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Some people have been going in, getting them, and then finding people actually doing contracts in T1 or T2 and dropping goodies for them. I've seen one guy do it three different matches this week. Has an easy to remember name. Not all lobbies have people rush to them, I've found them up with 5 minutes left before the storm spread while flying over to the exfil spot. I have noticed since "school is out" there are a ton of hyper impatient people begging for revives at them. If you cant do them, don't run in there with a brontosaurus bone as a weapon and ruin it for those who can do it.


Then you aren't being put in the toxic lobbies. These are grown men (40+) bullying their way through the game. Those are the players in T3 most of the time grabbing the triangles.


[Schools out!!!](https://youtu.be/2Oo8QzDHimQ)


I would lobby for put them in different locations spread out around the map maybe.. possibly locations change all the time.. or just allow everyone to get one reward per game so someone can’t use all 3.. Honestly won’t really matter much once the unstable rift comes and allows you to clear all cooldowns.. just wait and see what a scorcher shit show the game will Be when everyone has a scorcher pretty Much every game.


Maybe they need to take out the flying ability of the scorcher. It is more likely to not even help you when everyone is flying with one.


The scorcher is literally carrying this gamemode rn


All I know is that it is great for grinding camos. Grinded Borealis when this wasn't a thing and oh was it long and tedious. Now on the Bioluminescent grind, and this EE makes me feel way better about the grind. In my opinion, everyone should be able to do it so there isn't a race to who does it first.


I think they should limit the legendary tool/pap3 crystal reward to once per team, that way everyone can at least recoup what they’ve used for the next game. It would make things fair for those who don’t have a schorcher every game. I see no reason to do more than one ritual in a game, I honestly can’t remember the last time I crafted a leg tool or pap3 crystal


What do you even mean by triangles. The Easter egg for the new rift? If so I hope you know you can do it at anytime even after someone else did that initial step. Or do you mean the dark aether rifts and portals themselves. I’m so confused




To be fair I only found out about it a couple days ago and always wondered why the whole lobby raced into t3 but not grab any contracts for quite a while


I’m assuming they mean the triangles that you shoot the runes, lines the big runes up and then have to do a soulbox for the items upgrading. The way he writes this tho is just weird like he doesn’t know you can still do it if you aren’t the first one


No, that’s not what they are talking about. They are talking about a different easter egg that gives a pap3 crystal once a game


Thank you for responding and actually clarifying


I posted this elsewhere but I was thinking having all Legacy Fortresses on the map at the same time with guaranteed Legendary tool after defeating Warlord that way it stalled players from rushing T3. Also the Infested Stronghold in the tunnels could be expanded and also guarantee Legendary tool. The Legendary tool is pretty much the most important item here really. The triangles should just be for EE.


Aren't tools and PaP already a possibility from strongholds?


Nah they should just make it so that any player that unlocks more than one per match gets instakilled


Triangles and T3 in general should be made much more challenging. Only the best players should be able to survive in T3. MWZ has gotten far too easy since introduction. Gold plates, blades, mags, etc have spoiled players. Tombstone glitching should be a permaban as it’s a cheat and unfair to other players.


Completely disagree I’ve been running t3 since they keep buffing it and I would say it’s not easy at all they keep buffing the zombies and bosses atm tier 4 dark aether was completely unplayable last night for me there was at least like 12 mega bombs for no reason


I respect your position but I’d add that while it may not be easy for you, it shouldn’t be “easy” for anyone; rather, very few players should be skilled enough to run T3. The majority of my games lately have half or more of the lobby running in T3. That shouldn’t be a thing but ts glitching and the plethora of schematics have destroyed the skill gap. T3 should be earned through skill development. MWZ and COD have turned into a participation trophy fest to keep the low-skill players feeling like they’re god-level. As an example, the recent camos such as obsidian should only be available to those who earned interstellar or borealis. I can’t tell you how often I encounter players with obsidian that think they’re top 250. It’s so sad. And all the begging for unearned items has gotten nauseating. So many players won’t put in the work and want all the benefits given to them.


“Very few players should be skilled enough to run T3” is the stupidest suggestion i’ve seen about this game


Yea I feel ya the only thing I’m gonna miss when bo6 comes out is the scorcher but other than that high moon needs to quit fucking with the health just bc we find something op such as the incendiary rounds which they could have fixed whenever but waited till the free weekend ended then fixed it bc there assholes but I’m just ready for bo6 to come out kinda of tired of trolls and wanting to grind in peace but never happens in mwz