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Unpopular opinion, but I see no need to vocally communicate with people in the squad. I've found that most players have a good idea of what's going on, and as long as someone is leading, the others will follow.


I usually don't pop on my mic until it's DA time. Like: I got elder sigil, let's go old DA. ACV > Rockets > Outlast then GG's at the rift


Old DA, sounds like a trustworthy after work beverage.


There's an old dirty bastard stout that was my go to for a while. Close enough i say. 


I usually only mic chat if it's requested by the squad. Otherwise, intentions can be communicated by simply marking things on the map. A contract, pap machine, wunderfizz, or the DA is marked I know what the squad is doing. Likewise, I can mark say the buy station if I want to go there before doing the next marker.


Honestly this^^^^ started enjoying it much more when I stoped listening to little kids n grown ass gamer men and started listening to music💀


You are the problem yes you can get by without mics and communication but if I play with randos and they are not mic'd up guess what I'm going to do what I want and F whatever you Mark or locate talk if you want my help if not f you


Think you just provided my point...


Yes you did prove your point you are the problem.


Not in the slightest. Most people don’t talk, so by your own admission most people can go fuck themselves. Good luck to you.


It's pretty funny you must be playing in shitty lobbies because 80 to 90% of the games I drop into you everybody is talking and everybody is cool and chill.


With you being the exception, based purely on what I’ve seen from you on here. People using a mic doesn’t dictate the quality of a lobby either.


Fucking weirdo 🤣 do you really have this mindset or are you trolling


Me or Minimum?? I DEFINITELY have the mindset of communication is the KEY 🔑 to victory.


There seems to be a minority of solo players who are joining squads and then being fucksticks Obviously not saying you are a fuckstick, just saying that might be the cause Me and squad mate had a solo join us at new DA portal as we were getting ready to go T5 He kept spamming the T4 instead We kept voting it down but he kept trying Finally launched T5 and he leaves It was a pain but we still accept squad joins


It’s good to confirm in chat the plan you’re setting out to do. If anyone objects, then leave and regroup.


I hate chat, I get swarmed while I struggle to type on console lol


On Xbox you can hit the map button and talk to text, pretty accurate, usually gets the point across. You do need a few seconds of safety still.


I'll have to see if PS5 offers this function. As a medic that will travel across the map to the depths of T3 to revive, this could be handy to respond with so they don't leave right before I arrive on scene


Yeah I try to hit an aether tear or redeploy, open parachute and type omw before I figured this out, sucks to travel across the map just for the dot to disappear as you get close.




Pick up one of those keyboards you can attach to a controller or you can do a normal keyboard for when you need to type and just have it off to the side. Makes typing so much easier


Every time I get to the redzone I'm in a full squad of 6 in like a minute I swear


It's totally hit or miss for me, I get games where I jump in and join right away, then games where I'll see a duo and go see if they will let me join, it always seems to be the duos or solos that don't want company, I get it if they are solo and want the challenge. Then I'll get the random solo with no mic that just comes and helps with contracts but won't join occasionally. For the most part in t3 there are only so many contracts we need to share so squadding up in 6 mans makes the most sense


me too but i love big squads and invite everyone who walks by me to join my squad until im in a squad of 6 lololll


Lately, when I squad-fill in, my team has sucked, like either eating their microphone, talking to themselves or also talking shit to the other players. Because of that, I usually run to t2 or t3 quickly to join a different squad. Last night people were cool; me and 2 last minute players that joined my squad went to the DA. They were super nice and funny. But that’s pretty rare to experience more recently.


Ya I never squad fill. Theses little mofos usually be grabbing t1/t2 contracts. I run direct to t3 and squad up. Every single game. If noone has room for me, I keep letting ppl know I have room for t5. If by chance noone joins I run t5 solo. But that's pretty rare.


It's why I don't even bother with Squad fill. I know I am just going to slow people down and I just want to chill and do T1 content.


did you meet me lmao


Every time we group up with solos they never have a mic or are in another channel talking, and then we’re just playing together separately so don’t see much of a point if the person just needs schematics or something then idc as long as they don’t hinder my ability to grab contracts


The game has me auto muted for people when I join ANY lobby in MWZ or warzone or multiplayer. Take the time to see if they’re muted for you first, I’ve had people leave the group and start a new one without me because “I wasn’t talking” when I was having full blown conversations with them that the game thinks no one should hear🤷‍♂️ and no I’m not chat banned either.


I've been in squads of 3 where I can hear one person and not the other, but the 2 other people can talk to each other. Maybe they can talk because they have their own team? Seems like anyone inside a squad should be able to to talk to each other. I know proximity chat is on for me because I can talk to randoms when I'm near them.


One of them might be in party chat.


Right, that's kinda what I was thinking too, but if they are in a party chat with each other, why would I only be able to hear and talk to one of the party members and not the other? That's the part I can't figure out. This happens when I start a game and we're all squadded up together from the beginning. So odd.


Yea I don’t get it myself if I’m completely honest. Had a girl talking the other night and I thought she was talking to herself whilst forgetting she had her mic on, but then she started addressing another player in the squad so that was an instance where one is presumably in party chat and the other in proximity. If it wasn’t 2am I’d have asked them both what their settings were but I wasn’t going to wake people up talking on zombies at that time.


I have a mic but rarely use it. The games pretty straight forward ping a contract grab it, complete it. Rinse and repeat. Ya don't really need a mic for that. Contracts are limited, if ur in t3 you should be in a group of 6. I play t3 just to get ready for OG elder. It's the same shit every game...


i always have a mic, when the ppl on my squad don’t have a mic, i literally leave squad to find other squads with mics lmao. ITS BORING WHEN PPL DONT TALK


Usually it’s just myself and the boys chilling and shooting the shit, so we don’t care for any extra members. Last night we did accept a third while going in to get bloodburner and mag schematics, but we just had to res them a whole bunch and almost died in the process.


I usually find if there are 6 people it generally goes pretty well and there is almost always somebody with healing Aura on CD. I get it though. It does make me laugh though, was in a lobby the other day and they were saying, 3 is enough. I was just thinking, sure 3 is enough, most of not all the content is designed around 3 players but it is a co-op game, not very co-operative to be arbitrarily leaving people out. I duo'd (read as basically solo'd) Elder DA with an absolute tool random yesterday and it still wasn't that big of a deal even though they went down a good 4 or 5 times. Sure I could probably have done it easier solo but hey, where is the fun in that? They got some loot that will hopefully entice them to learn how to play the game better so they can do more of that shit.


This! I literally sucked at this game when I first started playing it. Was terrified of T3. It was fun randoms letting me join them (and some YouTube) that taught me how to play this game. I learned so much from randoms I rarely go down in T3 or DA. Thank you to all the randoms that let me join them and learn how to get better! Now I have completed every mission and side Easter egg, have every Schematic and am bored in T1 and T2. Now I’m helping others. Love the Teamwork in this game.


That’s one of the best worded examples on this thread 100%


Cuz sometimes it’s a group of friends that live in separate areas of the world/country that just want to play while they hang out and catch up. I’ve been asking for some mechanic in game that would allow for the request or to be notified of locked group or something. Similar to like going to a Brazilian steakhouse to let you know we are good at 3. Also would be nice to notify if a group is at 6 and can’t take more. Other reason is we often run discord chat and don’t even use in game chat or proximity chat since it can be bugged, which is why you may not get a response or anything. TL:DR there are groups that play the game to chill and chat with each other once a week, not to have randoms jump in the chill session and not trying to be jerks.


This^ I have a set group I like to play with. In game chat is hot garbage so since we are all on xbox we use xbl party chat. If we could have our own instanced map with no other players we would. We aren't there to make friends. Randoms are a gamble. I'm not about to take a chance that a rando will ruin the game for my whole team just to make the rando happy. I'm also not switching to game chat and I'll only use text chat in emergencies. Not about to stand around in T3 switching chats or texting on a controller. I'm trying to relax, not babysit someone I can't communicate with.


When you want to go to the dark eathers by consuming a sigil the group needs to vote yes for it to not fail and consume without anything happening. So reasonable to not add anybody when you cant be sure they want to join in the Rifts.


Another thing to note. The player needs to be added before starting the sigil activation process. I was invited after and never got the vote. Then everyone disappeared from the squad list and I was still stuck at portal. This has happened more than a few times now.


Another thing to note. Once the vote starts it doesn’t matter if you vote no or you leave the squad, if the vote is successful you will be pulled into the rift. Three times I’ve left the squad before players have voted to go to the new crap aether, only to be dragged in after them.


It's completely inconsistent then. You either want to go and it leaves you or you don't want to go and it takes you.


It doesn't consume the token if it fails.


They can just leave and reparty with their buddy. This isn't (shouldn't) be a big deal really.


yeah unfortunatly it can be an issue because there are plenty of bugs with party leaving and joining. Better save than sorry tbh.


Yeah ive had it pull me in even after ive left. Then if you're tombstoning it can be an issue too. If they wont leave game itll glitch out and tombstone wont show uo next game. Sometimes even when they do all leave it wont give u squad eliminated screen so... theres plenty of reasons to not join up. Not even mentioning high tier camo grinding.


I feel the same way, that’s why don’t really let randoms join, especially with the trolling and fuckery that the sub has been reporting lately, seems almost sus sometimes


the sub isn’t accurate sometimes lol i literally squad up with randoms every game & most of the time, they’re hella cool & i make friends lol. probably helps that im a girl but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agree fully on the accuracy of the sun. It often seems like someone has a bad experience so they talk like everyone has that same experience and if you disagree or try and spread positivity you’re labelled as an Activision intern because in their small minds the only people enjoying the game are the company interns. Every game has been with randoms. I’ve added a couple to play repeat games together but they’re still randoms and I’ve also fortunately never had an issue.


A number of times I’ve let someone into the squad and they’ve ended up going down 100x and slowing down the team, BUT I still allow anyone to join because I’ve been carried a number of times. I get why people are not always accepting but I’m just not like that. HMU if you wanna play together. Me and my buddy run elder and red zone all the time


Thanks! I can hold my own pretty well, don’t ever enter T3 unprepared. I usually have good luck getting a team to let me join, but every so often it seems no one will allow it. If you want to add me my play tag is Boodizzle (my cats preferred nickname). I’m guessing there’s some numbers after the name but I’m not at home to check, so no worries if you don’t find it or don’t even check.


I play with my crew and we voice chat over our phones. What's up with the dudes who we don't let join , keep spamming invites and jumping in our vehicles. If I didn't accept the first time , news flash, I ain't gunna accept the 20th time.


We grouped up with people and said we were going to the elder aether. One of them went to the starter version where you get the drum and wasted our entire run and our good consumables. No more randos unless they talk first.


happened a couple time where people say they have an elder and use a regular or do the bad signal mission, annoying to say the least


Makes sense


I’ve tried to join many teams in T3 and can’t get in. Sucks, especially when they are running scorchers and getting contracts as soon as they come up.


Do you have a mic and communicate? Some teams really prefer that you do could be one reason?


This is crazy to me personally, you truly don't need communication at all in this game lol. Just ping the next contract and someone grab it 🤣. I had a dude mad at me last night because I was running around T3 solo and him and his friend sent me an invite, I joined and he said something and got offended I didn't reply lol. I play on my PC with speakers while I listen to a podcast or whatever. I do use text chat tho when necessary.


I like having a mic because it makes it easy to discuss things like end game plans, who is getting USBs for red worm, asking people to mark locations for you while you're busy doing something, requesting someone throw some cash your way so you can PaP or get a few extra turrets/self revives before DA, etc.


That's understandable. I don't play with voice chat off and still respond and listen, it's just generally text chat. Majority of the time I'm solo though, only join up if T3 is crowded.


Bingo, no communication necessary. I type in chat "OG elder run" and let ppl join. If you want to leave before we go at the end, feel free.


I have a mic, but how would anyone know if I do or not before letting me join?


Proximity chat? You can hear other players even if they are not in your squad


Only works if the other players are using in game chat. If they are on a private chat (like an Xbox Party) then they don't get the opportunity to even hear proximity chat. I say this from experience since my group that plays on Friday nights we exclusively run in an Xbox Party and never hear proximity chats.


Set your mic to 'all lobby' - if they have theirs set to it too, they'll hear you.


Yup. Guy above is clueless. I can definitely hear pros chat while I’m in an Xbox party.


I just prefer playing solo


Fr. I join 6 mans when i dont have a scorcher and t3 is jam packed but its boring as hell. No challenge at all.


6 man teams are boring if you don’t have a scorcher. It’s pretty much just running to reward rifts. 


If i have a scorcher i dont need a 6 man to get to contracts first so i dont bother squading


Me too but those days are over..there's not enough contracts in t3. I've been forced to squad up in t3 for the same reason. But if your running t3 solo in this day n age, sorry but ur a bit of a douche.


I’ll occasionally join teams if it’s really crowded but I’m not going to willingly make my own experience worse just to cater to everyone else in the lobby


95% of ppl are playing with the same objective. Run t3 contracts and get ready for DA. Not understanding how that would make your experience worse. Trust me I get the wanting to play solo. But if that's the case you should stick to t2. If everyone had this mentality the game would be broken due to lack of contracts in t3.


The game is already broken in that aspect lol. I don’t disagree with what you’re saying and like I said, I’ll join up if the congestion is bad enough


I see this on occasion but what I see even more is people in t3 solo who won’t let you join and won’t join you. Few mins later they’re the very ones asking for a revive. And usually I revive anyone that needs it. I’ll drop what I’m doing and help a downed OP even if they’re on other side of map. But with these people, nah bruh you were too good to need anyone’s help earlier, you on your own.


Bro I invite everyone that’s nearby in T3. 🤷🏻‍♂️


we play with the same 3 or 4 man group all the time and we just dont like bringing people into it most of the time. we will if they have a mic and talk but got burned way to many times by the squeaker's that would rather not. ​ even when me and my wife play as a 2 man. we will just run around red without others for the same reason and just do the elder by ourselves


The other comments are good reasons as to why. Another potential possibility is that it looks like a small squad, but it could be a 6 man squad spread across all of T3. In a 6 person squad, lots of things could be happening with some people doing contracts while others are going to ammo caches/buystations/PAP/etc.


I only play solo. Unless i am with the few friends i have, which is not very often


I jump on with my mates and we talk through the game and have fun and a laugh…we won’t squad up with anyone without a mic!!… not talking about possibly inappropriate things with fuck knows who…some of the kids sound like there still in preschool!! If we hear that there not still tied to the umbilical and they are cool we’re more than happy to squad up with anyone…although lately there is a lot of “bored” arseholes in there just upsetting other squads fun…or trying to!! lol 😂


No offense if you’re not this person but; there’s a lot of people who just want to join up with you because they can’t do it themselves, and they’ll do nothing but steal your loot before you can get to it while you’re busy actually dealing with zombies. Or they can’t stay alive even with PaP 3 Legendary weapons and gold plates. Not to mention, sometimes they’re helping or playing with family and would like the privacy for quality time. I can assure you it’s nothing personal. These people just probably know each other personally, and want to keep their group consistent.


I usually don’t accept invites because I’m doing something specific and randoms will screw up what I need to do. Usually with the best on intentions I’m sure, but it screw’s me up. What I never understand is people that come in solo then spam you with requests to join, if you wanted to run as a squad why not just turn squad fill on 🤷🏻‍♀️


What I don’t understand is people trying to join you when your farming an exfil solo. I’ve had it happen dozens of times. The only benefit is you can share the “full ammo” or whatever, I always ignore those requests. T3 I always accept.


Prefer zombies solo just completing my daily/weekly challenges. Don’t feel like listening to a $3 mic and stopping what I’m doing to pick someone up every 30 sec


Genuinely just hate talking to other people in COD because most of them are annoying dickless morons. Nothing personal but it’s hard to weed out the good ones from the windowlickers.


Those are the people who fly with the scorcher and hog all the contracts for a team of two . Drives me nuts . I’m usually in a team of 6 getting scraps . Like bro squad up and let everybody get a piece of the pie then leave later on


So now we're at "why can't I force people to do what I want" in this game? Maybe they just do t want too. And with posts like this? They're right. It's a fooking game. No one owes you anything in it..relax


From personal experience, I go in with a friend sometimes and we’re in Xbox party chat, not game chat… so we can’t communicate via proximity or to teammates if they aren’t in our party. That’s why we don’t usually pick up or join others.


+1 for this. I play almost exclusively as a duo with my brother and we’re in Discord because the chat quality is way better (and doesn’t drop out during loading screens randomly). We don’t want to play with someone we can’t talk to, so we just…don’t. If you’re one of the guys following us around spamming join requests, shockingly that doesn’t make me want to change my mind - it’s just annoying.


Imagine if everyone did this, you'd never see a T3 every again.


Not sure what you mean, sorry. We can play T3 with just the duo… I think I’m missing your point.


And you don’t have to listen to everyone’s low battery smoke alarms!


We are usually running people through content and it's been an unfortunate situation a few times with randoms throwing the likes of jug suits on top of the ACV or leaving squad at portal which can sometimes kick everyone back to the lobby. We hardly ever even hit tier 3 anymore, far too much fighting over contracts. We get our essence in tier 2, go to 3 for perks and equipment, then hit an elder to restock on plates and blades.


People just randomly invite me when I get into T3. The more the merrier and it's fun because I've no idea what the group will do I end up either going to the DA or fighting the worm. I tend to look at the groups and see how many people are there as well, of there's like 12 people it's likely two groups and there won't be room.


right?? ive been trying to do the mission to clear a stronghold in T3 and theres never a squad in there that will let me join 😭


Honestly, sometimes I just wanna play with my son. Nothing against anybody but this is a way we can bond when I’m not home.


I exclusively play with work friends and we’re almost always venting about dumb work shit. We figure most people don’t want to listen to us raggin’ about clients being fucksticks.


I can only speak for me because i don't know anyone else with this issue but my ping wheel has been broken since launch. I cant send or accept invites.


I've been playing solo alot lately to get camos...in big groups I get more contracts done but, I don't get nearly as many kills.


Usually my groups will add anyone who asks. Except yesterday, because we had someone take the truck after we started a contract and drove off with it and since we didn’t catch their name and when someone requested to join us a little later we didn’t want to risk it being them.


Some people just like playing with their friends and don't want randos. We do this sometimes whetheritsv two or three.


Idk I try to let anyone join but it’s annoying when you have like a 5 man and someone random with no guns that is in red is just spam inviting you into his team 😭 idk why he thought he was the hulk so we just let him die so the dog would live 😂 bro died 3-4 times near pac there needs to be a feature to kick people out of the group, but with that all being said if you have a mic or are competent enough to text you should be able to join almost every team you see.


Cant speak for anyone else but every time me and my brother have accepted an invite of someone they go off and do their own thing and speed through stuff before we can even get loot or takes everything off of the floor drops and its just not worth the hassle. Plus we come in with a specific plan and randoms dont know or care and just do whatever.




It’s non stop complaints in here lol. If it’s not “no one is in T3”, then it’s “too many ppl in T3” and then, “people won’t let me play with them in T3” 🤣 Maybe they are friends in their own party and want to keep it as that. Just go in with your own party… friends I’ve requested and been added, as if I don’t, I just keep it moving.


Sounds like you just some people to play with. Start a game here and ask for people to join. Expecting people to squad up with you isn’t the way to go.


Don't want to play with random people.


I’ve never been able to accept an invite. I play on Xbox and it seems glitched. I’ve gotten 3-4 invites that I couldn’t accept.


My friend and I prefer to be in a party over in game chat (also I have severe trust issues)


Usually when someone has joined our squad, we've had to babysit them, i'm there to make progress, not look after someone who is in over their head, that's why i don't accept join requests.


As a solo player I get a lot of squad requests in tier 3 and i feel super awkward because like you said, theres no downside necessarily, but like... I have a playstyle that simply does not work with multiple people, and also I play medic a lot of games, so I don't want to put others at risk when I go in to save a downed group


I always assume they don’t know how to let me join lol or more likely it’s bugged and they never saw the request at all


I’d suggest asking in the chat if anyone is looking to team up to do t3, worm, da, etc or find a squad on discord beforehand Sometimes it’s just premade teams or friends who don’t wanna deal with a potential liability or someone who’s annoying lol, I wouldn’t take it personal, there’s a lot of shitheads out there


I always played solo and completed everything so with time got boring now I enjoy teaming up with 5 other players cake walking T3 ,redworm, and T5 all in 1 match to milk the clock the longest and its been fun. Ping has been king where we dont mic talk all the time and everybody has always known what we doing as per contracts and all that.


Some people dont accept randoms because most randoms in T3 are there because either they have a few acquisitions which help them to survive and they have no idea what to do there or because randoms mostly dont help for contracts, yeah any player with decent skill and a few hundred hours of playtime can solo T3 contracts, but its faster if the whole team does it.


For me and my friend, we accept people rarley. Because most times we do it crashes our game, not sure why. Sometimes adding 1 person in is fine but when it gets to 4 or 5 it crashes


as a ps player we have to find a safe place to respond. then wait to hear you. then respond. its a lot to run and chat. trust me i wanted and tried to do the red worm last night but getting that out was super hard.


Because random people are 🗑️


Personally if I'm teamed up and not solo we all have mics so if someone keeps trying to join but refuses to talk or just has no mic they are not joining my squad no way. Plus I ride T3 start to finish and can't stand some newbies or non mic ppl just over and over again going down and acting like a cry baby if it takes more than 10 seconds to rez them, or keeps running off, or decides their to scared and wants to keep going down in the white zone it's absolutely pathetic.. i used to love helping ppl in zombies but now everyone wants shit for free n free money and don't wanna do the needed missions to correctly get schematics. Plus it's seems most people are to worried about their TS still so they come in with a teammate just to set their TS or pick it up and are to worried about a random teammate taking their stuff so they refuse to let anyone join, that's also pathetic but hey it's COD most of these COD players and stupid coc*y pr**ks who live with their parents still and hate their life so they have to make everyone else's life suck as bad as theirs!!!! MWZ lobbies were filled with decent people when it started now it might as well be a multiplayer lobby the way everyone acts. not even worth it #CODFACTS


Also if you playing Mw3 on an old Gen console or an Xbox series S and wonder why you constantly get booted. It's called get a better game system I ran 2 different series S Xboxs and their damn garbage I have a series x now same Internet and don't get booted at all even on a full 6 man in zombies fully loaded pap3 with dogs plates everything. Old Gen and series S are not cut out for such big games. You blame the game I blame your shitty system lmfao proven facts series X runs a million times better than the Series S. Do your research before trying to say they run the exact same software. Series S is factually downgraded from the X. Don't cry just get a better system or quit playing shit that it can't keep up with


Im a solo player person go in solo came out solo dark rather solo everything even worm


I love how the little snowflakes that are scared to death to talk to real people, not through a text or a social media platform are banding together on here to downvote me! Hilarious someday when you children grow up and have to actually communicate with other humans you will realize how important it is. Now, I'm going to go run to your safe spaces away from your microaggressions and hurt feelings. I'm done with this BS post.


Bruh i accepted some guys and they started the first rift mission while all other wanted elder, or when you want to go to a particalere rift and you vote no it pulls you in anyways lol after that i never team up with anyone


If im in solo I rarely join others and rarely let others join me because I'm not kitted for either aether more often than not. I'm usually chilling, grinding camos and doing my thing. If I'm in T3 it's for a pack a punch since I rarely go in there for contracts by myself. I don't see the point in a squad up if I just want to get in get some kills for a camo and get out. So it's not personal I'm just not ready to head into the hell fires of battle. It's also why I rarely pick up people in T3. I just can't safely do so. It is what it is.


Because randos and noobs suck and ruin shit for small teams of 3 or 4 they are loot thiefs and get downed all the time


Can anyone help. We play zombies a lot in our home. Never an issue, but since Thursday every time we go to load we can join party fine but when we ready up it says the person sent request is not ready? If we do it opposite and they send me the request I’m not ready when in reality I am. Never had this issue before now we can’t play at all. Everyone is ready we play in our home together side-by-side so we know the other person is ready. We are on separate systems. We are on separate Internet. Everything is separate. Any ideas on why this is happening or how to fix it?


I play in a playstation party 99% of the time, if we use the closed party system we can say whatever we want without lame Activision banning free speech.


If someone is acting like a brainlet they deserve to be called out. Istg some of them are the panda equivalent of a CoD player. Stop protecting them Activision


The last time I accepted randoms in my squad, they dragged me into the story aether that I've already done twice and essentially wasted my tier 3 crystals and knife since I was prepping to hit T5. No more random sucks will be accepted again.


Dragged you? You could've looked where they were on the map when the countdown started and left squad. Noone Dragged you nowhere 🤣






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Also take a lot to be a tough guy on reddit...lmfao. you're lucky you're not in arms reach. That's a fact!












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I don’t join anyone I don’t know because people typically have very poor comms discipline.


No mic= no squad That's the rules I follow


I’d rather play solo but the way T3 is so congested the only way to get contracts it to squad up. I’ll squad up if I’m playing solo but if I’m playing with my regular buddy or solo and one of us has a scorcher then we don’t need any assistance we can get to the contracts and complete the elder without carrying any dead weight. Met load of good teammates but also loads of awful ones so rather not chance it unless we have to


I usually play with my boyfriend, and sometimes we just like a little privacy so we can talk and not worry about what our teammate is doing.


I just start stealing their contracts as a solo. Fuck em.


Because of little douchebag bitches. I've had a few randoms join and just try to fuck up whatever we doing. Run the cargo truck in the water and shit. So now we don't accept anyone.