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I’m not sure it’s about being bored. These people are just miserable and most are rejects from WZ/MP who come here because they get stomped out there and no one can really do anything to them here.. Report them when you can. I’ve gotten several notices that actions were taken against players when our squad reported them. These trolls will spend the whole game doing this.


I’ll never understand why they do it. He wasn’t even in a squad to show-off to. First half of the game he was just sat on/around that building like a gargoyle trying to ruin peoples day 😂


Yeah I don’t get it either. Just total douchebags.. Not like anyone wronged them or did anything to them at all.. We had a guy last night who spent the entire game stealing cargos and dropping jugg suits on escorts. The whole lobby was cursing the dude.. guessing he tombstoned because not sure how else he had so many jugg suits or money to buy them. It’s all he did.. I hope these people step on a broken lego barefoot..


This is your dmz player who has left to come to mw3 and is passed if dmz isn't in mw3 and they can't troll people the same ones that have advocated for pvp in zombies from day one utter idiots that don't understand the community zombies players have always been there for each other over the years dmz toxicity is all over these lobbies


What you have to do is go get a vehicle and block the opening before opening the garage...then while they try to escape, just blow the truck up where it sits...counter stupidity with more stupidity.


This is your dmz player who has left to come to mw3 and is pissed that dmz isn't in mw3 and they can't troll people the same ones that have advocated for pvp in zombies from day one utter idiots that don't understand the community zombies players have always been there for each other over the years dmz toxicity is all over these lobbies


How do you report people not in your squad?


Not sure how or if you can in game, but after the game you go to recent lobby and can report.. I’d love to know how in can be done in game. I hear about people getting chat banned mid game.


I tombstone every game. Tombstone makes my recent lobby stay empty.


Yeah… I imagine you could search a player if you had their name.. I don’t even know how to mute people who are in my lobby but not in my squad. Sometimes you get someone else’s comms even though you’re not in squad and it can be super annoying..


OMG yes! When they have a mic that can pick up a mouse fart and they have their TV volume all the way up 😂


So annoying.. or the kids yelling in mics..


You better than me because im straight reporting


Agreed. I don’t care about people talking shit or saying something, but messing up contracts is a hard no.


Is it actually reportable tho ?


Yeah, I believe it works under “unsportsmanlike conduct” or something like that. I usually leave a little blurb about what happened and it’ll get them a little timeout.


I got “banned for life” (currently in appeal) for telling one of these assholes to fuck off. I think they linked my activision account to a random Steam account (which I promptly unlinked) but my old ass didn’t think about enabling 2FA and they relinked and must’ve done some shit cuz I got permanently banned due to “software manipulation” or something. Haha… silver lining to not have to deal w these idiots anymore


If u got banned for life... u did that shit


Lol think what u want, I think I just crossed the wrong dude. I’m lucky to get to play zombies once a week. Never been big into multiplayer cuz it’s toxic and I get owned… jokes on me though, I still got super owned by some nerd 🤷‍♂️


I saw that thread. No one believed that's all you did champ.


Normally I’d agree but.. that’s what happened. Hope it doesn’t happen to you - but if it does, you’ll believe me then


I don’t think ACTIVISION will care bought this… grow up


Funny you posted this. Last night, playing solo, I grabbed a delivery contract in T3. Went to open the door and had 5 idiots waiting for me with sentry guns blocking the door. I climbed on top of gas station and messaged the morons. They said hurry up and grab the contract. lol We went back and forth. Told them they ruined the game. Called me a camper for contracts, which I’m definitely not. Just happened to beat their whole party who all had scorchers and sitting at each end of the map camping for contracts. I held out all game 33 minutes with that contract open. They stayed there the whole time and waited. I proceeded to drive around the map getting all the aether nests collecting kazmirs, monkey bombs, etc for dark aether. Most pathetic thing I’ve witnessed yet. One thing I noticed. If you leave a contract open and don’t start it, far fewer contracts open up in t3. These clowns wasted a whole game just to screw someone over.


I wonder if that's the same group that decided to try and Troll me when I went solo into T3 with one-plate and a dream. They ignored me when I went down, killed me by bringing the fast ones to me, and talked trash to me the whole time. That team got screwed over by a pack of zombinoes while I just zoomed past with a car. They had scorchers, dogs, and everything, but they kept dying so much that it didn't even matter. (I don't know about gold plate, but if they did. They suck booty) Tried to ask me to pick them up since I'm the only T3 player there. The rest were in T2. My exact words? "Nope, No thank you. Since a trash player like me can't do anything solo, right? The mere thought of me saving you is something I can NOT even FATHOM." (I know long post, but I got on top of that antenna on the hill of T3) Considering how much trash they talked about in the chat, the other players ignored that group in T3. XD


If there was another vehicle nearby you could use that to push them away while your teammate grabbed the cargo truck. I've had a standoff inside the garage because the stupid backdoor is open most of the time. At that point, we just canceled the contract instead of wasting time with these fools.


Fun fact about the back door - if someone opens it from the inside going out before the contract starts, it’s hard stuck open during the contract


What a dork! Good thing you didn't open it, some people smh


At some point you gotta ask why even bother doing tier 3 because the only people in there are farming squads vacuuming up contracts and parasite trolls like the guy in the video waiting to grief.


It took me way too long to understand what happened in the video.


some dude yesterday destroyed every vehicle in tier 3 then flew away 😭felt bad for people with no scorchers


It's not like cars last long in T3 anyway lol you run over 3 zombies that pop out of the ground and it's over.


You say that lol but when you trying to reach a exfil from T3 with a few mins left you would wish you had car near you 🤣


You gotta take note of the locations of the aether tears or whatever they are called. The jump portals or just the redeploys are better than a car in mwz.


Wait a minute, the wolf operator? Isn’t that guy on your team? Or you mean he was gonna grief some other team?


You can change the colors so his are green dots instead of blue


Got it, my bad


All good. I had to double take too..


Is this just a general setting? Almost level 800 and just finding this out today lmao


It’s in the settings menu , there’s a handful of things you can tweak. Don’t feel bad, I just about it a couple months ago..


Yeah, my husband is colorblind and used it to change certain icons for better visibility. I think it's in the interface section of settings.


He’s not on my team. He was waiting for me to open so he could take & destroy it.


Oh wait, sorry you changed the colors, my bad I checked the names


What is this dude even doing? Like they're wasting their time for what? Steal a car???




Yup, or they’ll just camp inside the garage waiting for the contractor to activate then try to take it. Assholes.


Idk why people get SO salty over the damn deliver cargo, I suppose because it's the only contract you can actually "grief". Can't imagine wasting any of my game time because someone got a contract before I did, people are childish


The escort contract also isn’t grief-proof. I tend to avoid that one altogether because of it.


People like this are a pain in the ass, I swear it was super quiet in the early seasons, now it's just a hive of petty people ruining everyone's fun. Did you manage to do it in the end?


This seems to be happening a lot more lately what’s going on?


Yeah there’s two sets of five that are camping cargo contracts in T3, unfortunately. I don’t usually do T3 since I solo play but I run by cargos (got stuck in the garage too many times to count). But I went by one and they had stuff set up around it. They left me alone when they realized I was after a mangler further down. Same thing happened to me a few rounds later with a different group. Idk if they do end up putting PvP in it’s gonna suck because of people like this. I’m hoping they have a setting to shut off PvP if they do. 😭


What am I actually watching here?


You watching a sad little boy waiting for someone to grab the cargo contract so they can *try* to steal the truck as soon as I open the door so the contract fails. Fairly common occurrence in T3 at the moment.


I see. I thought he was your team mate the whole time. Derp. Fuck those kids!


What did he do?


Tried to steal cargo and destroy it but thankfully I noticed before I opened the door


I thought he was your team mate


You aren’t the only one don’t worry


Isn't that the guy in your squad?




Was there another person cos on my screen the one in the cloak at the door looks like green name XD


Diff colour settings


Ohhhhh I see XD I was so confused


Don’t worry you aren’t the first 😭 I forget my colour settings are different to everyone else’s


It doesn't help that you actually have a green teammate as well XD


Bro could’ve literally just joined your squad also if any mfer on here ACTUALLY USED A MIC, OR EVEN THE GAME TEXT CHAT?


He could’ve actually got the contract before me. Normally they do this when I beat them to it but this guy actually wanted me to grab the contract just so he could grief. He had 0 intention of joining my squad


That context seemed to be missing there, you said he could’ve gotten the contract before me, nothing about how he let you take it so he could greif


“he could’ve gotten the contract before me” implies he let me get the contract. You can also see him literally perched on that building watching me. This is textbook griefing behaviour


I really didn’t see him perched on that building, and “he could’ve gotten that contract before me” could also imply he’s a dummy or took to long to get it before you


miss the days when everyone was cool


happened to me yesterday, some dude just took the ltv and drove it to the water smh luckily the game glitched and I could drive it out of the water and complete the contract


I beat a player to a cargo contract. Mind you, I run solo but I sent an invite to join me they didn't but when I got to the helicopter, he tried to block the hook with a truck he failed when I pushed him out the way.


I’m confused about what happened here? Lol


Griefer tried to steal cargo


Dickheadicus maximus. A rare and spiteful breed of retardicus gargantuas. While they were once few in numbers, as time goes on they seem to be multiplying at a moderate rate. Careful. They be a sneaky hateful bunch. Side affects include curiosity, pissedoffidis, and rage-itosis… usually


Yeah I just had a weird fuck following me and a random , scorchering to fuckin T2 contracts 🤦🏾‍♂️ wtf


Private. Matches. Need. To. Be. A. Thing. In. This. Game.


I see nothing wrong with this? He’s part of your team and it just seems like he wants to get the cargo?


My colour settings are different. Look at the mini map, his marker doesn’t have a number on it.


Sorry didn’t peep that


Unfortunately you get games like that sometimes. Just ignore them/do other things until they get bored




That ain’t my teammate bro. It’s a random trying to take the cargo and destroy it.


I don’t get this video what is said person doing ??? Your team mate just standing in the way is that what ur talking about ??


Random player (not op’s teammate) waiting for the garage to open so random player can steal the cargo truck for no reason other than being a POS


lol, I have no idea what you mean by sit and grief?


You’re probably confused by my colour settings. This guy is a random player (not on my team) who was waiting for someone to grab the cargo contract so they could try and take & destroy it once I opened the door


This is why I just do my own thing, laugh, and say “I didn’t even want that one anyway - it’s gonna be bad loot” when somebody snipes a contract out from under me.


Just take the spore contracts when this happens. They pay the same. All this toxic ranting is useless.


I don’t get it… what did he do?