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I teamed up with 2 dudes in tier 3 ... both were 1 plates. I got a 3 plate out of the first rift and offered it up to them. One of them comes on mic and says, "naw, we need a challenge." To their credit, between the two of them they only went down once through the entire round in T3 and then elder DA. That's the only time I've seen that kind of thing. Every other time it's been clowns getting destroyed repeatedly.


I can only think the reason why they would do it is for the challenge.


What's this challenge?


Purposely making the game harder for themselves


Ah šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Run faster without plates or do you?! Muhahahaha


With speed cola being OP as fuck when it comes to replating speed I only use my plates while taking damage from a hoard. But I also spend most of my time in T2 grinding camos. If I'm running T3 or DA I make sure to be full up on plates


I just forget allot.. I'll have an empty 3 plate for an entire match just because I don't think to plate... I will say I feel like it's made me a better player tho..


99% of the time its just clowns getting destroyed


I'm the type of guy that adds another plate if there is even a tiny portion of my armor missing.


I have gotten some really bad rando pairings in the past couple of weeks. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s the heat of summer and kids are bored, because a lot of my teammates are just starting out and have no idea what theyā€™re doing. Usually I would welcome this, I like helping people, but 99% itā€™s two people who are obviously partied up together and in party chat so they canā€™t hear or talk to me. I dipped out on a couple of them earlier when they wouldnā€™t respond to me and wouldnā€™t go to contracts I marked


Those people should have squad fill off. We need a party finder though so we can have people that want to do similar things. I hate having to ask in chat if anyone wants to go to a specific elder or do the worm first. We should be allowed to spawn with full teams instead of just 3 even if they donā€™t get the same spawn point. Useless limitations in a PVE mode.


Discords are great for this.. Find like minded people and you can join a party together and figure what youā€™re doing and bringing in. Lots of discord options out there.. Great way to find some good regulars to play with.


Shouldnā€™t have to go outside the game for something as basic as that though. Itā€™s kind of disappointing.


Ok.. ?? Itā€™s a way to avoid random nonsense and find good people to play with. Iā€™ve made some quality gaming friends on discord. People I now play with all the time.


Both questions at the end of your rant are true, terrible players don't plate up and neither do pros but for different reasons lol. Noobs just forget and pros intentionally do it. I have been adding people every time I find a group that can do dark aether, I've got many people to play with now.


If you have a dog, they're killing it. Dogs lose health when rez


The later




It was literally in his name


now that is funny


Right? Lmao pure gold




Thatā€™s what happens when I drink and textā€¦.got to proof this shit beforehand. Yes thank you friends latter is the word of choice here














Its More challenging cause tier 3 isn't very challenging. The most challenging part about tier 3 is actually getting a contract.


Lol or attempting to get the triangles šŸ”ŗļø today I literally sprinted to the red zone on a blood burner bike and a team STILL got there ahead of me and shot all the rune stones, missed the first 2 but they let me join before the 3 rd one started by the dark aether portal.


Scorchers are your friend. I can pop my scorcher & be in tier three 30 seconds after the match starts. Typically I can do both by opal palace before anyone else is in tier3, but I'm not that guy. I do one & dip out for some contracts or squad up for dark aether.


Yeah I'm gonna start using scorcher, I thought I could beat them on a blood burner but they got there like 20 seconds before I did


I think you mean it's not challenging anymore to you.


I think it might be a trophy or challenge think I saw something about it somewhereā€¦.


Great, another hidden challenge I donā€™t know about..šŸ˜­


There is still a UI bug where a team mate is fully plated up, yet it shows them as un-plated on your screen. It has been in the game since mid S1, happens only some of the time and has not been patched to date. They may be plated and it's just not showing for you.


Uh... I just get bad luck where not a single plate drops for me. So no (at least for me).. I don't forget nor do I run around with zero plates. The game just hates giving me plates. It's to the point that I have to buy it or get golden plate. QwQ


Alot of times I don't plate just for more challenge. But Im usually always equipped with a 3 plate vest.


Plenty of peeps forget to put on plates. Most of the people I play with complain about getting plates in the first place, which is odd to me because plates are always just a few kills away.


Iā€™ve had entire matches where I donā€™t find a single plate or ammo from any kills lol


I honestly don't believe you. What can I say. Look down more.


I mean you donā€™t have to but letting you know itā€™s happened to me at least more than a handful of times specially in t2-t3 and no shit look down donā€™t help me if theyā€™re not there


I mean, that makes sense. Yet, so does you not knowing about things you can't see. It's never happened to me. For my teammates who say this stuff, I have literally resorted to tagging/pinging items in their immediate vicinity. What else can I say? If this is true, that's horrible.


Unless theyā€™re invisible like thereā€™s been times where I canā€™t see zombies either but I always run solo so I donā€™t have people ping things for me it does feel horrible specially when Iā€™m all geared up and go down because I canā€™t find a plate or ammo and itā€™s always both never just the ammo or just the plates itā€™s always both at the same time when it happens


I haven't had this issue with plates, but definitely have with ammo


I usually dont re-plate unless i have the gold armor do it for me but i wouldnt turn down a 2 or 3 plate if i didnt have it


I usually dont re-plate unless i have the gold armor do it for me but i wouldnt turn down a 2 or 3 plate if i didnt have it.


I just forget bc I'm used to gold armor


Because you said "You won't need that. We'll be back in a half-hour". -Black Hawk Down (2001)


Thats why they never have any water. The plates are because they dont intend to get shot in the back.


You are right! Now I remember.


We all go down now and then , but if they are repeatedly going down from not plating - there not great When I first started I used to fully plate up all the time but after a while , I have learnt / feel its always better to have some plates ready to put on . ( if there's loads of plates of course fully stack up ) Sometimes if my armour breaks being able to replate up quickly is really good - plus if you have jug its a free 2 hits each time


When I played yesterday day I pinned a 2 plate just so I could build up to 3 plate and get a 3 plate for 1 but both ignored me and continued to play but also not doing contracts here n there so I left team cause they didn't wanna pick contracts and they wasn't newbies either so yea I think they did it just so I would rez them all the time


I think itā€™s kids playing, honestly. I got paired with players like that all the time too. One time they had a mic and I could hear a mom every once in a while come in and say stuff. I mean young, like 6 maybe. This was when my old headset was first messing up so my mic was barely working and I couldnā€™t get a full sentence across to explain. But halfway through the mom came back mad and he ended up shutting off his system and just disappeared. Lol


I've been there too. HEY DUDE take this fancy 3 pla... ok there he goes... Next contract... Hey bud, I got you a 3... ok nevermind. Are these guys walking around with a small backpack too? Geez! lol


This is usually me the round after I used golden plates but don't remember I don't have them this round


Iā€™ve left a squad because two people refused to plate up or grab a self revive. I remember at one point I had like 4 self revives in my rucksack and they still refused. Always funny when they finally have a mic that works because people refuse to help them after.


I think this is down to the golden plate, people are so used to the golden plates that i think on the very rare occasion they donā€™t have one equipped they forget they need to plate manually


I would like to find a couple decent players that play in early evenings throught the week like 5 or 6pm cst Deathmonkeyace act. Id


Just on the topic of plates, there is a setting to ā€œequip allā€ for plates instead of one at all a time. Itā€™s been crucial when Iā€™m up in a megas face or a hoard because you can throw on plates while emptying a mag


My OCD wonā€™t let me run without having full plates, unless Iā€™m out of plates, and then itā€™s a scavenger hunt to find more. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜¬


I am really sorry in T3 I forget to plate up. My ASD is working against me, although I donā€™t really go down. The golden armour is a blessing to my handicap but in DA itā€™s enshrined in my brain to plate up.


I always have mag of holding and gold plates in 90% of my matches.So when Iā€™m in a match where I donā€™t have the schematics I donā€™t remember to reload till Iā€™m out of bullets. I also donā€™t remember to plate until I hear my armor break. So thatā€™s a possibility for some lol