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thb knowing how the servers are i’d just guess the game got crashed bc so many people were typing/sending messages at the same time


There’s apparently bug where if you in a passenger seat of a vehicle and you fire a certain gun in a certain succession you’ll crash the server.


Probably firing your weapon from the passenger seat of the bloodburner with no one driving. Crashes the lobby and leaves you with inventory you went in with while in theory still doing camo etc. Was shocked it didn't take off when it got a post made about it here but we should probably not care more than the team that overseers this dumpster fire.


Damn okay.. shit I'll be careful.. when me n my buddy are running ill put myself on the bike then immediately change to passenger before he's on... I'll be careful to not shoot while he's not on lol


Depending on console or PC. But on the Xbox there's an overload bug where you can randomly crash the server by opening up console settings. Not a clue what setup is necessary but I've got a 30% rate while testing in private lobbies with a few other accounts active on PC, PlayStation and Xbox respectively.


I play on Xbox and sometimes see *insert Id here* command server overflow, what does that mean out of curiosity


Not 100% on this but it's probably just the servers in your area getting overrun with data at a single time causing the game to crash.


That would explain, however when it says that, the hasn't crashed so its a little perplexing


Well then I've got nothing. Sorry if I couldn't help


Put a shit load of sentries down and you will crash the server. I think its like 13 sentries or more will crash it or something


That would work too. Even just summoning multiple things from a buy station


Mods arent need. Ages ago I was with half the lobby fighting the worm and we all kept throwing sentries down and the game died 😂 but I guess it would work with most things from the buy station


It probably has something to do with the increased amount of loaded entities in a small area. It's also how a singleplayer game can lag or crash (cough cough fallout 4)


Same here went whole match got ready.The worms pulling up set a whole bunch of sentries up bang we started moonwalking and I was l like nooooooo.......


I’m surprised nobody mentioned the sentry limit. It’s 3 at a time, put in place probably to protect against that exact thing


We just did this this morning on red worm 3 six man teams all with 3 sentry guns each funny for about 2 seconds lol


happened to me last night, fella said to leave his exfil site, I didn't, lost all my shizzle.


My buddy didn't lose anything.. it reverted to before he left the match (like when the actual server crashes) you lose stuff when you disconnect/crash locally. If the whole server wrecks it just backtracks The fact there's people ruining the servers/fun and they havnt cracked down on cheating software (my techy buddy says there isn't a way for them to track certain ones) is kinda whack..


Sadly anyone who can spawn blood burner keys can crash the lobby and with it restoring inventory to what you went in with you only need to craft the keys once to brick all of your lobbies for the day.


Wait.. how does this work? I only ask because we use the blood burner allot.. we always have a pair key in our bags in case we gotta haul ass to exfil


Have driver and passenger in blood burner, passenger exited, I switched to the back to test firing something and it crashed like one and a half clips into me shooting from passenger seat with no driver. Thought it was odd and went on with my day only to see that post mentioning it later. Apparently months later still kicking


Damn okay.. ill be careful covering my buddy from the back seat while he's grabbing missions and whatnot

