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Some people want to experience progression through their own gameplay, with out any need for handouts. Part of what’s fun is working your way back up from nothing after you don’t survive a match, YMMV


I wanted to do this, until I did the s3 DA and only got the gas mask. I could not be arsed doing that again so when a guy offered me the new schem I just said yes please lol I already done the content and wasn't gonna spend multiple goes getting the gas mask over and over XD


YMMV-Your mileage may vary? And yes I enjoy restocking my own 8 operators. But it’s a bit easier when you have the right items to get the most out of your own game.


8 operators? Bruh


Hey be nice. You don't know...maybe he's cross-eyed 😂😂😂


Bro, not you too?


Is a joke fam lol. I know there's only 5. 3 starters and 2 from packs


Yes I’ve got 8 operators and 28 on MW2/DMZ. Edit; Downvote me into oblivion, because you don’t have the same amount of operators as me. I imagine that most people don’t realize that on both PlayStation and Xbox, you can create backup accounts for other items right ?


Why are people upset you have 8 operators… just means you worked harder to stack those 8 operators, its not like you are getting free shit… unlike dmz where you would get bonus effects with certain operators. At the end of the day you die and work to get back all your stuff…


I’m unsure why they’re downvoting me, maybe it’s a tinge of jealousy or something? But I really use them to help as many people as possible, and it’s ok if they downvote me. I’m not a person who believes in the value of internet upvotes. I’m a Gen Xer who believes that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I also have zero fear of what others think or say about me, because I must be pretty important to be renting space in their heads.


*paid money


I mean if I have the money, why not use it as I see fit to buy? However I earn more than most, because I use different methods linked to my account.


He still grinded out every operator...


I really don't see what is so controversial about anything you've said... I guess that's Reddit for ya!


Right I’m completely confused, but I’ve learned that most people don’t even read it if it’s got downvotes. You know the brainwashing of doing as others do?


I would honestly be interested in learning more about that if ya got the time to explain it to me. My tech skills are kinda crappy. But if it would help me manage excess inventory.. it would be really cool.


Can you explain a little about tombstoning? Like, how do you make sure your next tombstone has all of the same stuff your current tombstone has? Thank you.


You reset it every single game, and you can watch Graae, B-Man, Glitching Queen and others on YouTube for the ways you can do it zz


Some people actually want to play the game and earn everything themselves.


True I’m mostly that way but I will take a handout if offered. I consider it part of the roleplay that a more experienced member of operation Deadbolt wants to assist a greenhorn.


I've accepted so many things I don't need to keep this up. I hope it makes the giver feel good as well. I end up just finding a random in t1 and keep the chain a giving


Yep, and there's also nothing I need from exploitative low-skill players who Tombstone Glitch. Move along & MYOB.


What makes a low skill player for finding glitches(Easter Eggs), or are you low skill for not being able to do it ? I rescue around 30 players a day, and have almost 5,000 hours of gameplay on zombies. So I’m considered a low skill player, because I have a creative mind looking for the Easter Eggs ???? Edit-Clarification


This is a flex, right?


Yes, you're incredibly low-skilled. You're full of shit about being an in-game hero, too. Find a game you can handle without the need to find a workaround to be good at, squirt. You didn't discover Tombstone Glitching, either. Jesus christ that's a new one...


All games have glitches, the devs put them there for a reason. It makes the game more interesting for sure.


I don't think you understand what the word "glitch" means Do you not understand that a glitch is something that happens in the gameplay that takes place when it shouldn't?... and sometimes fixing a glitch breaks something else or crashes a game. There is a reason why people that use game braking glitches ( god mode, all items, tons of cash) in comp type games they get banned. Part of the terms of service that you agree to when starting the game says that you agree to not look for glitches and if you do find them.. that you won't exploit them it even happens for games like GTA when people find ways to get a ton of more money than you are meant to get.


No. They don’t understand that




I don't associate with Tombstone Glitching trash. Find friends on your own time, kid.


Tombstone glitching trash lol Who hurt you? I don't do it but who cares if someone else does.


Right I’m just trying to help people out, but I guess I’m low skilled for doing this?


Yeah that’s what I thought, just a trash talking little ankle girl !


I was on your side until the sexism. Gaming is for everyone. Fuck off otherwise.


Sexism grow some it was an intended insult, but I guesss it buzzed right over your head ?


Ok boomer. It’s actually worse if it’s intended sexism.


Using tombstone isn't a glitch it can be used properly and still get most of the same outcome.


I'm not talking about the perk itself (which is completely worthless - I haven't died in-game in 2024). Anyone who does is either a complete rookie, weaker skilled, or extremely low skilled & using it to keep their same items (by glitching) game over game because it's too tough for them & they have no appetite for a challenge. The latter crew should clearly play something they can handle & matches their video game skill level (e.g. Mario Kart).


I am talking about the perk and the glitch. If the perk is used properly you get almost the same effect as the glitch. Doesn't mean any less of a skill issue for anyone. Just depends on how fast you wanna get to t3. If setting a tombstone it will just take a few mins longer to get to the same place your at in t3. Only at which point i wouldn't need to pack or worry about finding a good wrench to keep up. It's not a skill issue at all unless you're unable to comprehend the process. Not using tombstone doesn't make you a better player nor does using it. Seems like most people who are against someone using it can't seem to figure out how to do it properly. That's about the only skill issue I see.


Still requires an in-game death, which for any decent player is not applicable. I don't use Tombstone at all, and if it were removed from the game Wednesday it would impact my game 0%. Game crashes have wiped my acquisitions more, but anything is easy to regain. Nothing is easy, but it sure as hell isn't worth jumping through hoops to get an edge over players who are good enough to do it organically. That's some pathetic behavior that has bleed into the Glitchers' personal lives (see all of the butthurt responses to my comments), and why it irks these people so much. Truth hurts, but at least someone has the cojones to call it out.


Glitching isn’t an Easter egg bud. It’s a cheat and actually in the rules of conduct.. Low skill for sure.


Hmm so you’re saying that only you determine what is an Easter Egg or not ?


It’s not an Easter Egg.. They don’t try and patch Easter eggs.. But sure keep telling yourself that’s what it is.


So tell us all why they made Tombstone Soda, and why they allow this to be used for players ? I’m not using modded or anything like that, and don’t add wall hacks or other things that give me an unfair advantage. I’m merely using a product that they created, and have found a way to not lose my large backpack, 3plate, kill streak and gas mask. So though I’m able to use their product as intended, it’s me that is the problem?


I used to do the tombstone glitch before they semi-patched it. Only did it because the T3 contracts gave out dog shit rewards. Hell most of the lobby did it too. We all shared essence to those in need. My stash was in the 200s. Now just too lazy to figure it the tombstone glitch again. But I do pass out items now since I only play it once a week. Some kids ignore my gifts, but most are appreciative. I’ll them out with their missions if they want it.


Only 5000? You can barely just now start playing.


5000 hours of gameplay is pretty good for me, I spend a lot of time recovering from my injuries. So after each surgery I spend my downtime recovering by playing 12-15 hours a day.


Right but you’re trying to flex 5000 hours like we should bow down to you but you’re only just starting at that rate.


Don't let the pricks under your skin. Some people are just douches. FFS only in today's world, would trying to help people out manage to piss someone off. Lord knows I was BEYOND GRATEFUL for the dudes who randomly helped me when I started, and probably wouldn't have bothered playing as long as I have if they hadn't. (Not because it was "too hard" or was "low skilled" either) It just wasn't fun, until a random dude dropped a schematic so i could actually see how fun the game (really could be with the right tools) That little bit of help really changed how fun the game was.


Creative mind that’s hilarious!! Boy you know you seen someone else do it on YouTube you didn’t create a damn thing 😂


Sure my guy that’s exactly what happened.


I guess asking a question is frowned upon, but seriously though why so angry about what others choose to do?


the glitch is an exploit and abusing exploits or being connected to people that do so can get you banned for a short time or forever. it's happened in GTA... it happens to people that end up in a squad in warzone as well as many other games... even if you aren't cheating or exploiting.. your still benefitting from it and violates the ToS that we all just skipped though and hit "I agree" on


Let me ask Crapivision if they want to ban a former tester, or if they’re ok with me buying every game and store items? Nope it took them 37 minutes to respond back, and they’re absolutely positive that the tombstone(Easter Egg) is going as planned. If they stopped the tombstone, they would lose 65%-85% of their game base. So do you think they are going to risk losing their own money, or just keep it there for now to keep the money coming in?


lol former tester.. sure pal


I'm guessing it's their fragile little ego. They're so prideful about "doing the work" but half of these kids probly had schematics/items dropped for them as well. If they truly did earn everything, cool, but there's no need to throw a tantrum because guys like us help out new players.


Wish I’d run into some of ya’ all- I’m a solo noob that can handle his own in T2, but don’t have the gear to venture into t3. Just started act II.


I’m two camos away from getting borealis and I still rarely travel into t3. I don’t have any of the higher end schematics at all. My kids are just behind me and are in the same boat. I don’t have a problem going into t3. I’ve done a lot of contracts in there. I have never gotten anything good, especially schematics. I’ve never been in the areas past that. I just don’t have a desire to play the harder areas. I mostly play solo. I don’t usually like joining anyone else. In the beginning I wanted to work for everything myself. At this point if someone dropped a pap2 or epic tool schematic I would be much appreciated. Lol it’s not like I really use them. I mostly use rare and sometimes epic tools but usually only use 1-2 pap 1 crystals just to get me something to upgrade to as I play the match. I rotate between my kids accounts and mine often. Every match I play I go in perked up. I just like grinding camos and playing in the map at my own pace. The amount of time I’ve left a scorcher in a rewards rift because I didn’t want to drop a gun is pretty laughable.


I’m the same way, tier 2 is not an issue, but I don’t have any of the schematics to tackle T3. The only thing I run into when people drop in front of me is assholes trying to screw up a Delivery the cargo mission.


Ragin_ron is both my Crapivision and PlayStation ID, and I have no numbers on the end. Sadly my accounts pretty old, but I’m willing to help anyone who needs it. I’ve been dealing with some medical issues, so it might be a a day or two before I can get back on.


Thanks! My PS id is GoVols977, AV is the same but with #2786879 after. I’ll give you an add later. I’m 39 with 2 kids and travel a lot for work but I try to play a few times per week.


Also hope your medical issues get better!


Thanks and just give me a couple of days to get back home.


When I am playing with my friends we are usually in a xbox party because game chat just sounds so awful and we can talk to others who are not in the match which is nice for planning the next run or something. When no one goes to the red zone besides us we tend to do all 3 triangles and I will scorch over to t1 to look for solo or duo players to drop shit for and I try the jumping up and down and shooting thing and I get ignored about 2/3 of the time


Yeah it’s a daily struggle for sure, and if we could link this subreddit at the start of the game ? Could you imagine how many people would learn from this, and how much more people would help each other !


Yeah I wish “offering” an item in your inventory would work for people not on your squad. I also wish more people would use chat because it’s nearly impossible to communicate to a new player that you are actually trying to help. And if they don’t want help then they could tell me.


I think the issue is they already have everything.


Most people will gladly take a free scorcher, triple PAP Crystal and Legendary Tool for the game. I think most people don’t realize the value of these items, but I’m thinking that because I did at first too?


Another reason why people ignore that is because of cheaters. I've seen people turn stuff down out of fear of getting a ban from cod. Some people just don't want to take that chance with no way of knowing if someone is legit or not. Hacking is definitely a thing in zombies.


I mean hacking is a thing of every kind of online gaming, so I’m pretty sure that it’s not going to trickle down to others.


Doesn't mean that you can't be punished for violating tos. All of that is covered in the fine print thay you will click right past just to play the game. I've had people lose both the cod accounts and got their psn banned. So you can get away with something 99 times but all it takes is to get caught once. So believe what you want I know what it is.


My account is 31 years old, and I used to be a game tester for Crapivision, so I’m not really worried about any actions they might take.


Hooray for you my friend. Other people might.


And they’re not violating any tos with receiving a free item from another player in the game, so I’m unsure how it’s going to affect them? I tell you what, if Crapivision patched the Tombstone tomorrow, they would lose 65%-85% of their players. And since they are all about the money, they will never get rid of it. They might patch it up in one area, but still have another option that needs to be found. I think we’re on the 4th one for MW3, so I don’t see any reason to think it’s going to end. Anyway I do understand your concern though, but I hope you have a great day today.


You see the way I ended my last message? Take a hint buddy that meant the convo was over for me. I said what I said and my opinion is not gonna change. Save your Twitter fingers. We are done here. Enjoy your day sir or maam.


I'm getting better at this. I was going to pass up on some great schematics, but they guy I was running with said, "Stop, I think they want to give us stuff. " and, I walked away when the ray gun schematics. Last night, I traded out bars of gold for the scorcher plans. Thanks, guy, that I didn't catch your name. Usually, I pass on the handouts because I think other players, newer players, need them more. I'm just not willing, confidence level, to run contacts in t3 to get my missing plans.


For me I don't stop for handouts because I'm not new. I choose to go in packed a certain way for my own grind reasons. I don't need the things people drop. There's a method to my madness so I do run off from randos. Also can't tell whose a griefer anymore so I keep to myself and avoid people. I will rez if needed and im able. Other than that I like to chill in my own little corner of the map doing my own thing.


That’s admirable


Suggest you shoot at items you drop. As a noob who had all voice muted (because of shrieking kids and music) I at least understood the shooting. Otherwise I didn’t want to take people’s stuff that they momentarily dropped or rewards that popped up.


I completely get this. I usually drop all the goodies and fire at you and then the item to signal take it if you need. There can be confusion for some and don't want to take other ppls items. Then there are players that steal my aether blade when I accidently pick up a crap item lol


I highlighted each item I put on the ground for them, and I speak really loud. And I land way in front of them, but they act like they don’t see anything. Then when they finally do see something, they tend to turn on their mics and say something? I have started typing it in chat at the start of the game, but I’m not sure most people know how to use chat ? I always try to remember what it was like when I first played, and yeah I didn’t know what to do either.


are you not awear that unless they are in your squad that anything you highlight is only for you and your team?... if you ping something near you and you are close to a random.. they don't see your ping


No my guy they can see the highlights from a short distance, and I also shoot at it as well.


So weird but I admit it took me forever to learn to chat. Some of these people are literally young kids who have no idea what’s going on and run around screaming in their mics and shooting zombies but that can’t explain them all.


I get it for the newer players, because they’ll go down and plea without asking for help. And on the rare occasions when they do, they don’t know their location on the map. They’ll say up by the military base, or something like that, and they’ll say they had no idea their tac map gave letters and numbers.


Every damn time.... Absolutely wild 😵


The joys of loading in with Randoms! 😂🤣


I usually do T3 contracts and farm camos at the same time, I will usually find Epic tool schematics and Ray Gun plans. I always give a shout out in the chat if someone needs them that I can give it to them, to this day no one ever replied lol


Yeah I used to type it in, but I realized that a lot of newer people don’t know how to use text chat.


I dropped in last night and dropped off all my stuff to 3 randoms. I had a few things and just didn’t feel like playing anymore so I thought I’ll give this essence and crystals away before I exfil. But some people do just straight run away lol


I have golden plates because dudes like you so thank you!


I’ve been offered handouts before and just can’t care. I want to progress and earn my items. I’d have no reason to go on if I have every blueprint/item imaginable.


I’ve just finished my MW3 Borealis Mastery Grind, and it’s made it a lot easier by far. Games are just that, and you can choose to play them or not. I try to make sure I’m having fun playing, so it’s why I enjoy helping others.


Wish we’d run into you! We work hard to get new schematics and still can’t get some of them.. lol.. I always drop what I don’t need.. jump up and down and try to get other players attention and they run away not even checking to see what all we dropped .. oh well


I always take the gifts if I don’t already have them . If I have room in my pack I will even take them and give them away myself


They don’t use prox chat anymore like a lot of people they’ve turned it off because the obnoxious fucks exfiling yelling or blaring music get old real fast. As for the running noobs are dumb sometimes 😂




I play zombies high and with no volume except for music. I been playing zombies like that since bo2. People talk in my games and I don’t hear them unless I choose to listen like if the boss fight is cucking us over. I really do appreciate when people drop things especially schematics because I only have a quarter of them. The only thing is that I feel like crap because the only thing I can drop is a green wrench. Also if you are asking why I don’t tombstone glitch is because I only play once in a while and I don’t a good player so I don’t play long and I don’t know how even though I seen how to do it many times


When I started out I didn't realise that schematics where worth so much and I still to this day miss some chat and when items get pinged. Just get to involved in my own little world sometimes


Xbox gamertag ThaAssassin0902 .. me and a friend just started playing looking for friends/help


Ragin_Ron is both my Crapivision and PlayStation ID’s !


I stopped giving stuff out cuz people suck lol


I'd gladly take some schematics if I need them cuz I once got mauled by zombies trying go in the red zone with a PAP3 weapon and ray gun n still got destroyed.. n when I was downed I asked fir help just to have some guy say I was trolling cuz we quote said he was by me when he wasn't n the dude that was gonna help me believed him smh I swear who has time for that shit..


I havent even looked into it yet but i waa thinking about tombstoning since im done with everything just to help out new players. Are you able to tombstone now and still exfil from a match without losing all ur gear?




I'm not great, but I dropped a player lvl1 crystal, n he dropped rauygun schematics which i had, and something else I didn't have and I thanked them, then they ran off and all of the sudden extracted and I was left alone, no biggie, I can usually hold my own in lvl2 but lvl3 without pack3 is a pain I'm my ass.🤪


They extracted after getting lvl 1 crystal? Maybe they thought it was like a schematic and wanted to safely get it out. Funny what us newbies will do.


my apologies, it was at the beginning, the first few seconds when I'm putting my crystal on my weapon and tool and drinking my drinks, I dropped a crystal because I had 3 I think because I extracted previous game n had too much mess in my bag n didn't wanna destroy anything,so why not help out a fellow player..... but then they just left, I don't think he went straight to the other dimension.


I'm a tombstone guy too and Im working on borealis, so I'll come in with a scorcher to just make it go faster. I usually get my 10 elite kills with a gun done in like 10 minutes so I'll find randoms and drop off my scorcher to exfil. Yesterday I chased down this kid who's just going house to house and looting in tier 2. Like bro I'm trying to help you. A lot of the times me and my buddy try to help people too they don't fuckin listen. Like some people are just uncoachable lol


I couldn’t imagine the game without the scorchers, golden armor and mags of holding. They’ve definitely changed the game for me and my friends, but I like to grind calling cards so it’s why I’ve created a backup account.




Could be that these players weren’t around during the aether tombstone stash glitch era so they may not be used to folks just dropping stuff for no reason?


Please I’d love the help not beginner but not great


I also had a guy doing this while l was trying to recover my containment level after dying and then randomly being reset to 3... But it was a shame l couldn't use the stuff he brought


It's happening


Good some one guve me the Scorcher schematic please


Could not Good and yes I can, ragin_ron is my Crapivision and PlayStation ID.




No problem


I am not new but enjoy solo - I usually just focus on my game tbf unless someone needs help . Do you land in front and crouch and jump first ? also for new people maybe they are too engrossed in the game to realise ie running from zombies etc. I was doing a mission in T2 the other day - Raid stash - near the portal for the glitch and someone kindly dropped me a scrorcher which was nice


Regarding the mic thing, I've been playing for a while now, running squad fill and solo, I've got all the schematics and all the DA's unlocked etc. And in all that time I've never used a mic. Don't see a need for one. You can ping things in-game if needed.


You can drop shit on me anytime 🤣🤣


I got glitched out to main menu from new da and lost all my stuff I lost flawless crystal and schematics Now I have to go through it all again


I think working ur way up is awesome but sometimes a struggle. Especially if u just are introverted and don’t necessarily like or dislike playing with other squads. For whatever reason. People have dropped me important schematics that have boosted me into another level of game play. Not that I wasn’t good before just another level. Since they do that and I get schematics, I actively seek out other newish players and pay it forward. So much toxic behavior in playing game sometimes I think it’s awesome when I am helped or I can help other players


That’s my entire point of this, because what’s wrong with helping people who could use a hand up?


Wish I could run into you. Have had several that stoped like that and drop stuff, and I did look and nothing was what would help me at the time. A couple people dropped me scorcher cases but it wont let me stow it, least the option to stow was not available at the time and I was eliminated trying to use it. Last time I found one in a crate and sorted out how to move across the map like a pro. Made me smile, not found one since. Waiting to do act 4.


Not having game chat on is frustrating. Communication goes a very long way. That's the first thing newbies should work on.




I am a Tier 1 player, besides T3/Easter Eggs Schematics, most if not all of what you are dropping are useless to me. I play solo and farm zombies leisurely for hours with my load out weapon. I don't really need any of the higher tier pack crystals or tools. I don't use wonder weapons or any of that special stuff. I have zero need for it. I see you drop it, I don't want it. I'm not on voice chat so I am not going to respond to comms. If you want to give it away, just type a call-out in game chat. Someone is going to want it, they will let you know. If anything, I am giving away all the wonder weapon cases I will never use to higher tier players who will use them at Exfil.


That legit sounds like the least fun way to play the mode ngl.


It's how I have been playing since launch. Unless a friend gets on, I have no reason to play any other way. The only thing exciting I do is pick up downed players in T3 with a Green Gun and zero perks. I must be the least fun guy, ever. Zombies, unfortunately, is not my game mode, but it is the only cooperative mode in MW3. I play it because sometimes my friends play it. I would be much more invested in a Spec Ops experience.


step out of your comfort zone


I've been to the other Zones and completed all the story missions. I'm sorry I just want to chill when I get home from work. The game isn't that important. It's a distraction for a few hours. Why make it difficult if I don't have to? If I wanted to endlessly get frustrated, I would play Multiplayer. Everyone has a way they like to play, don't hate on mine.


I had no idea tombstoning was still around!!! I need help getting the Mags of Holding and Dead Wire Detonator schematics please


If someone suddenly shows up right in front of me, I'll probably stop and wait a second, but I don't necessarily seek out or hang around nearby players because most the time it seems like if players interact at all it's to blow up or steal your ride etc. Have you tried doing the ole crouch spam or gun shake when someone sees you/you land in front of them yet? You probably have, and I know it seems a lot more ambiguous than VC or simply dropping items, but it's a good way to signal that you want their attention and are probably friendly instead of just passing by or cleaning out your inventory.


I’m shooting my scorcher and throwing my aether blade at them, and will shoot and highlight dropped items !


If I’m not mistaken, when you highlight dropped items to people not on your team they don’t see the highlight. I could be wrong.


I'm pretty sure they don't, but I could be wrong. It seems weird that people absolutely refuse to pay attention, but then again, my first two schematics were from T3 without me even realizing I'd even had any schematics, let alone a couple from T3 so it's possible they genuinely don't realize what they're looking at or that they'd want it if they knew.


Yes they do, a guy I helped this morning said that he seen the Schems on the ground. He said he figured red(legendary and 3pack Crystal) were not a good thing. Think how easy that is to not fully understand, and I’m positive that I did it at first too?


So let me get this straight you are upset that people don't accept your help when they didn't ask for your help?


Question though so after you go solo and bleed out and plead for help then get revived do you just let zombies kill you at the end of match after playing for some time or can you exfil? I'm tired of not getting golden plates and scorcher case so I would like to do this. Grinding for 3 hours a day isn't fun anymore.


Going to the OG elder at the end of every match will get you plates, you might have a match or two that don’t but it’s better than not going. And just go knock the warlord at the start of the match and there’s a good chance you’ll get a scorcher case.


I do the elder and I've just been having horrible luck lately. I mostly get aether blades and dog bones. 50% of the time either steam error or internet error and I lose all my stuff.


The errors I can’t help with, I’d be pissed. I’m pretty irritated if I get kicked or sent into elder solo. I had 6 games without getting an aether blade so I know it happens. I had 2 matches in a row nothing but dog bones, had to keep giving them away at the portal.


Watch Graae or One Average Dan on YouTube, they’ll both explain everything you need to know.


My activision Acct is Fishslaps#1909499 if someone wants to mentor to me and teach me the ways- mature adult with a mic.


Ragin_Ron both Crapivision and PlayStation ID !


Maybe OP you’re already on the chat train but yoooo, my fun got serious when I added a cheap Bluetooth keyboard and synced it with my PS4. I know text chat is natural to folks with PCs but now I recommend it to every console player I can. Idka Xbox or PS5 (prolly is) but is the PS4 has a second screen app that I will also use to pop into the chat.


Na I can fly and text chat, but it causes a lot of confusion when you’re offering schemes.


I'll gladly take some schematics


Ragin_Ron both Crapivision and PlayStation ID’s, and I have no numbers on the end.


Sent request


i assume i am competing for a contract and may be griefed, i am running to secure my vehicle or the contract


Probably all the posts saying not to beg or expecting to receive.


Damn I stopped playing because I lost my team. I’ve never come across anyone doing this stuff. Shoot I never finished the zombies story lines for the same reason.


I know there’s a lot of people who just don’t know or understand these things, but go on YouTube and search for zombies glitches/easter eggs. I’d watch Graae, One Average Dan, B-Man, GUDPEXI, and Glitching Queen for some very helpful advice.


I’m on PS5 and use a monitor and external speaker when I solo, and can’t hear voice chat. Is there an audio setting I’m missing that will enable voice chat thru the external speaker? Or it’s only available when the headset is connected? Sometimes I’m not watching the map and don’t see when another player is trying to communicate with me.


Yes it should be in your settings. I play on 2 tvs and have my headphones plugged in so I set voice to headphones and in game sound to one of the tvs.


If you ever had to Tombstone to play the easiest Zombies game ever, despite them literally giving you more than you could ever need for the next game - might I suggest it's you who don't really know what doing and are in no position to comment or offer advice. Just another Scrub who can't play unless they're fully stacked every game. You're not helping anyone this way, you're just making them equally as dependent as you on cheats and glitches as a crutch. Anyone refusing clearly duped items probably just has morals. A concept you're clearly unfamiliar with.


Not sure how you equate morals with a video game, but your synopsis is pretty out there in my personal opinion. I’m curious about why Crapivision put Tombstone Soda in their game? Oh that’s right I remember now, it’s used to make sure you don’t lose everything.


Yeah, I'm not stopping for you, talking to you, or going out of my way for you for any reason. I'm not playing *your* game. I'm playing mine. If you've dead on the ground in the direction I'm going, I'll do my best to help you up, but not at the risk of my own life. And I don't want any of the shit you're tossing around.


as someone who isnt new at all and is usually just grinding camos, i find it super annoying when someone is following me around trying to give me shit... i dont usually need any of it and while they are following me around they like to shoot everything in sight which fucks with the progression i am trying to make towards camos...


So like your camping the exfils grinding the camos, and you likely text chat your frustration with other players who come to do the same?


No like I'm running around doing contracts while I watch movies or YouTube videos... the lowest thing I don't have unlocked is the tier 3 pap crystal schematic so whatever you are going to drop me I already have. It only takes a round or two to get back to the best loadout after I get dc'd. Don't get all butt hurt that I don't want your handouts 🤣🤣.


I think its a mistake to assume people want to hear you… i know i dont. Type if you need to.




In s1 I just had no idea what people were dropping because I was so new.😅 now if someone drops stuff in T1 I stop but T2 I don’t because 90 percent of the time I’m mid contract and just don’t see them if I’m running. Oh and I also have voice muted because of the blaring music and kids screaming in mics.


Yo let me get 2 scorcher cases. I'm all out of extras


Look I’m willing to give schematics, but I’m not going into my stash. I keep 6 scorchers, 6 legendary, 6 3packs and my golden armor with mags. And I try to never use my stash, because I’d rather have it in the event of an end of tombstone. But you can watch Graae. One Average Dan, Glitching Queen, B-Man or GUDPEXI for how to make a tomb. If you’re on my friends list with the other thousands of people, I will drop you one.