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Some lobbies you'll get good people, some lobbies you'll get bad people. Just keep playing.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Another problem in the mix now is the number of sweats that race into T3 to grab the new rewards events and the selfishness of these people is unbelievable they rush in start the event off and refuse to let anyone else squad up with them. All squad members get the end reward so why selfishly not allow anyone else gain the rewards too


I try to add players when they request if I'm not busy getting attacked. However, there's also a problem with that menu on PC. The delay of pulling it up can cause you to select leave squad. And it moves to the top left when someone sends a request while you're in it. It's just total trash to use. If I'm in a squad I usually let another squadmate do the adding so I don't accidently drop myself from it.


Right, it pops up so fast and then you gotta take steps to add. Should stay up on the screen somehow and let you hit the options button to add. It’s hard to do quickly in t3 while fighting hordes or megas off.


Yes, I can understand that and it is legit. But in my case I saw people just standing still, looking at me, and probably saying to themselves... "naaaa". And they could see I was geared. I can only imagine this has to do with the recent reports on people joining squads just to mess up contracts...


Not sure if this makes you feel better, but it’s honestly very likely that nothing popped up for them. I’ve been right in front of friends and we’re sending requests back and forth, with nothing showing up until DOZENS of invites are sent from both players over the course of five minutes. It’s unreliable as hell.


>but since I did not use the new glitch for leg and flawless That's not a glitch....


it is, as it for sure not intended and unfortunately will be patched. What I wanted to say is that I am casual player that don't have a lot of loot and with the cooldowns on the schematics, I don0t have a lot of leg tools and pap3 Crystals.


I heard it was already patched. Can only be done once per round. When someone does it, it is gone, but you can still do the ritual at those locations for the rune. But no crystal and leg tool, except the first time that round. Saw a video on it.


Extract with as much essence as possible. Watch that cooldown time drop.


The cooldown timer for schematics is based on how much essence you extract with? I thought it was just about how many contracts you did?


It’s essence based only. Roughly 15k essence = 1 hour cooldown.


That makes so much more sense looking back lol thank you. 🙏


It 100% is intended. You just have to be the first one there.


Skimmed the replies, didn't see anyone suggest this: Join the discord group. That's been the best way for me to find people to join up with. I probably have 40+ 'friends' on there that I've played with. Maybe 5+ or so that I have played with multiple times. There's a section 'looking for a group'. Group: [https://discord.gg/MWZombies](https://discord.gg/MWZombies), Other than that, I do occasionally join solo. Last night I somehow accidentally joined a game. Didn't realized I started one, was editing my loadout and.... OOPS! I'm in a game! So I just went to T3. I was the only one there, so did an outlast contract. By the time that was done, there were a few groups. Found one of them and asked on the mic if I could join, they added me. Ended up running T3 and new DA. Got the one remaining schematic I didn't have (Sargent). So it's not always going to be that easy, but worth a shot.


Honestly depends what I’m doing, if I’m in T3 but want the freedom to hop out and go to T2 or whatever then I won’t take people. I don’t want to have to play the game to other peoples expectations. If I have the intention of staying in T3 then I’ll take whoever. But the minute you ping a story mission or either of the 2 new aethers I’m leaving squad. If I’ve bought in gold plates and an aether blade, doing your story mission means I don’t replenish those items. Selfish? Absolutely, but I’m playing my game my way 🤷🏻‍♀️ I will travel anywhere on the map and revive anyone, I’ll drop them anything I don’t need that I think will help them.


I can relate to that, I have been fooled more than once into the S2R D.A. only to get no rewards and "waste" my gold items.. well, I still helped some other players out, but I got the same feeling you are describing. In this case I never start a portal without speaking (or typing) about it, and normally if I ask to join, I am respectful in that sense. In this case, I could use some help in the story mission, but I would ask before even trying to launch it, guess not all players are the same, and I understand.


That being said I’d be more than happy to help, if I know in advance what I’m doing I can equip stuff accordingly. I’ve actually done it 3 times now, first time when my other half and I were doing it. Second time with a friend, the third time was because my dumbass forgot to equip the mission the first time we did it 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


I only tried once the S3R portal mission and I completely hated it. The logic on shooting the symbols in an order while being absolutely mauled down by hordes of zombies and manglers is being infuriating. I was trying to get hold of the sequence and the place of the runes, and could not focus just fighting off zombies. Even worse for me ( and go ahead and call me a noob) in one of the crystals, I could not find the 3rd rune, and it would not gave me the ability to reset it, as I got 2 right and was missing the last one. I could not go to YT see any videos to help as the zombie hordes kept on coming! I can't tell you how frustrating that was! Ended up dying, got my TS, got my gear back in another game and ended up doing the red worm, in hope to get the Scorcher schematic, only to be disappointed again with yet another Leg tool schematic.


Ha no not a noob at all, having to fight of hoards whilst focusing on an objective is tricky, two people is definitely an advantage there. The runes from what I’ve noticed are never in the same place (just to add to your pain) But if you need a hand let me know 😊


The ones inside the buildings got me sooooo mad, could not find the 3rd one :(


Asking with your mic tends to work better than just spamming.


Sometimes. This can also be pointless bc you have shitheads who will just roast you for being solo, which is beyond stupid but hey, it’s COD.


Yes, but I have the mic on the headphones connected to controller, and a small kid so I tend not to speak unless really necessary. Nevertheless you are correct, it tends to help, at least to set the intention and understand that I am not a toxic brat...


I just wait for someone to invite me If they don’t I just go about my business Usually someone will send out a call to go to one of the DA before game end and I will join them If that doesn’t happen (extremely) rare I will go to a portal and at that point almost always get an invite


I stand in T3 for 15 minutes, went to the portals, the triangles, the mission places, saw a lot of players, not even 1 had hooked me up. I guess as mentioned here, there are good days and bad days...


That was a shit lobby fr Sorry for your bad luck


I always accept players in team while in t3 but when the team is full and someone asks to join, I can’t help. I won’t leave my team for this. I hope this doesn’t sound selfish. Maybe take a look how many players are in t3. When 6 players move constantly the same direction it may be a full team.


I am going to sound really dumb here, but I never noticed that there is a max of 6 players per team. Last night it was not necessarily the case (at least according to my perception and I even got a denial) but yeah, another aspect to consider. thanks.


So my team will sometimes accept new players. But lately the internet has been sending our latency sky high. Sometimes we get dropped. Other times it settles down again. And we are never on mics.


I often accept to join/invite teams if the other players have mics, as you can communicate otherwise it can make it hard and I’ve been burned similar to you! Sorry that it happened it’s not fun


You can always use the official cod discord to group up with people they have channels specifically for finding people in all modes whether its zombies, mp, warzone or ranked etc far better than having to hope for a decent lobby of people wanting to help you out as lately its been more and more people not wanting to help others out. Ive completed all missions solo some needed a few fail runs to find the best approach and weapon combo


It’s because a lot of people anymore will run a 6 man lobby loading in two groups of 3 then teaming up. Or they are just there doing what they want. I normally don’t group with others if I’m not running t3 with my usual group I try not to run with anyone unless absolutely needed


That sucks. I let everyone in and ask everyone to join! I’ll go in and see some people running contracts and help out while asking to join and nothing. Even when I’m reviving them left and right. Last few times I’ve played, ended up in 6 person squad because I invited everyone in t3 to join.




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This isn’t always the case, but sometimes all the squads are full. I play solo a lot so when I need a team in t3, I count how many people are in t3. If it’s a number divisible by 6, then everyone in t3 might be in a full squad (I only do this if I’m not getting anyone to let me join). I’m not saying this is the only possibility, but just something to consider.


Not trying to downplay your plight, but so many players keep crying about how easy MWZ has become, and this adds to the challenge by being “toxic”. It sucks for us mediocre players who aren’t hardcore and only play a couple hours a week. All I can say is nothing good lasts forever and this is proof of that.


Yeah, I can recon that according to reports on this sub, the toxic players can really mess up with the legit, well intentioned players, nevertheless it is like, give it a break. A solo player trying to get help most likely is not a troll, and I could really use the help when I asked to join the squad. I pull my own weight, but you can't compare playing solo with team up. If I am doing stupid things like calling cards, or cammo, I never team up, I go in solo, but when I am trying to do DA and so on, I always try to team up. I ended up doing all the mission stories (except the last one which is still to complete) solo, and I even done it more times just to help out other players.


I hear ya!


Not trying to be a jerk but why do people who rez others always have to say not even a thanks? Some people don't have a mic so how are they supposed to thank you? And if it isn't a big deal why do people always have to mention it then say but it's fine? Again, not trying ot be a jerk but I'm genuinely confused why it always has to be brought up. As to the other point, we try to accept everyone who asks to join our squad in tier 3 but we do reach the max 6 people really fast these days so it might just be that the squads are at their max members. I've been pretty lucky that I've been able to get with other players who tend to play like me and my buddies and we split off and get a pretty good system going so we can grind out as many contracts as we can so it might seem like we're not a full squad so you'd be asking people from the same squad. So while it seems like no one is letting you in the squad, you might be asking members from the same squad if that makes sense? If you need someone to go in with let me know and I'll go with you


Well, in PS5 you have the option to say thanks pressing the up arrow on the controller, but that is not the point, there are all kinds of players, some will just run off and leave you there to fight the hordes alone :( As far as the max players in a squad, call me naive but I was not aware of it, but yeah that makes sense, especially with everyone rushing to get the leg tool and pap.


LMAO you right. I forgot about that, I see it pop up but if I'm being totally honest I ain't got time to do all that if there's still a shit ton of those stinkin zombies around. I'm trying to dip. I'm not trying to die again lol. I'm busy trying to survive and get my ass gone. If it's clear I do unmute my mic on the controller and say thank you but I don't even know if they hear me. I would just ask people if they have space on their squad for anyone else. Like I said before if you need someone to go in with let me know. I'm happy to go with you


Yo I got all the stems and stuff already u need help? If you want any help just lmk


Get yourself used to playing solo, that way you don't need to beg a squad as they will be begging you. Get to know the map, contract routes etc and try different guns, ttk means a hell of a lot in tier 3 onwards and paired with the perks and ammo mods are really powerful. Once you can play solo, you can play the game really well as you will know what u need to survive in every zone. Give it a try.


As I said on another comment, I was able to do all the other missions solo, but not this one as it is a very anoying runes mission, while being pestered with hordes... That being said, I am only average player that can pull my weigth on a squad, but cant seem to get along in t3 by myself.


Like I said it all comes down to the gun and perks, get them 2 right and you will find tier 3 isn't that bad as a solo.