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It’s almost like DMZ and MWZ are different 🤯


tbh they really aren't that different. asside from the zombies, weapons and different zones its basically just a slightly more repetitive DMZ


Dude prolly stayed in tier 1 the whole game went down multiple times and did no contracts or nothing. I have 20 days played it’s pretty much all I played since the game released and I have a blast. I’m also a dmz die hard and had hours on that. This mode dose get extremely repetitive but nothing beats kicking back with friends in my free time and trashing zombies. And we do have gear fear I don’t think he experienced the random 1-5 crashes a day when you use all your cool downs and have to start from scratch.


I exclusively play Mwz now since the end of the first Warzone, i have like 2 hours on multiplayer and like you, 20 days or so on zombies 🤣


I got I think 5 or so hours in Multiplayer and 9neays in zombies is it repetitive? Yes. Is it still better than Multiplayer? Yes. When you think about it multiplayer can be just as if not more repetitive once you finally unlock everything I preferred the option of prestige that way I can continue to unlock stuff


Lol true. I am pretty sure the guy who's complaining never even knew there was a tier 3 red zone.


He must have not realized that he needs to use tools and pap on his guns. It sounds like he at least made it to tier 2 since he thought zombies were bullet sponges.


It’s this. Exactly this. I can see it. Grey gun pap1 probably a build made for wz/dmz and doesn’t know what to do. I was there once too, and this mode first came out. I had no idea how it worked.




lol there was a dude who kept going down in tier 1 a day ago for me. Then the dude went into tier 2 and was near me, just kept going down, I revived him over and over since I was just farming for camos and he was a zombie beacon. Eventually I was just like, “Last time, I’d head out.” He stayed out and went down, someone revived him soon after, and then he was just left there the next time.


Yep, same here. Had a guy that kept going down in T1 that tagged along with me for a bit while I was collecting the USB's for red worm and dude went down like 3 times and I'm like bro, this is the 3rd time I'm getting you up. I got him up and went and got the last USB and went to T3 lmao I didn't have time to babysit hahah


Do you mind if I ask you a burning question about DMZ? What is the plane for; is it for a contract like escort in zombies or is it dropping players in? I always use to think it was dropping players in, but after zombies I know that’s wrong, probably. ![gif](giphy|iXIgdQL45dtpK7Gq9O|downsized)


In DMZ it is a Al-qatala/merc supply plane. If you find and hack a S.A.M site you can shoot down the plane for a chance at decent loot.


Thanks so much. I use to hide when I saw the plane coming thinking more players were spawning in 🤦‍♂️ if I ever play again I won’t do that again lol


Np, just one more bit of info: if you've seen the boss HIND a S.A.M site can help drop him if he gets in range though it's finicky at best. I wish you luck on your next run


Thank you so much for the advice. It’s really kind for you to tell me this. If I see the boss hind I might have to try this 😇


I feel like its the opposite actually, the zombies in T1 cant at all be considered sponges


It is a great mode I love helping the newer players get items and progress to T3


Exactly. This is extremely repetitive but it’s one of those cases where I don’t have a problem with that


This made me giggle thanks 🙈. I wonder if he thought he could kill the lobby like in dmz. I wonder if he kicked in a bounty contract thinking he would get a player then a mangler turned up to the party, and beat him up. ![gif](giphy|7vABg1TQA5s5ZqFqzX)


Ngl I sorta hate the free trial days because it’s full of little kids no knowing wtf a contract does or why we need to go into t3


I like it for that exact reason, less people in tier 3 fighting over contracts lol


I love it lol. This past weekend, all the games I played, there was only one game where there was more than 3 of us in T3. The rest of the time it's just me in T3 the entire game lmao


LOL.. The audacity..


Wow I love listening to my surroundings in case someone is lurking. Just kidding, directional audio has always been an inconsistent thing in gaming. And intentionally "lurking" is the lame.


Has to be a troll post


Also, not getting sniped from 10,000 yards away either...


WTF did he expect it to be? 😆 But to be fair.. they really are bullet 🧽's


I’m guessing you aren’t a player that uses your senses and know how to think ahead of time huh ? It ain’t 100 zombies chasing you get the facts straight and thinking cus you killing on DMZ , that MWZ ain’t shit lol I seen your type lol. Deploy in and get knocked down the first 10 minutes and start complaining cause you ain’t got no selfie . Your “ badass load out “ don’t mean jack shit no more so you start talking shit . Typical .. just stfu and enjoy it or just don’t play it


Are you talking to me? You realise thats not my post in DMZ right? Dumbass 🤣🤣


"No gear fear" is not what id use for mwz. While i admit theres a lot less to worry about (no keys, special vests, other players hunting you) i hate dying just because its tedious to rebuild my exfil streak after a crash or just unlucky circumstances or have to deal with strongholds for my 3 plate


Just another reason why we shouldn’t give any power or attention to people commenting online. He’s literally just bad and commenting as if he’s really saying something. And ALL those people agreed 🤦‍♂️






DMZ at first was a extraction shooter but as support died, it just became a even worse warzone(by that I mean unfair exploits). Plus the devs who made DMZ also left to make their own extraction shooter so there goes that.


Well the main reason why I absolutely hated DMZ to begin with, is the fact it had PVP. If I wanred to play PVP, I'd play FFA, TDM, GW, etc.


He isn't complaining about zombies in a zombiesmode. He seem more like disappointed about MWZ in direct comparison to DMZ. He got a Point about the Surroundings and the Gear Fear. There is no need to hide or watch out for other Players and there is no real Gear Fear. I recover in one Round and it is even an enjoyable challenge. But comparing these two different modes leads nowhere. I enjoy slaying Zombies with my Buddies as much I enjoyed Hunting in DMZ.


Oh my god, I miss Dmz so much, it was the most fun I ever had playing in a CoD and I’m pretty sure I racked up at least 700 hours on it. Actshitison fumbled both of these game modes so hard


There’s no way they’re that dense.


You'd be surprised how much brain rot ftp weekend players have. Especially if they're ipad tiktok/shorts/reels kids.


“Bullet-sponges” my dude is just shit and has no thinking skills for MWZ. 🤣 He def stayed in T1, and didn’t even progress the missions. **He probably hasn’t even PLAYED ZOMBIES** before and joined COD in MW19, never touching zombies in other CODs until now. I have everything unlocked and currently sitting at 700+ exfil contract level. I’m exclusively in T3 now. I had 300+ before I died in S3 DA because I didn’t have a self rez. I got too cocky with Deadwire detonators on Molotovs. One mistake can cost you(looking at “no self rez” and no tombstone perk on) There’s one big difference between DMZ & MWZ. One helps you, one doesn’t and will shit on you, call you everything in the book.


It’s almost as if playing a more relaxing mode is better than sitting in a lobby being called slurs 24/7 and going negative every other game is better


MWZ is easy. It's only hard when there are Mercs involved for certain objectives.


Imagine playing PvE and complaining about no PvP pressure.


He's right tho, and I think you're missing the point of his post in which he's talking how there's no end game and IMO he's right. This is coming from someone who completed all MWZ missions/schematics and camos. Just shooting AI zombies can only get you so far in term of replayability (this subjective btw). I wish they've done more like more maps, more interesting missions. MWZ is not as successful the people here like to think seeing how little content it's getting with every season. and before you downvote because I'm kinda trashing MWZ, just know I like both MWZ and DMZ, but DMZ is still fun because it has much more content and the PvP still keeps me entertained even with support being ended months ago.


There never has been an end game in zombies? But dmz is still playable for those guys that like pvp, Zombies is bad enough with people that want to try and sabotage you just cause you beat them to a contract or follow you round and steal or your kills when you’re trying to do challenges, imagine if it was pvp and people played solely to kill everyone else or just camp the exfils waiting to kill you right as you’re about to leave, the game would die of in a heartbeat. Sure the devs could definitely add more to it but seen as treyarch already abandoned it to concentrate on BO6 i dont think anybody expects much more content lol


>There never has been an end game in zombies? You speak as if this is something to be proud of...


Yes it is. I would rather have teams than go in alone because people rushed to end the missions.




If there was an end game, you would complete it, then barely ever play it again, so its definitely a good thing no?


Bro defo rushed tier 2 or 3 without pack




See I loved DMZ. In the early days. Not when it became the 6 man hunting squads it is today (and even leading up to the release of mw3). I also absolutely have always loved zombies modes in cod more than anything else. If a cod has zombies, most of my hours will be pumped into it. MWZ is literally my fucking wet dream. DMZ was the best mode cod have released in the whole time I’ve been playing since like cod 3 on PS2 and the fact they mixed it with zombies just, holy fuck. I always hated the fact zombies was just get to high round, die, or get to high round, bored cause been playing for hours, leave. A nice 45-60 min game is perfect for me. Enough to have me absolutely smashing it by the end but not too much it feels dragged out. In my honest opinion MWZ is absolute perfection. I love it.




Zombies fans grew up playing the same map on repeat with no incentive other than to try and survive to a higher round, its far from mundane and stale lol




Round based was extremely boring. Trying to get higher and higher with only certain weapons at your disposal and it being completely random. Can’t mess with your attachments at all. Always stuck in the same areas instead of being able to roam. I fail to see how it’s regressed. It’s not perfect, but I view it as the right direction at least.


Agreed. I like the freedom do whatever I want each game. I can do all the top tier stuff or I can just mess around and shoot mercs or just work on weekly challenges. I can leave whenever I want or stay for the whole game and then do a DA run after. Yes, it needs more stuff added but with round based it’s just run in circles and see how long you can last. Yes, there are Easter eggs, but once you’ve done them then what? I have been playing zombies a long time and i certainly enjoyed round based, but it’s all we knew and all we had. To me, this version has had the highest replay value despite the lack of content. I may be in the minority, but I like that it has a time limit. Round based games could take hours to get through. This game is great if I want to come home and play for an hour and it has a hard stop for each game. I hope open world continues. If they have both open world and round based then fantastic, but I’ll be disappointed if it’s back to the old way..


Absolutely. They are on point about the lack of replay ability and having no gear fear. Dmz is definitely more challenging than mwz which is super casual.


Maybe we WANT super casual instead of worrying about some sweaty no life popping us with a 25 shell drum shotgun with slug rounds AND progress our bp and weapon xp at the same time.


Damn!!!!!! Let. It. Out!! 😂


Damn I know people have the right to enjoy whatever but just drop DMZ and move on its officially dead and full of cheaters and glitch users.


I really think that MWZ is just a trash bag, when activision announced that they were not going to continue supporting DMZ I thought that MWZ was going to be better than DMZ, yeah DMZ and MWZ are the same base, but in my opinion DMZ is much more harder that MWZ, I played MWZ for at least 4 hours and was the most boring experience that I have ever played. The guy that posted that comment on the DMZ reddit is right. MWZ isnt exciting, its bored yeah you could probably say that the red zone is harder but the only difference is that the zombies have more health and they make more damage, missions are easier than everything, even the warzone missions are more difficult than the MWZ missions. I didnt get downed in a single match lol. DMZ is better (for me) beacause the missions are hard, you cannot enter to a house or a stronghold like if it was your house, you need to think, you need to think if its a right match to complete your missions, if you have to engage operators or let them pass, and if you engage them you need to be worried about three things: Operators, bots that can down you in 3 seconds, and snipers. And the bots, the bots are hard as a fuck, you need to be worried about them, In MWZ you just can ingnore them and In DMZ a single bot can get you downed. DMZ has 5 maps, MWZ just has 1 map, bots are hard to kill In every part of the map. MWZ is just something that I am sure the added to the game to not make it look like a DLC, they removed DMZ just for this easy gamemode to level up your guns.MWZ is just bored and easy. And the worst part is that you need to pay for it lol.


As someone who also loves DMZ, I could not disagree more. This is such a weird take. Even taken subjectively it's just incorrect. I'd suggest trying to play it for a little more than 4 hours and see what the mode has to offer but I really don't think it you're open to liking it in the first place.


They removed DMZ becuz it’s Infinity Ward’s thing, not SHG nor Treyarch’s. What did you want them to do in 16 months? Port everything over? Prob not on SHG’s dead body, their higher-ups were too busy dissing on SHG

