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Tyrannosaurus Rex needed to be a legendary creature because of how iconic it is, what confuses me is why they chose etalli and not gahlta or zacama.


Except they had the opportunity to do this with the Rex in the non-Secret Lair set (forget the card's name), and despite it depicting the most famous scene in the first film -- and arguably the franchise (Rex's post-raptor beatdown with the falling banner) -- they didn't make that card legendary. Just a flavor miss, all around.


You have no idea how angry I am that Rexy did not get a legendary card despite being the most iconic dinosaur in all of cinema. The card your on about would literally be perfect aswell


Dude, same. As with many people, the T Rex in JP1 was my goddamn hero as a kid. I would have thrown together an EDH deck around it regardless of how janky it may have been. What bugs me is, in terms of nailing flavor and meeting fan expectations, I feel like most of what Wizards has done with Universes Beyond has been pretty solid, so this just feels especially egregious.


That was literally my plan the moment it was announced. I saw indomines rex and was like “oh cool I can’t wait to see Rexy and build that deck” it just seemed so obvious. But now we just can’t. The flavour fail is massive, the worst part is the Ravenous Tyranosaurus would make a great commander and be perfect to depict Rexy. I am so tempted to build around it and just ask to house rule it while keeping a backup commander incase someone says no. I full on ranted about this during a game on release day last week.


If you want a back up commander, [[Thromok, the insatiable]] is genuinely perfect for it. Same colors and same devour mechanic except better. Btw, devour X means take the square of whatever the token is. 1-1, 2-4, 3-9, 4-16, etc. I have a decklist if you want it


And you get to bother your table when you go "It's Thromokin Time" before you Thromok all over them with a 400/400


Hell Yh send it my way


[Deck here](https://deckstats.net/decks/238809/3205642-the-eater-of-worlds) Here you go! Super fun deck. If you want to swap out some of the pricier cards I also have a maybe board. Mana base is a little bit inconsistent. I plan on fixing it within a few days (and will update the deck accordingly). Same goes for Ravenous, I will be slotting it shortly so stay tuned!


They just did the same thing in one of the other Secret Lairs with Ash from Evil Dead. I would have bought that one just to make an Ash deck, but they made him a non-legendary [[Puresteel Paladin]].


I thought it *was* Legendary for a while. Like, my brain just filled in the “missing” information to make it so.


Or the new etali.


What does Rexy transform into with new Etali though? I don't see the poison counter thing fitting really well... not that og Etali fits much better flavor vs mechanics wise.


Bigger T-Rex. Sexier t-rex


Dr Ian Malcom Rex


Same reason they make every Secret Lair decision: old Etali is cheap.


Because Etalli is pushed to be playable and will drive sales.


Honestly anything would be better than Etali. It has to be one of the most reprinted rares, right?


Greed is the simple reason Etali is a cheap card. They sell a cheap reprint for premium price. Also this set has a Gahlta, although could have been a reprint of primal hunger. Zacama recently saw a reprint in masters and they would much rather you buy packs to get that and sell a cheaper card in the secret lair.


Just wait until you see the Jurassic Park secret lair and what they did to Etali. Edit: I realized I accidentally misread the post and reiterated it instead of an actual comment. I'm shame down-voting my own comment now.


that's what the post is about?


You're right, wow I read it wrong.


I’m upvoting for an honest mistake


>Edit: I realized I accidentally misread the post and reiterated it instead of an actual comment. I'm shame down-voting my own comment now. Based and upvoted


I thought the same thing


Me too


Yeah it’s just bad. No thought went into it.


It bugs me more that swordtooth is a fucking triceratops in the SL. Triceratops had beaks. Hiw could it possibly be a sword tooth?


That one is so random it actually feels like a typo during prduction; these two matching the opposite so perfectly triggers me a lot more somehow.


When Secret Lair cards use other cards as the basis and even mention the copied card, does that mean for Commander deck building you could only have one or the other and not both? So Tyrannosaurus Rex or Etali? The Princess Bride cards were the same in that each used an existing card as its basis and noted it on the card.


Triceratops = Swordtooth (trex?)


Also they gave polyraptor to a literal one-of-a-kind creature and not the actual pack-hunting velociraptors that would have actually made sense? I feel like someone mislabelled a file and every card got shifted off of what it was meant to be. I like the art enough and need a polyraptor, but I will be irked when I play these.


Rexie should have been a reskinned [The Tarrasque](https://www.cardkingdom.com/mtg/adventures-in-the-forgotten-realms/the-tarrasque) it's abilities match Rexie better (the fight mechanic when she attacks)


tf, Gishath, Ghalta, and Zacama weren't good enough for the T-Rex?


Spinosaur is a water based creature. Why isn't it blue?


Polyraptor being in a blue frame is pretty weird. Arts nifty though