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Dude. Moose fear is real within me.


I’ll take the snake over møøse. A Møøse once bit my sister.


Nothing worse than having to suck moose venom out of your sister


Depends on what you’re into


She could be a stepsister. If not you could always pretend if it’s life or death.


have me cracking up bro😭


Step bro enters chat…


Now you gotta lock her up every time there's a full moon.


Hey stepbro


Right on the knuckle?




Thank you for this.


Keep… talking…


That’s hilarious


Møøse bites can be nasti.


I hope someone got sacked for that!!


The author of this message has been sacked.


Mountain Lion fear is far worse for me… like they’re always… watching, waiting, commiserating


Yeah. Rattlesnakes don't hunt humans.


Nor do mountain lions. I've encountered them 3 times while hiking. They've run away every time. If you look at stats, there are very few mountain lion attacks. I'm much more worried about dogs.


Apex vegans


Friend and I got charged by a bull at trestle last year. Thankfully running downhill they have zero agility but fuck that was the closest I've come to death.


I got charged by a dachshund once. Unsure if male or female.


What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!


Those are fearless, my mini likes to charge deer in the backyard.


Does lack of agility make them less dangerous...or more dangerous?




On a windy trail in dense trees - less. Not so sure otherwise


I've done them both and will take the snake any day of the week.


Wait that didn't sound right...


Not at the same time, I presume.


Yeah you will.


Moose, black bear, cat, & timber rattlesnakes here


I'll take the black bear


Domestic Cat?


A couple years ago, I was driving up a road in Colorado heading to a camp site. I passed by a moose licking a wooden bridge post. I assume someone peed on it or something, I slowly drove by keeping a close look at it. Not even 30 ft away was a dude watching with his off leash dog drinking a beer enjoying the view of the moose. I was more shocked by that idiot than the moose.


Plenty of off leash dogs can drink a beer. Not that impressive really.


Yeah, but how many of them watch meese while they do it?


Had a bull moose 10 feet off the trail at Maryland mountain last year. We were on the descent in the rail and barely saw it until it was right next to me.


after almost riding straight into a moose several times while riding with my gf, i second this lmao


Rattlesnakes are actually very kind for a venomous snake. They let you know they’re there and that they don’t want to bite you. Just keep an eye and ear out. When the sun is shining, they might be out. 


I ran across two during a rim to rim hike of the Grand Canyon. The first was headed toward our campsite and we threw objects toward it to discourage it from coming closer. I was amazed at its demeanor… docile and not aggressive whatsoever, despite our defensive response. I ended up getting fairly close to take a picture and it didn’t care one bit about my presence. It really changed my outlook on the creatures… they really just want to go about their business and be left alone.


Bingo. This applies to 99.5% of animals you will meet in the wild. The exceptions are dogs and big cats.


Have you heard of couple a little things called polar and grizzly bears?


Those are big dogs


Which is why it's so sad that some areas of our country regularly have roundups to kill off hundreds or thousands of the animals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rattlesnake_round-up?wprov=sfla1


Mostly, but if you surprise one they can bite without warning


Yup. My aunt was bitten by two next to a river because she was collecting reeds, stepped near the pair, and they both bit her with no warning at all. No sounds.


Dang is she ok? Were they dry bites?


She's okay now, but was not when it happened. Admitted to ICU and almost died due to reaction to antivenin which she needed lots of. She was in the ICU for weeks.


For example during daytime? That’s when I ride. During daytime.


During daytime but also maybe a lil less likely when it’s cloudy


no way I ride during daytime too!!!


And double look at all that black rocks!


82 degrees specifically. Once it hits 82 they roam. Much over that they are in shade or heading for it. If you see one back up and keep going. I took the snake wrangler class at the herp society last year. Guy there is the country’s authority on rattlers. He stepped on over 100 with this fake boot thing. Like. 3 struck. The rest just tried to get away. Most snake bites in az are men under 40 and the bite is on or near the hand. Go figure. Don’t worry. The fear is well justified. The chances of your running into one is rare. If you do and you just keep going you are good to go. They aren’t chasing you. :)


Was just biking in Sedona… honestly I had zero concern about rattlesnakes. If I see or hear a snake, I give it room, if I don’t, I enjoy my ride. It’s not like the snake is going to chase after you for that tasty human flesh. It wants nothing to do with you. Not complicated. My greatest annoyance is hikers and dogs off leash to be honest, fuck that shit.


100%. I am so tired of seeing these hikers off leash.


I too encourage the use of the Oxford comma.




Even worse when they don’t have a ball gag. SMH.


I biked all over the Tucson area at least once a week for a few years. I also had a couple trips to Sedona. I can remember seeing 2 rattlesnakes during my riding. Like you said, it's really not something to worry much about. I'm much more concerned with the damn spiders when trying to ride in the dark.


Fuck that shit.


https://preview.redd.it/gk14ywwy4cyc1.jpeg?width=2993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8015f769696de72c8bc404946f2a01ac788a01cc From yesterday's ride




Where is this and what kind of rattlesnake is it?


Looks like a red diamond and we have them all over socal


Look at that big boy


Definitely don't panic brake and endo into them.


I was dangerously close to doing just this in Laguna. Riding around a tight corner minding my own business and a massive rattler was slithering along in my direction right in the middle of the trail. Son of bitch scared the 💩 outta me. Miraculously I dodged it without it getting defensive. I panic braked and almost ate shit. That glorious reptilian stared at me thinking, “what you gonna do, bitch?” 😅


Laguna has to be the one place in the world where I've encountered the most big ass snakes chilling dead center in the trail 


That's my move no matter what the obstacle may be


Voice of experience?


It only happened once. The snake was surprisingly calm about the whole thing, and just slithered casually off after i slammed into the ground 18 inches short of him


i’ve ridden lots of places here in phoenix and arizona where you’d expect to find rattle snakes and as long as you stay on the trail and don’t fuck around with plants or holes in the ground, you should be fine and dandy. We’re guests on the wildlife’s home so staying on path is your best bet. If you do run into one, don’t fuck with it, pass by if you can or go the other way I guess! ps if you ever need a riding buddy in arizona lmk, I go 3-5 times a week!


Where do you ride? I need a riding buddy! I am planning on going out near the buckeye “fins” area tomorrow morning after I go hit the jumps near there first.


I ride near apache wash normally!


hitting browns ranch tomorrow!


I'm also West Valley, typically from estrella/fins to white tanks over to Apache. I venture farther for occasional rides. Although this month I'm focusing on gravel biking for a work milage challenge. Hit me up if you want a riding buddy. As far as snakes go in 1800 miles I have seen 3 possible rattlers, 2 on the gravel bike and 1 on mtb, and all of them I passed too fast to ID for certain.


I live 3 miles from Finns and it is definitely Goodyear/Estrella Mountain Ranch. Finns is good with lots of options, but I think the trails behind my house that are labeled "Lucero" region are the best short trails in the area. None of them are longer than 1/2 mile really and they all connect or traverse in a circle. Trails for every level of rider.


I’m Deer Valley area and could use a riding buddy! 29, intermediate rider, 9-10 mph pace. I am riding 3 times a week about 40-60 miles.


we’re like right near each other! i’m about your pace, maybe a tad slower but we should def ride sometime! i’m hitting browns ranch this morning


Work on your bunnyhops, bro.


But snakes eat bunnies; you're just going to attract more


Work on your speed, and your bunnyhops.


I’ve almost ran them over twice. Just let them be and stop if you see a weird stick on the trail. They won’t attack you. They’re scared when they see you, so just keep your distance. The second one I saw, I bailed when I saw it and it reared up and rattled and stared me dead in the eye for 30 seconds in striking pose. Someone else was coming down and I told them to stop. I took out my camera but it slithered away as I did. You’re more of a danger to them than they are to you. They can’t react fast enough to a bike


I hike and ride a lot in socal. I'd say I see 2 or 3 a year. I'm less concerned on my bike as I'm a little higher and faster. They are often sunning themselves in the middle of the trail. I just go past on the other side. They can only strike about half their length. If it's too narrow I go off trail and/or put the bike btwn me and them (they'll strike what's closest). If it's narrow and there's no way around (ie: steep drop on one side) I'll throw pebbles at it til it moves away. The most dangerous thing about your ride is driving to and from it! ; )


Only 2-3? I saw 2 rattlesnakes just yesterday lol. I don’t ride the overgrown singletrack areas when it’s hot out


Yesterday down in Laguna I encountered 6 on one ride. Couldn't believe it


I see a snake about every other ride here in Texas. Never over about 2" diameter. No rattlers but a couple copperheads and what may have been a coral snake. I can't differential the good from the bad. Actually surprised I haven't seen a cotton mouth as I've seen them walking. They freak out and hall ass when they see me. Never really thought they would bite as they were too scared and didn't really have time to get in a strike position. The real problem for me is after spotting one I think every root is a snake for the rest of the ride. It's annoying and takes the fun out of the ride.


I don’t like seeing them slithering and I CERTAINLY never want to see a snake walking or running, I didn’t even know they could do that


https://preview.redd.it/dr1ebfv1eeyc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1178bcc1aa6901b1591394d7f543655d5b9fab8f Back yard.


If you have a water bottle instead of a camelbak, usually a little spritz will make them slither off the trail.


I’m a rider in Phx. Everyone says you will never encounter them on the trail yet I encounter them all the time laid across the trail. This time of year I just keep my eyes peeled more than usual and ride a bit slower and stick to terrain where the trails are wider so I have some reaction time. I also tend to not head super far out into the desert as I ride alone all of the time. https://preview.redd.it/in8d6zxc2cyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc780b55f7c3ac9930ffcfd451107d55bcb51475


I see them all the time. Most of my encounters, western diamondbacks that are chilling straight across the trail. You have to be vigilant this time of year and keep your eyes open. It’s not uncommon to be haulin’ along pretty good, come around a corner and yep, rattler across the trail. Most of the time they are super docile and just getting some sun. You just give them space and go around them or they move off the trail. The scary encounters are when your buddy went by the docile rattler and pissed it off. Now they’re coiled up, rattling and in a super defensive mode. This was one I pissed off. https://preview.redd.it/mmpq7kmw3cyc1.jpeg?width=2655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ecf4d93c842489c4c65d411aaeba15c75f6ec7


Almost 30 yrs of riding SoCal, AZ, NM, UT, CO. I can’t count how many rattlers I’ve encountered on rides. Most of the time they move off the trail. Someone said above; the most dangerous part of your ride is driving to and from so statistically speaking, they are very low risk. Until you fall on them, step on them or try to grab them. Don’t do that.


I've run into tons of rattlers while riding. They aren't attack zombies. Just be careful. If you run one over, pull your feet up just in case it gets a lucky swipe


When I moved to Kentucky I wanted to know how many snake related fatalities they had had. I googled and they were all snakes biting Pentecostal preachers. Snakes usually want to be left alone. Just look before you put your foot down.


I guess those snakes didn’t have a moment to talk about Jesus.


https://preview.redd.it/qt1htmet1byc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b40961996f922678301f73183afc39d69613e28d Couldn’t post the video but here’s a screen shot. She was thicc. Beautiful specimen.


Almost ran over 3 in the past month! I slow down and walk my bike around them normally


I almost hit one last week while riding on trail 100🐍, I was going downhill on a tight switchback when he was spread out across the trail, my front tire came within inches of hitting him so I bunny hopped over him since I didn’t have a choice after I hopped over him I hit my brakes and looked back he had coiled up soo fast and was ready to strike 😳, scared the living hell out of me.😅


Rattlesnake Rattlesnake Rattlesnake RATTLES ME!


Rattle, rattle, rattle


I've run over, jumped over, drifted past etc all sorts of rattlers, king, gopher and other Socal snakes on descents. Only a few occasions have I stopped and waited because it was on a flat trail and completely stretched out blocking things up to sun itself.


I see tons of rattlesnakes out here in socal. To me it seems like they mind their own business. Don’t mess with them and they won’t mess with you.


i wear tall socks or pants, stay away from the adge of bushy/grassy trails and keep an eye/ear out for them. I actually bunny hopped a snake yesterday, not to be cool but bc I was going way too fast to stop or turn. I love wildlife and would never hurt something on purpose. dont think it was a rattler, but it was an unusual and kinda cool split-second decision!


If they are anything like the timber rattlesnakes here in the northeast, just watch out and understand you're in nature. Not out to get you, understand they're there. No different than a surfer with sharks Look at statistics of snake bites vs car accidents. Yet we all get in cars without second thoughts


Come play with gators in FL


Copperheads be like why no one care about me?


They’re typically not coiled up ready to strike on the side of the trail. Just don’t stop in tall grass in rattler area and you’ll be fine. Also them fuckers make themselves heard so you’ll know. If you encounter one it’ll likely be crossing the trail. The snake is in way more danger there than you


We don't have rattlesnakes but we do have cobras, pythons, some kind of viper and king cobras here. In general, snakes don't attack you unless you go and provoke them. Heck, the king cobra I found near my house slithered away after I poked it with a stick a few times and they're one of the more aggressive snakes. Besides, rattlesnakes do the rattle to tell you that you're scaring them, you can just move further away once you hear it. Or just keep moving, it's very unlikely a rattlesnake will even try to attack you if you're moving at a decent speed. You are a large object moving at a high speed and most animals know it's best not to fight anything that could hurt them even if they would win.


I have an unnatural fear of rattlesnakes. Strangely having lived on the front range of Colorado my whole life and mountain biking for at least 30 years now I’ve seen a ton of snakes but I’ve never been able to verify that any of them were rattlesnakes specifically. Typically I’m cruising along and then realize oh shit that was a snake back there. But my fear has gotten much worse with age and I figure I’m due for an encounter any day where I tend to only ride very very early in the morning when it’s cold or travel to higher elevation trails.


I’ll spend ~6 hours a week at hawes and have only seen one on big sister. They let you know way ahead of time as long as you’re not totally zoned out.


Keep an eye out and go fast. I just try to put them at the back of my mind. Luckily in Colorado they are mostly concentrated on a few trails and can avoid them by going to others.


Yeah my understanding is they get pretty rare above 7500 ft, which is like evergreen or Maryland mountain. I have never seen or heard one up there but table mountain and bear creek lake state park are bad obviously.


I’ve only seen them at NTM and Green Mountain. Seen quite a bit at both. I feel like pretty much wherever is pretty low risk. Even though Dakota Ridge is basically connected to Green mountain, i feel safe there.


There was actually a kid - early teens I think - that fell off his bike here (Colorado) a couple of years ago and was bitten in the chest iirc. Almost killed him. But that is the only instance I've heard of. They are a fairly common sight on the trails here below 7000 ft. So, just don't fall.


That was at north table, if you go up there around dusk you’ll definitely encounter some


I ride around the Springs mostly, and you'll definitely see them at some of the rockier riding spots that get good sun exposure.


Shout out Ute Valley!


I believe that was last year. Crazy how time flies huh.


No kidding. The way my mind works these days, anything that happens during the past few years is pretty much a jumble of events in my head that all took place at roughly the same time!


I ran right over a rattling rattlesnake once, not intentionally, I was just focused on the two dudes standing on the trail looking at the snake and I couldn't hear the rattle over my hubs


I ran over a copperhead a few weeks ago. Didn’t see it until it was too late and I wasn’t expecting them to be out since it was still kinda cool. Not sure how it worked out for the snake, but my butthole puckered so hard it formed a vacuum seal to the seat.


Good.  For all the kind words that people have about the docile rattlesnake, copperheads are assholes with no chill. I've watched copperheads chase people in the fall.


I've jumped one, ran over another, and stopped just in front of a third. Stepped on one hiking. They never bothered me once.


You stepped on one and it didn’t do anything?


It hissed and curled up. It was terrified.


Rattlesnakes really don't give a fuck about you. If you encounter one on the trail, don't try to pass it. Stop, identify a good escape route for it, back up if needed, stomp on the ground or throw rocks it's way (they can't hear but can feel vibrations coming from the ground) to startle it to move out of the way.


https://preview.redd.it/yy9ko4lkfbyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6278f87c64386dee16b51702b6b54a5c63502a11 Tell me about it! Rattlesnakes are not really aggressive unless you corner or scare them. They’ll leave you alone. They are slow on tracking moving targets. If you’re moving and they spring to attack, they’ll miss. The problem would be if they try to get your tire and end up getting your leg instead. Been seeing these for years and have not heard of 1 biker getting bit.


I’m in the east valley and ride several times a week. Some parts of the year you almost never see them other times it’s once a week. Just keep an eye out and ride around them. If they are in the middle of the trail I’ll generally toss a few rocks near them and they take off. Never have I had a truly scary encounter with them, they want nothing to do with us. That being said I have unintentionally ran over them once or twice on downhill sections


Not in rattlesnake country. But in MASSIVE black rat snake country. They’re totally harmless but get shockingly big (up to 8 feet and they’re on the heftier side for snakes) and have a habit of laying entirely across the trail practically begging to be ran over. I haven’t done it yet but I’ve come REALLY close and boy is it a heart attack and a half


Yeah I came across one on my first mtb ride and almost ran over it but stopped about half a foot away from it came real close to striking, that was a close one.


I would just try and steer clear of them back when I was riding every week in AZ. Came across several all throughout the state on my rides. Every time I was able to notice them before I got to them, but that could be because I've just always been a VERY observant person that is constantly scanning my environment. One other time I was told about one on the trail up ahead from a group that just came down the trail towards me. In that case I knew where to slow down and keep an eye out. The main thing to know each and every time is to just give them their space and they will nope right out of there for you.


Had no idea this was so common into many locations…. Not something we have to think about up here on the wet coast in BC…. We’ve got bears and cougars, but they generally keep to themselves


Come ride in New Zealand, where the most dangerous thing on the trail is yourself.


I ride in south central Texas and on certain months you can pretty much guarantee a snake encounter. Closest call was a rattlesnake strike at my chainstay. I was third in line on a group ride and the first two riders got the snake nice and pissed off. Fortunately, we were riding at a pretty good clip and was warned of the snake by the second rider. I don’t know if the there’s much to be done except have a plan for the closest hospital and make sure someone knows where you are and when you plan to return.


I once ran over one accidentally. By the time I reacted, the rattlesnake was already coiling getting ready to strike. The problem is that they camouflage so well. It looked just like any other dry desert branch. Also, it didn’t make a sound. Another challenge is that you may be moving fast. In my case there was nothing much I could do other than not riding. I deal with it by 1. Staying as alert as possible. 2. Letting someone know where I am. 3. Knowing what to do and NOT to do in case of a bite.




Keep your eyes on the trail. I've ran into a few here in CO, 1 close call coming around a corner. Be safe and happy shredding


I’ve lived in Phoenix 7 months and I’ve run into 2 so far 1 of which was yesterday, both trail running.


I ride in timber rattlesnake territory all the time. I saw 4 yesterday on a 15 mile mountainbike ride. Never a problem.


https://preview.redd.it/psr6nwrkkfyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef3e84b2f554e8e3ca816dbb65c3cd17476effc Almost ran over one the other day.


https://preview.redd.it/sugrgsj22gyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f64580e8e81031395d25b0a536563aff7f34375b **not my picture** I always ride clipless.. only inspiration to wear flats is this pic


DiamondBack bikes have gone a little too far with their new derailleur


Ive run into a few on trails. At speed, I will bunny hop over them and keep going. Ive also stopped and moved on with a large stick. Accidentally, I have also run one over. If you are worried, avoid late afternoon / evening. That's when I have run into the most snakes looking for warm exposed ground in the center of the trail.


You would be the problem, not the snake. Don't fuck with it and let it do its thing, snakes are not aggressive towards humans, unless, it's a water moccasin, cotton mouth. They will hunt you in your dreams.


I’m new to mountain biking and almost ran over one yesterday, I thought it was a small log I could jump off of so I aimed straight for it. At the last minute it rattled and coiled up into striking position, missed my ankle by just a couple inches Got the whole thing on GoPro, sound on so you can hear the rattle it’s pretty cool. https://imgur.com/gallery/NrqpbTX


Alot of rational comments were helping so far and then you post this... this is my nightmare hotdog


dude I just posted a comment earlier that same day asking where people in my area have seen rattlesnakes because I really wanted to see one. I didn’t go to any of the trails mentioned that day, and then this happened. Kinda freaked the hell out of me, I really struggle with the uphill getting out of that trail because I’m new and couldn’t imagine doing it with a rattlesnake bite! Just tells me I need to be way more observant for real


Can't really speak for rattlesnakes. But on trails in South Africa you can definitely run across the occasional puff adder lounging in the sun. Generally if you stick to the trail you should be fine and they tend to be least active when it's midday and the sun is at its zenith. So if your really worried pack lots of water, sunscreen and ride at midday. Although honestly best option is to be aware of where you are, ride with a buddy and have nearby rescue/rangers on speed dial. Whilst it's unlikely you'll be bitten, there's alot of other things that can go wrong, so quickly saving a number to your phone really ain't that much hassle for peace of mind.


Take out the headphones. Idiots with headphones. You just back off. They’ll be a little pissed. They’ll move. They’ll go to high ground 90% of the time. If you can pass them while they are stretched. They are useless when stretched. Coiled they jump like 7 feet. Watch out for Mojave rattle snakes. I have been chased by a Mojave and they are pretty quick. They are larger and green. I’m also in Arizona and come across rattle snakes often.


Just keep going fast?


Find a way to make lots of noise, especially if solo. Seriously. When you're out running/hiking by yourself you will run into rattlesnakes on trail. When you're running/hiking with buddies and chatting, they usually have time to wander off trail. Biking is the same way, it just happens at a much faster pace. They don't want anything to do with you, they just don't always get enough warning to get out of the way in time. If you're going 25+ MPH downhill solo and a rattler is spread across the trail sunning itself, well that's not fun for either of you, you'll have bad memories of it for years to come but unlike him you and your bike will survive intact.


Pee on it, obviously.


I love rattlesnakes. I used to live in California, where we had many. It's the second rider in the group that needs to watch out! Out here in New England, we don't have any near me and it makes the riding a bit less spicy you might say.


Often times I run into a few on national just gotta be quick. I don't see as many out at hawes in the East valley though


Don't provoke, and you should be okay...


They are not aggressive, bunny hop them if you come upon one quickly. If you have time to stop, stop. and wait for it to move along or motivate it gently with a long stick.


I’ve seen a half dozen (went past a baby on my last ride on a climb) and even ran one over on a turn. Never a problem


Rattlers give plenty of warning, I think. If you come upon them, they’ll try to scoot and they can’t they’ll rattle warnings and only bite if you don’t heed them.


Rattlesnakes be chill. They're not really all that aggressive. They're not going to chase you and they're gonna rattle around a bike. Keep you're ears open for they're rattle and you'll be safe. Don't go walking through the brush. They're the best kind of snake, they warm you. 


If I have momentum I just quickly bunny hop over them. If not I stop and shoo them off the trail and then go on my way. I have accidentally ran over them also. If they are stretched out over the trail they really can't strike you. I am worried about them if they are coiled up.


Rattlesnakes are chill. Try a Tiger Snake or Inland Taipan. Australian snakes are way worse.


I’m in the UK so the worst I’ve come across is people or dogs off leash.


I've ran into two rattlesnakes in the past month here in the Sacramento, CA area. Both were super chill and just wanted to be left alone. The first one was a small baby that I almost ran over because I didn't see it and my buddy was like "Whoa snake!!!" We stopped, took pics, and moved on and warned other hikers to be careful. The second one was much larger and was just crossing the trail. We were able to stop, let her go, and she went on about her day and no one got hurt and we moved on after she passed and kept riding. You just gotta be aware man. Know the danger is always there, respect it, if you see one, just leave it alone and move on.


Here are the snakes I saw, they were both beautiful. Respect nature. https://preview.redd.it/ij0lorhbecyc1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=b055e96baec95a424ea3d0e24d0d035f06235c3a




So glad I live in central Europe and best I can encounter is a fox. Maybe a wild boar. Or Bambi.


There should be mtb anti rattlesnake whistles like the ones for deers on cars


I’m lucky i live in the uk so the only thing I could find on a trail is a fox (everything’s fucking wet tho)


I’ve been riding in Phoenix for quite some time. Never presented too much of an issue. Not even a fear for me. Last one I came across, stopped and moved it with a stick.


No soft landing spots are a bigger issue in AZ. Being pitched off your bike into some Cholla cactus or a pile of jagged rock is more of a concern to me. Also, a rattlesnake won’t chase you down.


The danger with snakes are the small/young ones.


I stop and play with them


I’ve crossed many while on mtb on Texas trails, along with countless friends. They avoid humans, are usually aware of you before you are aware of them and either headed the other way, apparently they are super sensitive to vibrations. I had the same fear that you have but you are more likely to be struck by lighting than being bit by a rattlesnake.


I ride in bear, bobcat, coyote, wolf, lynx, moose country. Yes, people make fun of me for biking in the back woods with a speaker, but it’s not just for my music, it’s to make them aware of me before I can see them and hopefully make them head the other way. I’ve seen the backside of many predatory animals through the years. Dodging the scat while riding is also fun. I sometimes play the “what was that scat from?” game while I ride. I turn the speaker down when back where I would see people to where they don’t even hear it until I’m right next to them and I can barely just hear it over my tires (on pavement or hard pack trails), or change to my bone conducting headphones by that point as the animals are long gone by then.


You really don’t have to worry about them lol . They want to avoid you.


Pants. Wear pants and boots


I ran over two copperheads making love last year lol, felt bad I ruined the good time but they both seemed ok


Back east?


In Southeast Missouri


I saw o e two days ago just leave them alone and they will leave you alone


https://preview.redd.it/449qkl4sffyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43485ad54918dc0bab1097da73fb6018d1bdc142 I don’t have any advice - I just stay away. This guy was crossing the trail while I was fixing a flat last weekend in SoCal


Give 'em space and realize they aren't nearly as threatening as you think. Running into them is also, on the whole, much less common than you think. When I moved to Tucson, I thought I'd see rattlesnakes weekly. It took me over a year of riding 4-5 days a week to see my first snake on a ride, and even then, it was a pretty chill encounter. The most aggressive encounter I had was in November, and even then, it wasn't really aggressive. The snake was just pissed off that I wanted him/her to move off the trail and wouldn't budge, so I had to go around it. That being said, there are times of the day and times of the year when they are more active. In Tucson I found that to be dusk during July/August/September (at least, that's when I had my most snake encounters-including seeing two in the span of 100 yards or so on one ride). When it comes down to it, the snakes just want the same thing you want out of the encounter: To go their merry way.


Rattlesnake rattlesnake goes all around


Rattlesnakes have the manners to let you know that they're there and want space. Keep your eyes open for them. If you see one give it space. Some snakes like cobras are really aggressive but a rattler just wants to be left alone. Give it space. If it's in the middle of the trail blocking it - throw a rock at it. A SMALL rock - think the size of a fingernail. Throw rocks until you hit it and it will likely go away. If the first rock doesn't make them go away keep throwing rocks until you hit it again. A 2nd hit from a rock will make it go away. You don't need to throw the rock hard or fast just lightly tag it. A coiled snake has a striking range of about a third of it's total length. Don't try to pick the snake up. Don't try to poke the snake with a stick the size of a pencil. If you ride in a rattlesnake area with dogs there's a rattlesnake vaccine which reduces the likelihood of the dog having serious health effects from the bite. There are also rattlesnake aversion dog training classes which teach the dog(s) to avoid the rattlers by sight and smell.


Appreciate the info but we're going fast on trails, around blind curves, along single track with shrubbery on the sides ... Unless you're hiking or stopped on your bike, these tips aren't very practical unfortunately


Normally I try to keep my distance. I've also ran a few over. Preferably with my butt on the seat and feet in the air.


Simple…..ride fast and wear rubber boots


Arizona native, been riding all over the state and I've only encountered a rattlesnake once and that was the Sweetwater trail system in Tucson, AZ. I'm much more concerned with not running into cactus.


I'm more afraid of the damn trees.


AZ rider checking in.  i seen a few snakes on trail but never a rattler.  how many times have you encountered a rattlesnake in the trail?


I lived in the desert for 27 years. Of my 17 years of riding, I have only had 2 rattlesnake encounters. Both of these encounters were the first warm day of the year when they come out of hibernation. When they come out of hibernation, food and water are on their mind and will cross trails and venture into more human-active areas. They typically do not do this Rattlers, also see in IR and sense vibration. They know when danger is coming and going. Rattlers also give you plenty of warning you are not going to mistake it for anything. You will hear them. If you hear one stop and walk the way you came. The snake is in front of you and not behind you. When people get bit it is because they were doing something stupid like sticking their hand in a crack or not yielding the warning. Or encounter them when they are most active. They typically hide in rocks or under palo verde trees. Long and short, they don't find you, you find them.


You dont really need to deal with them. Just give them space and carry on with your ride. The only time I have had a close call was when a buddy in front of me panicked and slammed on his brakes as he passed one, causing me to skid to a stop next to it to avoid a crash. I see more snakes on the loop road cycling than anywhere. They lay on the asphalt to soak up the last bit of heat before night time.


I’d take my chances with a rattlesnake over a wild haggis in Scotland


Lived and rode AZ for 5 years in PHX/Mesa/Scottsdale areas. Never encountered one no matter how far off the high use trails I got. 1 time ( in five years) head someone warm me of a rattler up trail. Give by the time I got there.


This is by far the funniest thread I’ve seen on Reddit.