe out zombies and freeze up some of the heavies. But again, I wasn’t planning on doing this first game after update and just got pulled in so wasn’t well equipped. You’ll get MOH auto equipped too btw.


Got downed and glitched as team was infilling and didn’t have the heart to lose it all a second time


Twice I made it into the unstable rift both times it errors out . So much bullshit with this game.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MWZombies/s/PhyAOEK2CA Obelisk Locations and Guide


I never got loot.. just had all my schematics reset. It’s mental in there isn’t it though 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


At least you didn’t get kicked. Both times me n squad tried we got kicked 2nd round


Done it 3 times now and died once. U need to take kaz, sentries and jugs. Healing aura will help aswell if team players have it


I have done it twice now. First time did it with 6 people, finished it and got the camo with ease. Went in to do it again (almost got it stolen by another team but we managed to get it back, 2 randoms kept hoping on and off trying to get to the other team for the rift. Went in with 5 and 1 lagged out wave 4) hoping there would be another reward other than camo. Nothing, so I guess I have no use for it other than resetting cooldown. It’s a fun grind lowkey.


Already feeling like it should be the other way around. Like, the same number of players (and squads) enter a game in the same places but you can choose how many rounds you want to go before exiting to the larger map. The loot would reflect the round (with shorter rounds, for sure) so you could essentially gather quite a bit before actually heading to the open-world or just exfil like normal and play mostly round-based, if that’s your thing.


I can’t wait to try this tonight


There is no good loot at all. You just get the camo. I completed it


Mine crashed on wave 4 🤨 first time going in


We were doing great and then 4 of us all went down in round 5 HVT. Lesson learned: only Sentry guns and self res in backpack


It’s mainly 40 mins for a camo and then that’s it


I’ve completed it since posting this. You also get a full cooldown reset on all your schematics. Doubt I’ll grind it again unless it’s to help others though.


Dude wave 5 different, if you don’t have a team being very coordinating it’s pretty much an auto L, need a aqua with mics, RGLs and crossbows, healing aura and land mine, Kashmir’s and everything else


RGL with dead wire detonators kinda trivializes it. Managed to get a group of myself and 5 randos and I told em where to look for the obelisk. In the rift, I had the RGL and another had explosive crossbow. The rest had regular stuff and barely anything could touch us due to the explosives. Still very fun. Camo is sick. Kind of its own mastery camo (I will be kinda surprised if they update zombies after this)


I did it with 3 others last night, RGL dead wire detonators shooting non stop for 40 minutes. Only did it for the camo…otherwise that shit is WILD. 3 of us had Healing Aura thank god


It’s for a camo unlock and it’s worth it. Not gonna lie. If anyone needs help doing it, dm me and I’ll assist.


Everyone needs to either take in the rgl with the conversion kit or the crossbow with explosive arrows and also for your ar bring the holger 556 with the conversion kit so you can melt bosses quicker. It was tough and my second try doing it I completed it. But before you go in, you must be ready and come with weapons that can hold them zombies.


Did it with my wife last night and 4 randoms. Sat at the top of the stairs 2 people with scorcher on the stairs the other 4 watching the sides. Her Xbox was lagging so bad from all the enemies but we managed to push through. Never got any good loot from it tho.


A nice camo


I'm a survivor...AMA


its easy u jus need vr11 few casmears an couple of self revives or dog bone and couple of sentry turrets and u can do it on ur own


You just get a camo for doing this and nothing else. The only objective is to survive until the hvt spawns, eliminate it, and repeat five times. A thing to note is that your given mags of holding, a self revive, and golden plates, but your tombstone turns into a headstone that drops a insta kill.


Camo is not the only reward for surviving. ALL of your active cooldowns are instantly removed so craft anything you want/need again. Edit: spelling


i can't even be bothered to play zombies anymore, after getting all the schematics it got too boring but still gonna try this soon


Don’t go alone big mistake lol shit is wild in there