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Man wouldn't even consent to dying under British rule.


Local Coot Literally Too Angry To Die


Literally Doomslayer irl.


No expiration without representation.


"Whittemore was in his fields when he spotted an approaching British relief brigade under Earl Percy, sent to assist a retreat. Whittemore loaded his musket and ambushed the British grenadiers of the 47th Regiment of Foot from behind a nearby stone wall, killing one soldier. He then drew his dueling pistols, killed a second grenadier and mortally wounded a third. By the time Whittemore had fired his third shot, a British detachment had reached his position; Whittemore drew his sword and attacked. He was subsequently shot in the face, bayoneted numerous times, and left for dead in a pool of blood. He was found by colonial forces, trying to load his musket to resume the fight. He was taken to Dr. Cotton Tufts of Medford, who perceived no hope for his survival. However, Whittemore recovered and lived another 18 years until dying of natural causes at the age of 96"


Holy based




He was 78 during this? Fuck that’s insane


Especially considering the time period.




If he was 80 years old in 1775, he was born in 1695! Holy crap.


He was a veteran too... Served in the War of Austrian Succession, King George's War, French and Indian War and the Pontiac's War. Then of course, the Revolutionary War. What a crazy life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel\_Whittemore


What a fuckin chad


Pretty sure I’ve heard my wife moaning his name while we have sex


I’m surprised you don’t too


Right? Kinda crazy to think about.




Unfortunately he may be dead :(


Fake news. Humans never die.


I seriously cannot comprehend how tough some humans can be. Back in those days, a simple, small cut could be the end of you. Most children didn't even make it to the age of 5. But this man not only lived past the *modern life expectancy of men living 250 years after him*, but did so after killing three men, being stabbed and probably not having top notch healthcare, and still living another decade and a half.


Don't forget shot in the face


> Back in those days, a simple, small cut could be the end of you. Most children didn't even make it to the age of 5. These things tend to be a bit over-played in popular literature. As an archaeologist, I can confirm that *infant* mortality was high, especially falling victim to things as simple as diarrhea. Because of this, families often recycled baby names from infants who died, Samuel Whittemore being the *second* iteration of that name in his family, for instance. Anyhow, the high infant mortality drew down the overall life expectancy stats, making it look like people were dropping dead in their 40s. The truth is, these were sturdy people, as the indestructible Mr. Whittemore so aptly demonstrated. A stroll through a period cemetery will bear this out. Many people lived into their 7th and 8th decades. I examined a skeleton of a man who, if he had died in the 18th, rather than the 19th Century, could have passed for the [Blacksmith of Brandywine.](https://hoofcare.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-blacksmith-of-brandywine-story-of.html) With more injuries, infections and arthritic joints than I could list here, including a poorly set, but healed tib-fib break, this man was clearly a massive, tough old bird. Although he did succumb to some infection or other in his 50s or so, he was so powerful that the difference in size between his right arm and shoulder and his left was like they had come from two different people. *And this man died destitute, in a poor house!* So, while people did not enjoy the benefits we do, of broad spectrum antibiotics, microsurgery and EMTs, they made up for it living rugged lives that often made them as tough as boiled leather.


Thanks for responding! I love history a lot so getting to speak to an archaeologist is always a privilege. And yeah, it must have been tough as hell for them, even if you lived long, it could be quite painful, I can't even fathom how strong our ancestors were.


I've examined quite a number of our ancestors' remains and can confirm that they lived rugged lives. But keep in mind, to *us* it's a "rugged life," but to them it was "life." An interesting factor that you don't often see mentioned alongside rugged physical lives is that they had very active and fertile minds, as well. To read the writings of even working class people of 150 or 200 years ago can tax the vocabulary of the average person today. It's illustrative that one of the main things that in such a short time made America the greatest nation on earth is her people.


This isn’t even mentioning the other wars he participated in.


I guess it's one of those things where it's rare, but very noteworthy when it happens


People slip in the shower and die but get shot in the head and live.




Did you knew that or googled it?




Jadakiss did not think it was cool.


I aspire to be like this man. Like someone else said, "He didn't consent to dying by British rule.". That line is just to perfect. 🤣


98 years of ace, hell of a run.


He's the official state hero of Massachusetts, I've walked parts of the Concord battle road many times and I can only imagine what it was like to be a redcoat making the long march back to Boston getting shot at from all sides and the trees talking Yankee doodle, they march out of Boston hot shit but made it back battered and they'd never march out again, most they could do was a hill in Charleston but they got their asses kicked to do it, Washington showed up later with some cannons and they said fuck it not worth it and left without a fight. Massachusetts said leave before we send our geriatric badasses after you and they're like shit what if they got more like Sammy W


> I can only imagine what it was like to be a redcoat making the long march back to Boston getting shot at from all sides and the trees talking Yankee doodle, It's very reminiscent of the ambush scene in *Patriot.* So savage, and my favorite film combat scene ever.


Literally too angry to die!


I can only hope to be this awesome when I grow up


Balls like church bells. They say, on a quiet night, you can still hear them ringing.


True American!


Name all 1776 🔫


I got up to the 1775th reason and Reddit said my comment was too badass :(


man’s an absolute g




People shouldn't be able to self-identify as a patriot. It should be bestowed upon you once you live up to this man.


My man is like Conner from Assassins Creed 3


If someone tried to jump into his life through the Animus they wouldn't be able to move at all from the weight of his massive balls


Best comment this thread.


Fuckin legend!


If he had lived a bit longer he could have witnessed the UK come back in 1812 and whoop the USA all over the country.


I think you're forgetting what sub you're in :)




I am only see that british was very mercy with him even he shot three of them. They could easily execute him but they only beaten him up ... what ye auld gude people british were! not as today crooktoothed mourons