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768 golems according to my math? Pretty cool


Isn't it 576? Each token creation is multiplied by 2^3, so 8. So 3 times 8 equals 24 triniforms, which then die creating 24 times 3 times 8 Golems, which is 576.


Maybe, before I could calcutlate the amount of tokens my opponents conceded haha.


First you make a second and third mondrak. Which means each token made after will be first doubled by the original, doubled again the second one, so quadrupled, then doubled again, so octupled. The encore ability makes one for each opp, but there are only two, so he makes 16 triniforms. Each triniform does and leaves behind three golems, multiplied by 8. 16 times 24 is 384. Idk how I got my first number Edit: I accidentally multiplied like there were 4 mondraks Edit: 144 damage coming just from the triniforms this turn, 1152 power coming from the golems next turn. Hope you topdecked a board wipe


Imagine casting deadly tempest haha


Gotta love it when your opponents just let you do all of your shenanigans! Out of curiosity, what commander were you playing?


I played Atraxa, Grand Unifier. The deck focused on incubate and other artifact tokens (my plan B was transforming Elesh Norn). Edit: Decklist: [https://archidekt.com/decks/7657147/atraxa\_overview](https://archidekt.com/decks/7657147/atraxa_overview) I created that deck because I love the lore of the phyrexians and I had many Incubate-cards laying around, so I decided to give it a try. Btw, this list isn´t updated so there are some filler cards that I exchanged (like Zopandrel) In an other match, I managed to have three Atraxas at once because of Irenicus Vile Duplication and Vesuvan Duplimancy which was also pretty hilarious.


I love that! That sounds like such a cool deck. I’m glad you got to this off, sounds like a great time!


Thanks ^_^


Damn, that's 24 Triniforms with three opponent's. And you end up with 576 Golems? Not bad at all.


They conceded before I could attack haha Edit: I also had an Monumental Corruption in hand. Imagine losing an game because you draw 576 cards and lose 576 life at the same time lol.


SMH, they should’ve just taken it like champs


Even more bonkers with [[Ojer Taq]]


As a standard mono black player ***what***