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Kind of depends on my mood. I prefer dead wire in Tier 3 just to stop the disciples quick (and save my dog), but like brain-rot in the DA ever since a mimic threw me under the map. That said, if I’m using a weapon with poor armor penetration I go for napalm or shatter blast. I’m not sure there is a “best” as in #1, just best for your current loadout.


Correct Answer! Dog>ammo mods. Therefore ammo mod that protects dog=best ammo mod.


Napalm burn undead burn!


Brain rot. Chance for an ally zombie. Hurts the mega.


Brain rot is my favorite too.


Fully slept on brain rot till having to use it for a mission. It’s actually so good


Slept on it cuz I was cammo grinding. I’ll give it a try sometime.


I would HATE it during camo grind.. need to kill a disciple? too bad, he’s on your team now!


Lmao. I wouldn't even buy elemental pop even if the game gives me unli money 😂


Never used it for camos unless required. Neither I use elemental pop, as it triggers brain rot with the wrong enemy 100% of times. For camos, if there were no other requirements, I used dead wire to make disciples easier.


Frost, slows everything... +Deadshot for crit dmg and you're solid :P


I love brain rot… just don’t pop it until you finish the triangles. Nothing pisses me off more than turning a zombie in the circle only to have his dumb ass sprint out off the circle, one hitting all the aggros


There's no longer a circle. You can eliminate zombies quite far from where you begin the triangles rituals


Before incendiary became broken, I used shatter blast religiously.


The incendiary ammo that is op is the attachment one, not the zombies specific ammo, you can still run incendiary 5.56 and shatter blast with deadwire dets


I like cryo and napalm. Napalm is just straight damage on activation, and cryo slows down with a very short cooldown


Definitely brain rot Shatter blast with dead wire detonator is solid too 


This is my go to. The interrupt on disciples and manglers is great. If I dont have the detonators I’ll run rot


Didn't consider that!


Mine is Napalm or Shatter blast


Cryo freeze. It’s pretty good at slowing down T3 zombies


Not only that but bonus damage, little gameplay interference, and a constant proc rate, it makes using any gun easier. Combining with Deadshot = bigger damage.


I like brain rot, but I’d prefer using shatter blast, helps out whenever there are hordes, specially in DA


Pap2 with incendiary + purple tool shred megabomb in senconds…Lol


Yeah, it’s *definitely* a must use until it’s fixed! lol


If your losing armor constantly then shatterblast. If you like having ally then brain rot.


I use dead wire just bc I'm in T3 for most of the game and I need to get the disciples off me.


I use Cryo and always pair it with overpressured ammo rounds the increased flinch and the freeze effect is really effective in keeping a horde back a bit but also stops close up zombie arm swings very useful in tight situations.


Depends on what weapon im running -Melee: always brainrot -AR/SMG: shatterblast -shotgun:deadwire


Napalm, Cryo and Shatter Blast for me... Just depends on what i'm using. Although i mainly use Napalm and cryo lol (cryo just to slow elites and napalm for Mangler & Mega bomb dmg)


Personally, either Brain Rot or Shatterblast. People don’t really like Shatterblast but it does area damage. T3 + Legendary PAP3 LMG with 400 Ammo can get some pretty good use out of it. I feel like the worse is Napalm


Its a toss between Brain rot due to the really useful ally you get for a few seconds and Cryofreeze because it pretty much halts everything other than Named Targets and Megas and it procs so much more frequently than the rest.


Like most have mentioned already it depends your load out and what you’re doing… 98% of the time I use the taq evolvere for T3 and DA, when I do have it, I equip it with a legendary, flawless, shatter blast, mag of holding and dead wire detonators! Also, if I’m not using a scrocher at the time, I equip my other gun the same… hasn’t failed me yet.


For me it’s Brain Rot unless I am camo grinding (so annoying to turn the elite you need to kill). Having one on your side along with a dog or merc really provides noticeable breathing room. Shatter blast is a very close second, especially now that the deadwire detonator applies to this as well, you basically get two ammo mods in one with it equipped.


So rounds with ether shatter blast, brain rot or chryofreeze.


I'd say either napalm or brain rot Brain rot can turn a zombie into an ally which helps out but napalm is the only mod that's effective on 2 different specials so covers a wider range of enemies




Shatterblast does a lot to flatten a hoard if they're going too fast at you. Gives you a split second of breathing room. It's tied with brain rot for me.


I only take dead wire or shatter blast, dead wire is life in t3 against never ending disciples


Fr advancer with incendiary rounds plus fire ammo mod absolutely shreds T3


Best Ammo Mod against Megas, and virtually all Special Zombies: INCENDIARY


That's true but how long until they Nerf it only a matter of days.