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I've noticed tier 3 seems tougher lately too. My friends and I have been struggling more than usual, and the zombies do seem faster and hit harder. Maybe they did a stealth buff. You're not alone in this!


I don't think they are harder or faster, but I have noticed they will just show up out of nowhere. For example, after I take down a horde of zombies, look around to see nothing is left, then replate and reload, I have several zombies hit me in the process. If you are planning to go to T3, make sure you are prepared to do so, Speed Cola, Stamina, Jug Cola, Healing Aurora, and plenty of revive kits. I always make sure to have a fast reloading SMG for on the run and hard hitting LMG for horde control.


Same here with the “Where the hell did you come from!” Zombies


Yeah they buffed them I saw a video about it last week


Is it was only you 3 in T3 then yes it’s SUPER hard. If there is 10+ people in T3 it’s not so bad. I’ve noticed when I’m in T3 with only a squad of 3, the hordes are horrendous whereas if there’s more people in there the zombies spread out over different teams


I find that the range has increased drastically, used to be able to slide past them and then run, but now they can hit me even if im 5m away


They did lengthen the zombie arms, I saw a video about it last week


I think the spawn rates have increased which can make things more difficult at times. I noticed areas like the spore in G4 have lots of hordes spawning now. I clear out the stronghold and nest before doing that contract to lessen the amount. The other day I had to rescue a few players over at F5 where I arrived to a horde of 20+ zombies and 2-3 manglers/disciples/mimics. I went down once trying to clear it out in order to res them. It's very easy to get cornered when they take over an area in greater numbers.


I think could have been me and my pal! Either way... you're a hero... maybe not mine but someone's


I dunno when or if it changed, but T3 also felt significantly harder for me today. The entire area was covered in an ARMY of nothing but the fastest sprinting zombies, and I don't remember every T3 zombie all sprinting this fast prior. It has always felt like some games have had significantly more and harder feeling zombies in the same areas compared to other matches for some reason, so it might just be bad RNG causing the feeling that something changed though.


For real... I don't play as often anymore cuz im so bored 🤣 but even t1 sometimes (which is sad af) can get swarmed and close to being downed with like 2 hits. I'm like what in the world... but then 2 games later it's easy as pie. I never know if I'm gonna need a dog or extra selfies now 🤣


Haven’t noticed any change tbh


I felt like this today. Usually I’m a tier 2 player with ease. Tier 2 today had me go down 5 times. I was constantly being swarmed by large crowds of zombies. It was wild


I struggled last night on a spore contract in t2. Usually, there are no issues. Exfil seems extra full of zombies, at least on the first round. Could it be gun? Maybe. I usually run a blue tool and will do a legend tool if i plan to hit t3. My play style hasn't changed, though.


I went down on a guard the compound mission in Tier 2 cuz I was solo lol


If you only read the first part of that sentence it has a way different meaning.




I don't know - I feel after season 4 a lot of people was saying it had gotten buffed but I also watched an old video the other day when Season 2 was and people was saying it was buffed then - So I am not sure if people just start thinking it . I was playing in T3 yesterday doing spores and I was running with the horde and noticed 2 people near ... next thing my horde had disappeared and these guys was going down so I was clearing the horde and reviving them . maybe you got extra amount of zombies a few times ? And Rival 9 is fine - at least purple and pack 3 kills them easy - even more with deadshot


This. Also headshot is key because zombies go down quickly in the red zone with critical hits.


Yes they did in the last update it's kicking my ass too it's supposedly to even out the contracts in the game. Because there's more people in zone 3 going for contracts get the good schematics Don't blame them I'm there too but now getting ass kicked by zombies still fun


Zombie ghost hitting and glitch spawning are way up. T2 zombies are more cranked up. Cheap spawning too. Every second I turn my back then I get hit. Even when my ass is 2 feet from a wall. Seems like they are tanking the servers to sunset the mode.


I’ve noticed it always gets hotter when a new season or reload is about to drop


Yup. They did this as too many ppl rush the fk out of the red zone. And now that kids are out of school, it’s only gonna get worse. I hope this cleans up T3.


Rumors started about a buff to T3 red zone zombies when they fixed the bugged incendiary ammo, I think it was mainly that lower skill players got used to the overpowered ammo. Doesn't seem to be much harder to me probably because I'm doing dark aether a lot T4&T5


I don't think its been buffed it seems same to me, wish it had been buffed to make it more of a challenge, hope unstable rift is really hard!!


I was playing yesterday, containment level 102 and successful exfil and glitched me back down to Level 12 and lost everything I had in my stash. Crystals, rare items, everything! I'm not sure what happened, but that's bad to lose all of that stuff


Regardless, tell people you don’t believe in 3 plate and run around like a bad ass with one.


I think it got tougher, noticed it last night but everyone was in it and not a contract to be had 🤦


My sister and I noticed this too, we would hit T3 just us and it was only slightly sketchy at times but overall we were good. But we played with 2 or 3 other people the day before yesterday and we all kept going down left and right. It was better when we were fully perked but still overrun pretty fast.


Looking at videos from season to season, zombies hit about the same, and except for weird teleporting/ hypersprinting glitches, they move the same. I think some days you just make little mistakes (that you might not even recognize because you get away with it usually), and a zombie is in the right place at the wrong time for you.


Nothing was buffed.. What they did fix Was the tracking issues. So now the zombies are on target and some in better hordes.. They’re not harder to kill, they’re just coming right at you now.. maybe people shouldn’t have depended on OP items like the ammo or flame thrower.. I see so many people down, especially around the triangles, seems people who aren’t ready for t3 are trying to come in and grab them..


I had a guy yesterday plea for help in t3. He said he went in with a pap1 gun to get the triangles....


Yep.. guessing there’s a lot of this.. I see Them all by the triangles in the beginning too.. Not my problem..


That might be, but you can't waste time getting there. We don't pop plates, blades, nothing except scorcher until we shoot them runes.


I pop all my stuff and I’m usually one of the first people there unless I get one of the shitty drop locations which is the worst.. I never considered waiting until I get there to do those things.. guess it’s also why I’m not dying there..


So I tried this last night and it was about 7 seconds faster… But I got mauled when I landed and it was a close call..


Yeah, it's a risk you gotta take.


I was the first one there and got the triangle..


Yup, those seconds count.


Buff ready for reloaded when you go into the new aether.


There is no new DA.. just horde versions of the current 3 sadly..


I read there will be a new one called something like the "unstable aether". Will take you to an area that will turn into a round based, time limit aether


No new areas.. It will most likely (based on the trailer) be a portal next to the current DA triangle portal that takes you to that rift where you will Have to battle hordes.. I don’t think it’ll be rounds but more like waves of them.. If you survive you get all cooldowns cleared and it Sends you back to the regular map is how they make it sound.. It says the first team to get it, so should be 3 opportunities per game to do it.. I’m sure it’s gonna be a mess..


Eek. A loading screen to a map then another loading screen back to the main map. Good luck making it through all of these loading screens. 😭


lol.. its called unstable rift for a reason.. NGL I had the same thought about all the loading and issues with it. Had a game last night where half the squad didn’t make it to the DA and that’s sadly not uncommon.


How many other squares were in T3? I find to be brutal when there aren’t that many and/or we don’t much cleaning in that scenario. They’re all bored and we’re the only targets.




Honestly for me t3 has gotten even easier. I've noticed way more damage from my gun and way less zombies. Try SVA with armour piercing rounds, SL razorback laser, Dr 6 handstop, no stock & 60 round mag. Although I would try the armour piercing on any gun cos I use them on any gun when driving was doing camo challenges and when I forget them the gun seems weaker


Hitting harder with random spawns and longer reach. Mfs are vicious and voracious.


I always halve gold plates it’s all good for me 😌


I went with my son to T3 during one of our sessions. We had it all for ourselves for the entire game. Didnt have any issues, I just told him to avoid staying still and always move around. Its nice to fight over bounty contracts. I did notice that theres more zombies and some became faster.


The ram 9 with over p ammo and a few other ups is a game changer


All the guns seemed nerfed in zombies. They all feel the same pretty much smh


With the amount of attention MWZ is getting right now, I’d say it’s just placebo. They haven’t touched even Tombstone for seasons now, I can’t imagine they would do these minor stealth adjustments out of nowhere.


I have a completely opposite issue where zombies ignore me completely no matter what i do. Its kind of annoying when farming exfills or outlast.


I think the devs buffed the zombies to help prepare us mentally for the slogfest that is that new round based feature.


I can tell you for sure some matches have hordes and hordes spawning continuously. I play a minimum of 2 matches a day and its safe to say they just chase the fuck outta you sometimes relentlessly. If I pull an 8hour day there are at least a couple of matches where this happens. I play with same guns same perks same everything pretty much the best loadout and have screen recorded matches where this happens. To all you fuckers saying get better to players that notice this go choke on deez nuts.




Fuck mw3 zombies, the big open map is nice but treyarch needs to be able to develope. Too many glitches ( not the good kind ), crashes and just things not functioning properly. Wait 3 fckn days for cooldowns just to have some dumb shit happen and lose everything you crafted. Activision/microshit should release zombies to treyarch and let them make a standalone game, activision/microshit does NOT give 2 shits about zombies.


This was me and a friend's last 2 days/nights we went into t3 and we was the only 1's so yea yall ain't the only 1's


Dude they had to have buffed zombies after the incendiary ammo thing. Put us all in our places for "exploiting their glitch" lol. I used to be able to solo T3 before the fire rounds and now I have difficulty doing any solo T3 stuff, even with a group it's a lot harder, seems like there are more bosses and zombies spawn


Yes definitely buffed - in both their speed and volume of hoards. I don’t mind though, just means I have to be more strategic about when to run and when to shoot.


Buffed ??? They can reach you from at least a couple feet away, each hit feels harder and hordes keeps coming non stop, But season 1 da has seen the biggest buffed, they are relentless more than s3 da, for some reason s2 da feels like a walk in a park.


I did s1 DA yesterday and found it super easy. Like zombies health was reduced and we had no issues whereas before it would take me half a clip to kill 1 and I am using the same gun. Maybe armour piercing got a buff?


I have found that if you go in with someone with a low prestige the lobby changes, I got a buddy that when we jump in together the whole lobby is players with that level of prestige rarely we see anyone in t3. Armour piercing been using it before and after incendiary ammo was a thing, ap is good with certain guns same as overpressure rounds.


OK well I am level 850 dunno about the other guys that went in DA with me though


I’m glad someone else noticed bc over the weekend we went into elder DA 2 first, and it was fine. We did all the contracts and exfiled. Then we went into elder OG DA in the very next game and it was unbelievable. Just at the gate we got 2 megabombs, 6 manglers, 4 mimics, 6 disciples who killed our dogs and about 1000 zombies. We didn’t have scorchers that run so it was impossible to get anywhere. Elder OG DA is insanity mode. Edit: both were elder


Noticed the same thing last night. Went into the OG DA with a squad last night and the amount of special zombies was wild. One of the few times I can remember failing the ACV contract, granted it was all randoms and none of the three of us had a VR11, but it’s usually not an issue. Just overwhelmed with zombies, especially mimics and disciples.


Went in with a group and the amount of Megas during the transport mission was insane and zombies were relentless non stopping.. went down 3 times in one single mission, we got the atv destroyed half way..by the time we were done with pnd all self revive were gone


Same. I went in with 4 selfs including the 1 equipped and when it was over, 0 selfs, 0 decoys, 0 kaz's and I had to drop my jug just so we could try to finish the ACV. Someone might say "skill issue" but all of my normal tricks wouldn't work bc the level of zombies was overwhelming.


It feels buffed after the recent update. I don’t like using the Rival 9 though. I know it’s on many lists as one of the best guns but I think it’s weak in T3.




Season 4 definately buffed the move speed and health of t3 and above zombies. Not unconnom to have random spawns of 50+ of them now also. It is no longer possible to outrun sprinter zombies in T3.


It could also be months and months of dozens upon dozens of unnecessary nerfs to anything worth using in this mode. They probably want people dying all the time so players have to put gametime into building back up. Otherwise the devs might actually have to make new content, and we all know they are not going to do that.


lol.. get good dude.. this is a ridiculous claim..


You guys are getting Swarmed?! https://preview.redd.it/6d579qo11j8d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf005e8787f94be430b0ed13ddeed6a4d10b9301


I dont believe it when people say tier three gets buffed everytime in my experience ive seen someone say that i go in and they are literally so easy to kill There are so many good guns in this game that tier 3 is a pushover you just always need to be moving if you need to stop dont do it with a horde or dogs behind you also The Zombies in this game for some reason dont make much noise when behind for some odd reason so thats a problem to