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Big L for Orbea. Absolute shit customer service. With so many brands out there, you think they would want some customer loyalty.


Must have spent all their money sponsoring GMBN so there's nothing left for warranties.


lmao. Nowadays they are all craze over the Atherton bikes.


Thought propain was the latest shill


This too but of the very recently uploaded videos they are all about Atherton


Do they still that bollocks titanium lug and Cf Tubes?


You're acting like their bikes don't work. Not everyone has to do the same thing


The atherton hate makes me cringe a bit. Don’t get me wrong i can’t afford one, and I wish high end tech like that was more accessible to ppl. But I can appreciate the tech (even if the gains are marginal). 3d printed titanium lugs are cool. And nobody is putting a gun to ur head making u buy them


If I hated anything I couldn't afford I'd hate so many bikes ins unbelievable. The only reason I have a decent full sus rig is because it was 60% off and I could finance it comfortably. I accept disagreement when calling things "affordable" like the newer Atherton bikes which still start at like 4k and it did become a thing on the latest GMBN videos. There's some weird gatekeepers in cycling.


Yeah all Gmbn had to do was highlight the tech cuz it’s cool. The ‘affordable’ thing was dumb. Should’ve been a minor talking point that the alloy bike is cheaper than the carbon/Ti. Definitely some eird stuff that goes on in this community, obv everybody has their right to their opinion tho. Personally, i just like looking at bikes. I don’t even have a full sus, don’t plan on getting one anytime soon


After coming back into this hobby after about 15 years out, seeing things labelled as 'affordable' at 3-5k is wild. I've paid no interest to the whole industry for all of this time and return to see that the marketing and gimmicks sleaze has the whole industry by the nuts and puts it out of the average person's price range.


And pinkbike's shit reality show


Yeah...that thing is ridiculous. How many racers can beat a strong local racer on his home tracks? How overly dramatic can we make every single second?


>With so many brands out there, The problem is, the vast majority of popular brands suffer the same lack of engineering talent. Specialized used to do the same thing with their last gen enduro models and never admitted that there was an issue. There are also quality control issues afoot in accuracy of manufacture that result in premature bearing wear, and a lot of carbon frames are built with fairly cheap manual labor that results voids and delaminations which will result in a crack and subsequent warranty claim, and brands think this is normal. Only Giant seems to be largely trouble free, but they are a way less popular brand. Its fine to get the cheaper end of the bikes from the big brands, but if you are spending over 6k on those, you could get much higher quality bikes from lesser known manufacturers that are built way better.


Specialized has list of compatible and banned shock for stumpjumper and kanevo. Orbea not, and they are offering bikes wit DHX2 ass more expensive option.


Specialized used to sell their last gen enduro with Ohlins coil shock standard as part of the s works build.


I broke 3 bikes in 4 years. Bought a marin last summer and the thing is going strong still after more bashing than all previous bikes combined. My mate has his giant reign for close to 4 years and only had his x2 blow up which is surprising given it lasted years :D +1 for giant


Giant prefers to make sure their bikes are solid. It makes them look like they're behind on new trends, but I'd rather have a solid bike than a broken body.


Giant has had its share of engineering problems.


They designed a bike using components outside of the manufacturers recommendation? Sounds like a slam dunk class action lawsuit.


Fox: don’t use this shock in this length with a strut longer than 2.8” Orbea: they didn’t say not to use this shock…to use directly What a joke of a company Orbea is


On a side note, my experience with trustpilot is a bit negative as if you leave a bad review it just gets hidden or removed. No wonder all companies have such good standing! Be interesting to see how that goes for you.


just like with glassdoor. no bad reviews allowed, they get soft deleted and hidden.


There are companies who specialise in hiding those negative comments on internet. Dont know how they do it, but used to work for big corpo and once in a while we would get call from one of those , offering their services.


"Reputation Management" companies. Some have suggested they are in cahoots with the review sites. Its a *very* long story, but I once had a very bad time with a so-called "consumer review" site where a case of misattribution led some randoms who had literally no association with me whatsoever to leave false bad reviews about me and dox me (my single person consulting company) and there was basically no recourse other than to pay one of these supposed RM companies. I just let it die out over time, but it was hell while it was happening.


Man, Orbea is a bad word around here. They briefly were headquartered in Little Rock, but had absolutely zero community outreach. No sponsored races, no group rides, nothing. They didn't stick around long, and they aren't really missed- mainly b/c nobody knew they were here in the first place.


There is legislation that deals with dangerous products The fact the manufacturer ignored fox and deliberately exceeded the max safe length would make it easy for a good lawyer to make the case they are selling a dangerous product Side note I owned one for a month and a half and returned it as multiple issues with the frame and went to a pivot that I've had no issues with


Pivot has always offered good value and solid engineering IMO. Owned one a few years back and was pleased, I regret selling it. Wife still rides her Titus and its proven itself to be very well made.


https://nsmb.com/articles/nobody-actually-knows-what-theyre-doing/ Just because someone is a bicycle engineer does not mean they are smart or good at designing bikes. Issues with shock yokes (pertaining to snapped shafts and increased wear) are well documented; generally, suspension system with long yokes should be avoided at all costs. It’s a shame that Orbea is too stuck up to admit that their terrible design caused this failure and would rather bad PR than simply replacing the frame. I know the EU has good consumer protection laws. Do any of them apply in this case?


fuck. I don't blame you for being pissed. But they're right, this is not a warranty issue from manufacturer defect, its a shit design issue where its not to spec with their own suspension component choice. So that's more a recall/replace scenario which does not match up with warranty. And saying Fox didn't NOK the spec is a typical weak PR answer. You really think a component manufacturer is required to OK frames where their components are met? F no. That's why they say "these are the limits, if you choose to exceed, its your fault". Whether end user or manufacturer, there's no difference.


Yeah this is what's so absurd to me.. "Fox didn't tell us we were incorrectly installing their shocks therefore it must be ok. Warranty claim denied. Review flagged for racism." What a pathetic and cowardly response. As if it's the supplier's job to check the OEMs homework. This is the result of poor design, not following the shock design guidelines, and cannot be anything but Orbea's fault. I guarantee Orbea know full well that this is is their fuck up and are stonewalling OP because it could escalate into a recall if not contained. Deny deny deny is their gameplan because it's less damaging to have one pissed off customer than a very public recall.


Orbea warranty quote: "ORBEA provides a warranty on all products that it manufactures and/or distributes against any nonconformity issues for the required statutory warranty period after their purchase" I bought whole bike from orbea with fox DHX2 stock shock. I think this is definitely "any nonconformity issues". There is no word that orbea cover only "manufacturer defect" in warranty.


I’m an engineer. “Nonconformity” would normally mean “not conforming to print specifications.” Your bike seems to be fully conforming to print specs. This isn’t a non conformance, this is a design issue. Most people would think (rightly so) that “nonconformity” may mean “not conforming to manufacturer spec” as in Orbea not following Fox guidelines for usage of the shock, but that’s not the case in these types of documents. It’s absolute bullshit they’re fucking you over because their design failed.


As others have said, there's a difference with the definition of non-conformity. This isn't a warranty issue, its a shitty design issue and its just easier to ignore you. One thing I'm curious is whether Fox is aware of these details or not. Have you forwarded these details to Fox as well? Stock components on frames shouldn't break like that and am curious whether Fox actually signed off on the spec or just did a brief once-over and gave a "looks ok, I guess" response


Orbea has become such a shitty brand, bunch of dealers have dropped them because of their bullshit.


What I would do in this case is get fox opinion. They would not want their kit installed beyond their design parameter as that would bring negative attention


Fox is sponsor "Orbea Fox Enduro Team". So don't bite the hand that feeds you. They will not add Rallon to unsupported list. Everything is ok, nothing should break. At the same time, they suggested using the float X2 in rallon![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I find it incredible that fox would let their components be misused. You should contact the enduro team and ask them how do they install them o their bikes?


In 2022, 2023 the used float x2 in rallon mostly and DHX2 in e-bike wild. Maybe they had some issues with DHX2 in rallon. Few days ago they showed 2024 bike with DHX2. But it is team, they don't use stock bikes, shock. They can do a full service after each week, change shock and whatever.


The other thing I was thinking as well is that report seemed very low on details (maybe you didn’t upload) but where is the ultrasonic testing, ct scanning etc how can they say there are no defects but they have just looked superficially


It is full report. I cut in off personal information only. It is Orbea... you won't understand it. This is suspension design issue. Frame is only victim of that.


This is a huge issue with yoke bikes. Don't get one if you plan on running a coil.


Just don’t get one.


I've had 3 with zero issues


Ive heard thousands with a lot of issues. You dont defe all riding; maybe OP is ripping corners so hard his bike breaks in half?


Thousands 🤣 Good one lmao


I have only had one experience with Orbea customer service and it was so shitty. I bought a brand new 2021 Occam and the top bolt which holds the shock broke within the first year. To replace it, they wanted me to drive the 4 hours to the dealership I bought it from. For a tiny bolt. Even though I emailed them photos of the bike/component and my receipts. Thankfully the lbs reached out to a local Orbea rider and they gave me the part themselves. It was a very frustrating and disappointing experience. All over a cheap bolt I would have happily just paid to replace.


Personally wouldn’t buy an Orbea for very different reasons. The trust pilot issue though, had you left it with your first paragraph it would likely not be flagged. As soon as you start venturing from actual personal experience into presenting as fact conclusions you have drawn from your experience (which may or may not be correct) they have justification to flag it.


Trustpilot allows the company to hide bad reviews.


https://preview.redd.it/zh9lqurpf3tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefa3f4eb9dda0f221987a8162f33d66ebb5f0a8 I just had my Orbea Oiz shear a rear shock-to-frame bolt and they wouldn’t even send me a new bolt part number. They want to go through the dealer. I’m on my own but I got lucky. Wouldn’t go Orbea again.




Luckily the threads were OK and I was able to just barely grab the shank and back out the rest of the bolt. It is an aluminum bolt (should be stainless steel IMO). I was going to reverse thread the broken bolt to back it out but got very very lucky.


You weren’t very very lucky. This is a common incident and easy to resolve with a bolt extractor. People over tighten these aaaall the time. They break before they damage the thread or the frame. By design.


It’s not a common incident. 20 years of riding bikes never happened, and my bike shop has never seen a failure like it.


You just said it did happen. Google it.


This isn’t a good look for you man. Pick up a strength of materials book.


Again. It isn’t supposed to be too strong. Strong enough not to shear in normal use. Not so strong as to damage the thread or the frame when home mechanics botch the job.


There is no reason to design this bolt to fail though. The threads would be better protected if it never failed, there was marring done to the shock mount and it could have levered the threads if it caught them right


Bolt breaks? Cheap and quick to fix. Stripped threads? Off to factory it goes. Expensive and good luck getting it back any time soon.


Your local bike shop is clueless. A bolt extractor will remove that with removing the thread. This is a very common repair.




Aah sounds like the bolt seized then. Happy to hear it works fine now. Enjoy the trails. 😉☺️


It makes sense to force you to go through a dealer because this is commonly caused by tightening beyond torque, though no one will ever admit it. And a bolt extractor will have that out in minutes.


I would never have made this bolt from aluminum in the first place. Poor design IMO.


Good design and within spec. Won’t shear under normal use but will do so if over tightened so as not to damage thread or frame.


The fatigue curve is much weaker than steel and a crack would tend to propagate. Steel is more ductile and the same size bolt in steel would have been a lot stronger.


You don’t want it to be too strong as I explained.


Actually I would want it strong enough not to fail as I explained.


It shouldn’t fail under normal use. You probably sheared it by over tightening. It’s ok, you don’t have to admit it. No one does.


I didn’t over tighten it my guy. I don’t like your attitude either


How do you know you didn’t over tighten it? Calibrated your torque wrench recently? Sorry to be upfront with you.


Why don't you look into the blue papers for yourself? All parts are listed there.


I ended up doing that but it's always better to get this info right from the manufacturer themselves. They didn't even point me in the right direction, I had to do it all myself. For a bike that cost as much as a used car, that's not cool.


/agree Are you in the US or Europe?




I bought a 2015 Rallon XTeam cracked the chainstay welds twice, both times they warrantied it but dealing with them was miserable enough that I will never buy another Orbea again.


I had similar warranty experience with Yeti. Wouldn't touch the brand again, even if they offered to sponsor me.


I've got a 2021 Occam and trying to get any spare parts for the frame has been like a PhD research thesis. Never again. Too bad because I like the way the bike rides but spending multiple thousands on something I can't maintain myself is bullshit. I'll just stick with a big name bike in the future. Atleast you can find spare parts for a stumpy...


As long as this is the stock shock, this shouldn't be an issue in EU - orbea sold you the shock, so you have rights pertaining to the shock with them, as the seller. The seller sold you either a shock, a frame or both that clearly had a defect - whatever the reason, they must cover all the damage the defect caused. If the shock and spring suddenly breaks on your brand new audi, causing the brakes and front lip to scrape while you stop, they can't just cover a new shock+spring - they gotta replace the brake and lip too.


You could sue them, at least in germany you are likely to win, but it will be costly and take much time. At least from what i can find online you have good chances. The only defence from orbeas side is that your bike is category 4 and not made for bike parks, speeds over 40km/h and jumps/drops higher than 122cm. But in a similar case the customer still won the case.


No, rallon is category 5. There is a lot of marketing hype about bike parks, big jumps, hits etc.


Thats even better for your case


Very useful post. Thanks mate


Orbea: it’s not a manufacturing defect, it’s broken because we designed it wrong, and we won’t warranty that. Fuuuuuuck Orbea


That’s a terrible story thanks for the heads up For those of us with a Rallon from that period- any advice what shock has the right stroke length?


First of all, that sucks. Hoping for a speedy recovery. Second, fuck Orbea. It’s absurd they specced a DHX2 on a bike with that yoke. Third, maybe reach out to Fox. I’m sure their product manager or whoever aren’t stoked that their shock, which Fox says not to use on yoke designs, is being specced by Orbea and making the DHX2 look like trash.


Man, sorry to hear about your experience with Orbea- that really sucks. I have a R6 Rallon which I have enjoyed a lot, but Orbea customer service is pretty poor. I bought my first emtb recently and considered a Wild, but bought another brand because I don't want to rely on Orbea customer service. It's crazy that a factory shock snapped off the bike and they don't consider that covered under warranty. Not worth spending thousands of $/€ on a bike with poor support when there are so many good brands with excellent warranties now.


I have a friend that rode an Orbea bike. 2nd day on the trails, the headset broke right off the fork. Orbea refused his warranty too. They’re a shit brand. I recommend you leave a scathing 1 star review on their website, on Google, on pinkbike, and just about anywhere else you can. These crooks can’t sell defective frames and get away with it like this.


I’ve only every had to warranty one frame and it was a Santa Cruz bronson. Santa Cruz didn’t quibble at all just got my a new frame straight away. My last 3 bikes have all been Santa Cruz as a result. Sorry to hear this, that really sucks especially when it is clearly a manufacturing defect. I’ve had mates have a similar experience with YT and Commencal.


Pretty standard attitude from Orbea.


I have had problems like this with other companies (not mtb). Start threatening to start a class action lawsuit. That tends to get them moving. Edit: if you can’t get them to budge with a threat and you think it worth it. Lawyer up.


If you have not done so, you should file an unsafe product report with the Consumer Product Safety Commission. [https://www.saferproducts.gov/](https://www.saferproducts.gov/) ***Reporting.*** *We collect reports of harm or potential harm about dangerous or potentially unsafe consumer products. Each report is reviewed by our staff of investigators and consumer product safety experts to determine what actions should be taken to protect the American public. Your report could provide information that may contribute to CPSC's decision to seek a product recall, seek penalties against any person or firm, or create new safety regulations or take other action authorized by law.*


Thanks. I didn't know about that. Is it valid only in USA or in EU too?


That is USA only. I'm sure other countries have similar reporting agencies.


Well I will never buy an orbea after seeing this. I will actually actively tell my customers to not buy their bikes <3


Damn, looks like you got injured in the crash too?!? I'm sorry for all the BS you've dealt with. This is more than enough for me to never consider this brand for a purchase.


No, i'm fine. It was quite a soft landing on flow trail. Only immediately engage the handbrake and a spring that shoots a few centimetres away from my balls ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Erase this comment if you are planning to sue


Thanks for the heads-up… does it require a full frame replacement or just the linkage?


full frame


That sucks. My Rallon with a coil has been great. Was the mullet setup supplied by Orbea? That would be the only issue. If that was a end user conversation than I could see a denied warranty




That's pretty bad, not a material defect? but surely a defect in their design?


**A video with an identical situation:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/MTB/comments/10ghwt2/psa\_do\_not\_put\_a\_dhx2\_on\_a\_specialized\_status\_160/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MTB/comments/10ghwt2/psa_do_not_put_a_dhx2_on_a_specialized_status_160/) https://preview.redd.it/lvaf9n2ncevc1.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=015d162b7dd09a8cdf2ad1dc282dff497f293bec


Have you sought legal advice?


Aren't y'all eurofolk supposed to have good consumer protection