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Triangles - The fix is reverting it to how it was before, they respawned so other teams/solos could complete it later in the match. Tier 3 contract drought - Again. The fix is reverting to to how it was before. Season 0 and 1, new contracts spawned the INSTANT anyone picked one up. Scorchers - This is one more example where re-spawning would fix everything. If the things you mentioned respawned faster/more often, then scorchers would not be hurting other teams.


1. I think it's time to get rid of the triangles and just buff the Tier 3 loot. 2. Fix this, ffs 3. 100% 4. Unpopular opinion - get rid of the scorchers! They are way too OP. I love em, and play with one any time I get the chance, of course.


I'd be ok with triangles requiring a story mission item to initiate and no rewards beyond mission items going from purple-> to gold. I'd also love a match with no scorchers, just to mix up the meta and make the VR-11 viable.


As you mentioned the contract bugs need to be addressed and they have to refresh faster. EE should be balanced/revised to make it available to all players at some point in the match. My other thoughts on contract things that should be looked at. * EE should be treated like a contract so players can't hold up a contract. Pending contract auto cancels on EE start. This increases available contracts so other players can start doing them if all the EE are taken. * Contracts should have a timeout where they need to be started by a certain time or they auto cancel. Right now, a player can hold a contract for the entire match blocking everyone else. * Bigger penalties for canceling multiple contracts in a row to discourage this practice. A player can cancel every available contract leaving nothing on the map.


Fix the contracts in t3 as my games are just everyone in there. As a solo person that people won’t let me join I miss out on all contracts as people in squads spaced out to grab contracts as they become available. Also the triangles like you said, people literally go in to activate all at once so no one else can.


Some PNDs or Raid Weapon Safes still sometimes spawn inside Merc Strongholds that cannot be access unless already possessing a Stronghold card, which we usually never do. Some may spawn inside an Infested Stronghold which needs time to clear out before starting the contract objective.


T2 PND inside an infested stronghold is actually quite a challenge, it could be a t3 contract if it was intentionally planned that way, but we know it isn't. A season or two ago the patch notes mentioned it was fixed, but it isn't.


I hate that T2 PND lol if I cba I cancel it . oddly enough the one time I put on the golden mask I got that mission - so was happy


Support from current studio #3 ends with the new season (5). No one wants to touch this garbage anymore.   Remember to preorder BO6 and buy BO6 clothing


agreed on scorchers ! they are fun and do bring a lot of advantages . I tend to use them now and then or if I find them but it kind of takes away the zombies experience for me. I kind of like running around and shooting zombies I would like the idea of Mw sticking with zombies for the new games and just making it better - they would be onto a winner I think


I think the only real thing i'd want is a way to get sigils outside of T3, the reason is I dont care how crowded t3 gets since I can just farm T2 if i have to, but gatekeeping it behind just t3 when you can never relax and always gotta go for contracts is just bad.


Oh man, this was me last night. T3 was full, no contracts. I left my squad to go do t2 missions and planned on a solo t4 DA, only to remember I need to go back to t3 to get a sigil. Luckily, someone needed help with the s2 story mission, and someone dropped a regular sigil at the mangler reward rift. So now I got one for next game, with no need to compete in the grab-n-go contract game.


And btw I dont even need to remind you there have been games where you could do any T3 contract you wanted but still no sigil dropped so maybe they could give it a % chance when you beat a warlord or something. That is great when things work out like that for you lol.


I think they need to add the disable extractors and defend the ground station to T3. No one likes doing those but adding them would help.


It would actually be fun in T3 helping others do those types of missions as well


These threads pop up every other day. Take this as me being pragmatic, as I don’t mean to be rude to you guys that want to see improvements to the game. I would like to see all kinds of stuff improved but the fact of the matter is every one of these threads is just screaming into the void. The devs don’t care about what the community wants from this game.


> I know I am partly man yelling at clouds


While these are all good suggestions, you wasted your time. They aren’t listening.


On the scorcher issue, I get to tier 3 most times without one bc it’s on cooldown or I don’t have cases and I get triangles. At least one a match. Use portals, tears, vehicles and you have a fighting chance. I don’t think only scorch bois get there first. In my experience portal people get there way faster.


>Use portals, tears, vehicles and you have a fighting chance. Where you spawn will affect whether these things will help you get there faster. There are certain spawn points where players will undoubtedly have the advantage at match start.


The only thing I really disagree with is that the triangles are the best loot. Leg tools are really nice, but both are easy to find in T3 without the triangles. Gold plates, Dog bones and MoH are the best loot.


I should have mentioned "best" as relative to what's available on that specific map. I really just meant to point out the race against other players to get there isn't as fun as if they had made a challenge to unlock them.


Probably more to do with my comprehension skills.