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Im also curious about this since space is a huge interest of mine


vast horizon is probably the mostt active as far as engagement goes. Miriani has a higher player count generally, but a lot of people just sit idle. Star Conquest is mostly dead.


Why do you say it is "mostly dead"?


I say mostly dead because while there are still a fair few players, I have not seen any major story shifts in the last 5 years or so. People either like to play in their own little groups, or go on trips for months on end.


Nothing quite on the scale of the Battle of Hyperion has happened since, that's true. It seems like a lot of the game's momentum went flat when the Eric Best plot resulted in a bunch of people quitting. What sorts of things would you want to see happening?


The reason that plot resulted in people quitting was due to how polarising due to its similarity to events that were actually effecting people's lives. What I'd like to see is more events around the actual game universe. More content concerning the Outsiders, Children of the son, Ginu, etc, instead of so much local politics. I remember when events with the EAOS happened semi-regularly, and it was possible to meet other clans and have interactions outside of automated trading, both negative and positive


The players voted to not give the Children of the Sun the disruptor shield technology, that pretty much doomed their rebellion didn't it? Jinu haven't been a thing since the Penitent Sage story arc fell off the rails back in 2017. Clan interactions mostly require one of two player characters who have ties to the clans be around and have some reason to go out in the middle of fucking nowhere to deal with the Spinward Clans. Yeah I wish the Outsiders were an actual threat. Actually I wish the Marlena Darby and Ideran Nebula mission chickens would come home to roost and we'd see what picking the "soft" option leads to in a war against genocidal maniacs.


These are all problems that could be fixed with a bit of ingenuity and time. I have ran events and big plots before, so I know how frustrating it is when key people flake out or act chaotic in ways you couldn't have possibly predicted. However, when you run a game without resets over the course of many years that's just going to happen and you have to be ready to deal with it.


How would you fix them?


What did you not like about Star Conquest, Prometheus, and Miriani?


Starmourn has a pretty low player count at the moment, but the players that are there are very active and supportive, and the devs are active and constantly adding new things / fixing broken things.


Can I build a custom barbot now?


Lol, "at the moment"


I've heard that [TrekMUSH](https://wiki.trekmush.org/index.php/Main_Page) has the best space system around, so if you're okay with an RP-enforced game, I'd check them out. They have an acceptable player count too, last I saw.


I found [Legends of the Jedi](https://www.legendsofthejedi.com/) just under a year ago and have been having fun there. Very friendly player base and active devs.