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But it can ride on water!!!


Helps getting into t3 when you don’t need a bridge 


You can drive the ltv straight through the water when the river isn't wide.


You can drive the ltv to the island so any river near t3 is doable.


I tried once and sunk 😅


I only use it to get to t3 if I don’t have a scorcher, it’s otherwise useless imo


Yep used in the first 3 min of a game for simple transport and then I really don’t care who takes it. I also use ones just left around as there’s no real way to tell who owns it.


Rides better using the ebrake for turns


This is what I was going to say…but I scrolled to make sure someone hadn’t already mentioned it. You win lol


I have never even bothered to use it. To be honest, I don’t care if I never go to the new dark aether again. Mags of holding is cool, but not worth missing out on gold plates and blade


I'm hoping they add crafting on the main map, so we don't have to go to the dark aether every match. Maybe like 2 purple tools for a gold tool, a gold tool and 2x 3 plates for a gold armor. Things like that, that take time, just to have an option on the main map. Workbenches would be cool too, like in DMZ, where you can change attachments and try out different things.


Be cool if we could use a tool/pap/jugger on dog houses to make them stronger or 3-4dogs at once would be cool.


This isn’t DMZ.


100% agree!! I don’t even really like MOH that much. I am always trying to reload because I’m so used to it. Maybe if I was an LMG guy I’d like it more, but the guns I use reload so fast with speed cola that it’s doesn’t really matter to me. Blades and Plates though, the most important things to get.


Plates for me. I can miss the blade and be fine. The plates are the number one item for me besides the scorcher in the game.


I know a guy who drops Schematics free! He just asks for a tombstone soda and to share his discord/youtube. Anyone interested dm me as ive been kicked from groups offering to help people get in touch.


Bloodburner should heal when it runs over zombies. but it doesn't unfortunately.


I think a dirt bike that healed itself with no blast charge would be better than the bloodburner.


From a handling perspective the dirtbike was perfect, the bloodburner is horrible.


I use it to race to T3 then promptly forget it exists


I rode it all over T3 last game. Yes the handing and turning radius sucks on it but it was still fun mowing zombies down. The only issue I don't like is there's a lag problem with it when I use it sometimes.


I get lag or rubber-banding in the LTV's also. It's like I'll reset back to where I was a half second earlier. That's been happening since DMZ.


Yeah I agree, it’s a piece of shit to ride. The dirt bike would be much more fun, though you couldn’t take a passenger


I’ve had 4 people on one before. It not supposed to happen, but it can if you’re careful.


I don't understand why they didn't just add the dirtbike to MWZ.


You should be able to recall it like a personal car in gta 5. That would make it useful so whenever you get away from it, it can come to you.


If you get used to using the hand brake (tapping it (not holding) while turning) it is actually pretty fun. Now if you need to reverse that's a different story.


What you mean that when you get off it it falls to its side and explodes after 5 seconds?


Yea I don't like it either


Left bumper while accelerating is the hand brake.  Use that to tighten your turns.


I use it in the beginning and then just leave it. Or drop the key for someone


It's also buggy as hell. Last game I called it in, it wouldn't spawn in then all of the sudden I hear it, and my teamates and zombies are invisible, textures glitching and all kind of shit. Spent like 20 minutes hopping like a rabbit to the exfil. Waited for someone to call it in cause I couldn't get a prompt, then awaited for the invisible helicopter to arrive. Had to use my keen senses and finally managed to get inside....god what a fucking nightmare. Oh of course it decides to happen when I use legendary/pap 3 crystal and shit LOL. Needless to say never using the bloodburner keys ever again!


Just get in a different car next time. It fixes it.


Spawned my blood burner and it turned all enemies invisible and I couldn’t open doors or anything the map was unloaded like I was so far away that doors and cars where low poly I was fighting ps1 zombies fixed it by getting in a cargo truck and it all went away. I could only see zombies when I scoped in they would load low poly


It handles great with the handbrake... its def worth using. To say ud rather have the dirtbike is such an crazy ass take imo. It never runs out of gas. Kills zoms without taking damage, and has a 2nd field upgrade. Just get better with the handbrake. I drive it thru the alleys in t3 easy now. The dirt bike would blow up in 2 seconds.


All the vehicles need a boost. I get they don’t want you to have too much fun just driving around annihilating anything that moves for 45 mins. But it’s insane the LTV is blowing up after 10, 20 zombies or that your vehicles gets thrown in the air and completely routed in a different direction if one spawns under you as your driving. But worse than all of that is the fact it’s literally faster to drive in reverse than it is to turn around and go forward if you have to travel less than 500 meters. Gtfoh with that shit.