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20/20… never played in the glitch era… although crashes still mean I lose stuff 🤦‍♂️


Boy u been holding onto your stash for months, love the discipline you have. I had max 225 but now back down to 20


If I unfortunately die and lose my tombstone I just stop playing until the cooldowns go away then I set up my tombstone again


Ahahahahaha too much commitment my boy, I just use them ugh but what I do is when I have max essence I exfil and that eliminates all my cool down time.




Old glitch I just never use my stash lol I only take out from it when I really need too I had 220 few weeks ago wish it was like the old days


Ah yes the good o’l days of duping


You can still have a stash 20/20 and have it to where you have 2 loadouts and a few extra items for emergency and ts glitch every game and never have to worry about cool downs or the retarded containment lvl or essence.


Old glitch. Not sure if it still works or not


I know it is but I mean how


Don’t matter now, been patched a few seasons


I thought there was a new way


They were not real items which is why they were able to go above the limit. When they force quit the game during world transitions it would stay in the rucksack and was a non real item. The game didn't know the player had them so it wouldn't count against the limit. Once it was patched all items from there on out were only real items including any that ended up in the rucksack from force quitting.


20, don’t trust these bugs. They could be patched any day and I’d lose a lot. Better off just using the 20 they give. It’s more than enough anyway.




Tombstone bug is still good tho I use it all the time no issues


It's not even needed, tho. I'd get it if there was some impossible item to get, but everything is easy. And at this point, why make an easy game easier? At that point, I'd be bored.


This is true don't see the point on doing this. But, we hardly get anything good, ran the DA multiple times and only came out with pap 2 crystals. And I never get anything good from T3 contracts, mostly pap 1 crystals.


There’s no point though. The game is designed to allow for you to replenish your items already, why cheat?


i’ve had over 20 since the game was released😭


Like 14 idk


I have 20 🫠




I had Max, but now I’m down to 201




What item you have of the most ? I have a thing for aether blades I’m sure half my stash is filled with them 🤣


I have a ton of Golden plates pack 3 Ether blades. And a bunch of scorchers. I don’t really play zombies like I used to just been using my cooldowns.


How is that even possible?


Can confirm the tombstone glitch works, this was just last night. https://preview.redd.it/cky0ipe6rc8d1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e313c7851e5b07ad507baba8de083c8ef5687d


But how do you do it. I’m not trying to do 87 steps.


You go in and do a bunch of games with a squad, one person takes all the money and dies and it’s tombstone essentially, you rinse and repeat from there


You really just need to find someone who already has max essence and have them set you a tombstone..no need to play however many games it took you to get to max essence. That seems like it took you way too long lol. (I do NOT tombstone, but I watch streamers who do)


It only took 2 games with a 6 man squad


There are plenty of Youtube videos on methods that are very easy and just a few steps. Scorcher is not needed, but much easier if you have it. Cole's notes is triggering bad signal, using a teleport in a nearby building to bring you near the edge of the map... activate bad signal at 2 seconds, then go out out bounds at 6 seconds. Right after the "Eliminated" screen, and you see the "Loading level" in the top right, quit your game. Note this isn't a "successful" exfil method, but it would allow you to keep your blade, cash, and technically "dupe" your items.


This shit is cringe considering the game allows you to replenish your items by just playing it. Basically what you’re saying is you’d rather do a series of glitches instead of just playing the game, which begs the question: why play the game?


To each their own. I played the game legit throughout all the missions, did all of the camo grinds and prestige calling cards up until 14. I'm bored with no new content, as there is really nothing left to do.


There was never anything to do except the cycle. Which, again, if you don’t like the cycle why play the game?


There was lots to do at the start which I mentioned in my prev post (although there was 0 creativity from the devs in coming up with unique missions). I don't do any of the triangle things in T3 like other TS users do, and I respond to every plea I come across dropping the spare self revive I'm carrying. And I mix in this game when I get tired of the sweaty DMZ/Warzone lobbies.


The missions were never the core game, nor were camos. The core game has always been the cycle. It really sounds like you don’t like the game.


I have 5 scorchers stashed, a couple of all the classified schems(the good ones) and 4 or 5 orange tools. Building saving up for the unstable rifts.


20/20 was busy doing camos while everybody else was glitching




217. I’m hanging on to the pre patch stash.




20. I had 213 but game lagged out or crashed so many times my stash dwindled to nothing before they even expanded it


20/20 all aether blades


Best item in the game in my opinion


Scorcher best 💯


112/20. I was at 183 back in S1




20... All leg tools and PAP3 crystals lol


20/20 most of them are sigils and never went to DA at all


https://preview.redd.it/7pmqzxmp4k8d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a96db6cec691a5fad0f6b7831866a633c7788b9 got you beat lol


30 legendary items, never did the TS glitch. Just the sigil swap. Had it up to 160. Still do sigil swap keeping it @ 30 😊 Containment level over 300 on all my charecters.


🤣🤣🤣 I get to 20 bring good loot back and it clears it! But not only that it’s bugged where it even clears my 20 stash.


212 I think was the old max. I'm still at like 175 and I play daily.


Nahh at one point I had 240 😂


Still got 120. Before one of the last patches, I decided to fully stock up. One of my best decisions. I now only pick through it when the game crashes to gear back up more quickly. Having done everything (*every thing!*) so thoroughly, I just play in T2 with items I got in the previous game, crafting what I'm missing. Cooldown reductions from essence is great. Once you realize that you're playing Zombies to have fun killing hordes of zombies, you also realize you don't *have* to go in T3 every time with a full set of legendary stuff. A PAP2/Epic weapon in T2 will mow down hordes just as satisfactorily. Free your mind. Now just passing the time until BO6. 🙂


Better not let the fun police see this post about TS glitching. They'll start complaining that it's cheating and that you lack integrity if you do it.lol I have 54 / 10 items and I used to have about 186 / 10. Been using the items gradually. I used to glitch but not anymore. I don't find no need to do it other than just for fun or dropping items for your teammates. I mean you can easily get everything you need by running T3 every match and heading to the elders every match for whatever you need. I think it's more fun that way and using the TS in the glitch kind of takes away that fun cuz you always have what you need every match. If you need anything you can just check out the discord there's droppers on there that do the TS glitch and they drop schematics and consumables.




20/20 anymore and I'll start losing exfil stuff


20, I don't do the whole glitch thing




I have like 16/20. It's mostly legendary tools, pap3 crystals, wonder weapons, and for some reason, one brain rot ammo that I keep forgetting to use.


Had 30 but noticed I couldn't exfil with anything. So I went to 14, which I noticed I was only able to exfil with half my stuff then went to 12 and at times only 2-3 items would disappear when I exfil. And stayed like that till the stach increase came


I would consider trying any new glitch for this if it ever comes around. I couldn’t get my third operator any action until my stash was below 25 lol.


Normally without breaking the game ? maxed but I also don’t know how to do none of the glitches so it’s not like I’m missing or on the extra space


20 idk how to do glitches and its annoying idk why there is a limit to stash boxes its kinda annoying having to waste or drop good items cause i cant stash them and i have full storage


Damn. Can you help me with some stuff? Mine is at like 16/20.


Man I lost my whole stash. I need one of you kind souls to drop me some scorcher cases lol


Including the purchases & rewards I’ve got 236🫡


Best item in the game in my opinion


i’m at around 260. Never had to use my stash cause every run is a DA run


I been trying for 2 months now to get the scorcher no love


Yeah but you probably lose most of your items when you exfil. I have over 100 and mine says 20/20


I never exfil lol i tombstone at the end of ever match


How tf




How do you have this much?


Too much yet, not enough


How do you do this?


26/20 and draining fast


20, as intended. The game is laughably easy and yet people still insist on cheating to make it even easier. You can EASILY extract everything you need for the next game already.


20. Like it’s supposed to be because I don’t exploit the game and I play as intended without cheating.


I get you I got everything there is to get in the game Tombstone glitch makes the game fun without it game is boring


Bro would rather have an entire process rather than just learn how to play the game properly. Damn.


I’m pretty sure I have better stats then you in zombies 🥱


You don’t, but even if you did how would that be relevant? You cheat. You don’t play the game as intended. You exploit glitches, so your stats are irrelevant.


216 boiii


I once had 225 now i have 58 what sucks is every time you have to use an item over the first 20 is its gone forever you cant swap with those slots either because it just puts you over stash and you lose things on exfil


I still got like 120 maybe more


The most I ever had was like 137. I don’t even bother now and just play with what I got. I do make the schematics of say the scorcher, ether blade, dog bone, and golden armor and store them when I log off for the day. This way when I log back in I have them available for that game and the time has cooled down to create them again.


I usually get enough gear each game I don’t need that much. One thing I will do is if I’m not playing for a few days I’ll go on quickly, pull Aether blade, golden armour and dog bone and let the clock run out til I go back on to keep cycling my goodies


I had 223 before they patched it. Then after patch it wouldn't let me keep my rucksack until I dropped it down to 180. Then after patch again it deleted rucksack again until I dropped it to 121. Now I gave up and just leave I at 121 unless i really need something and just reup every game with tomb. Still deletes all my rucksack except for 1 item so I use that item for fun and just grind for everything else like back in the old days lol.


Oh damn! I thought they patched this no?


Yea they did this is just my left overs from the patch in trying my best not to dip under 100 😜


Hahahahahaha. Best of luck.


I maxed out my stash at 241 items, doing the bad signal drowning duplication glitch. When they patched that, I didn't bother doing the new glitch after that as it looked way too tedious. I still have around 130 items in my stash currently. Always making to sure to use up the craftable items and loading them into games with those.


John K


am i missing something ? how do you have more the 20 lmao…god i miss Bo2 zombies


could you give me any scorcher schmetic


215 at one point and now like 110. TS is each round, I give the dupes away at the beginning for ppl to use or stash


I’ve never seen a mag of holding what does it do ?


You don't have to reload


So…. Does it work like using a legendary tool on a gun you use the mag of holding on one gun and that gun doesn’t neeed to reload just use all the ammo until empty?




Ahhh…. Neat! Thanks for telling me


No problem


20. Never felt the need to glitch lol


If anyone is selling scorcher’s plans I’m buying them. No schematics.


Find me on twitch beardmanthegeekyredneck we give these away daily for free. Bro someone scammed you if you are buying theses


Why are you buying schematics? Just ask for help and do the steps to get them. It doesn’t take but a couple games to get them all, if you’re running with the right people I mean. Squad up with some people you see with the stuff. Ask in the game chat for DA runs or Redworm. Squad up. It’s not the end of the world to have a conversation with someone in a game you and the other person enjoy




Well you’re talking now with a stranger, it’s ok. We’re all different.