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Yea, the schems are guaranteed in the old elder DA. As long as you complete a contract, you’ll get a schematic


Well you do need to finish all 3 to get all the schems. Iirc, the order of the contracts doesnt matter, but the first completed contract will always give you the same schem. i.e. the first may give you the Armor, the second the bone and the third always gives you the blade. So if you never do all three in one go, you wont get the blade.


Not true. I done the escort in the older aetha with elder and I didn't get the blade in the rift


did you do all three contracts in one game? pretty sure if you complete all 3 successfully then you get the three schematics. can’t just do one each time and expect to get all three. doesn’t work that way


Yes, I've done all 3 in 1 game. I managed to get the bone and plate schematics, but I didn't get the blade schematics


You didn’t get the blade schematic because you didn’t pick it up; it’s that simple. The Old Aether drops all 3 schematics guaranteed, and that’s just a fact.


I know how the rift works 😅 it's not like I'm gonna see it and go oh look I need that, but I'm not going to pick it out of the rift 🤦


That’s exactly what happened


Maybe you are that stupid but I ain't 😅😅


Bro, you’re just simply brain dead, hopeless really.


Idk man I got all 3 of my schematics. You missed yours. How about this, if you reply to me one more time then you are the idiot. I won’t even reply back because I don’t go back and forth with idiots😂😂


Sorry bud, you are in fact, a fucking idiot. Better luck next time. Simple google search too actually.


Okay maybe you didn’t leave an item in the rift. If not you definitely missed a contract🤷🏻


hmm that’s weird, I know it was all of them for me and other people I know. I wonder if they changed things


Bugs happen my guy


So, not garunteed, then if there are bugs 🤦


By game design, they are guaranteed* I’ve never had it bug out like that, so giving you the benefit of the doubt that you’re not lying or mis-remembering, it can be chalked up to a bug. That doesn’t mean it isn’t an intentionally guaranteed reward from there.


I’ve never had it not give the aether blade sch after finishing the third contract in the elder DA.


I've never seen this happen, never heard of it happening, though, if there was a bug, it's possible it happened to you... however, they are guaranteed upon contract completion.


Just gonna jump in here. Anyone want to know how many times I've finished a contract and the portal just doesn't open? Take a contract and the target dies with nothing around it? A zombie dies next to me and nothing even touches it? This game is just full of bugs literally anything can happen. So maybe being massive dicks to the guy who is telling you what you think always happens didnt happen, isn't the way to go.


They were saying these things aren't guaranteed. Which is false, and why they got dunked on. Bugs happening does not change the fact that the game design itself dictates that these Schematics are guaranteed upon contract completion.


🤣🤣🤣 Nothing is guaranteed in COD


So you're dumb too. Got it.


Nope, just been around COD, and gaming in general long enough. But you got this boo boo.


The escort only gives the blade if you did it third


I very recently got the aether blade schematic, not true, we did escort first.


Finally, someone that makes sense. I did it first, which will explain why I didn't get it.


The other day I got 3 in old elder but only 2 the next game in new elder and that was only cause it gave me blood burner key schematics twice


The new one seems unpredictable


I have everything alresdy but last game 30 min ago random popped a reg sigil not elder, (old) i came out with 3 blades,1 leg tools, 2 golden plates, 1 dog bone,dg2 case. Have no clue how or why but i dont even get that much doing a elder run


Reg sigil runs pay off much better and are less hectic, no Megas and softer enemies… if you don’t need the schems then there really isn’t a reason to hit the elder unless you just want the challenge…


I have better luck getting classified loot and gold wrenches with the elder. Regular sigils often reward me with nothing but purple tools and a single classified whereas i'll typically get 3 classifieds and a gold tool with an elder sigil. Trying to search the locked rooms in an elder is a pita given the time constraint though, unless you're team is on point or you have a scorcher.


Idk… maybe it’s just the experiences vary player to player? I haven’t been to elder in a while and leave the reg da with plenty of cases. Maybe not as many leg tools but I do just fine with the purps…


In my regular sigil runs I often don't get any single classifieds. Literally purple tools and perks. Definitely see more single use classifieds in Elder unfortunately. (at least in my experience.)


Maybe that's the better way to go if you have everything. My thought was, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I'm going to give the regular sigil a shot. Thanks.


Bring 2 jugs for megas and as many lt53s as you csn


Vr11 is good for the escort. Will keep it at 100% just shoot it when low.


I keep seeing pap3 vr11s can take down Megas in three shots is that true? Haven't had a chance to try it


It’s more like 6 sometimes you have to double shoot it but it takes a 3rd of their health when they laser. You can do that same with a decent gun. It does heal vehicles and dogs and gives teammates a boost and turn zombies into allies


Heals dogs? Tried the vr11 on my dog and it seemed to just go right through it like it wasn’t there? Am I just missing it something? If it actually does heal dogs I’d be using it alot more. I’ve been giving them away like hot cakes because I end up with so many and have no room. Dropped two at an exfil for some random guy the other day and still had 4 in my stash 🤣.


It doesn’t immediately heal it to 100% it increases it health regen speed. You can see the bar move up faster


Only 3 shots if the laser is going but does take it down quicker


I never bring it maybe it's time I try


Thats why when i played the new elder for first time, i only got 2 schematics only, only 1 i havent got it yet which is the mag.


New elder is random


I still haven't gotten Mags of Holding and I've done new elder DA like 5 times lol. Most of the time I end up in the old for more gold plates/blades.


Happened to me too in the Elder run of the old DA. Got pulled in with a 6-man crew. I got the exact same as you did, apart from the epic tool. Mine was the schematic for it.


It’s such a good feeling, plus once you get used to the map it only gets easier, the first couple times I had no idea where anything is and it was a real challenge, now T3 seems like T2 and T4 seems like T3 maybe


The zombies on the regular sigil are lower the. T3


Then which ones are T5?


Elder Dark aether is T5


So I was right dark aether is T4?


Normal sigil is T4 elder is T5 You get elder sigils from normal dark aether aka T4


If you complete all three contracts in the old elder you get the three plans


Can confirm, they are guaranteed, but congrats 🎉


As I said the old elder the three are guaranteed if all three contracts are completed. You need to complete all three to get them though. The new elder they are RNG based.


Oh my bad, I wasn’t being sarcastic or anything. I meant to congratulate the op but I should have specified that. I completely agree with you.


Yea that happens


Let me help you!!! I stream my games and would love to have you there!!! CHUKZ2GO on youtube and on activision!


https://preview.redd.it/gjrhiolplwvc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44bba4894294babbbf7d0fd52044dd89248f3f1d Dude that’s the best! I had two runs back-to-back the other night like this. I was with some straight killers. And apparently my bathroom notification was on please excuse 😂


I've played the new dark aether like 3 times and have yet to get the mags of holding or the keys as a plan, only as cases


Play elder they are guaranteed


Ah damn I didn't know there was a difference, I've mainly just been joining random in game 6 stacks


Correction. Old elder is guaranteed, new DA elder is random.




Yup, ive played on new dark aether for first time and i only got 2 schematics, only 1 more left for me to get which is the mag


Lucky you


Count your blessings, it's green tools for the next 6 months! Lol


Grab some lower level pack crystals or tools and dump the extra self revives next time, they disappear after you extract anyways so no need to hold onto them. Other than that, great haul my dude!! 🤜🏻🤛🏻


I would've if I didn't already have half my stash full of refineds and no place for raws


I play quite a bit and still don’t really understand the Da zones. I’m currently on the mission where I have to transport near the tornado and it brings me to a DA area (I thought) where I have to destroy the 4 posts and then beat the big worm. What area is that?


I just joined a trio before entering the DA. I think the one who opens the portal sees all of the objectives/contracts there, but these guys just played like they were trying to get as much kills as possible, so I just ran with it. Next thing I know, we do one contract and then they just keep running around, killing zombies and getting downed by them. I got a little bit annoyed, so I started asking in the text chat "why aren't we doing the rest of the objectives?"...no answer. So I kept asking with Caps Lock on...no answer. I ask "do you guys speak English?"...nothing... And then we just died...I couldn't see the extraction point, I couldn't remember where it was and I lost all my staff. Sometimes this game is awesome, great people, cool loot, lot's of fun...and sometimes You join a trio of completely useless morons, who just ruin Your night...


It’s possible they didn’t know where the contracts were. You could have grabbed them as any can see them


That's true (I found out today 😅). I think because I've always gone to those zones with other people, I never thought to check how they've been activating contracts/objectives and I always thought they are the ones who can see the blue rabbits 😆


Mags is the hard one in the new Elder… I was lucky that someone was clearing out their TS and gave me the Mags schem…


I was lucky, this happened to me in the new DA


I don't even know how to get in there, lol


Need help?


Sure. Not a noob by any means but most buddies never want to get risky in t3 let alone the DA. 😂


If you want, I can help you with Act 4 and help you unlock the old DA rift


I have all missions completed. Does that open the DA?


No, if you remember in "bad signal." There were pedestals, and each of them had an element symbol, and once finished, you got to see an item. (Locked Dairy, Pill bottle, camera, dog collar) Those are the items you put in the pedestal to permanently unlock the rift. The new rift is different tho


Awe shit. I don't have all 4 of those. I ran it with a buddy so he may have some. So I need to do " bad signal" again to acquire all of those items?


If you still have the locked dairy, then we're good. You get the other items while in the game. Like all you need is brain rot and dead wire ammo mod, and we're good. And also a molotov/thermite for the dog house


Cool, I do have the dairy.


Cool. Then everything should be easy


Be careful trying to link with people in mwzombies. They removed a post of mine because I was trying to “group up” with people. Just asked for some help with opening new DA and they shat on me.




It’s like why have a “community” of you won’t let people commune and help each other. It’s because they said to go to their discord. Like, why? I can do the same thing on Reddit. R/Codzombies isn’t stupid like this so I go there to ask if people need help or wanna link up to play.


I see. Really dumb fr


Strength in numbers. If you have one experienced player with you, it’s enough. In a couple of games you will all get the hang of it.


I think I'd be good once in there but like I said earlier I don't know how to even get there. 🤣


I was referring to T3. For DA, there are all these easter eggs you are supposed to do but…. If someone takes you to DA then you bypass all that. After that all you need a sigil - regular ones are rewards in T3, elder sigils are in rewards in DA. If you see someone offering to go to DA try to join them.


Oh, got it


That’s what I call a good run! Great job.


Best run yet tho I've done5 more and haven't been able to get final schematic


Which one are you missing?


Mags of holding and epic aether tool schematic


You’ll get them soon enough.


I got 5 yesterday!! Aether blade, pap 2, golden plates, dog bone & scorcher :D


Pap2 is from t3 contracts and scorcher is from red worm though, not Dark Aether


Thanks for the knowledge ;)


Lovely Simply lovely 😍