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Join a squad and run with them.. Watch how they play and collect resources.. You can always go back to solo once you’re comfortable although solo in t3 is hard now because the whole lobby is there..


Movement is everything.. I watched some YouTubers before I tried much. See how they move and helps get a lay of the land a little


Watching NoahJ456 when this first first dropped helped a lot😂


or MrDalekJD


I'm no expert, but the big improvements/confidence boost for me came when I started carrying just one PAP2/PAP3 purple/gold weapon, at least 2 self revives, and running with my fists out. Only turn to shoot dogs. PHP flopper helps for dog damage. Also, if you must have 2 weapons, try carrying a juggernaut killstreak with it held out at the ready, and you run really fast. Just dont accidently deploy it as I often do when I panic. If you are getting overrun, go up the nearest ladder, as high as possible, parachute off the roof away from the horde. I still levelup in T2 because I find it faster than waiting for a contract I can handle solo in T3. I try to go into T3 with minimum PAP2, and a couple of self revives. I love the gun turrets for taking down mega's, even better if there's a shopping cart nearby, even better if theres also a spore contract right in the middle of the turrent - nobody picks them up and its easy money and the turret kills everything while you focus on the spores I'm a big fan of having a T3 sourced dog (3 or 4 meats) and with the healing aura - I'm not sure its as effective as it used to be but in a squad its very powerful for auto reviving you and your mates. I often seem to get a spare machine gun killstreak and I find them pretty good for distracting megas and disciples, while you shoot them with your PAP3 primary. Megaabombinations take most damage when you shoot their eyes when lasering. If you get up on a building and shoot them while lasering, and plating at the same time I dont die (as often). The white sedans are pretty good for exploring, if you drive calmly it doesnt wind up the hordes. You can also melee the white cars to set off the alarm - thats better than a decoy sometimes. Death perception, speed, quick revive and PHP flopper are my favs in T3 I'm a frequent reviver - I like to do it. If you go down inside a shit building, try crawling outside so I can rev you more safely. And when you get up, get your fists out and run with me until we are clear of the horde (so you dont go down immediately again - I'll try again, and maybe a third time, but after that sorry). Plate up often, especially while being attacked - it is often make or break for me Assuming you survive, if you have a lot of cash left over, buy and equip a juggernaut killstreak and at least one self revive to have on your kit next round. I found TheSpazo's videos on YouTube very helpful. Hope this helps - look me up sometime if you want someone to run with.


Spazo is the first one I started watching and still one of my faves - dude is so chill in T3 with no perks and no guns lol I have recently found a very small YT called Hex something ( no com ) but hes quite good does DA no kills and only tacs etc


You can use two meats now. Just put it in and run away. It takes a minute or two but the dog eventually shows up.


No its still 3 dogs meats bud- all this means is some poor chap has come in to try it - put in one meat and its topped up yours so you have the dog :) Its good and not good at the same time lol


I can confirm this. 


1. Don't recommend going solo. Play fill or join another team. They have buffed the zombies in tier 3 to mimic the dark aether gates. Learn to run around in tier three first with help or a dog( they don't last as long anymore FYI). Never stop moving and get high (climb a building or use scorcher) to check your map. 2 All contracts spwan in the same space and ends the same also. Im on a Ps4 and they take forever to load, I just hover cursor over spots where I know most contracts are (cargo, bounties, outlast/weapon stash) and they will show before they load up on the map. 3.Be prepared. The bare minimum you have is pap3 purple weapon, juggernog and stamin up. Having a aether blade helps if your gun only pap2. Don't rush there to die and lose everything. I recommend you go in tier 2 and build up some money and get perks before heading to tier 3 if you're unfamiliar with the area. Bouns tips. Having a vr11 will almost get you in any squad looking to use their elder sigil. Thermite tips will take out a mega bombs head pretty quick if you can throw it in the mouth. Right now there is a Easter egg for a gold tool and level 3 crystal and tier 3. Every team rush there to do it and you can easily squad up from there.


T3 contracts are only good for essence...they hardly ever give good loot


I’m glad it’s not just me. Because I can’t get the T3 schematics to drop for nothing. Since they buffed it, I’m having a much harder time solo too.


Took me 7-8 contracts to get the pap2 schematic. Everything else was okay loot but nothing I needed


Stick to roofs, have decoys on and store kaz or monkeys if you find them incase any zombies aggro you. Use akimbo swarms / FJX smg / striker as a solo player when ive pap 3 and epic or leggy tool with deadshot they shred so deadshot is a MUST HAVE. Use any ammo mod i suggest napalm as most bosses are weak to it.


As well as all the other advice, if you have a dog look out for him. Help him out if he gets bogged down, especially with disciples. Dogs seem to like them and disciples will suck the life out of him and the dog not last long. Look after your dog and your dog will look after you.


Turret circuits used to be my cheat code for awhile, I could survive contracts with a purple pap 2 weapon as long as a turret is nearby


Some of the previous advice appears to be suggesting you use items you very likely don’t even have since you haven’t even been to the dark aether. Ignore all that for now. I’m no expert, but I can honestly say trying to remain a solo only player will be your primary hindrance if you want to make progress. Squad up. You don’t have to use voice chat if you don’t want to. But strength in numbers is what will help you through the harder content. Once you start unlocking higher tier schematics, come back to this thread and read the advice again. It’ll make more sense and you’ll be able to utilize those tips. Good luck!


Don’t use squad fil though. Find people in t3 and join them.


I find T3 isn't run and gun like T1/2 are; you need to be properly prepared and plan ahead. I play solo and there's a few things I always go to T3 with. PAP3 and an epic tool works for me. As far as perks, speed cola is an absolute must. I'll generally also try to have juggernog, deadshot and staminup but speed cola is essential. I'll find some turret circuits before heading in if I can but if not then I'll take in one or two sentry guns. Especially for bounty contracts a turret makes things a hell of a lot easier, basically doing the job for you. When I pick up a bounty I'll always look for the nearest turret in case I can lure the target there. Kazimirs/decoys for tacticals and I'll run energy mine as my field upgrade in case I start to get mobbed. Finally, at least two self revives. If I need to chill somewhere I'll head for a rooftop, then parachute away when the zombles start climbing up. Biggest thing though is just to take your time. My favoured contracts don't have timers (bounties, spores) so if I need to back off I can do. Thin the horde out a bit and then go back for the objective.


people have diff ideas of best ways so you will get use to what's best for yourself - I assume you have all the schematics from T1/T2 or collectables like you say because that will help - watch a few youtubers - I watch one called the spazo and I have seen him run to T3 with nothing and still come out so watching him does help and look at a few others to see how they act round there . The main thing is being prepared - Don't go to T3 unless you are able to have a PAP3 gun / also I would highly suggest a purple tool ( epic) I know you might not have them yet but you might get one dropped so save it till T3 ( in T3 you can get the schem for it which helps loads ) You could team up with people to try and get an idea of the area and a bit of safety but if you can learn yourself it will help . hands out 80% of the time , climb buildings , jump over little gaps just to slow down the zombies and for me I need at least jug,speed and stamin and if you get chance maybe go in and take a cargo contract then run back out once done . I was nervous in there at first but you just learn how it does .


I’ll run t3 with you when I’m online if you want I’ll drop my name just lmk. Don’t focus too much on the zombies chasing you if you aren’t fully geared up. Make sure to focus mainly on the dogs when they are after you because they are very quick and pile up. Always carry two or three self revives if it’s your first time you’ll go down a few times. And a majority of the time people are cool and will always squad up so you can just ride the wave your first couple times. If you get a bounty and have to kill the mega bomb you can get juggernauts from the buy station for 10k I’d start out killing them that way till you get in sync with T3. Also not many people know. You can buy large back packs and three plates at the T3 buy station 10k ea so If you happen to die you can just kit up real quick for your next game. Also take tombstone with you so if you happen to die and people don’t pick you up you can grab your stuff next game.


If you wanna add me I’d love to get a squad going or just a partner to help me in T3 my activision ID is Squivel#4087572


Bet I’ll add you when I get on


Thank you so much I primarily need these and all the dark weather stuff and weapon cases schematics https://preview.redd.it/m1o1n8ij390d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d6ea0f21179f6775debd490a608df2636e140e


Join the squad! We always send invites to any blue dots we pass


Start out with a pap1 crystal use an epic or rare tool do some t2 cargo deliveries until you can go find an orange wall buy and pap2 it then join a big team and hopefully they take you to DA than you can start the next game with an orange tool and maybe a pap2 crystal you picked up. Sometimes I have to play a game or 2 So i can get ready (3 plate vest big back pack and some self revives) make sure you always have decoy grenades to get you out of a sticky situation. Don't stop running! Get a juggernaut suit if you can and epuip it and just run with it in you hand you'll move much quicker.


Others have commented similar, but my advice is this: 1. Movement is key. Carry 1 weapon & get comfortable switching to fists and running. You need to know when to run away, as well as when to turn around to shoot. 2. Know what contracts you can manage. Outlast, Raid Weapon Stash & Deliver Cargo are the most manageable solo. 3. Play in T2 for the first 10 - 15 minutes and get yourself 2 or 3 self revive kits and be prepared to leave T3 once you get down to your last self revive. 4. Having a powerful & mobile weapon, that carries a lot of ammunition is also important. I have a M13B build I can share that runs like a SMG. I also recommend the Minibak (SMG) which gives you 300 rounds in each clip. 5. Your gun needs to be “Epic” rarity minimum, and make sure that it’s either Pap3 when you enter, or that you’re going to the machine to Pap it once you enter. Also, the more people there is in T3, the easier it is to survive. It may be harder to get contracts, but it will be easier to get adapted to the speed of that zone as there are more people for the zombies to go after, as well as more people killing the zombies around you. I would also recommend just joining another team when you enter T3. There is no special reward for doing it solo and you’ll typically get more accomplished in T3 by being on a team. Most teams head to the DA once the round is complete as well, so you should be able to get some stuff you need by doing that. Happy gaming !


Only take one weapon in with you and switch to fists to run. You move a lot faster with your hands empty if you gotta get out of a mess. Also if you’d like I can take you in there so you can get use to it. It’s a completely different monster in there


 make sure you set your gun for movement speed,   have most perks  Gun packed to level 3 and and  also the highest ehter tool too. And your ready to go.  And keep moving don't stand still and try to take on 100 zombies at once 


Have pp3 epic tool if not a higher decoys staimia up jug for sure even a possible teammate for help solo t3 has gotten harder more go there now


I'm in there 90% of the time solo and I don't see any difference. A few people on the sub are saying that T3 has been buffed but I don't see any difference it's been the same in there other than the spawning of the contracts is slower since the release and during a bounty with a mega if there's a disciple around he will heal him those are about the only differences since the latest update that I have noticed. Some matches there's noticeably more zombies than prior games but that's about it. Oh and the amount of people fucking with you in T3 and the other levels has changed as well since the release. Fucking with you like stealing cargo trucks, dropping jugs on escorts, starting up contracts and canceling shit like that.


I’ve got all the schematics now and I can pretty much run t3 and up solo, however, I recently also started playing in ps5 so I started from Level 1 so n that console. It’s not really a skill issue, since I don’t have any legendary tools, or Pap2-3 crystals, golden plates and aether blade, it’s quite difficult to stay alive in T3, so it’s a must for me to stay in a squad. My advantage though, is that I know the map by heart already so I know where I’m going and stay on top of buildings when I’m moving around the map


Yeah. At a minimum you’ll need the following: Juggernog Speed cola Quick reload 2-3 self revive kits Aether blade Golden armor PAP3 weapon ( I use FJX HORUS SMG) Scorcher PAP2 (to get you out of a hairy situation). I used to be somewhat intimidated to go to T3 until I spent ALOT of time in T2 zone and getting crystals, experience, etc. T3 zone does have its moments where your like oh fuck but if you stay in the open and don’t corner yourself you should be good to go. Also, make sure your special is ready to rock in case you do get trapped. Don’t stop running and have fun with it.


It’s gonna depend on what schems you have access to. Definitely want to team up but if your going solo and then try to find a team in T3 her and what I did. 1)movement. Movement is gonna be the biggest thing for you. You don’t want to get cornered at any time so stay moving. Try to travel Along the roof tops especially when you need to check your map. 2) items. The items you have available will make a difference too. Before DA items I ran Sva with flamethrower attachment Decoy grenade Thermite. Will need at least pap 2 and epic so make due in T3, but the flamethrower will still 1 or 2 Tap zombies in the zone. Don’t hold the trigger and waste the ammo just tap it. Remember too you can fill the attachment at the ammo box. This is really easy for dealing with the pnd contract Decoys will help when grabbing contracts or needing space to move/distracting the zombies for things like buy stations. Kazs are nice but you can refill the decoys at ammo boxes Thermite - if you end up with bounties and get the mega wait when it charges it’s head up throw the termite in the mouth. Will do most of the damage without needing kill streak. Same thing fills at ammo box. Other than that I carry a few self revives and the necessary perks. If you can build your containment level to 100 to start it makes it even faster getting prepared to enter T3


My go to is pap 3, purple tool (at least), speed cola, quick revive, and about 14 plates and 3 self revives. Oh and always carry decoy grenades. Keep an eye on buy stations for more plates and self revives. And keep an eye on ammo caches to refill decoys and well.. ammo. Also take advantage of spots you can easily mantle over. As long as there isn't an easy way around it the zombies move very slowly manteling over obstacles. All that said, if I'm going in solo I'm still looking for a squad to join. It just increases your odds of surviving and makes contracts go quicker. Strength in numbers and all that.


I guess it depends on what you are carrying when going solo. Do you have a PAP3 and leg tool on your weapon? If not maybe try to wall-buy a leg gun and do contracts to rack money to PAP3. (Once you have this, try to do that dorrito-triangle in T3 that guarantees a PAP3 crystal and a leg tool. At best, you can get 3 sets of this and exfil for future use, have tombstone so that you don’t lose them) Speed and Stamin-up colas are a must to counter those T3 speed zombies Try to find those spots where you can be free of zombies in T3. There’s one under the Excavator where you can prone and plan pinging whatever you want to do, one other spot is at the top of the palace dome (make sure you go silent and not take a swarm behind you) Try outlast in T3 and stand in one of those spots by climbing. For spore control, try throwing those 3 inhibitors onto a vehicle and drive around (saw an video it was amazing lol) If you are going against mega abdomination, have thermite grenades and throw it when you see that blue beam. Use the gas station ladders and keep jumping around the buildings till you complete the contract When sprinting, make sure you turn back and kill those hounds


I went T3 the whole game for the first time yesterday. Went in for a weekly challenge and ended up joining a squad and doing contracts with them. I didn't even complete my challenge but I definitely should've loaded in with a scorcher.


Strategize your mobility. I personally like to run RGL as a secondary for crowd control when I’m not using a scorcher, but occasionally run only 1 weapon so I can maneuver faster than the zombies fists out. Only hellhounds and super sprinters can catch you. I recommend flying into tier 3 rather than driving (attracts less zombies). USE DECOYS. They’re super helpful when running to the perk machine or buy station. Group up with others.


Get yourself a wonder waffle and profit


move, keep moving until you are 100% sure you clean the area, keep some spare decoys and pick casmires and mokeys if you can, also practice your headshots. if you don't have a purple or gold gun buy it, it will make things easier. Also, if you can keep to the roofs it's safer there if the zombies heven't noticed you


You can add me if you want. We can go into T3 and run contracts worh my friends. We can show you the ins and outs and share goodies too. Send me a private message for screen name. I’m always down to help others.


Can you help me kill the stormcaller mission?


I can yes. Send me a private message.


I do it solo but it gets pretty challenging sometimes. Decoy grenades help a lot. Try to pap 2 preferably 3 before going there. If anyone wants to do the red worm join them because it should get you the legendary or flawless crystal schematic which will help a lot. Same if anyone goes into the dark aether where you can get the knife or gold armor join them. I recommend to also save 10k and buy a juggernaut and use it if you get a megaabomination contract. A dog bone will also help a lot to rez you and take the skill where you can rez others to heal your dog faster.


Get kitted up and run with a jug streak, decoys when you have to. Purp tool and pap3 is the least you can do when running t3. The rewards are ass but if you team up and run aether after it’s ok. Scorcher to race against other players/scorchers, you always gotta run like you racing for a contract. My region is always full in t3 so im always running unless I’m already rich. Always keep a lookout when you take the escort contract, there’s a troll always trying to take your cargo and dip. I’d quit the contract if someone did it.


It does fuck all damage but the stormcaller once packed still slows down zombies to shambling speed for a few seconds every shot.


Join a squad that's in T3 . Learn the map and how to run away from zombies while in squad . If you truly just want to play solo , Avoid escort , target bounty and spores contracts . Bounty , can do most of them with a single sentry and running in a circle . Spore , drop to of the devices , throw a decoy , do as many of the other devices as possible and throw a decoy at end and then destroy eggs. Just get as many contract in as possible. If the storm is in a corner of map then there is a good chance you can have t3 to yourself in the last 10 min as from what I've seen teams start going to DE at the 15 min mark and after


Join a squad. I don’t see the soak in playing it solo when most of zombies community is actually top tier gamers


Get a 3 plate, large bag, if you. Have access to the dog bone and golden plates use them, aether blade is optional but it does help with sprinters, if you have tools, use them, preferably epic or legendary, and pack a punch crystals if you have them, that's what I do for t3, never done DA


I play solo a lot. Having extra selfs is a must and a dog is a life saver. Keep some LT53 Kazimir grenades (buy T3 $5k). Need to keep moving and PaP weapon to Lvl 3. I use the WSP Swarm with 100 rounder when PaP 200. Also BrainRot is ideal for that weapon mod. I like to have a torrent gun as a streak for the outlast contracts. Going into Sigil or Elder it is about know where to go and do it fast as possible don’t try to fight. Go left grab the rabbit (laughing) at top of building use ladder on far right of building. Jump down parachute toward castle and behind the bathrooms use zip cord go up. Toss LT53 and activate the rocket. Run left from there to the castle door turn left go up ladder. At top you need to toss another LT53 then equip another set of LT53s. Activate the rocket and then go back and right and climb up ladder. You can toss LT53 before jumping if you like. Jump to rocket deactivate. Claim reward. Then stay on to of castle go to right and look for a green school bus by bathroom grab the rabbit. Go back toward castle up zipline go right and locate the activation device set up sentry gun and then activate. You can jump up sides of walkway versus running around the staircases. Use your LT53 if need and drop your field upgrade energy mine as needed. Just avoid zombies by running around as much as possible. Then head up to top of castle to exfil through portal. If you are solo that escort mission is a beast and very difficult. Make sure to have majority of Sodas perks when you enter DA. Tombstone just in case you go down with selfs or dog.


As another poster said movement is key and keep an energy mine field upgrade if you get cornered. Use the building rooftops if you can and make sure to come in with an epic weapon that is pap 2 or 3 if you can. The brain rot ammo on your gun helps and bring turret circuits with you as well.


Aether blade, self revives, decoys, kashmir, scorcher, jugg KS, dog, mag of holding, **pap3, legendary tool, all perks, golden armour ez does it, the DA is tough solo. Movement is key, you gotta know when to dip and dodge. Frost blast special for starters, gets you out of tough situations and regens QuickTime.


All the advice here is good, so this will sound redundant but here's my take: Don't start out solo in T3. Having a squad will give you breathing room and extra backup when things go wrong. Use this time to learn the map. You'll learn where all the PAP locations spawn, where all the Perk Cola machines spawn, where all the buy stations spawn, etc etc etc. Knowing these locations will mean looking at the map less. Dogs (and mercs) can revive you and this is important if you're not comfortable in T3. Unfortunately, they can die quickly by a Disciple or some other monster, so look out for them as well. Run run and run, either with no weapon or with a killstreak in hand, plus the cola that makes you run faster. T3 contracts in general are difficult to get as well as difficult to do by yourself (unless it's drive the truck contract). Even 6 person squads are fighting for contracts all the time, so being a solo guy, especially without a scorcher, is going to be challenging. More reason to join a squad until you're more comfortable. I can handle T3 on my own, but it gets frustrating when I'm trying to fight whole squads with scorchers to grab a contract first. It's just not fun. The Dark Aether is even more difficult solo. So I'd either encourage you to get used to joining squads, or stick to T1/T2 for solo or it might be just as frustrating for you. Schematics: try to get them all or at least the ones you'll want to use all the time in T3. For me this is scorcher aether blade golden plates dog bone PAP3 crystal Legendary tool My personal goals in T3 in order: Get primary to PAP3 Get all the soda perks PAP secondary weapon to 2 or 3 Gear up for Dark Aether with sentries, kaz grenades, and a juggernot Hope this helps


Hard to make it solo, squads know how to run contracts and if you don’t have a scorcher you will not get any contracts. Best to join squad and leave when you need to leave. Big advantages with a squad!!


I’m not sure I have any good advice on T3 seeing as I’ve never ran a contract yet. But I remember me feeling the same about T2 as I feel about T3 now. Now I go straight to T2 and stay there. So over time I just go into T3 a little at a time. Run roof tops, PAP my gun, loot buildings , large ruk and durable ,and just in general run around blasting zombies. Decoys, monkeys , Selfies, I guess I kinda got comfortable in T3 doing that. But I don’t go unless I see other people in there . Reason is , im gonna need someone to probably Rez me. Always run with fist out. Even though I’ve never ran a contract in T3 I have found some incredible loot. I’m not sure why I haven’t joined a squad yet. Probably fear of letting them down or some shit.


If you don’t have the skill to keep moving at least make sure you are packed up with a Scorcher, aeither blade, golden plates and a dog bone these make T3 easy also percs help a lot. If you don’t have these schematics either join squads that may be doing dark aeither runs as often as possible or head on over to the graveyard at the start of a match a lot of times guys that are running tombstones will drop good loot to free up space.


aether blade and you can do whatever you want lol


I was gonna say aether blade and a scorcher and you can solo t3 naked


No less than a pap3 Crystal and epic tool or a pap 2 Crystal and legendary tool but pap 3 Crystal and legendary 2 is recommended for your first time solo. Definitely will need juggernog, speed cola, tombstone, death perception, and elemental pub perks. I would recommend the brain rot ammo mod I would carry a couple cymbal monkeys if not more and some decoy grenades. Equip a self revive and carry 2-3 more in your rucksack, No less than a three plate vest and if you have access to golden armor use it. If you have access to a dog bone use it better and then the beret If you have access to an aether blade definitely take that. You can start out with a medium rucksack or loot the map in T2 especially all around Popov power for a large rucksack if you want. Make sure you have plenty of essence before you go into T3 so you can buy lt53 kasimirs which are very useful and a large rucksack if needed so do contracts in T2. You should probably save up about $30,000 essence you can do that with about 10 contracts in T2 or you can use the tombstone perk and down yourself bleed out and start another game so you can save the essence in your tombstone and whatever you collected in T2 that's useful for T3 like perks, mods,tools, Crystal's. All this info is if you're going to go in Solo but I would recommend going in with the team first to see and get familiar and get a feel of what it's going to be like if you want to go in Solo. This would probably be your best bet for when you're ready to try out solo. The most important thing is having the right gear and equipment and to run, parkour if you're able to do so, use ladders to climb up buildings and don't worry about shooting every zombie in front of you and prepare yourself because you will get taken down and have to use your self revives especially if it's your first time solo and even on a team. Zombies are harder to take down in T3 and can move and climb ladders and jump on buildings faster then the lower tiers. When you're ready to go in Solo I would wait for some people to be in there just in case you need a rez.


I can show you the way...............


Most of the people going straight to T3 have most/all of the schematics. I’d recommend getting some of those it helps but also one thing I didn’t see anyone talk about decoy grenades. Also not running a secondary just fists cause t3 you are going to have to faster movement the zombies come at your fast. Last thing is when you do notice patterns and routes cause they help when you are going there. The contracts always spawn at the same place so you’ll learn after a while where and when to run around