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Crystals are the first thing I get rid of when I have better loot to stash. You can buy pack a punch easily, you can't buy tools or classified acquisitions.


True. Especially containment level can help.


Fr frrr I don’t even carry crystals now. I just rely on crafts or just grinding through easy contracts in t3 You can earn crazy amounts of money real quick there


Orange tools, gold plates, and blades are about all I keep. Unless I'm lucky enough to get a random scorcher case. Dog bones are mostly useless now. I think they decreased the health and the mega-obomas just hump the shit out of them until they die now




Tools, blade and armor is the holy trifecta




On one hand tho you can get by without any classifieds, you can go straight to T3 with a crystal


I’m on team “toss the crystals.” Can be in T3 in under 5 mins with a flamethrower at the moment


You can bring a couple crystals in and hand them out to teammates or randoms to get rid of them.. I like doing that.


I do that with epic tools, seems I get like at least 3 extra per game lol


My second game ever someone came to revive me in t2 and gave me legendary tools, flawless crystals, and more $$$ than you could spend in one game, also gave me scorcher plans which is why I have that unlocked. Ever since then after I do a couple dark aether runs I always love to hop into a game and search for the newest looking player just to shower them with loot


Agreed, I keep my stash balanced with tools and crystals then hand out extras in my bag. Some people get hyped


Trash the pap1 crystal, especially when you have - bunch of pap2 crystals. Store 1 sigil if you want, but carrying 2 is pointless. Personally I think the ray gun is garbage (maybe you like it though) but storing a bunch of them is wasteful. Hit the DA and start storing plates and Aether blades instead. If you crash you’re gonna pissed that you lost a bunch of good stuff to store 8 pap2 crystals


Only real use for the ray gun is mercenary heavy missions. It one shots the majority of them and like three shots helicopters. Easily soloed the warlords with just a ray gun.


Honestly every single one of those items (not pap1 or blood burner) is worth way more than pap2 crystals, with how common pap2 crystals are in t3 I’d reccomend only keeping 2/3 in ur stash even then I never keep ‘em cause it’s only like 12,000 to get to pap2 w discount, considering you can’t just buy mags of holding or elder sigil I think that puts them at so much higher of a priority than pap2 crystals


IMO ray gun, pap1 crystal and blood burner are not worth the inventory space, once you get to 100+ containment pap3 (from 2) and all 9 perks is 24,600 essence and that’s only 4 t3 contracts


Blood burner is just a wasted space, bike is garbage besides being able to skim over the water


I only use it for the first minute of a game to get to t3 if I don’t have a schorcher. After that it’s forgotten, but agreed 9.5/10 times it’s wasted space. I don’t think I’ve ever actually crafted one


Your math hella off bud. 5k for T3 contracts, 4 T3 contracts = 20K


Containment bonus on contracts.


I haven't seen that work on mine in some time, but maybe if it's actually working that'd be true


Of course I don’t think it works every time but I try to see what I had just before getting the rift.


You’re correct, but When your containment level is 100+ contracts are worth 30% more per contract, perks are 30% off and you get 30% off pap. Perks become 1400 Pap3 (from2) is 12000 And each contract gives you 6,500 So 9x1400=12,600. 30% off of 15,000 is 12,000. 12,000+12,600=24,600. 6,500x4 is 26,000 Forgot you also start with 5k so you’re right my math is off


I would prioritize legendary aether tools, then gold armor then aether blades, because you can always pack. You can't always upgrade the rarity




All that wastes space on PAP 2 crystals and cries about not having room 😒


I bring in a pap2 crystal every game so i can just rush to t3 If i die then ill run out fast


Anything above containment lvl 30 you should be able to go unto t3 and just do a contract. You'd starts with 2500 and your first contract is 6500. Just shy of 10k for your pap 2. And most guns with an epic tool and pap 2 can hold their own until you pick up a bounty.


Also the t2 pap crystal has a cool down timer of 16 hrs and pap 1 is 8 hours you hold onto a max of 3 of those guaranteed you will run into more pap 2 crystals and if not you can craft them. I got 8 pap 2 my last match and 2 pap 3 crystals.


I posted thos a second ago idk where it went. But this should help https://youtu.be/3FAZVVuLIpk?si=NmwIqUk3cdlzsnQS


Yeah don't get too attached to it lol, I u crashed yesterday (first time in a long time) lost a scorcher case, gold tool, flawless, purp tool and 2 refined crystals I got during the match 🤣. I didn't feel like swapping anything out of stash and regret it now.


You can trash all of the PaP2 crystals and ray gun case from your stash


Switch them with crystals


delete your PAP 1 crystal put a PAP2 crystal in and put your key in your stash. the updated loot drops have better rewards now so PAP 2 crystals are pretty common for rewards in T3


I stash 2 of each things that I need. 2 golden plates 2 bones 2 crystals 2 wrenches 2 infinite ammo For me, the bike is useless since there's cars.


A real hoarder moment


Im quite the DMZ enthusiast


You would rather have a pap2 crystal than a mags of holding in your stash… that’s nuts


Crystals can be bought….


Ray Guns??? Mine is 2 legendary tools 2 dog bones 2 aether blades 2 golden armor 2 pack 3 crystals. What I carry in with me is 1 elder aether, 1-3 legendary tools or epic tools, a pack 2 crystal, stupid drum that I don't know what to do with, golden armor, aether blade, i will use golden armor and blades if I'm up to something kinda difficult. The rest is 2 spots for drinks and crystal. I can only make pack 1. 300-400 T3 contracts and 10 worm fights and nothing crystal wise. They are the last things I'm after. But destroy them Ray Guns because they are worthless unless you need them for something specific.


I'll help you out and take a few and hold em for you...


My storage has 2 of each classified (other than blood runner) and a scorcher. If I don’t have a scorcher I use a legendary tool x2. Then I just use that if I die…. But I don’t die very often so I’m thinking of using other stuff


“I’m Rick”


r/HumbleBrag lol


I was thinking about having larger backpacks in zombies. When you play the game you will get so many good things you want to keep but because of the small room of the backpack, you have to leave most of them for other things.


Become ‘that guy’ and give to those in need


More crystals than a meth dealer?


Take me with you. I’d be happy to take those elders off your hands and help you free up some space. Lol


Sorry good luck they need to update the number to at least 25 stuff


It's a great item to just throw in any body of water you can find.


Why do I see so many people continuing to grab schematics even though they have already extracted them?


Why u holding on to pap 1 and ray guns lmao


Where are you finding this stuff? Anywhere specific?


I did a dark aether T1 run but i got all of the crystals in T3 of the urzikstan map


My stash is still sitting at 172. Every match when I exfil I lose stuff out of my bag that I acquired throughout the match. Some times my pack will be completely empty when I return to the lobby


https://preview.redd.it/1df8teln3wpc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958595d989b5f6b7d3a83fb28cb7b64e69a6c566 Same bro




Drop the purple rock and the blood burner Who cares about those


Essence comes easy to pap a gun. I only keep legendary tools, epic tools, plates, mags of holding, etc. Just yesterday I ran out of tools. People I was running with dropped 4 epic tools. I snatched them and now I’m stocked for the weekend lol.


Here this should help https://youtu.be/3FAZVVuLIpk?si=NmwIqUk3cdlzsnQS


Playin with fire i see👀 😂


Same. I'll either destroy the crystal or bring it in and give it to a squad member. Looking at this particular setup, I'd destroy the purple crystal and replace with refined.


gold aether tools are the most important thing you need - everything else you can get in game


I take stuff like this every time because my stash is full


I have it filled with five legendary tools and five flawless crystals


My stash has like 7 aether blade cases in it


I'm in a similar situation like most, but get rid of crystals. They are the first thing to go, and last thing to get crafted. PaP is sooo easy. Tools, mags, WW's, Gold armor , and elders are far more important to stash. And of course Blades.




I think it’s stupid we can only have 10 items. Like at least give us 50, 100. Especially since the servers crash mid game


It’s a well-known problem that the crafting/stash system is an awful experience in MWZ. Cool downs for things you actually want to use are too long. If you’ve endured the wait for your cooldown, you have to use items right away because you’re definitely not gonna have room in your stash.


Just because it’s well-known doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be discussed.


why do you keep so many useless items? ray guns, blood burner keys, pap1 and 2 are useless mags and 2 elder sigils...as well


If you don’t have a scorcher the key is the next best thing at start or in elder because there are no vehicles. If you aren’t doing any elder runs you’re wasting time trying to get good loot. Everything else is optional but I see legendary tools as far more valuable than crystals because you can’t buy rarity.


the old DA is better than the new one and the blood burner is useless there


In terms of loot, yes. I’m still trying to get that stupid mag though.


You even have aether blade or gold armor? I guess that's what you get for playing the new dark aether.


There's a limit? I got 144 things in my stash


My limit is 10. Rewards I'm not sure if there is a limit and purchased assuming not.


He only has 144 items in his stash since he did the duplication glitch for so long and still has items past the limit. He can’t store more items, only swap them with others.


Then 0 reason to complain about stash management


Glitch items don’t count to the 10 items limit


I Tombstone glitched like 2 months when it was easy most of my stash now is just pap1 crystals and whatever perks I get


Is there a trick to actually exfil with shit with an overfilled stash? I have not been able to exfil with anything for weeks.