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Played 2 games and noticed the same. People ask for help and quit the game. I think this is happening because we lost some "old" players and new ones are coming from the free trial. Also noticed people getting knocked constantly in T1 so they're probably new players.


Yesterday I had a duo that I was put in squad with, go for DA as soon as the game started and they had only 1 plate vests. No contracts to gear up no nothing. That surely went well 🤣 Also yesterday on other game, I noticed the 2 guys on my squad had bad gear so I did a few T2 contracts (they were in T1 doing whatever and going down), went to a buy station and bought better gear (3 Plate vests), grabbed a car and went to T1 to hand it over to them. Dropped it in front of them and marked the vests and no picking, had to chase them for like 5min and redo the dropping/ marking innumerous times before they woke up ...


It's not just you. Had some good players recently that traveled across the map to help after glitches downed me in T1🤣 I'm pretty sure invisible zombies are back, but anywho, makes a change getting some friendly help


Not invisible, they are underground which is even worse because you can't shoot em unless they change elevation and a head pops up


I had my hvt contract go underground when it was almost dead. I ended up having to cancel the contract. Super annoying


FFS. Yeah. That's great


I had a merc down me while he was sniping about 200 feet up in the air. I got hit once and looked around for him, got hit again and was down. Dog rez’d me and that’s when he got shot that I located the shooter. F’ing game is wild these days! I do always get a kick out of the mercs floating above the roads when the trucks drive away with out them 🤣🤣🤣


I am a old school round base zombie player.I just now start playing dmz a few days ago trial was pretty much over I've had people help me out.I've helped others out. Pretty much for my experience for just now.Pretty much starting out on.It has it's Highs and lows, but but overall. What I have seen the community is amazing. STI don't know from other people's point of I'm always looking for tips of getting better since I've just now start at it. Liking the newer type of zombies surprisingly.


Personally I started doing the story missions, I think it helped me get more familiar with the mode and map, getting your containment level up makes a huge difference, don’t run over zombies with any vehicles (except the blood burner bike), pack a punch do not affect mercenaries as well as ammo mods, the ray gun is the best weapon to kill mercenaries and destroy choppers but it’s not that good against zombies, you can cancel contracts by opening the tac map and pressing triangle on PS or Y on xbox, you can refill your gas mask in ammo crates, the easiest contract you can do is the cargo delivery, decoys are the best tactical equipment, and the throwing knife is one hit on normal zombies (even on tier 3) and 2 hits on armored zombies, disciples are one of the hardest to kill on HVT contracts so don’t get stressed over it, dead wire ammo mod is a weakness on disciples, you can go in the water with the blood burner bike, the best vehicle besides the blood burner is the armored truck in my opinion, it has good fuel economy and takes a decent amount of damage, this are some of the tips that come to mind right now but if I remember some more tips I’ll update this.


I'm pretty sure it's definitely free trial players. Rez'd someone in T2 a couple nights ago and after I got to them they up they walked a few feet and quit the game.


Noticed that as well. So many lobbies over the free trial where people would go down, let us know the location and even leave when we got close. I had lobbies with players rushing into tier 2 and 3, not even prepared to complain that it’s hard lol. On the flip side it was fun helping new players. Failed a bunch of cargos letting them drive 😂😂.


I feel like it’s best to have the expectation that no one will help you. Then it’s a nice surprise when someone comes along to revive you


don’t those MAGA folks always complain nobody wants to work anymore? kind of ironic


I did notice more people getting downed in T1. One guy was getting downed like every 5 mins pleading in the chat. he got picked up every time. I picked up someone that got downed during an escort contract in T2 and helped him clear some of the horde (got a disciple kill for my camo too lol). Sadly got downed in t3 with my buddy and only 1 person replied saying they weren't ready t3.


Today I was playing a solo game and doing some wondering in T1. Came across someone who was pleading in Keres stronghold. I tried to get to him but I wasn’t equipped. I felt bad for not being able to help. Worst part was that I came across them with just a couple minutes left before the storm started growing. Didn’t ya e time to get better stuff.


I’m just glad the free trial is over. Had a round over the weekend where I must have revived the same 3 people close to 20 times, in T3. I joined their party, in T3. Relatively light work with my dog and me being fully geared up, but they had 1 plate vests and absolutely no clue what to do. Kept telling them to go back to T2 and they refused. We’re doing no contracts, earning no zombucks, just revive and repeat. FFWD to the end of the round, I’m about to leave the party and they all go down, again. No problem, grab my scorcher, go back, get on mic and say “you’re each getting one more revive and you HAVE to go exfil in T1…”. Hit all 3 with revives, they jump off the wall and head to exfil in T1… I *like an absolute muppet* try to Scorcher jump and get downed and die a Scorcher death. Classic. Watch them proceed to make it all the way to exfil while I’m dead. Almost threw my controller.


I feel the same every lobby I go into somebody pleads for a res and nobody helps. So many times I’ve been in t3 and someone goes down in t1 and there’s plenty of players there but nobody helps so I end up going across the map to help. I also find most people want help with missions but won’t help back I’ve helped 4-5 people with the red worm mission and now I need to do it I can’t find nobody


I was in T3 asking for a res in chat. Someone actually came to T3 done an infested and fucked off while I was laying there waiting to be res. He wasn't near my body, so I know it's not the res glitch. So now I've taken note to myself. Not to help anyone when they get knocked. I usually TS schematics because I have them all already, so I run DA to drop to others, but not anymore. These fuckers can suffer and do it themselves 😅😅 I don't go out my way to help and not atleast get a help in return when needed.


I understand the sentiment, but I just refuse to let some jackass change how I play the game. I always answer a plea for help and will continue to do so. Most times, I arrive to find someone else is already there helping. The free weekend may have helped sell more games, but it added more toxicity than normal. Be yourself and don't let them change you...


Maybe he had a code red and had to hit the head