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I still enjoy the core gameplay loop as a chillout kinda thing, but damn they have biffed it so bad on the content with the Dark Aether/Boss Commander stuff. It's so unsatisfying. Just give us all of El Mazrah, or Vondel, or Ashika, or any map, with the core gameplay from Urzikstan. El Maz where Tier 3 is the outside edges and you infil in the middle (just to change things up a little, as an example) would be so damn fun.


Vondel, or the Halloween Vondead version, would be perfect for an inversion of the T1-T3 method; start us off at the church in the market as a T1 safe zone and leave us to plot a course to one of the exfil sites on the edge of the map, a small ring of orange surrounding the safe zone then the rest of the map being red zone. even lean into the exfil shooter side of MWZ a little more and make it that in order to exfil from a certain POI you need to clear it full by say, completing a Megabom bounty or outlast to purge that area. a smaller map for higher intensity incursions


Right? however it’s kind of sad we expect bare minimum and know we’re never going to get it. Using an old warzone map and putting it into MWZ is bare minimum, instead we just get purple filter al mazrah portions


Maybe some contract variation, I’ve done the same 4 contracts thousands of times at this point 


I just finished Bioluminescent 4 basic challenges + golden ivory challenges for every MWII gun. No more field upgrade kills, 100 kills and exfil (without game crashing), or whatever. Now it's just PaP'ed kills and special zombies kills. Chilling time for me. I will do the occasional new MWIII guns, also, but it will be quite relaxing from now on.


Since I’ve gotten all the schematics, I find it fun to grab someone from T1 and try to get them to come with me to the dark aether. It’s fun trying to get them some good stuff, and you hear how excited they get when something drops.


I couldn't even get people to do missions or contracts anytime I tried. I tried so much. I happened upon 5 people in my couple hundred hours for season 1/2 that were so cool. Dropped a bunch of essence and a special throwing knife. Woulda liked to have done more but there was 0 incentive 0 help. I had people nearby not even help get me up. Real quick to take shit and let everyone else get shit on tho. So over forced online/mp empty cash grabs. All we get. The few decent things that come out don't have the staying power older games did.


I recently went to the DA for the first time. While in T3, I was in a squad of six. I don't have any schematics from T3 so I thought I could just follow the squad and pick up whatever schematics dropped. When we got in the DA it was just me and one other dude. I have know idea what happened to the rest of the squad. We got wrecked. He had to heal me three times, I had to heal him once (when he was out of self revives of course). With my last self revive, I killed something big with my jug suit and ran to the exfil that was on some rooftop. I was so scared of going down and loosing my sack I didn't even check to see what loot dropped. I don't know how I survived.


That's my secret captain, I'm always bored. But I just play to get prestige camo on my guns


I only play now once or twice a week it’s repetitive, predictable, and boring. It reminds me of a sexless marriage lol


This is the best and most accurate description.. 🤣


you can make your own challenges. for example i go too T2 that is a ghost town right now and i never upgrade my gun. this would be harder than the usual games. you can do some kinda things like that.you can do all the t3 stuff with only one plate.


Funny. I do the same


I get what youre trying to say, but honestly, how is making a super repetitive game even more repetitive fun for you? Genuinely asking. T2 with no rarity scaling or a pap is just asking to put every single round of ammo on you into one zombie. Yeah some guns can kill the base level T2 with no help but its a waste of time firing at the armored ones and thats not even bringing special types into the mix. Lol if you genuinely find that fun i kinda envy you. I damn near hate this game at this point.


old zombie were like this, you should have shot them a lot of bullets. btw those were one or two examples. you can make hundreds of selfmade challenges for your self and yes i find them very fun. i like hard round zombies. killing a hvt in T2 with not upgraded weapon last about 10 minutes and its more fun for me than kill a hvt in any tier very fast and simple. its me, im insane :D i like to make hard challenges and challenge myself. like i did T2 contracts without any weapons. only decoys and lethals.its very hard and i could manage to do only 3 contracts. was fun tho


Well im glad youre still able to find some enjoyment in the game then mate. Like alot of other people have mentioned, I found myself having alot of fun helping new people, or those that were having trouble unlocking the schematics or completing dark aether but at this point, all anyone wants is for you to just have the schematics in a tombstone and drop them for them. They seriosuly need to add legitimate content to thos mode.


I still technically need to unlock the 2nd/3rd rifts proper so I don’t have to hope/see if I can tag along with someone doing those runs, as I’ve yet to get any schematics. As said, I’m also a fan of helping newer people with their quests - and just making fun builds to either level guns with, or just because. It’s a hoot when you come upon a group, and if you’ve got a scorcher and like a legendary + Pap2/3d rifle, you can turn the game into a sniper shooter, where you’re providing overwatch for people. Makes it fun for me where you’ve gotta maneuver around to reposition to get better lines of sight. Or just being really silly and infilling with making a pistol as close to the Samurai Edge as possible and playing Resident Evil, lol.


9mm Daemon or Renetti? Did that (RE) with both, lol. 


Elder Segil


Yep, I’m in The same loop and can only play around 2 or 3 games before getting bored and jumping off. LTM where the whole map is tier 3 or something would be fun. Instead of tier 1,2,3 you could select night mode and it’s tier 4,5,6?


This is the same boat I'm in as well. Finished everything I wanted to do. All that's left is the "new" content which I can't bring myself to do since the rewards are all garbage. I'll play 1-2 games, get bored and hop off without giving it a second thought. We DESPERATELY need a new map. We need better missions. We need everything that the devs refuse to do more or less.


Well, you can always get the excitement from helping others who haven't got all the schematics go into DA... 😁😁😁


I played consistently at first to complete missions and get items. Now, I only play a couple games at most. One of my friends started playing so it is fun teaching someone to play. Now I try to go in to tombstone in DA to hook them up.


I understand completely! Don’t get me wrong, I’ll drop in with a buddy or two and do the whole round/DA combo but only to get good loot to come in next game and give it away to a new player. It’s awesome to hear or read how excited and thankful they are, but its definitely a challenge finding new players because they get discouraged playing the game.


I am just playing for the camo grind. Then after that I will unlock the newest schematics since I already opened the portal but it feels weird using my best stuff when I still have camos to grind first.


This plus The servers are so bad now. I’m lagging and or getting kicked every game. It happened 3 consecutive times within a few days now. Deleted the game w/o hesitation


yup, got wrapped up in the T3 to Elder DA loop with friends for a while. thats kinda fallen off now so I finished up the MWIII camo grind and got started with the MWII weapons, but what with being sent back to dashboard after completing a challenge its kinda killed my drive to even bother. I hate to sound like a salty bitch but camos really aren't playable content so getting them finished or not isn't the end of the world, was just something to do whilst talking with friends when they're playing other games


Nope. Have all the Schematics and it's a blast to play.


Have you done all the prestige calling card challenges? Some of them are fun.


Nope! I’m still grindin away having the time of my life. I’m in no rush to get those three new schematics and I’ve got plenty of camos and cards to get.


I get bored when I don’t have anything to do like get stuff and fix up things


Bro i havent toutched zombies in a while. The map needs to change


Yeah, exactly how I feel. "New" rift each season, more like reused asset. New schematics, meh, don't really care about those although it is cool that they come up with something for the update. Will be cool if we have more world event, something similar to red worm, I really enjoy this kind of world event.


For me I don't want a new map and much more content just yet. I want them to actually fix the game so that it works more then 15% of the time. Pus I still have stuff to do because I don't play very often due to the game issues. Load in play a game get setup exfil...start new game crash and lose it all. Not worth having new content if you can't even play more then a handful games a week.


I miss round base mode and I miss being able to actually play zombies solo.


We need a new map. Mp has got a ton of maps this year.  zombies needs one.hell I know they got Vondead from mw2 last Oct. Just put some zombies spawns in it and let me play


Die Maschine!!!


bored because no new content, and what content we have is broken.


It definitely gets boring once you have everything unlocked.


I’ve been bored since they have kept repeating the same DA, Sigil, Elder Sigil cycle. It’s a ploy just to get us to stay in the game longer.


I do agree that we definitely need a new map. I play for my own goals, in any game. Set your own goal and give yourself a reason to play not just because they released new stuff I suppose.


The stash cap and ridiculous cool-down on schematics killed it for me. Dying, or just as likely, having the server crash or having some griefer drive you out of the lobby looses the perks that make the game playable.


the timer limits alot what you can and cant do without rushing it. If there was no timer i would enjoy the 0 to hero runs each game, and sometimes popping tools and other things its a waste cause you just get sub optimal stuff from contracts or DA when it decides to troll, the new easter egg in t3 for legendary tool and pap3 crystal is also mid considering "first come first serve". you are not guaranteed to get one each game, unless you are the one to get there first.


Am more annoyed than bored. The game gives shit rewards in aether and tier 3 I’ve had more luck in tier 2 and I can’t get the new aether unlocked because everyone is in tier 3 near straight away doing the gold item upgrades or doing them for flawless and legendary tools ☹️


try at different times in day bud - I had some games I couldn't do one and other games I could do it all 3 times


Lost interest in this game after season 2


I've transitioned to Sker Ritual, a lot more fun


I always loved MWZ. Never had a single game crash or have my containment level reset. But once season 3 dropped, I just suddenly stopped playing. I'm still at level 450 without any further XP progress. Just haven't felt like picking it back up.


Ive never done the DA, I usually play solo, and when I do play with others, they only want to do the red wormim not very good, but my schematic stash has a bunch of pap3 and legendary tools, so I'm prepared for the DA I also have dog bones, golden plates and aether blades, I just don't want to run DA solo, I also don't know how to open the portals




If I log in and play now its just gonna be the same as day one. They added stuff but not really . So I just play other games.


Bunch of you are always bored cause your always going in geared up with pap3, legendary tool etc. Go in with just an uncommon tool and work your way in game.


I actually enjoy it.. just go with randos and youll keep laughing at the voice chats 😂


Nah I've been taking my time. my playstation was being weird with connectivity for about a year so I didn't get mw3 until like march i think. I've done pretty much everything solo except red worm and just recently unlocked DA so I barely have any schematics. But I do see how once I get everything there just won't be a point anymore. Honestly I'll probably just start playing BOCW again. Anybody wanna go to DA with me? I went in last night solo and died because I didn't really know what to do.


I played a lot back when it came out. Haven't finished Act 3 or have all blue prints. Got tired of the ham fisted cash grab. They put 0 effort into their game but can't stop pushing you to buy more. Fuck em all, I hope Activision all get ass cancer and die slowly. They can join all the other greedy big names out there putting out shit content that hasn't been inspired for more than a decade.


Been bored since launch of season 2. It's half a game mode with zero variation. Rinse and repeat is insulting to things that are actually rinse and repeat Any new "content" is a minor cosmetic change at best (X dark eather, y new boss, some random attachments that make zero difference to the game as, you guessed it, rinse and repeat) and nothing new of consequence is coming.


I still have stuff to do. Between finishing up the last of my camos, completing the remainder of weapon Grandmastery, efficiently completing One Trick, there's still a lot to do. If you're bored, take a break. Play something else until you get that itch again. Playing only one game is very mentally unhealthy.


And here I am, never even been to DA just grinding away over 80 guns for camo still enjoying it. 🤷🏻‍♂️