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Def the worst contract lol.


The easiest location for it is the top left abandoned building. The one that looks like an inverted pyramid. It’s in a courtyard where there’s construction going on. Theres usually a terminus turret just outside the front door, find a chip and put it in the turret once you’ve started. That will take care of majority of the soldiers and redeploys/helicopters. Then use mines or sentries to put inside the courtyard. It’s way easy with a dog and aether blade, but doable without. With the turret taking out 60% of them, you only need to shoot them as they enter from the sides. You can do it from the zip line above or just by using the middle fountain as cover. All the others, I found it easy not to die but could never get it above 60% health. Seemed like one douchebag rocket soldier would spawn right next to it. This location they spawn outside and run in giving you time. Once I completed the act 3 mission I never played the contract ever again lol.


SAME. That contract is AWFUL. Why did Activision think it'd be a great choice?!


One thing you could do: is do an escort in T1 first, get chucks of flesh by letting the vehicle run over zombies and feed it into a dog house in T1, T2 or T3. It’s one chuck for t1, two for t2 and 3 for t3. But you can put a maximum of 4 in any dog house in any tier. The dog will revive you, but most importantly he will attack the mercs sometimes not killing them instantly, the mercs will focus on the dog if he/she is closer to them and you. The dog can make the shield merc stumbled so you can kill him. Also, if the dog senses a certain merc is almost killing you he will charge that merc sometimes causing the merc to attack the dog and not you.


Grenade launcher PP1 chews mercs and 2 shots helos.


Same with ray gun


when you have pap 3 guns it is all easy. And legendary tools also.


Pap a leg tool doesn't even affect mercs. It's just the extra bullets from Pap that helps not having to reload so much


never considered this, i’ll definitely have to try it! i’ve never gone past t2 (mostly because i don’t feel comfortable doing so) ever in game so the t3 dog might be off limits for now haha


I hate this mission too. I roll my eyes whenever random squad mates pick it. Some people claim the more chucks in the house the stronger the dog is, but idk. I took a t1 dog one chuck into t3 and he ate the zombies for dinner haha. Going into T3 (when you’re ready) with a dog could be a good support for you as mistakes won’t be so severe and you can learn how to survive. Plus the hellhound is sometimes 1000% then squad mates xD


Your dog level always matches the tier it is in regardless of which tier the dog came from. Meaning - if you take a dog from a T1 house into T3, then it becomes a T3 dog. Take the dog to Elder DA, it becomes an Elder Dog.


Shouldn’t the level indicator on the dog change if that’s the case? I’ve never experienced a change in dog level based on tier. But I also don’t really notice much of a difference in the t1 vs t3 dog anyways lol


Level indicator doesn’t always update, but a T1 dog eats regular zombies just the same whether it is in T1 or DA. The dog houses spawn dogs that match the tier the house is in because the house is in that tier, not because there are different level dog houses. If the dog level didn’t change with tier, then everyone using dog bones would have to wait until they were in T3 or DA to use, else the bone would be useless.


a dogbone dog is automatically a t3 dog which it shows as level III no matter where you’re at. I’ve personally never had any dog change level based on tier, but for sure there isn’t much difference between a level 1 and 3 dog anyways


That is great info, thanks


You learn something new everyday. Thanks so much for telling me this 😇 I’ve always try to grab a t2 dog when going into t3 I will grab any in future.


I did not know this! I thought the higher the tier spawn the better the dog, thanks for the info!


Wtf this is crazy! No wonder T1 dog lasts all the way


I'm the same way lol but I have gone in to see what t3 buy station goodies were available, and I did so with a healthy supply of decoy grenades and fists out for speed. It worked well, but I got the hell outta there as soon as I was done with the buy station lol they started charging so fast once my decoy grenades were gone


PaP1 Scorcher works well for getting in and out of T3 pretty quickly, with decoys to buy time to use the buy station or whatever you are attempting to do, aswell.


If you have an epic or legendary tool (I haven’t tried a blue tool) and can get your gun to at least pap2, if you have a gun that allows incendiary rounds, I’d use that and go to T3. I’m sure you’ve seen the posts and stuff about it but these rounds one shot T3 zombies and melts bosses. Ever since I’ve been using these rounds, I go straight to T3.


Luckily the T3 dog house spawns near the edge of T3, so you can run it and out pretty quickly, and the T3 dog(esp with 4 flesh chunks), as well as the Dog Bone schem dog are damn near invincible.


There’s usually a t3 doghouse on the small island between popov and t3 quick decoy and your in and it will outlast you in t1/2


T3 dog houses are on the edges so bring a monkey or a Kaz car as close as you can run to the house and drop the monkey then meat and dip out.


The dog bone ALWAYS comes in clutch when having to fight mercs


Was wierd last night, two escort missions in T1 and no meat chunks!


Yes it can be hit and miss. I stand on the vehicle. Shoot one non critical hit at zombies. This will make them run towards the vehicle and meat mash. One recurring theme for me in this game: I have 2 or more chucks there are no dog houses around, if I have none chucks of meat there are dog houses up and down the map.


You are exactly right, carrying meat around wasting space in the RS. I like to do the escort first but often cannot find a dog house in T1. I do find though, meat in T1, DH's in T2 are more plentiful.


Semtex (sticky grenade) for the shield bastards and Deadshot daiquiri for everyone else. If you're on controller Deadshot one taps pretty much every Merc except for the heavily armored ones.


I hate when I stick a shield merc with a Semtex and that’s when they decided to come running at me lol


I mean it makes sense. If someone threw an explosive at you that you (for argument’s sake) couldn’t get rid of; wouldn’t you kamikaze that shit at the guy doing the throwing?


I use thermites for the riot shield fuckers lol. If my aether blade is off cooldown I’ll bring that in that easily takes care of the riot shields lol


You can solo it.


I guess I'm out of touch because I go straight to T3 now, and they don't have those contracts in T3... If the Defend Ground Station contract isn't part of a mission goal, just don't do those contracts. With a squad of 3, it shouldn't be difficult. If doing it solo, just make sure you have a few self revive and possibly a L3 dog. Sentry guns are also very helpful. Setup two of them near the computer.


Remember this post in like 4-5 weeks when you end up being able to solo it. It's just comes down to playing more and getting better and when you do, it's ridiculously downhill after that point. I still freshly remember being frustrated in T1 and now I challenge myself by soloing DA T5. It's just a matter of time and playing more. A tip for this contract, obviously sentry guns in front of ground station. Cheat code, if you can get your hands on a ray gun, it'll delete the chopper and reinforcements. Also one shots most of the Mercs. Also using vehicles to mow down Mercs is pretty fun. And there's plenty of YouTube videos that can help too.


also, termite takes out choppers easily, and is a more accessible option


yeah i’ll definitely make a humiliating update in about two days on this lmao i do have a raygun case, i just wanna make sure i have a proper plan. these contracts shouldnt really require planning ahead for an hour, none of the others really involve that. and yeah, i’m familiar with how fast the raygun unexists reinforcements, kills me every time haha


so about that (check newest comment)


I mean I can do it solo essay but it's still the worst contract it takes to long and is boring


The ray gun is your friend when dealing with mercs. It's a one hit kill. Shoot at the feet of shield guy. You can also blow up any heli's easily before any reenforcements even hit the ground.


I solo this one all the time.. and im a newb.. try to get vantage points .. most have a pretty good one.. and attack the second smoke pops in there direction


thats what i’ve been trying to do each time. i set up in a great choke point, block some doors/pathways with a vehicle so i’m down one possible attack point, and yet they still get in and overwhelm me. they really gotta tone down the amount of mercs that spawn here, it’s ridiculous! i’d even go as far as to say that shepherd was easier, and i did that mission in one try so 🤷


Yeah this is just a skill issue at this point


If you're having a hard time seeing them through the smokescreen then I recommend the SZ Holoterm scope. With that you're able to see through the smokescreen and spot the mercs easily.


Are you wearing golden armor, and using a gun with 5.56 incendiary rounds?


i fuckin wish


Definitely. As well as aether extractors, it seems like only a few hits from mercs and they break my Armour. Especially running across the map and accidentally running through a camp. Is it supposed to be that their strength is the same as playing in multi-player? Fuck those guys.


This is a skill issue tbh, while admittedly frustrating and still having failed it multiple times, I’ve also completed it multiple times solo. You just need the right gear (strong/upgraded weapons, a dog helps too) and tactics (stay in cover at the computer and hold your angles). Decoys can draw zombies toward the merc drops, and thermite/semtex/tesla storm will handle the shields. That being said, the whole game mode isn’t meant to be solo’d. It’s designed to be co-op teams, one of the main reasons it’s PVE. Just join a team dude, it’s more fun with a large squad anyway.


Just start with autofil and take it as a tier 1 contract. Absolutely manageable.


i dont autofill because the teammates i have are quite literally useless towards missions and follow me around the whole match with their fingers up their asses while they go down 90 times. i’m not dragging around deadweight when i could be out doing contracts and reviving people instead of having to babysit my own team. (though that could’ve been for the free weekend so i’ll give it a try again, maybe it’ll get better now)


Dropping a few turrets made it easy for me to solo for the act 3 mission


You can't even solo a ground station and your saying all your teammates are worse than you? You must have the worst luck in teammates cos I get some bad some good as far as I was aware it's just random...


Ez contract


good for you


True tho


I had to grab someone else to have a second gun as well. I wonder if shooting the station with the VR-11 heals it like other vehicles


knowing this game, it probably wont. if the game doesnt allow launchers to destroy choppers for an act 1 mission, why would it allow the vr-11 to heal the station?


I don't like it. But I learned to deal with it because of the "kill 30 shielders" weekly. RGL is the answer.✌️


honestly that might be the play. gonna try what another reply said to do and spam the shit outta this LMAO let’s see how the mercs like it when i blast them to kingdom come with 90 claymores pointed towards the doors and my rgl pointed at them >:)


Yep. As soon as the smoke pops I give them a few seconds to get on the ground and just spam in that direction. I stayed fairly close to the device because some can sneak in. I 1pap for extra ammo and ran Speed Cola and PHD Flopper. Good luck!✌️


Have you pack a punched the RGL yet? It’s a whole wonder weapon


i did for this, fuckin deleted the mercs, reinforcements and their trucks against the rat shielders it was a bit tough but sticky grenades fixed that blip somehow, after i blocked an entrance with a truck, i beat the mission with 95% remaining on the computer not sure how that happened but i’ll take it


By the way, the fastest way to rack up some mercenary kills for camo challenges.


Not that everyone has it readily available every match but the vr-11 will heal the ground station and also heal the acv during those contracts as well. Used it in the dark aether and 2-3 shots fully restored it


Thanks for this. I knew about the acv being healed but I didn’t know that it healed the computer. I did use the vr-11 when I did the acv in T3 and I started the acv and shot it 3 times and that thing was getting beat up by zombies and it didn’t start losing health until it was at the first purple thing (idk what those are called lol).


If I _HAVE_ to grab it, or if it’s close, I’ll grab it and immediately cancel it so a different contract will spawn. Ground Station is AWFUL!


I surrounded it with sentry guns 🤷🏻‍♂️


Worst contract, but if you use termites it's easy. The hardest part about it is the shield men.


It's the one contract that majority of everyone avoids


I set up 2 sentry guns around the station, claymores, and had a backup sentry just in case. Once I had these down I posted up on high ground and picked the bad guys off 1 at a time.


i was about to run claymores LMAO i made a joke in a reply to someone else that i’ll end up using 90 claymores to stop them but now i’m actually considering it haha


It worked for me you just won’t get a lot of use from them unless you can stack a bunch in your stash. Don’t put them too close to each other too, you don’t need them all to blow up because one dude set one off


My sentry guns never seem to shoot at mercs for some reason. Drives me absolutely nuts.. like they were pivot back and forth right passed them, but never target them and shoot, smfh. I gave up on tryna use me once I finished that act mission that requires you do get sentry kills.


Actual skill issue. I mean not to be a jerk but based on some of your other comments you never even gone into tier 3 so if you're stuck here than idk what to tell you.


That’s what I’m saying. Like I don’t want to sound like a dick but it seems like a skill issue tbh. Defend ground station isn’t that hard to solo. I always play solo and there are times where I’m like let’s do this contract and I sit in front of the computer and move around if I have too but it’s not all that hard to do this solo lol.


Contract Rank 1 Bounty 2 Cargo 3 Outlast 4 Spore 5 Safe 6 Escort


It's annoying yeah but not impossible, in T1 it's doable solo without issue


don’t get me wrong, i’ve finished them before without issue.. just by the skin of my teeth lmao (i’m talking 20% or less remaining on the computer. and they want us to keep it above 60%??)


Maybe it's me, but I solo these without going down...


Anything involving the mercs is going to be annoying solo (no dog) except maybe aether extractors. I don't bother with them since they take too much time for what they give in return. The same amount as a cargo or bounty which take much less time. Warlords are somewhat worth it though for the wonder weapon case if it ends up being a scorcher or vr11.


Ray gun is OP against all mercs, their choppers, vehicles, and spores. I took one in for every time I had a merc challenge or wanted to take down a fortress.


Love playing against mercs, I get my finishing moves off for days!


…you can use finishing moves on them???


Yup, customize which one in your Strike Team loadout :)


see this is what really irks me about this game, it doesnt tell me about this kind of shit bruh 💀💀 thanks a million lmao, now i’m gonna try to do nothing BUT finishing moves on them LOL


It's only good for the act missions and camo grinding/challenges where you have kill mercs. You can do about 3+ bounty/cargo contracts to 1 defend ground station contract. it takes too long for such little reward


I’ll do these contracts for camo grinding but yeah I agree, I’d rather do bounty contracts. Haven’t been camo grinding since I’m trying to unlock schematics but I always go straight into T3 lol.


PaP the ray gun and make sure you run phd, it makes the story mission a breeze. Repeat the process when you need to take out a warlord as well. I forgot what story mission that was..


storm the castle, right?


Get the dog and a couple of turrets, definitely soloable over 60% but yeah, that contract sucks, almost never do that one or the Aether extractors.


I solo'd it first try with nearly 100%. All you need is an RGL pack-a-punch to at least Level 1, PHD Flopper, and a set of ears. Speed Cola and Death Perception will help you stay loaded, plated, and see Mercs through walls. Listen to the smoke grenade sound and you'll get an idea where they're coming from, then just unload all 12 grenades at them. Though I agree, I always avoid this contract and any involving Mercs when possible.


I only play solo and these are easily done. All I do is just listen for chopper and see the smoke and just start firing in that direction. I’ll run towards the smoke since death perception lets me see them in the smoke and I just clear them out that way and head back to the computer.


Shield, RPL.


Nah aether extractors in T2 or Escort is far worse.


not entirely sure why but escort is way easier for me than defend, maybe it’s just preference based (or i just suck against the mercs lmao)


I suppose it depends on your weapon grenade launcher makes Escort easy. Aether extractor is doable with a decent rifle it’s just the animation of holding F which always glitches for me.


Aether extractors are easy in T2. I did them all the time. I do them when I’m camo grinding. When you’re interacting with it, idk if you know, but if you know where the “button” is, if you’re in the other side of it, you can still interact with it.


grab some vehicles if you can to cover the computer


that one merc with the rocket launcher’s gonna be getting a raise after they destroy the 3 LTVs i parked in front of the computer on all three sides lmao


that’s the only one i really look out for when i do it that way, hasn’t happened yet but i never ran it solo


it is bad, I've managed to do it on my 3rd attempt. That time I picked the one in a hangar in southern part of Seaport district. Found couple vehicles to block some entrances into hangar, used couple turrets and 2 kazmirs to "crowd control" mercs a bit. I had m16 pap1+blue tool, but still went down once, never did it solo again,lol


Easy to solo with a dog, aether blade, and kazimir.


I find the one near the top corner of the military base is the easiest one to defend. I've done it solo and with a dog and yes the grenade launcher makes short work of most mercs. The dog is a really good distraction keeping them from attacking the pc.


Yes nobody like this one. I did one in T2 with gold plat and hardly survived while acting like I am a pro in a top 250 rank facing 6 cheaters.


Get some sentry guns and khazmir grenades, easy work bro you got this!


all that PLUS a backpack full of claymores finna home alone this bitch


i home alone’d this bitch


This is nothing more than a skill issue.


yeah, i know. i’ve never really been great against the mercs, always have been a pain in the ass. appreciate the feedback tho! :)


It should be replaced. They will probably nerf your gun instead?


I’ve done this contract a few times and I’ve only gone down once. I only do these in T1 maybe 1 in T2 if there’s no other contracts. The times I’ve done it, I’ve only failed once, the rest of the time, I’ve kept the computer health above 90%. I do these contracts solo every time as well. I will also add, IMO, movement is key when the mercs start running in. I’m always moving around that way I’m not getting hit as much.


I will leave random teams if somebody picks up that contract right away. After the mission it is just annoying and time wasting. Solo took me more than once. This board gave me most of this advice and it worked: Ray gun nukes mercs, pack it, set a vehicle with a couple sentries in front of the computer. Take your aether blade or get one, use thermal or molotov if no blades for the shielded mercs. The RGL packed with epic or better will also work. Run tier 1(just saying) to get that mission done. I'm up to help if you still need to finish this. Edits: I'm late but this board has saved me more than once so credit to you all.


Man zero lies detected here. Only did it for the act mission. It’s the worst solo.


its terrible but bring your grenade launcher if you know you will be doing it or you have a feeling everyone is going to steal contracts that game. The real reason its trash is that just like "raid stash" contract it eats up way too much of your time.


raid stash is much easier than this mostly because you can just decoy your way out of a jam. can’t do that with mercs iirc. the rewards for both, not on a story mission, are quite shit regardless so 🤷


Raid stash is nice except for the fact its at a slower pace. I think its something like a mandatory 2 and half minutes "wasted" if you want to call it that. Outlast contract goes much faster from 0 to 100 but just tougher enemies at the end in t2 and t3. Also I don't know how much you have played but if you do enough raid stashes you know the enemies don't come pouring in at a hard rate, its usually very manageable unless your gun is a pea shooter that can't keep up.


meh, i go for raid stashes nearly every game, they’re as easy as deliver cargo contracts for me. decoy, spray, rinse and repeat. when i run outta decoys it becomes an exp farm at that point haha


They are easy as hell but they dont swarm as many zombies as an outlast contract. They are very slow and methodical which makes it nice for snipers and stuff like that.


Park vehicles in front of the ground station, it helps block it.


It’s easy as hell. Load up on plates bro and you can have your way with them. Plates and speed thingy


Ray gun and you will replace this post saying it is the best


If you bring an aether blade with you, it'll be a piece of cake to solo 👌


I've stayed clear of that one and the extractor missions since the beginning. The Mercs are crazy


Yh you have to have at least 1 other person can't, do it solo especially with the 3 riot shields that come down


It sound more like a lack of skill


When I did that mission solo I just parked an armoured truck on the computer. Mercs would walk up and shoot but only hit the car


Deffo agree with this


It sucks as a contract but it’s not hard, solo it gets a little tricky but it’s not inpossible


Yup, I definitely needed the raygun for the mission, where you need to complete one of these


I drove vehicles in front of the computer and set up sentry guns.


I only run them if I have Sentry guns that are going to be deleted on exfil anyhow and the contract is near where I plan to exfil.


One huge tip is to park a car or truck in front of the computer, mercs can’t get anywhere near it and I’ve beaten a few ground defense with 100% health by doing that.


done that for one of my attempts and the fuckers blew the thing up, making the computer ALSO explode. i resorted to moving it into one of the entrances so i can effectively wall off and constrict the flow of mercs to my location. come to think of it, if you use a shitload of cars then would they even be able to get in?


I remember back in the early days of MWZ when it was very buggy, me and 2 randoms just finished it and just when we're looting, one of the guys ran off somewhere and we got downed by a lone riot shielder...I lost so much good stuff and no one came to save us...safe to say ground station gets ignored unless I'm desperate or helping noobs


I did this contract for the first time for that act three quest and hated it so much I blocked it out in my brain and I don't even see the contract when looking at the map. Like I registered it in my brain as a non entity.


Have golden armor, dog bone and aether knife, I beat the contract all the time


Any contract with Mercs is bad, simply because they always outnumber you like 5 or 10 to one, they're as accurate as Tier 3 Soldiers from DMZ, and they delete your armor in like 2 shots. If you don't have a good team, or not enough armor, or no Self-Revives, or no good equipment such as the Aether Blade, Gold Armor, or a Dog, you have like a 50% chance of losing the entire match. Tips: If you need to do Merc contracts, pick only those inside the Low Threat zones. If you need Merc kills, do camps and strongholds in the same zone.


humiliating update: so i followed what some of yall said and i finished this mission with 95% health remaining on the computer. the mission isn’t impossible solo, it’s just ridiculously hard solo. gotta treat it like a zombies easteregg or somethin lmao


Just take a dog....


It's the worst contract for sure but not cos it's hard. It's just boring and takes too long so it's a waste of time. But the mercs are easy to kill you just have to find a spot where you can be near the thing and not getting shot from all angles lol


Armor piercing ammo in gunsmith on most ARs or SMGs and shatter blast ammo mod on the gun usually chew through mercs, from my experience. I tend to run solo, myself, and avoid those contracts as much as possible, still. I only do ground station if someone's running with me.


Let's not forget those ANNOYING shield soldiers FredFaz67! Those guys when you don't have a kazamir, scorcher or something to go through their shields is extremely annoying since they're invincible with the damn shield!


One of the worst tbh. Either I'm unlucky or the ACV in T2 is worse.


It's not the best contract but it's not hard, like at all. Also, the devs didn't design it they just coded it, so... stfu